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    Mike keeps claiming that I have not answered his question.What Mike means is 'Good post Istari – but what I want to hear is that 'You don't know'''the reason I want to hear 'I don't know' is that it then means that 'I' win my nonsense question – so no matter what you say – even though true – I will never accept it – no matter what the Church…[Read more]

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    Bod, Shimmer,'Father' is figurative. Just as Paul 'Begot' Onesimus (Philemon 1:10).Onesimus was a runaway slave who Paul 'took under his wing' and became his 'Spiritual Father'.Hence Paul calls him 'Son' and Onesimus would call Paul 'Father' – but only in a Spiritual and Figurative sense.Hence, Paul is talking to those he SPIRITUALLY adopted as…[Read more]

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    Mike,You say that Shimmer finally answered your question. And what Is the difference between what Shimmer posted and what I have been saying to you from the beginning – nothing!So, it is only your desire to deliberately NOT understand that stops you receiving the righteous truth.And now you appear to accept Shimmers answer – all is well!Please do…[Read more]

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    Wispring,Please explain what you mean by God's presence being 'Virtually' everywhere.This is intriguing! How can God's presence be ONLY virtually everywhere?'Where can I go to hide from your presence… In the depth of the earth… To the ends of the earth… To the heavens … To the planets… The roaring fire…the centre of the tornado…In…[Read more]

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    Terraricca,There is a gulf of a difference between 'Meek' and 'Stupid/Ignorant'.

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    Shimmer,Mike hates to lose. Unfortunately his affliction is just that – a loser!And he sure has LOST it in this forum.But dont believe he isn't learning – he just doesn't like to let anyone know that he was TAUGHT anything from someone better… (This is not a boast – if a Child refuses to believe his Schoolmaster in the class, is it wrong to say…[Read more]

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    Mike,Your first question (You are an impossible person) is written loud and clear by the church fathers in the posts that Shimmer made.If you can't understand nor believe what these eminent fathers wrote (And none wrote counter to this as NO ONE ELSE HAS AN ISSUE EXCEPT you three kings) then it is pointless to try to make you understand.It is…[Read more]

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    Terra, like Irene, you are unwisely purposely misunderstanding what is being said in those verses.

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    Isaiah 53:12Luke 22:37I am amazed at the lack of wisdom found among those who claim to be wise!However, it is clear then why there is so much cross talk in these threads – there are many who simply cannot understand basic English but have an desire to act as if they do.This is called SelfSeeking and only leads to disaster.

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    Terra,It is clear you have lost your way.You have – for a long time now – had nothing of value to contribute.You appeared at one time – like Mikeboll – to have sound knowledge. But now you have lost your way.If you cannot read the s ruptures that says Jesus is the foremost – the leader – and 'we' are to follow, that what he has gone through 'we'…[Read more]

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    Has anyone read the definition of SPIRIT from Mikeboll's netBible.Then please check what He posted – a little bit of limited amount specifially chosen to TRY to put his point only to what he says.Then, just to re-cover himself – after even his own favourite TOOL let's him down – he STILL INSISTS that there is such a thing as SPIRIT BODY.Now,…[Read more]

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    Terraricca,It is speaking of ALL BODIES. Yes, even Christ!Scriptures states that he would be counted amongs the sinners.Why? Because he TOOK ON THE SINS OF MANKIND.What you express is sentiment – it is like Peter saying, 'No not you Lord (To suffer death)' Jesus rounded on him and said, 'Get thee behind me Satan!…you are a stumbling block to…[Read more]

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    Shimmer,Let me repeat this direct to you:Irene knows she is wrong – she HAS looked up on 'Goggle' and found that she is wrong.If she were really trying to 'prove her point' she would post evidence but ALL THE EVIDENCE SAYS SHE IS WRONG.Have you noticed that neither Mikeboll nor Terriracca have posted any 'Proof' but just keep spinning the same…[Read more]

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    Poor you, Irene. You will carry your delusion with you forever.The reason you don't 'goggle' (sic) is because you HAVE DONE IT – and found you were WRONG.So, to maintain your 'wrongness' you make out that you don't need to check – ha! Irene, you make yourself into a God, then!!'No Interpretation is given to one person'.And you are deadly wrong…[Read more]

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    Mike,The Spirit is constrained by God. Everything belongs to him and is from him and is in him.But God is not a body. A body needs something outside of it to be called a body but God has nothing outside him.Spirit is force, intellect, power, the animator, the mind.God keeps the Spirits in mind – not in body!The Spirit is sent into the body to give…[Read more]

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    Irene,God gave it a body just as he pleases – where does it say Spirit?Everything in 1 Cor 15 speaks (as Mikeboll says) of the RAISING OF THE DEAD.Are Spirits RAISED FROM THE DEAD? For a seed to grow it must first die then it can germinate.The BODY must first die before it can be REBORN.what was the point of Jesus saying to Nicodemus that he must…[Read more]

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    Irene,You are saying that the Spirit of God has no body – is that right?

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    Irene,Nice slippery fish dodge…Holy Spirit is a the HOLY Spirit of God – note that the full point is that it is the SPIRIT OF GOD which is the ONLY HOLY entity.It has become so easy to say 'Holy Spirit' that you forget that the HOLY part is an emphasis. It could just as easily be said simply 'The Spirit of God'.The thread topic does not ask for…[Read more]

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