• Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Although for several pages now I have requested a response to you claim that Jesus' body was transformed just before he entered heaven you could not, nay , DARE NOT, respond.But you were bailed out by Kerwin's inadvertent interjection even thought it is not actually an answer.You say that Jesus' body was TRANSFORMED 'Into the SPIRITUAL BODY'…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Does this guy Terraricca ever posts anything that has any substance to it?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Is it not easier just to POST THE QUESTIONS AGAIN rather than carry on with your farcical nonsense.I will refuse to answer you until you do post them again…

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike, Once again you refuse to post your questions but just go On bleating that I haven't answered them?How am I expected to answer questions that you refuse to post.And when will you answer mine – even WHEN I repost it over and over – and even others post it to you?Seem you are the one running away…And what has 'Spirits in arid places' got to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kerwin,Mike KNOWS HE IS WRONG…See, you reported my question to him but he only responded to your first post.Wonder why?Mike claims he BOLDED two questions to me: Where?Yet he keeps posting saying that I am ignoring him.He avoids MY questions but posts more and more questions to me that bleats on that I don't answer him.Mike, what questions are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike, you are getting sick and ill – please stop your nonsense before your infection gets worse!God STOPPED the Angels from creating full flesh and blood bodies long ago in the days of Noah.Why do you use that situation as an example when it is irrelevant? Are you so desparate?And 'See, I am not a Spirit' – ok, so it COULD BE ambiguous if you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll has caught the joker bug – he is doing what he learnt from WJ – heaping riducule on truth – bad boy – Mike, What does Scriptures say about sins against the Spirit of Truth?Mike, the bodies the Angels created were not TRUE BODIES… why you stressing the scene, man!Moreover, Spirits do not desire to be in the Flesh because they would be…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,Mike spent AGES thinking that one up… Any sane person would not think what Mike is saying – in fact not one single other person ever did (oops – pedantic Mike will say, 'Not one Single' could mean 'but MANY'… careful how you write to him – he is a programmed Greek robot!!)

  • Profile picture of Istari

    EDJ and t8 are both correct.And it is the same as I do: how many have demand that I quote chapter and verse for them when expressing a view on a scriptural matter: why, because they do not know the Scriptures enough to track it's source.Did not even Jesus say, 'It is written…'? Did he quote chapter and verse – yet they knew – or went away to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Well Rena, you just said it.Thanks.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Tim,The Spirit BELONGS to GOD the Father – not Jesus.Jesus ASKS for the Holy Spirit and then gives it to all his believers – but it is still the Father's Spirit.This is analogiesed through Pharoah giving his Signet Ring/SEAL to Joseph – whatever is written or commanded in Pharoah's name and Sealed with the Ring by Joseph is as good as a command or…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Tim,Pierre is correct.All reference to 'Lord God' is to 'YHVH', Almighty God, 'The One True God'.Even picking a single quote should prove that: 'The Lord God, and to the Lamb'. These are two separate beings.And furthermore, Jesus, and NO ONE (Not even Trinitarians – why not?) claim that Jesus prayed to the Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed FOR the Holy…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Rena,Simple – I am not interested in prophecy so as to wish to discuss it.Prophecy is fraught with misinterpretation which always ends with Trying to predict the end of time – to catch the 'thief'. It cannot be done…We can tell when the rain is coming – but we can't tell WHEN it will rain.Forever watching the sky means we stumble in our walk.The…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Why are you not showing the BODY OF JESUS in Heaven as described in Revelation 1:13-16.Does it not say that he has 'Wool' for his hair – and a sharp double-edged Sword for his tongue!In fact, it says 'His HEAD and HAIR were WHITE like Wool, as White as Snow, and his EYES were flames of Fire'… And more…Mike, you are floundering in own…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Rena,There is NO CONFUSION.What ARE YOU confused about?Are you trying to take SIDES – are you swayed by FALLACY?Rena, BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE… form your own opinion – or back one side or other no matter what!This is what Jesus says, “Oh, that I wish your were either HOT or COLD, for your are NEITHER hot nor Cold. You are Lukewarm and therefore…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Sorry… “Are these BODIES made of FLESH”Mike, who said the STARS, SUN AND MOON, are made of 'Flesh' like Human FLESH.Mike, you are SERIOUSLY IN DANGER of a visit from the 'men in white' (And these are no Angels!)Paul states quite clearly – and I have outlined to you over and over:'God gives each a BODY just as he pleases''Not all flesh is the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Didn't you say:Quote Hmmm…………..I don't recall seeing the word “body” in that scripture.  Istari, I've been telling you for months that your belief that “body” EQUALS “flesh” is what is causing your confusion.  Didn't Paul speak of heavenly “bodies” such as the moon and stars?  Are these “bodies” made of “flesh”?  Let's check this out…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Rena,When Jesus was 'in the air' was he in Spirit or in body?Also, when the dead are raised, or the living transformed, what form will they be in?Does Scriotures say that they will be transformed into Spirits?Spirits with bodies? Where?Also, are ALL who are raised from the dead going to be 'Heavenly Bodies'?And what does 'Heavenly Bodies' mean…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And Mike, is it not the MAJORITY who are destined for Pergatory?Is it not the Majority who travel the broad road that leads to destruction?So what does your poll tell you – nothing!!Even if the majority was in my favour I would still say that the poll was pointless (Just in case you didnt understand what '1 or 144' means)You may well say 'Goodbye'…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike, show me the Scripture where you say that Jesus' body was TRANSFORMED just before he entered Heaven!

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