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    Please – no one misunderstand and say 'Istari – don't you believe Scriptures that says Jesus was the slaughtered lamb of God?'I am testing Mikeboll64 as he wants to take things LITERALLY (when it pleases him to think be has an edge!)I want to know if he understands SYMBOLISM, Metaphore, Analogy, Synonyms, Figuration (Figurativeness) and when it is…[Read more]

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    Gene,Hi five my man!At least the thread has come back round to the thread topic.Now all the blathering is out the way maybe this thread can be put to bed.Mike, if you want to start a new thread on the Angel and Daniel that would be good.It is an interesting take on how the Angel SPIRITs influence Mankind WORLDWIDE.The angels in charge of different…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Yes, you are right – I did read that part incorrectly about a previous assignment. I thought that the 'returning to fight' meant that he was ALREADY doing that hence the 'return'.So, take this as an example of what I've said to you – that is a temptation to ALL:Satan is watching the little ones who do and say good and righteous things.He will…[Read more]

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    The Natural Body and the Spiritual Body:Romans 12: 1-2, 'I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable to God…'(The Spiritual Body: presented to God as Jesus did after her was raised from the dead)'…and not conform to this world …'(The Natural Body!)'…but be…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Romans 13:4 sums up the Balaam saga (I know – off topic -but short passages of topic are allowed – aren't they?)'For he (the Angel) is God's minister to you (Balaam) for good. But if you do evil (Balaam was setting out to do evil – though I don't understand because he was TOLD TO DO IT), be afraid; for he (the Angel) does not bear the sword in…[Read more]

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    Oops – and verse 26 – Jesus by inference again.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Guys,Roman 11 no where at all mentions Jesus except by inference in verse 16.Therefore verse 36 is exclusively aligned to YHVH, God Most High.

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    Wow Mike, you have completely lost it.You really cannot quit a lost cause.Balaam was not communicating with the Angel – so was only 'detaining' the Angel inadvertently. Balaam thought the donkey was just being stubborn – as donkeys (…..) can be. He was in haste and was ignorantly annoyed by the donkeys lack of progress.Balaam did not realise…[Read more]

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    Shimmer,For yourself – just ignore him – he's got a sore head from thinking up pointless things to post against me.Can you see he has nothing to say so – like the Spirit evicted from his cleaned house, Mime is revisiting his old misappointed posts in the hope of gaining an advantage – fat chance.See this thing about the Prince of Persia:…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Cricket Mikeboll64,You really are such a tough nut – You posted a Scripture verse that says 'Face of God' and want to make a big deal about it when you can easily check what it means – you are just purposely posting nonsense (with respect to what you should be discussing).You know exactly what that verse means and you know it has nothing to do…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,When I read your posts I have to first take a deep breathe…Are you serious that you cannot understand how a human can detain (Read also 'Resist') a Spirit?When dealing with POWERS things don't always occur with direct inmediacy: I gave you an exact example and you appear not to understand – and then immediately ask the HOW of the HOW that o…[Read more]

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    Correction:'…it ISN'T over because…'

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    Mike,When I see no progress in the understanding – yes…When the poster posts deliberate gibberish – yes…When the poster is being disingenuous – yes…And these three are all you do for you long ago knew you had no leg to stand on but RESISTED TRUTH till now – and even now you are defient with nothing else to bring to the table…Even as I hold…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,We can differ on this – it clearly says 'Kings of Persia' in my NKJV Bible.However, it did strike me as strange that it should say 'Prince' in one place and 'Kings' in another.Moreover, there is nothing strange in whether the Forces battled against are Human or Spirit. It is still a Spiritual battle.If you read my post from before you will…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Does anyone else read the 'that didn't hurt – hit me again' tone in Mike's posts above.All of them are defeatist – the sour loser – even though the point is to WIN by learning.Losing is only so if you choose to maintain your position even after being shown the right.If you accept the truth then you ALSO WIN – for the prize is the same whether you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Your aimless attempts at a putdown are getting tiresome.Where do you get these obscure points from thinking that you are gaining an advantage. And what then when you are again proved wrong… Just move on the next pointless frivory complete undaunted by your complacency (Means you never learn!)Mike, not even Scriptures tells of the 'face of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene, actually don't bother thanks – it is interesting that I made a mistake – there is no ACTUAL mention of Angels – the verse just says 'Horses and chariots of fire'.Moreover, they didn't ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING but Elisha prayed and God struck the enemy with blindness… So I don't see what your link is with ANGELS?I think Mikeboll tried this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene, tell me more about this lad who saw Angels in battle armour?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,If an Angel can inflict serious damage on a humanbeing simple from a touch (Ha – a poke in the eye!!) how much more damage could it do if it was seriously angry …See, Gene, A Sword… Why?War horses – why?Shields – what are they protecting themselves from?Chariots – where can they NOT GO that they need a vehicle to transport them?Gene, this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ah, Gene,Power – …The power of the Army force of Angel host of God – of which ArchAngel Michael, ONE of the CHIEF PRINCES, is their Captain.

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