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    ShiShimmer, how can you say that we should unite : what unity is there between light and dark?Between the man of truth and the man of desparity?The Mikeboll who seeks to WIN at all costs even though he has never won anything because of his waywardness of understanding – nay, desire to thwart truth bu underhandedness.He KNOWS HE IS IN THE WRONG -…[Read more]

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    Well Kathi,Micah speaks quite clearly that Jesus had a beginning – which goings forth would there be if there was no heaven and earth to go forth to and from?Spirits don't need to GO and COME in heaven so it must be the Physical world that the goings forth are referring to!And seeing that be is a Son of God, of whom there are Many, there must have…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Was mankind created THROUGH Jesus?Doesn't Scriptures say that 'We are sustained THROUGH/By Him'?I'm confused.Were 'we' sustained through 'he who would become Jesus' before he became the Begotten Son and was given the Power and Authority to rule 'as God' over his Father's Kingdom?I'm confused because there appears to be a dilemma!One place states…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    See that Mikeboll sets himself up to be abused then cries when he is.Mike, what can you not understand about what I write?You are the one who drives me to have to explain so much – it is your own doing.It is your own hardheartedness, like Pharoah, that makes you incapable of admitting that you FULLY UNDERSTAND YOUR ERROR. That's why you avoid my…[Read more]

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    Mike,Do you REALLY Want a Chapter and verse that states that those out of the tribulation will have Spiritual Bodies – no Mike, if you need a chapter and verse for that then you are TRULY NON-Spiritual – you are GREEK!mike, mike, mike, those who are alive in Christ will live forever – surely you know that – DON'T YOU??? those that live forever are…[Read more]

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    Also, how many times do you want to hear: YES, their (His) Citizenship WILL BE IN HEAVEN…What is wrong with you??Jesus was RAISED INTO A FLESH AND BONE BODY – he showed it to over 500 at one time and all the Disciples (1 Corinthians 13/14 or there abouts) – this is the GLORIOUS BODY THAT THEY TOO WILL BE RAISED UP IN – just like CHRIST…But…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,You are straining at a gnat! Wisdom – if you ever had any – has deserted you!You agree that BOTH the Carnal Man AND the SPIRITUAL Man are both humankind IN THE FLESH ON EARTH then say you were RIGHT?!!What kind of warped and twisted logic is that?You agree because you could not DISAGREE – wow Mike, get a grip – it's not WRONG to be Wrong -…[Read more]

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    P.s. Mike, Paul clarifies and sets out an extended version of what a BODY is in 1 Cor 12:12-31.

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    Interesting:Paul says in 1 Cor 10:4 that the Rock that followed the Israelites was CHRIST.Is that not the same as John saying 'Only Begotten Son of God'?Was the Rock 'Christ' or 'He who would become CHRIST'Was Jesus 'The Only Begotten' BEFORE he was BEGOTTEN or does it refer to Him who would become the Begotten.Both references pertain to Jesus AS…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,What does Paul mean when he says in 1 Corinthians 2:14~16: “For the NATURAL MAN does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them because they are SPIRITUALLY discerned.But he who is SPIRITUAL judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.For 'Who has known the mind…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    So, ALL who come out of the Tribulation will have INCORRUPTIBLE SPIRITUAL BODIES…but only the Elect will enter heaven and have their abode there!So, Mikeboll, what SPIRIT BODY will those on Paradise Earth have?The resurrection, remember, is not ONLY for the ELECT!Mike, TO WHOM WAS PAUL TALKING TO in 1 Corinthians 15?To whom was he saying that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,Mike is weeping at his own folly so he thrashes at what he reads trying to muddy the waters.Time and time again he misrepresents what someone says hoping they won't realise what he has done.The likes of WJ do that to him – so he does it to others.Mike copies what he sees others do if he thinks it advantages him – good or BAD! Mostly Bad!!!He…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,The REAL REASON you don't read my posts is because you cannot refute them so you CLAIM NOT TO READ THEM.I see you can read the hundreds of lines in the posts between you and WJ because Both of you are playing games with each other so it is an EXCITING challenge to see which of you two can be the most infuriating to each other…I, on the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,You say you have shown 'many proofs' – you ARE crazy – the whole point is that you not shown One Single Proof…For even 'One Single Proof' would have been enough…Mike, that's the point – you have not shown ANY PROOF AT ALL!!Mike, the ONLY PROOF that you have shown is the PROOF that desperation clouds the mind and blocks out reality – viz:…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Your FAULT is not around the words of Scriptures because you are well aware of them!You have access to the same source of knowledge as I do – you simply refuse to acknowledge them when they speak against you.I posted definitions of BODY and SPIRIT which I asked YOU to do so there would nd no bias – but you refuse – why? Surely if it PROVED…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    It is a sure desparate man who claims symbolic visions as factual matter!John says in Rev 4:2, 'Immediately I was IN THE SPIRIT…' in the Spirit different from what? The Flesh, in the Body?And he saw One sitting on a Throne and the One whom he saw was like precious jewels.And around the throne was a rainbow and twenty four elders wearing crowns…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike is so blinded by the fact that he is wrong that – like Kathi – nothing that anyone shows him will change his mind. it's not From not being able to see the truth but from embarrassment in admitting it…This is why he introduces the Symbolism of Revelation and Job as evidence.Can anyone really believe that God sat round a table in heaven and…[Read more]

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    See that I answer Mike but he will wait several posts before responding with more nonsense then say that I did not answer him.

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    Jesus was eternally living inside God before he, God, gave birth to him so that makes God an Eternal father – Says Kathi!!And there are two people called 'YHVH' when God says ' LORD says …xyzzy…' says LORD.It shows how deluded a desparate mind can go if one is determined enough.

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    Mike,I have given up discussing Jesus-God with her as she is totally lost. WE are driving her to defend her deceitful and unscriptural ideas and it's best to stop – I get a headache from understanding her misconceptions – it's not helped by WJ backing her up even when he doesn't actually believe what she is saying… Just posting again us for the…[Read more]

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