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    Whoever you are -you do not understand the dynamics in operation here!Kathi has not 'Misconstrued' my meaning – she has kneejerked and not read what I said because of it.She simply, like WJ, wants to say that anything said against her is wrong!So you also are as for her in being a kneejerker!

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    Kathi – how do you say what you just said: not only is a stupid thing to say, it is also absolutely counter to everything I said in my post.Kathi, how can you have got things SO WRONG!

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 4 months ago

    Arch – the REVELATION … (not testimony… It's late here in UK…!!)

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 4 months ago

    Marty,Your last post to me was SPOT ON – except for the 'didn't exist prior to birth through Mary'Oh, my last post : 'The Testamony of Jesus given to Hom by God…' sorry – no edit facility…

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 4 months ago

    Marty,Revelation is a Symbolic Book. Be careful you do not take it as literal: e.g. Angels don't ride horses (It is symbolic for Power and force – as in War Horse)The Lamb slain from before time is certainly symbolic for Jesus' sacrificial death but this is because God can see the end of things as well as the beginning and knew that that was what…[Read more]

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    Kathi,Start with God – then adjust to Man.Don't start with Man and claim God must be likewise. This is how you started saying that God is Like a Woman… !!How do you say the thing that creates is like the thing it created?No, but the thing created can have qualities of that which created it!You may just have meant that – but it is important to…[Read more]

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    The Spirit is OF the Deity… (The Spirit OF God)The Son is OF the Deity… (The Son OF God)The Father is …what?… OF the Deity??? (The Father OF God??) The Father | OF / \ The Son– — The Holy SpiritWho IS the Deity (Almighty God)?What is God's name?What is the name…[Read more]

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    Yes, Shimmer, several aspects there.The Holy Spirit is likened to WIND, and FIRE: Invisible FORCE.Also, for the Trinis: God says '…My Spirit…'.No allusions to anything of a partnership. The SPIRIT (The Holy Spirit) BELONGS to God Almighty such that he can GIVE IT, SEND IT, WITHDRAW IT, as He pleases.The HOLY SPIRIT, itself, therefore is not an…[Read more]

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    Moreover, as I have said before but, as usual, no one realises the significance, the scriptures says that the Holy Spirit came down on Jesus' head 'LIKE A DOVE' – not 'AS A DOVE'.The significant difference makes people wrongfully draw pictures of the Holy Spirit, symbolically or not, as a Dove.'Like a Dove' means 'Pure White and with a soft…[Read more]

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    Shimmer,Please allow Mikeboll64 some dignity in his delusion – he can't help it – it his job lot – it is his spiritual battle. As much as we can come IN SPIRIT to aid him, we cannot fight his demon Spirits unless he allows his SPIRIT to accept us into his body and mind to help direct and sustain his thoughts.(P.s. You missed a trick in your…[Read more]

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    Mike,Your summary is an excellent example of … And admirably display the reason for your inability to understand Spiritual matters.I am happy for you to close your account in this thread (Third – or fourth? – time)In fact, it is the best thing that you could have done and shows that you DO have SOME residual semblance of Wisdom – I'm impressed -…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 4 months ago

    Marty, Wise-up Man!!I am surprised at you – I thought you were a believer!'A body you have created for me'.The Spirit of Jesus was placed into the body of a babe after it was emptied of it's glory as a Spirit in heaven.God Almighty taught Jesus what to say and do – how to say and do – and Jesus did exactly as he was instructed.I was going to…[Read more]

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    Quote (Tim Kraft @ May 22 2011,01:56)Quote (terraricca @ May 20 2011,10:38)TKQuote RELIGIOUS WORLD ORDER! . Jesus was the fulfillment of all the law and the prophets. (Luke 24:44)  The promised Sabbath rest of Jesus had come. The final jubilee had arrived. The acceptable year of the Lord was at hand. Malachi said, I will send Elijah the prophet…[Read more]

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    God is not a God of Logic – for Logic is what the Greeks do daily in their debate chambers to tiresome levels.Also Science is based on Logic and that is why the likes of Stewart cannot gain Spiritual Wisdom much like another close by!

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    Mike,The mass majority of humankind is opposing God himself.But God has put a time limit on how long this opposition will last – and THEN he will act against them in final and ultimate judgement.Mike, how is humankind opposing YHVH God Almighty?Is it not through being INFLUENCED by wicked Angelic forces of Darkness?You say the Angel came in 'Swift…[Read more]

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    Or the SHAPE OF GOD…

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    Irene,And what IS that SHAPE/FORM of God?Note that SHAPE and FORM need not mean the same thing so you need to decide which word is MOST applicable…!The Scriptures says that the FORM of God is SPIRIT but that does not translate as the SHAPE of SPIRIT.

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    STOP USING THE WORD 'GOD' in any other way except as a TITLE and all will become clear…God… Means 'The most powerful one in a group of like types'.YHVH is the GOD of all that IS for all things came from him.There is no one else LIKE HIM… stop thinking anything of the sort – EXCEPT BY HIERACHIAL ORDER:The Egyptian 'Gods' were not LIVING GODS…[Read more]

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    Gene,Do you think MIKEBOLL and IRENE deliberately avoid reading the type of verses that you showed – surely they are in their eyeball as they read through the Scriptures trying to DEVISE pointless nonsense to post against me?I think they MUST DO!!

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