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    SF,I have no idea what you just said!Kathi,I have no idea what you just said!Who IS the FATHER?God is the FatherJesus is the Son of the FatherThe Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the FatherThe Father is GodJesus is the Son of GodThe Holy Spirit is the 'Spirit of Truth' of GodWho is God the Father?

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Keith,YOU KNOW YOU ARE PLAYING GAMES…Stop your laughing at your own silliness – I can hear you now!You know you spent time creating that list of misrepresentation – are you prepared for the consequences: he that laughs last laughs longest!Keith, I'm not laughing now because I feel sorry for you – I tried to show you truth but even when you see…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Keith,YOU KNOW YOU ARE PLAYING GAMES…Stop your laughing at your own silliness – I can hear you now!You know you spent time creating that list of misrepresentation – are you prepared for the consequences: he that laughs last laughs longest!Keith, I'm not laughing now because I feel sorry for you – I tried to show you truth but even when you see…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, SF, a VERY BRIGHT FUTURE – in fact SO BRIGHT he will disappear into OBLIVION.It is clear that he made up EVERY LAST BIT OF HIS POST from desperation of knowing he is wrong in his assessment.We have clashed swords before and he, WJ, has been on the losing side everytime – he is only trying his luck again – he's a sure one for cruising for a…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, SF, a VERY BRIGHT FUTURE – in fact SO BRIGHT he will disappear into OBLIVION.It is clear that he made up EVERY LAST BIT OF HIS POST from desperation of knowing he is wrong in his assessment.We have clashed swords before and he, WJ, has been on the losing side everytime – he is only trying his luck again – he's a sure one for cruising for a…[Read more]

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    Mike, in fact being in HEAVEN has nothing to do with having a body…This has come about because of all the meandering and re-interpretation and mid-interpretation by you and your crew!What on earth(!) are you believing that transforming the Body into a glorious Body like Christ means?The SPIRIT has no NEED of the Body, so why would Jesus…[Read more]

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    Mike,Please can you post a Thesaurus definition of 'Body'.Mine says :'Body – as distinct from Spirit'… 'nuff said!

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    Kathi,You are becoming wearisome with your misunderstanding and purposeless desire to change the meaning of Scriptures.Now I know that you are just acting wayward for reasons of maintaining wrongful thoughts and ideas.It is not possible to reach you for you have build a granite walled fortress around your delution and truth is left outside – with…[Read more]

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    Kathi,Why does Jesus say that he CAME FROM GOD and that he was GOING BACK TO GOD (John13: 3)Why does Jesus say that he was GOING TO HIS FATHER (John 14: 12)If Jesus came from God (That is 'Sent by God') and is returning to God, to His Father, then since you say Jesus IS God, how did he Come From God and How did he RETURN TO GOD if he IS GOD?God…[Read more]

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    Kathi,Why does Jesus call his father, 'The Only True God' (John 17:3)?

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    Kathi, 'The name by which he WILL BE CALLED'!!!?Kathi, if some one WILL BE CALLED something – doesnt that IMPLY that he WAS NOT AT THAT TIME CALLED that which he WOULD eventually BE CALLED?How can Jesus be NOT JEHOVAH at one time and then IS JEHOVAH at another?God is God everlasting…In fact, your own quote foils you: Jesus WAS NOT JEHOVAH……[Read more]

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    There is nothing wrong with calling an emissary by the name of the person who sent him – Mike has told you this before – and I repeat it again.There is no one else who thinks up nonsense except a desparate one.And these sure are desparate nonsenses, Kathi!You are scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one!!

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    Kathi, Kathi,Kathi…'Jehovah Our Righteousness' is NOT A NAME…'Jehovah Our Righteousness' is a TITLE…'Jehovah' is 'I Am (YHVH) and 'Our Righteousness' is some other word (call it xyzxyz) – so the NAME is 'YHVH XYZXYZ'Who is called 'xxx of God' – does that mean they ARE GOD because their name or title of their name has the word 'God' in…

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    Kathi,Your answer is no answer – it is sheer codswallop!A mishmash of nonsense.What nature is Jesus and God?What nature is Jesus and God different from the other Spirits?You don't say but just summize!!Please can you say what Nature Jesus and God that is different from the other Spirits, thanks!

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    Jesus is the Son of GodJesus is the Son of the FatherWho, therefore, is the Father? Jesus is the Son of | _ / \ GOD<—->THE FATHER —of the—HOLY SPIRIT \_/ What Son is He? Elementary my dear, What Son?

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    Quote (Lightenup @ June 02 2011,05:40)Istari,Quote Kathi, Keith,Who is the FATHER OF GOD?God the Father has no father.God as the Son, has for His Father, the heavenly Father, He is the one that beget Him.These things are elementary, Istari.Kathi,This is sheer nonsense – why do you make this stuff up – are you just having a laugh?The Son of God is…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Kathi and Keith,I don't think you know what you are talking about concerning the death of Christ.First you say he only died in the flesh because his Spirit didn't die (When no one said anything about the Spirit dying!) then you say that he died in excruciating pain … Tell me: was Jesus the ONLY PERSON beaten with those cruel tortour whips? Were…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Kathi and Keith,I don't think you know what you are talking about concerning the death of Christ.First you say he only died in the flesh because his Spirit didn't die (When no one said anything about the Spirit dying!) then you say that he died in excruciating pain … Tell me: was Jesus the ONLY PERSON beaten with those cruel tortour whips? Were…[Read more]

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    Kathi,Just asking: how does Jesus share the same nature as The father?Do you mean that Jesus is in the nature of a Spirit because God is a Spirit?But are the Angels not Spirits, too?

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    Kathi,If GOD is God then he CANNOT BE DIVISIBLE!!So you cannot take out a Part of him.He is GOD whether there is a Son or Not.But He is NOT A FATHER if there is not a Son?So GOD is not dependent on being part of a trio/duo – he IS GOD (Hence the beautiful name: I AM)God is God with the Holy Spirit – now there is a unity…But not a divisible unity…[Read more]

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