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    Hi Kar,Sorry, I'm not getting it. Can you let me know what you think the link is.Can you let me know what your mother says as well. So far no one has commented on the points I raised – seems they fear saying what they know to be true (They have no problem commenting when they think I'm wrong – sad, so sad! I thought unity was a part of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And as for 'Eyes have not seen nor ears have not heard':Since man in flesh cannot imagine what his Spirit will experience. Things that the earthbound flesh bodied one cannot experience.All flesh is limiting… All flesh is contained elements.Spirit is unlimited… It I'd unrestrained – it goes where it will – such that it can be said to be…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    To all,Please please please be mindful of using “We” as in the Scriptures.That “We” are the Saints, Apostles, Elders, the 144,000 of the ELECT.Never never never Count yourself as one such – in fact, it is more of a certainty that we ( the you and I 'we') will only aspire to life in Paradise earth – and that is a glory in itself worthy of Honor and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kar,No link at all.Only the 'Stars' who are the 'Princes' who 'sang together' when the creation was completed.The 'Princes' or 'Principle Sons' of God – of whom ONE HAS FALLEN!Whom might that ONE have been?And, if One Son has fallen, is not another RAISED UP in his place, BEGOTTEN – in his place!!Was not Adam – first and Only Son of God (in the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,I'm beginning to like your tenor!I'm trying to get Mike to plot out a timeline that shows each verse statement in it's proper order which will help him to see things in it's truthfulness.It seem though that he has a fear of doing so and thereby find truth – or he has done so privately and found his ideas wanting and ignored it trying to…[Read more]

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    Mike,I see you can draw a timeline after all…However, why did you stop short of the part that says, 'You will see him return in like manner to how he left'Mike, what 'like manner' will that be?If he was Man in flesh when he left – then his return will be as Man in Flesh…Before Jesus came as Man, was he not Spirit in Heaven?I think you are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Um, Mike,Did any of those definitions of Spirit show any of them having a body?If so, which one and how in relation to Jesus and Angels, and Indeed, God himself!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    WJ,God holds put his hands to all of us that through the testamony if his Christ we may all come to believe in him and his Christ.There is a hope through Faith, and there is a hope through Works, and even better, both Faith and Works.So, even with wrongful faith, one can still aspire to Paradise through Godly Works!

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    Mike,'God's FIRSTBORN Son'… That is interesting…Who is God's SECONDBORN Son?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    WJ, WM,I too agree this point.It is clear by Scriptures that this is the case.To say else would be to say that God created a new body for Jesus and then out holes in it.Then Jesus showed himself in this new body making a false claim, 'See the holes in my hands and feet'A claim, then, that any FALSE Spirit in a Body (Demon) could have made!But we…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,It's good to see that you can use a dictionary when it says what YOU Want it to say. Even if ignoring the parts that disagree with what YOU don't like.The definitions of Spirit show that it is Immaterial.Spirit with BODY … Wine? Alcoholic Drink – full bodied Spirit… Ha! you say, proof – Spirit with Body, yeh!!! If some are FULL BODIED…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kerwin,When God again brings his Son into the world…The Son was MAN… not an Angel. He was no longer an Angel (Messenger) he was/is Now King – and a King is not a Messenger!At this time, Jesus is no longer the deliverer of the testament or revelation.

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    WJ,Two ends of apparent reality join forces against a clearly errant middle grounder… Neither hot nor cold but Luke warm (Hmmm – where have I heard that saying before?)I think, Kathi, you should adopt one or other of the positions or views of either Trini or Anti- Trini because, to be honest, even though you have successfully replied with some…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Oh Mike,I nearly missed a point:Please give me a definition of 'Spirit', thanks.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    WM,You have an interesting take on things.Mike, I thought you had given up on this thread?You, too, have an interesting take on this issue. Perhaps you could expand on your idea of whatever it is you believe as that seems to be a missing link in your theory at the moment.You have managed to agree both ends – but not the middle!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,Thank you for your support and understanding.Jesus IS A SPIRIT …. in Heaven and a Flesh and Bone Man when on Earth.He will walk among those who asceed to life after the second resurrection to paradise earth as he outlined to the thief on the cross who repented :'You will be with me in Paradise'.The transition from Spirit to Flesh and back…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kar,Thanks. Perhaps if others who start a thread would likewise also 'Moderate' them the topic would be more quickly bear fruit – or wither…Branches of discussion are certainly drawn from the main trunk but a good gardener prunes these off to maintain the vigour and energy into the fruitful stems of the tree.

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    Kerwin,This is the inter-discussion I have been having with Mikeboll.My take on it starts with separating the time-line for the references made.The verses say that he who believes in the name of the begotten Son of God will be saved.But Shen does Scriptures tell us that Jesus was Begotten?Does Hebrews not tell us, and Romans, that it was AFTER HE…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Interesting:'Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God'but 'Flesh and Bone can inherit the kingdom of God'?Interesting take… What are you two guys trying to say?Is this your solution to how Jesus is both Spirit and yet is also Man in flesh?Invisible bodies of Flesh and Bone … Perhaps you do not understand that 'Flesh' is any kind of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kerwin, KarMarie, Kathi, all,Can we keep the main focus on the thread topic.Many side issues can be raised but discussed in other more appropriate or new threads.Thanks.

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