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    Kerwin,I think you fail to understand the underlying cause and only see the superficial.Your response is indeed correct, if that were all that was involved.What you express is like a black man seen running down the road carrying a string of pearls. A woman is in hysterics and shouting out: 'He stolen my pearls… He's stolen my…[Read more]

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    Terra,No, FORM is not BODY…Thinking by the flesh leads you to think of things in limited fleshly ways like Flatlander man.See, Terra, Flatlander man can't understand how the 3D man can appear BEHIND HIM (Flatlander man can't turn round) so he thinks there MUST BE more than one 3D man. Try telling Flatlander to look up – or Down… He will laugh…[Read more]

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    Jack,What do you say the story meant?(Please don't make me laugh any louder – my neighbours will complain)

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    WJ,Ha ha ha ha ha ha….. Sorry to laugh at you! oh, no I'm not !Ok, so why did the poor man go to heaven – just for being poor?

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    Terra,What?Wispring, see what i mean. Terra hasn't got a clue what I'm talking about but he sees certain words and latches onto them to form a response.Terra, understanding God's creation in no way devalues my belief nor faith in God – I think you confuse me with Stuart. In fact, it shows you cannot dialogue by Scriotures or realisTion but only by…[Read more]

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    Jack,Please tell me what the point of the story was – what does Ot say to you – what is it's point?

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    WJ,Yes, the story was based on reality – I never said otherwise that why it is Allegorical.Is not the rich man now in need – and the poor man now in comfort?The opposite of that in their 'affore-life'?Or do you say the poor man went to 'Heaven' just because he was poor and the rich man to hell just because he was rich…?If the rich man had…[Read more]

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    WJ, Jack,Are you saying that Poor people go to heaven and rich people go to hell and there is a massive great physical gulf between the two such but that one can still call out to each other across the gulf and converse with each other?And hell is hot and firey and ones there are in perpetual thirst (What need do the dead of Drink – hey, I notice…[Read more]

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    Mike,I concur on your response to my post in this thread.I did not require a response as it was quite clear that they would either have to concede on Trinity or provide a disingenuous response, hence I gave a third option of 'No answer'.In reality, a true believer in their doctrine (even incorrectly) would reply… By not responding it shows they…[Read more]

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    Jack,Could you have just said that without the icon thing?Yes, it doesn't make sense – simply so.There was nothing technical in what Jesus said to the man. He was just a simple man who spent his life on the wrong road. He was most likely illiterate, why would Jesus speak to him in technical language?No, jesus was making it clear, and in context,…[Read more]

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    Oh, to be in someone's Bosom, is to be in their COMFORT, to be in their CARE.it does not mean a physical place in someone's body – contextually.The whole Lazarus and the rich man is allegorical.I fail to see why people want to believe that dead persons talk to each other across a void between heaven and hell when they then next believe that the…[Read more]

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    I am with Jack on this issue.Scriptures only ever mention Jesus being Begotten after he was raised from the dead as per the quotes in Romans, Hebrews and elsewhere.It is worthy of note that the New Testament Apostles very rarely spoke of Pre-Jesus and therefore many of the verses referring to Christ must be seen in proper context as AFTER HE WAS…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 5 months ago

    Irene,Thank you for your answer. I will certainly take up your challenge.Actually, I was only after the one line that I don't understand.

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 5 months ago

    KarMarie,Jesus was preExistent, if only by the fact that he himself said, 'I have come down from Heaven to do the will of HIM who sent me'.Jesus later stated that he wished to be back with HIM that sent him.First he WASThen he WAS NOTAnd now he IS again

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 5 months ago

    Does anyone else know what that verse means?Thanks.

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 5 months ago

    Irene,Uh! Wazup! What did I say?If you can't answer then just don't!I don't know what that verse means – you posted it so I guessed you must know.Irene, may God be with you through his Holy Spirit.

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    Istari replied to the topic Try making a Post in the forum Test Posts 13 years, 5 months ago

    T8, I could do my tests easier if I could edit my malposts.Please – I know there is a 'Please can I have editing writes' oops did I misspell that – damn autospellchecker… But I know you are reading this thread so i thought I'd drop it in your way as you passed by (Hmmm… julius Ceasar….!)

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    Istari replied to the topic Try making a Post in the forum Test Posts 13 years, 5 months ago

    Hey, that was interesting…<s. Test test again /s> without striking

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    Istari replied to the topic Try making a Post in the forum Test Posts 13 years, 5 months ago

    Ha ha – see what I mean… Ha ha ha…A testy test thread!! Ha ha ha….!Oops – that didn't work!!

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    Wispring,I studied Radio and made radio sets as a hobby as part of my learning many aspects of science.I used radio waves only as an analogy and stated that it wasn't really valid but it was the closest thing I could find given a running post…: I write without looking up – I write from my mobile so Googling isn't easy – I write from…[Read more]

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