• Profile picture of Istari

    Oh Mike, how you LOVE to claim that others are abusing you – usually when you cannot refute what they say – it's your 'joie de vive' to think that you are being abused – you love being abused so you do things so others will get frustrated and abuse you – how sad you are – man of poor intellect – poor Spirit…man who cannot travel the rough…

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    It matters not whether 1 or 144 agree with me – or you.The poll is about OPINION.In fact it is pointless as there are more people voting than ever took part in the discussion – ever posted a Scriotural view.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Show me the Scripture verse where you say that Jesus' body was TRANSFORMED just before (or as£ he ascended into Heaven.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Spirit does not have flesh and bone…Jesus had flesh and bone…Flesh and bone cannot enter Heaven…Jesus is in Heaven…Heaven is the realm of Spirits…Jesus is a Spirit…Jesus does not have flesh and bone in heaven…How does Jesus have a Flesh and Bone body on Earth – but is a Spirit in Heaven?There is a simple answer…Mike!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ah, poor Mike,Is this ludicrous nonsense that you spout the best you can come up with to PROVE that Spirits have bodies?You sad person!Do you really think that God is NOT everywhere?Do you really think there is a place where SATAN is not?Do you really think there is a place where God cannot 'see' you?Do you think there is a place where you can…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,Thanks for your input and a welcomed agreement.A small point of order: No one is saying that a Spirit IS a Body – but that a Spirit HAS a Body.Either way, they are wrong! And there is no Scriptural support.Why would there be such a thing called a BODY (Flesh) and a thing called a SPIRIT if the Spirit has a body?And then the SPIRIT is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Is it intriguing how Trinitarians never address the point that the FATHER is the OWNER of the HOLY SPIRIT.How the HOLY SPIRIT is 'Of the Father' and 'Of God'But never 'Of the Son' but only 'FROM the Son' AFTER it is GIVEN to him FROM the Father.(I will send you another FROM the Father – but it will not speak of itself but TAKE of what is mine -…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,21:35)Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 17 2011,19:46)Quote (kerwin @ June 16 2011,06:26)I have no idea why you believe Jesus is called God as Jahovah is God in scripture.Hi KerwinBecause the reality is Jesus currently rules supreme over all for "all authority and power", including all judgment is in his hands!Unlike…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    The Soul is the Body WITH a Spirit in it (IMO).There is much controversy over 'What is a Soul' so every interpretation is personal.For Every physical living entity there is a Body – and there is a Spirit.The body is the Flesh and blood and bone element. It allows for living in a physical environment in an independent manner – to fuel itself, to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Response to POLL concerning Spirit Bodies:Seeing that this is a poll concerning my thoughts I feel it is expedient and fair for me to put my case here also: Paul states quite clearly in 1 Corinthians 15 that there are different kinds of bodies and gives examples of such: Animals, Birds, Fish and Man, also HEAVENLY BODIES, CELESTIAL BODIES: Sun,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kerwin,Do you ask for my support in your question? You have it:'It is sown a Natural Body, it is RAISED a Spiritual Body'How was Jesus RAISED from the dead? Was it not Into the same body he died in?Was he not eventually recognised by his disciples? How? Was it not by his appearance?But not IMMEDIATELY… Mary Magdelene thought he was the gardener;…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,You have asked, nay, demanded an answer to 'Paul's citizenship in heaven' and I have answered you THREE TIMES… yet you keep asking and calling me evasive.No more answers for you on that.You keep fouling yourself over the Spirit and the body…Is it not simple enough? A body is inanimate without a Spirit.Why would the Spirit be a body…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 16 2011,12:10)Quote (Rena @ June 15 2011,05:35)So I think that sums up my answer?No, not at all.  The question only requires a YES or a NO answer, Kar.  Would you do me the honor of DIRECTLY answering a DIRECT question that was put to you?  Or will you play games like Istari does?mikeMike,Which / What 'game' am I pl…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    The Angel of truth desires to move on to another subject but it cannot LEAVE this one until it has fulfilled the purpose of making you understand, Mikeboll64.You, Mikeboll64, are retaining this Angel Gabriel.T8, Will you be Michael?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll64,Why do you speak to me as if I lack spiritual wisdom and understanding.Or even lack simple cognitive processing powers – or linguistic analysis?Why do you elucidate concerning 'Seed' as if I ever mention anything to imply some literal meaning to the analogical reasoning of Paul?And why do YOU teach me about 'It is sown a natural body,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Rena,Thank you for understanding – and the revelation of that understanding.I fail to find reason why Mikeboll64 is so determined to remain in his state of deliberate ignorance.No one would be happier than me to see him turn to the truth as we can then move forward in truth.The ability to ditch his fear of being seen to be wrong would be a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,That what you say is perfectly correct.Mike's only desire is to say that Istari is wrong because he is trying to 'Save Face'.It is not that he CANNOT UNDERSTAND. Mike knows the truth full well. His arguments swing through so many changes, from one side to another, through so many hoops… Even he doesn't know whether he is coming or…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 13 2011,03:10)Quote (Istari @ June 12 2011,09:24)Onesimus was a slave and was in great sin and was figuratively 'Dead' on the streets of Rome having run away from his master.Paul figuratively RAISED Onesimus from his dead state and gave him a SPIRITUAL LIFE.Yay again, Istari!  You have now shown your capability of knowing…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll,Your descent into the depths of the dark place is driving you crazy.Paul was talking to the CORINTHIANS – and called then 'Fools' – crazy man, are you saying that Pail was calling the Elect 'Fools'!I see you post no proof of the 'What you have always been saying' – you, the man who needs to proved everything?!'It is sown a NATURAL…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 13 2011,03:10)Quote (Istari @ June 12 2011,09:24)Onesimus was a slave and was in great sin and was figuratively 'Dead' on the streets of Rome having run away from his master.Paul figuratively RAISED Onesimus from his dead state and gave him a SPIRITUAL LIFE.Yay again, Istari!  You have now shown your capability of knowing…[Read more]

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