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    Mike, Irene, Terraricca,Do not sin against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31-32).Tell me that the HOLY SPIRIT has a Body.

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    By the way… Whatever it is that Terraricca is saying means nothing to me as I know he knows nothing about what he's referring to.He never says anything except snidishness and scripture verses that are more often than not unrelated to what was posted.Ask yourself why he posts JUST to putdown but NEVER anything of actual value – what is the…[Read more]

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    Mike,Are you serious about Job? Are you seriously saying you want PROOF that Job is allegorical?Are you serious about Angels sitting at tables? Are you saying you want PROOF?Mike, thank you for acknowledging what I think of you – your hidden joke was loud and clear – now try not to do it again.Thank you for acknowledging the wisdom in my posts by…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Why do you always use that tired old line 'I have more …information/Proof … to show …' yet after 254 pages you have not shown anything other than childish fallacy of understanding of simple English aligned with Scriptural understanding?It is with every reason that a Body restrains – and Spirit frees.A constrained body has to exist in…[Read more]

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    Ps…Error from previous post: 'Devising ludicrous DISINGENUOUS ….'- not 'Devising ludicrous INGENUOUS ….'

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    Speaking of the demon Angel Satan influencing others to create havoc reminds me of the point Mike asked how Angel Gabriel could be 'delayed' 21 days 'fighting' with the Prince of Persia (Book of Daniel).Can it not be analogised to events today with Colonel Gadaffi in Libya.An 'Angel' is influencing the forces of 'good' to evict a force of 'evil'…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Are you saying that if is said of a good looking woman 'What a heavenly woman' it meant she was from heaven – or does it mean I this she is 'Wonderful, Glorious, A Star in my eyes, Celestial'(Note: I never say 'Angel'. To call a human an 'Angel' is to remove the IMAGE OF GOD from them)Mike, you have a way (as before) of finding and presenting…[Read more]

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    Gene,Yes – you are right in that respect and regard concerning them. Even THOMAS believed when he was presented with proof – and Jesus admonished him, still ('Thomas, because you have seen you believe! Happy are those who DID NOT SEE and yet believe!' – because this is FAITH at work!!)I just laugh at their impossible minds mostly – but at other…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,The book of Job is not meant to be taken literally. It is allegorical.Spirits don't sit down at tables in heaven.I am surprised that you brought this – this has been gone over several times before in regard to SONS OF GOD and SATAN. Notice that 'Satan' went out but he did not personally do anything to Job but only influenced others. This is…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll – I seriously think you need a break from the forum.Several things you say in your response to my posts are so out of kilter that I wonder what world you live in.For instance, the reference to my website has nothing to do with Scriptural postings. I post information about other matters.The INFORMATION is of value to many people and is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    What is the difference between:1) Heavenly2) HeavenWhat is the definition of 1) and 2)?What is a HEAVENLY MAN? Contextually from 1 Corinthians 15: is this not a term for 'Glorified Person' by definition of 'Heavenly'?Vs 49: …so are those who are HEAVENLY.Does this read as '…who are of Heaven' or as written '…are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And Mike,Your desire to believe that SPIRITS need separation one from another is the main failing in your ability to See In The Spirit.You are thinking of Spirit like it is Flesh – and just because you don't like me this increase your desire to fail to see this just to try and prove me wrong – bad move fella – pride is your downfall here!In fact,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And once again those who lack wisdom and understanding ignore wisdom and understanding.JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY PERSON who has a SPIRITUAL BODY.To obtain a Spiritual Body one must first DIE from the NATURAL BODY…and this is what Jesus did.So to all: please explain how the HEAVENLY Angels also have SPIRITUAL BODIES?Irene, why did you ignore this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ha ha ha – these last few posts have made teas roll down my face – they are hilarious.And someone asks why they are ridiculed!!And another wonders why they are ignored!!Shimmer, you posts are SPOT ON. Excellent – you have the blessing that is devoid in others – take godly heart from Him who gave you the formless spirit to occupy and animate your…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And Irene,Simply saying scriptures mentions Spiritual body is not saying anything to answer my question.Do SPIRITS HAVE BODIES?Only JESUS has a SPIRITUAL BODY.So what of the billions of Angel Spirits?It is sown a natural body – it is RAISED a Spiritual Body!To gain the SPIRITUAL BODY – the Body must first DIE.So Irene, how did the Angels Die…to…[Read more]

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    Flatlander is a 2 dimensional fictions creature that can only move in one direction – forward.Or can only move around on a flat surface it knows nothing of up or down.If you stand in front of it it can see you – if you move to the side it cannot – you have 'disappeared' as far as it is concerned.The 'you' here is 3dimensional man. So you are as…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,Jesus has a Spiritual Body…. Which you say 'proves' that SPIRITS have BODIES.Do the other SPIRITS have bodies – and how did they acquire that body since they have not died from a NATURAL BODY.'It is sown a Natural Body''It is raised a Spiritual Body'To gain the Spiritual Body it must first DIE (Be sown)For a seed to grow (Germinate) it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Flatlander man cannot see up nor down, left nor right.Tell Flatlander man that he could move one step to the left and he will laugh it of as stupid and impossible. He sees with his own perspective which is of a two dimensional world.Yet, 3D man knows that he could take Flatlander man to another position – fl-man would be amazed and scared…Wasn't…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Terra and Mike,You know when Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like a Mustard seed?You know when Jesus said that his body is food and that those who love him should eat it?You know when Jesus said that his blood is drink and that they that love him should drink it?…You know when Jesus said that the Spirit is like the Wind and it goes where it will?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,So you are saying that 'A Spirit has no body'.Good – why did it take so many posts to say that. That answers the question in ONE SINGLE SENTENCE!Please add 'A Spirit has no body' to the head of each of your next posts to make that point absolutely clear.You can then add everything else you like as you right to write.

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