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    WM,Danger of straying from the thread topic – but nonetheless useful.You are saying that the Spirit from God influenced a change in your understanding.Yes, the Spirit – the invisible immaterial power infused you.Did that Spirit appear to you as a person in a physical body? No!Even if the Spirit came in a physical body – is it not the POWER OF…[Read more]

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    Angels are Male… Even when Mikeboll has been shown clear evidence his poor shamelessness keeps him fighting on to try to force his clueless points on.When God created mankind – WHAT GENDER did he create mankind in?Was it not AFTERWARDS that God took a part of Adam and MADE A FEMALE – and Adam CALLED HER 'Woman' – For she was 'Taken out of THE…[Read more]

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    Wispring, and all contributors to 'wings',Good points. Yes, Wings…are symbolic.I have posted this before recently but it seems revelation is in it's own time as God reveals to you.Angels do not NEED wings. How do you symbolises man 'Flying' in the sky (The heavens) or moving quickly from one place to another when the audience has no concept of…[Read more]

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    Shimmer – your blessed soul is as a comforting wings that shelter me innthe midst of a storm. They lift me up and convey me away from the wickedness around.T8, are you too joining the league of misunderstanders here. Where did I say that Angels were not created by God?Have you read any posts i made to see that I ever said any such thing?What…[Read more]

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    Terra,You will get no answer from me – you have shown that you are not here to discuss scriptures.You have no understanding and hence your contribution is just to quote verses Hoping that you seem wise. Doesnt work like that, Terra – no, not at all.So far you have said nothing of value in line with this thread topic except to deride others -…[Read more]

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    Terra,What is a Spirit?

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    Terra,You don't know anything – you just post scripture verses – a robot could do that.What are you doing here. You only make criticism of others without saying anything yourself.You believe somehow that simply quoting verses from scriptures makes you pious and godly – terra, it doesn't – it just makes you look silly.Terra, ANYONE CAN QUOTE…[Read more]

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    Terrarica – you have lost your way!

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    Terraricca,You notice that ALL THE THINGS YOU MENTIONED have PHYSICAL properties.These are the things PAUL mentions in 1 Cor 15.ALL except ANGELS… Terraricca why are you getting wayward – WHAT IS SPIRIT?Terraricca, If after all this time you have not even so much as looked up nor even understood what SPIRIT IS then you are not worth dialoguing…[Read more]

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    Terraricca,You sneaked in SPIRIT (Angels) in among the Physical elements of creation.This is deliberate and shows you are not a true person.Your arguments are forever pointless and only set to create controversy.If you have nothing worthwhile to say – say nothing!

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    I'm writing like this cos my mobile is running out of power – it's losing it's Spirit force…When the gas leaves it's embodied container – does it not mingle with the gasses around it?What SEPARATES that gas from the other gasses in the air: Nothing….Yet that gas that escaped from the bottle could be regathered by an intelligent process and be…[Read more]

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    What is the Spirit: is it not THOUGHT, intelligence, an empowering Force, an enabler, an enlivener.God blew the breathe (Spirit) of life into Adam… Did God blow a Body into Adam?What is Spirit – give me a use of the term 'Spirit' (My Spirit yearns for truth)Mikeboll gave a VERY SELECT definition of Spirit from netBible – can anyone else give a…[Read more]

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    Can you touch the wind when it is not in your presence?Can the wind affect you directly when it is not in your presence?What about when it IS in your presence?How did it gather it's BODY together to impact on you?Where did that BODY go when it Disappeared again?What was it's purpose in influencing the elements on and about you?Who SENT IT and did…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    My my there are some wise scholars amongst us!They only know the quality of everything but not it's worth.Terraricca, you speak wisely on the matter of warring on words – this is so true.This was a point that Jesus made about certain Greeks who spent all their days debating the minutae of everything in constant debate – hey, isn't that like…[Read more]

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    Irene,You rightly profile your journey from a wrongfully directed sector of Christian religion to your current position. You found it painful to let go of deep rooted esconched beliefs (Also, I bet, struggling to accept where you were being led (Abraham had no idea where heveas bring led to but had great faith such that God blessed him for…[Read more]

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    goodness – Mike is now wanting to worship Angels (Page 59).If there was anything that shows how wrongful thinking leads one down a one way road to destruction, Mikeboll has mastered it.

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    Everyone – Anyone reading here…Please Google 'Jesus said the Spirit is like the wind'.I think Mikeboll will run away with shame – although he need only say 'Ok, I was wrong – I concede!'My writing is ONLY to bring enlightenment and Truth – not for saying 'I'm right – I'm right – ya ya!'So, if you want an answer that ISTARI did not write please…[Read more]

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    Wispring, you are moving in the right direction – may God bless and guide your steps.You say you think Spirits are 'Thought', 'of the mind' etc. and so concur that it is not embodied.You say it is 'Power' – and I hope you say so from your own thought – your own Spirit – your own mind and that my Spirit did not infuse you and influence you to say…[Read more]

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    Wispring,What is a SPIRITUAL BODY?How are the dead raised up? Which part of 1Corin15 speaks of Angels?Mike gets lost at first claiming that SPIRITS have bodiesThen is shown that JESUS is the ONLY ONE with a SPIRITUAL BODYSo he chokes (Oh dear – caught out again)Irene then claims that SHE wasn't talking about Angels (Spirits) – so when I ask what…[Read more]

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    Wispring,Then God is Everywhere… And God is Spirit. Yes!Spirit is everywhere – in the ethereal world of Heaven for they are not EMBODIED.When they 'Come into' the visible physical EMBODIED world they come in the same FORM as those they come to – As a Man – in the form of a Man.Read the description of what the person who sees the Angel says -…[Read more]

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