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    Mike,Have you read Isaiah 49?1:… The servant of God, Jesus, was 'Called from the womb' (Flesh)2:… He was formally 'Hidden' in the palm of God's hand, meaning his exploits were not explicitly known to the fathers (Passing references only to 'Angel of God').Mike, although we have been over all this before, I see you are misinterpreting what is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Oops…start again…Posted: April 08 2011,20:13Princess,God the Father gives revelation as he pleases and at such times as suits him.He also sends the spirit of disbelief (Stupor) to whom he wishes.Your contribution is excellent and covers a point I had not asked for in this thread (Who does Scriptures say we should worship) but is an…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    SF, Mike,Thank you both for your responses, the contents of which were enlightening.And, Mike, yes… Adding 'Moderator' ( ) definitely gives an aire of authority separating the poster as an enforcer of a forum regulation as opposed to the poster's own views.

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    Hi T8,Unless anyone else has anything to say here, please close this thread, thanks.

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    KarMarie,I'm still laughing, myself, and I wrote it!!

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    Wispring,You are getting closer to the metaphysical glory…One thing… The Spirits are not 'In the mind of God'.Angels/Spirits are REAL… Independent entities with power but dependent by direction from God.The gathering together of energies is the creation of a body (Compressed Energy = Material matter)The Spirits in the 'Higher Heavens' can go…[Read more]

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    Mike and Kathi,Kathi, you said that the Son was inside the Father before he was Begotten as the Son. Is this not what 'Incubate' means?I think that seeing it written as 'Incubate' has made you realise your error – else you would have embraced the term?For sure, say, 'God entertained the idea of a Son' before creation began… (Where is Gene?) for…[Read more]

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    SF,My post to this thread I thought was in keeping with the thread topic.As for sticking to one Scripture, yes – but leaway needs to be given for bringing in a supporting Scripture that is ONLY used as such.What tends to happen with some people is that that supporting Scripture becomes the focal point of the discussion instead … How many times…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Wispring,Sorry, just reread your last post.Yes, infinite – I meant the explanation was wrong – it's got nothing to do with the type of Maths you mention but, like I said, it's infinite because there is no space required for an immaterial Spirit…

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    Wispring,Brother, you confuse FORM with substance… Moreover, there is too much leaning on the earthly example used to illustrate SPIRIT.Do you think Jesus did not know that someone would say 'Hey, Jesus, I can 'see' the wind and know from whence it comes and whence it goes using my WindDetector machine'?Of course, even as Mikeboll said (I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi Jack,Yes, you may or may not have seen that I mentioned as much to dear Kathi some time ago…For the sake of my own sanity I gave up… It was exactly concerning Jesus being incubated inside God…and that God is like a mother…remember that God created an ADAM … The Woman came about only because the Adam refused all the animals as a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Sophia,Thank you for understanding.I started a thread on Fractal Scriptures… And made reference to quite often but not many others here seem to understand the significance of it, a bit like providing a cloth and solution for cleaning dirty DVD's but no one bothers and just make do with skips and judders…never realising the pleasure of a beauty…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ha ha … Wispring,You are doing what many others do here – you ate Selecting your own idea of what you think I am saying…Let me ask again: What is the form of Water? None, it takes the shape of whatever form it is contained in. It's CONTAINER gives it it's form.Wispring, you have taken a SPECIFIC instance of water globules in Space (Can I say…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    T8,Hi and thanks.Wish that others could also understand as you do here!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi Sophia,Lord of the Rings is taken from Scriptures… Perhaps it's because you dont understand the underlying stickpins of the film…Moreover, even if it were not, can you not just discern the links.How do you reconcile Fractal Scriptures, repeated themes, in Scriptures that qualify each other as the truth. To wit: act as error correctors for…[Read more]

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    Kathi,Only asking, not debating:How is it that no one has ever taught that God incubated 'He who was to become Jesus' inside himself before birthing him (Since God is considered to be MALE who gave birth to The Son and who Begot him?)In all the debates that have gone on in this forum how is it it is only in recent threads that this idea has arisen…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Wispring, and all,I would like contributions to my little questions – the answers to which I will accept without further comment…only to see your thoughts on the issues…If you agree with my summary then this thread can then be closed.Thank you…

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Wispring,How do you say that the Wind and Water has Form (Meaning Shape or Body, or, Essence (Spirit) as opposed to Matter)For sure, if you use an EXTERNAL CONTAINER, you can create a BODY OF WATER but the water itself does not contain a boundary – it takes the body shape of whatever container it is Placed in… Else show how?Even 'Surface…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Paladin,Sounds of echo from my own thought and deed… Mike knows he did the same with me: said go ahead – post away then – do your worst … Then went bursurk when I did..!But Paladin, your response shall shown true desire for brotherhood with Mike – the brother I had in the beginning with him until his fall from grace by disputing with the king…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi Sophia,As always, truth is a double edged sword…It is certainly true what you say – and it certainly applies to many here (no names from any you mentioned – or could be all)However, often what seems like those things you mention are seen that way because the observer is not knowledgeable about the subject and cannot see the refinements…[Read more]

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