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    Gene,Jacob was wrestling not only with the Spirit in human form but with his conscience.He overcame both and so the Angel 'touched' him in the joint to show him that hevmust not boast that he 'Wrestled with God' and persevered – that even a simple touch, if the Angel wished to, could do him great harm.Ask WHY WAS JACOB wrestling with a total…[Read more]

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    Shimmer,Our great resident scholar says that the Prince of Persia was not a real person.Before I even read your post I was going to ask Mike about it in regard to 'Gabriel fighting with the Prince' (Have done so before – even likened Mike to that PoP!)So thank you for the preEmptive reference in the post.On a point of order: The first part of the…[Read more]

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    Wispring,The question you asked was regarding the 'Face of God'.Now you reply convening the 'Image of God'.Can you clarify which you are really asking about because what is see is controversy here in the difference between the two things.I mean: 'Did man see the Image of God'!… That is what your point has amalgamated to and makes no sense…To…[Read more]

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    Shimmer, you are as a Spiritual light to the those who are in Spiritual darkness.Wispring, I know not what you just said…I asked if God was a liar in line of him saying no man can see him and live.This was to show that those who claimed to have seen God (Face to face) were wrong in 'who' exactly it was they saw.No one but the disingenuous or…[Read more]

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    Wispring,You see the face of God through LOVE of the common man on Earth – and through FAITH by the Spirit.

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    Wispring,No – No one has seen God but he who came from God – the man Jesus Christ.Is this the only verse where others have said they have seen God?One said, 'I have seen the face of God and now I will surely die!'. Yet the ANGEL said 'Not so'.Why, because it was Not GOD that they saw but the POWER OF GOD through the materialised messenging…[Read more]

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    Mike,It is precisely because you do not understand 'DIMENSIONS and IMMATERIAL' that is SPIRIT that you reach for human level understanding that is – like the BODY/Skin – is shackled and restrained in knowledge and understanding.For that reason have I not urged you to seek wisdom and understanding of Scripture through the SPIRIT.

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    Mike,So it IS PRAISE that you are after …!Well speak Godly truth and you will get INNER PRAISE – don't 'Seek it' from others.For the TRUTH you reveal is NOT YOURS but HIS who will have GIVEN it To YOU!

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    Mike,Only someone who does not have the Holy Spirit can say 'God and Jesus (in heaven) have a Form (meaning Skin or body)'Only someone who does not have wisdom and righteous understanding through the Holy Spirit of God can say that God has a 'Visible Face' in the invisible immaterial realm of the Spirit world.Unless you mean the 'face' of God is…[Read more]

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    Mike,You still have further to go to get your belief and understanding to fit INTO Scriptures. Fitting AROUND Scriptures allows you to SKIRT issues you don't like.

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    Mike,Yes, we do know what you are about…And I'm eagerly awaiting your next desparate misinterpretation.

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    Mike,Who has seen the 'Face of God'?Does Scriptures not say 'Know one has seen God – the Son of God came to REVEAL HIM'.GOD is SPIRIT and SPIRIT is INVISIBLE.Check the purpose of the verse you quote – it means 'don't abuse those that APPEAR to be less than yourself for their SPIRIT LOOKS UPON LOVE BEAUTY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS'Stop struggling – it only…[Read more]

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    SF,I have passed over these other threads as it seemed a pointless argument.I have told Mike about his style of argument – that they are not robust – he THINKS he is being true but truth is not his aim – it is just to argue.What I have written I have written many times so it onlyshows that no one read it, and even if they did, they clearly did not…[Read more]

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    S'truth – you mean there were people who believed the guy – Does Scriotures not say that the time will come as a their in the night?If we knew what time the their was coming we would all be prepared!Please no more about this – thanks!

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    Mike, your netNotes:1) … Is this not purely a definition for physical objects?2) … What is the EXTERNAL form of an immaterial and invisible thing?Spirit is not a physical object (entity) so why did you chose those two definitions (only).Surely, Mike, if you were so confident of yourself you would not have excluded all the other definitions and…[Read more]

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    Mike,You are irresponsibly misusing the Term 'God' to give your opponent cause to oppose your claims.The word and term 'God' means 'Mighty One'.Yes, the 'gods' of scripture were 'Mighty Men', Heroes, Men of Godly or UnGodly valour as Satan IS a Mighty One of Ungodly valour.Deborah was a Judge, one of mighty power OF and IN the LAW at that…[Read more]

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    Sorry (No edit facility – what is the link between having edit facility and having tiles when there is no link between the getting the tiles and using (mid-using Edit facilities)T8… Any answer here?Ok, scrub 'a' from '… in the FORM of a God' ('… in the same form as YHVH, our God', a Spirit of Mightiness… Trinnies, it doesn't say that Jesus…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,I note that you only choose to define 'Form' in the Physical sense.Is there a reason for this?You well know that FORM also is defined as:3) The Essence of something as distinguished from it's matter.4) The way or mode of which a thing exists, acts, or manifests itself.5) Kind, or type of a thing.Now, which definition, including your own,…[Read more]

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    Mike,The FORM of Almighty God is SPIRIT.Jesus is in the same FORM as Almighty God: A Spirit.The Angels/Messenging SPIRITS are in the FORM of Almighty God: SPIRIT.The FORM of Humankind is Man (Flesh).The FORM of Animals, Birds, Fish – is FLESHFLESH has to be enclosed to act as one unit – that one unit is called BODY. The enclosing entity is called…[Read more]

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    Gene,Thank you -but it is only what I have been saying from the start.Some can say: 'But it's the WAY you say it!' and that would be true – did not the disciple also say to Jesus 'Ah, now you are speaking plainly 'Because Jesus previously said 'Why can you not understand my mode of speech?'That is his I feel – All the way – with these…[Read more]

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