Miia replied to the topic The last generation will only hear things that “tickle their ears" in the forum View Points 6 years, 11 months ago
Jesus will come at a time is least expected.
Bible says that in the last days will be critical times hard to deal with.
Men will be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
They will have a form of Godly devotion but prove false to its power.
Dos that not sound like today: men being lovers of themselves, critical times that for…[Read more]Proclaimer replied to the topic Islamic Immigration in the forum Prophetic News & Eschatology 7 years, 11 months ago
I agree Andrew. It seems that people in the West are truly blind to the threat of Islam and Sharia.So it is unusual to see a mainstream media guy call it what it is.
Being blind to an enemy that is huge in number and getting bigger, believes it will convert the planet to Sharia, and has invaded Europe is foolish. Many Liberals in the…[Read more]
Lightenup replied to the topic The Son is Equal to The Father: Trinity Fallacy! in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years ago
You wrote:
In these verses we see it’s the Father who reveals the Son,and the Son who reveals the Father so this shows their unity and interdependence. Jesus also says no man comes to the Father but by me,and no man can come to me except the Father draw him,I and the Father are one,if you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.We can thank…
Lightenup replied to the topic Son of God and son of man in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years ago
I just read this today and saw that you posted about the lineage of Yeshua. I think this will help you in that regards.
Proclaimer replied to the topic Son of God and son of man in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 1 month ago
I agree that the answer didn’t satisfy, but more likely stumped him momentarily. The muslim’s problem with the logic of the Trinity or lack thereof still stands though.
Proclaimer replied to the topic Son of God and son of man in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 1 month ago
I agree that the answer didn’t satisfy, but more likely stumped him momentarily. The Muslims problem with the logic or lack of the Trinity doctrine still stands.
Lightenup replied to the topic The Son is Equal to The Father: Trinity Fallacy! in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 1 month ago
I understood what you were saying about the gospel of John. When I read Jael’s response to what you said, I didn’t understand how his response lined up with what you wrote. I figured that he just did not clearly comprehended your post.
Lightenup replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for your post and support. I agree, I am not declaring anything new. The early church fathers used terms like ‘offspring’ and ‘begotten God’ regarding Jesus/Yeshua and terms like ‘the unbegotten God’ in regards to the Father. That was before the Council of Nicea.
Lightenup replied to the topic The Son is Equal to The Father: Trinity Fallacy! in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 2 months ago
Good post. I agree that the Son was the only born son from eternity. I believe that the Son always existed within the Father and then at one point, as the Father’s first work, the Son was begotten (brought forth) from within the Father before creation and therefore became the firstborn over all creation as all things were created…[Read more]
Proclaimer replied to the topic in the forum JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD? 9 years, 4 months ago
Jesus is God,an angel and a human,which makes him fit to be a mediator. All these interpretations come from scripture,so some deny one or the other to make another stick in their own thinking.
Yes Jesus was/is a messenger and a man. But he was never God himself, rather his son. He is the image of the invisible God and a man, so that…[Read more]
Proclaimer replied to the topic in the forum JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD? 9 years, 4 months ago
Jesus is God,an angel and a human,which makes him fit to be a mediator. All these interpretations come from scripture,so some deny one or the other to make another stick in their own thinking.
Yes Jesus was/is a messenger and a man. But he was never God himself, rather his son. He is the image of the invisible God and a man, so that…[Read more]
Proclaimer replied to the topic in the forum JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD? 9 years, 4 months ago
Jesus is God,an angel and a human,which makes him fit to be a mediator. All these interpretations come from scripture,so some deny one or the other to make another stick in their own thinking.
Yes Jesus was/is a messenger and a man. But he was never God himself, rather his son. He is the image of the invisible God, so that qualifies him…[Read more]
Proclaimer replied to the topic Basic logic in the forum Truth or Tradition 9 years, 8 months ago
Princess, apparently T8 hears those bells too by saying we can “honour” or worship saints in the same way as Christ
@AndrewAD, I am going to prove to yourself (if you are honest) that you are not opposing me, but scripture.
If you do not accept these scriptures then you simply reject what is written in the Bible, it is as simple as that…[Read more]
carmel replied to the topic Supporting the Trinity Doctrine? – The Trinity Doctrine in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 9 years, 10 months ago
And Nick you posted the 666th post on this thread in which ye said”Spare us,your vanities are nauseating”, the fact you said this on the 666th post speaks clearly that you speak from the beast against the holy truth
For GOD’S is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
ALSO: I w…[Read more]
carmel replied to the topic Supporting the Trinity Doctrine? – The Trinity Doctrine in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 9 years, 10 months ago
And Nick you posted the 666th post on this thread in which ye said”Spare us,your vanities are nauseating”, the fact you said this on the 666th post speaks clearly that you speak from the beast against the holy truth
For GOD’S is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
THIS IS…[Read more]
Proclaimer replied to the topic What is your confession regarding Jesus in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 9 years, 10 months ago
Thanks T8 for that answer,spoken as a true Arian indeed!
If my answer makes me an Arian, then Paul was an Arian according to you right?
Philippians 2
5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took…[Read more]
bodhitharta replied to the topic in the forum Islam 9 years, 10 months ago
Exactly @AndrewAD also you pointed out that one simple fact: Millions have not returned around 5.3 million, There is around 8.3 in Israel so since the 40’s Jews have not embraced this “prophecy” home almost 40% live right here but remember Israel is “the people” not simply the name of a territory you seize. Nobody looks at the facts they just say…[Read more]
Proclaimer replied to the topic Trinity Doctrine resources in the forum Truth or Tradition 9 years, 10 months ago
While you claim to keep it simple you at the same time make it even more complex.If I say Jesus Christ is the unique Son,am I not saying he’s God since he’s not quite the same as us? You may say based on various scripture that God hath not been seen,but just who did Isaiah see in his blessed theophany in Isaiah 6? St John’s gospel claim…
Grasshopper replied to the topic Same Sex Marriage and the Beast in the forum Prophetic News & Eschatology 9 years, 10 months ago
It’s very interesting you are saying this. A few weeks ago the same thought occurred to me.
It seems more and more that accepting homosexuality is what it will take to continue enjoying economic benefits and freedoms. We already see here in the U.S. that some Christian business owners are having their livelihoods threatened if they do…[Read more]
bodhitharta replied to the topic in the forum Islam 9 years, 10 months ago
But if the jewel dishounors its master and shines not so bright anymore it could just be trampled and thrown to the garbage heap?
Christian men are hypocrites they fight with their wives and then pretend they are holy but God is not dumb He knows all that people do and all that is in human nature so their is no hiding….If you have a…[Read more]
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