What does it mean that Jesus came in the flesh?

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    Nick…….The seed simply regenerates exactly what it came from, it’s exact DNA, there is only one flesh of man, so if we die and were regenerated we would still be considered a men, then we still will have flesh of a man. Where do you read the seed generates something different then it own kind. God made ever thing self regenerative every herb, every tree, every animal and ever flesh of ever type. The seed of man will only reproduce a man, and any seed sown into the ground will only reproduce exactly what it was already. The example which Paul gave was to show a continuation of a regenerated seed from a dead state to a live one. That was his meaning, it was to show that a seed remaining dead was alone Without life of its own , but when planted it regenerates and becomes alive with a new body, but that body was exactly the type it came from so it is with man, he becomes old and dies , he is then alone, and plants in the grave but in the regeneration he rises up with a new body, that is not like the one sown ‘dead’, but alive and full of life, but while that which was sown will not be the body (because it was dead) that will be, it is the same kind and type of body, the only difference is one was dead when planted, and that which comes up is alive, so they are not the same in that sense, but to say they are not still human flesh and bone men is untrue, all scripture shows a human resurection with a human body,

    You have not produced not one scripture showing any resurection that has a different flesh body type then what was buried. Scripture only shows a change of state from being dead to being alive again. I have produced scriptures that show a same body type, being resurrected given by God himself, but you choose to not believe what God himself said, that is your choice, but I believe when The LORD our God says something, and even expounds on it , that is the way it is. No matter what anyone else says. If what you say does not conform to what he says, I have no problem choosing who is right and who is wrong.

    Peace and love to you and yours………………..gene

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Admin.

    Hi GB,

    So you say.

    But I do not think you understand.



    Hi GB,

    So you say.

    But I do not think you understand.

    Do you have evidence that there is more than one composition of the human body?


    Hi KW,

    Is the man from heaven human?

    Is Jesus as shown in Rev 19 human?

    Is the lamb of God in heaven human?


    What guides your definitions?


    Kerwin……Nick does not have any evidence, to support his claim that there is a different composition of a human body, none at lest from what I have seen him post so far. Everyone who says he is a son of man must have a human flesh body, and that includes Jesus also. Even now because he said “when the SON of Man returns, will he find Faith on the earth?”, IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Nick…..Yes he is still a human being and will always be, he seems OK with that, why aren’t you? A human body can be glorified in many ways, as I have shown over and over, Moses’ face shined so bright they had to put a Vail over his face in order to look on him. So tell us was he still a flesh and blood human or some other creature when that was happening ? Jesus could just as easily be glorified with his human body also, you turn to a symbolically written book to transmit literial examples, visions can and do offen take on symbolic meanings. Nick why can’t you find one scripture that says Jesus is no longer existing as a human being?

    peace and love to you and yours……………..gene


    Hi GB,

    Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom.

    Why do you insist on glorifying the flesh?


    Hi GB,

    So when Jesus appeared to Paul on the way to Damascus was he human then?



    Is the man from heaven human?

    Is Jesus as shown in Rev 19 human?

    Is the lamb of God in heaven human?

    What guides your definitions?

    The word man is a synonym of human.

    Revelations is a book that employs a lot of symbolism so it is hard to tell one way or another.

    Here is one passage that seem clearer than some.

    Revelation 21:3Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    Is speaks of God tabernacle being with human beings.



    Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom.

    All that means is you stubbornly hold to your own interpretation of one verse of Scripture even though it contradicts the words of other parts of Scripture. It is not convincing.


    Hi KW,

    Do you think flesh and blood can inherit the kingdom?


    Nick….Please tell us what has flesh and blood “ever” INHERITED. The key word there is inherit, no body ever inherited anything, because it is the life in the body that is the heir, the body is just what the living spirit lives in, the body is never the object of any inheritance, life that resides in that body is. Can you say you house can inherit any thing? Same with the bodies of ours, but to say that our bodies can’t go into the kingdom of God is obviously not true, many flesh bodies will be in the kingdom of God. Your view of God doing away with his flesh creation, when his kingdom comes is completely false. Do you think when Jesus comes and sets up the kingdom of God that all creation, that has flesh and blood will not be there? After all you do believe flesh and blood can’t go into the kingdom of God, even though not one scripture says that.

    Show me where a single scripture say all the flesh and blood creation will not be in his kingdom and I will show you where they will be, and even the changing of there natures, like the lion, and snakes , where a lion will lye down with a lamb, and eat straw like a cow.

    You as well as others have totally misunderstood that single scripture, you hold on to try to support your false dogmas. You detest God’s human creation is a type of contempt of God himself, because he is the creator of it all. Just as a persons criticism for a art work is a criticism also for the artist himself. Be carefull Nick or the creator of it all, may himself deal with you for your lack of appreciation for his creation. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……. .. . . ..gene


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Admin.


    Do you think flesh and blood can inherit the kingdom?

    I believe Jesus resurrection is an example of the resurrection of come and he was raised in a flesh and bone body. I believe Jesus is the firstborn of the dead.


    Kerwin…….I also believe that brother. Nicks play on the word inherit does not aline with many other scriptures, just as his rendition of the resurection doesn’t also. He seems to pick and choose scriptures and just ignore or avoid other scriptures that speak differently about his own “remditions”. A person with a closed mind can’t be taught, because they will not even consider what another says, they think they already know the truth even if it is based only on a single scripture, in which they do not understand the real context in which it was written, nor the intended meanings of the words used.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………gene


    Hi GB,

    But are you taught by the Spirit or are these just more of your own ideas?


    Nick……I know I am a son of God and his spirit bears witness with spirit that is what sustains me. Kerwin as well as I have reasoned with your distorted views, but you simply refuse to even consider what were saying to you. I realize you believe you know it what you say, but taking part of a sentence and drawing a dogma from it is hardly wise . You have ever right to your OWN OPINIONS, no matter how unscriptual they are. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………….gene


    Hi GB,

    So all of what you believe is from the Spirit or just your OPINIONS??


    Nick…….If the spirit of truth convicts my spirit of the truth why shouldn’t it be my opinion also. When ever we come to see something it convince you so you it does become your opinion also. Do you think by me saying imo,that is robbing The spirit of truth, the whole purpose of the spirit of truth is to convince us of the truth, you problem is you do not know what spirit is, much less the spirit of truth. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours…………….gene


    Hi GB,

    The Spirit reminds us of the words of Jesus.

    When did he speak of Spirit as intellect?


    If he did not are you being deceived?


    Nick……The spirit does more the just remind us of Jesus words it convicts us of what they mean, do you believe just quoting Jesus word mean something , it does not, you must come to correctly understand what jesus was saying, not just quote them. Anyone can memorize scripture and quote them and not even have a clue of what those words mean, as you have yourself proven here. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………..gene

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