What does it mean that Jesus came in the flesh?

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    You forgot Jn 20 27f

    Why did he say to put his hand INTO his side?

    To prove he was alive?

    It is not the usual way to prove someone is alive is it?

    In the book of Luke we are told “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.” That is just what Thomas asked to do.

    John speaks of the same event as Luke by saying:

    John 20:20Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

    Now I looked back at Luke and I do not see where he or John bears witness that the others actually touched Jesus.

    The passage I quoted from Acts spoke of only two things that Jesus accomplished during his stay on earth after his resurrection. One of them is to give evidence he was alive.


    hi KW,
    So why show his hands and his side?



    I do not know the details but since Scripture says he gave evidence he was alive then he did as it states. When it tells he told he students behold my “hands and my feet …” then he did so. As far as I know is it was so they knew who he was. Thomas is the one who chose to demand that he put his hands into the marks of Jesus’ hands and into his side not Jesus. Jesus just chose to oblige him. My speculation is that Thomas demanded those things to make sure it was Jesus and not some imposter. Scripture does not tells us.


    Hi KW,
    Scripture records the injuries to the hands and side of Jesus.
    Do you think this relates at all?



    I believe is I said before that Jesus like every other one that was resurrected was heals of his ailments. I believe he had scars but scripture only speaks of marks. Marks could be scars or they could be something else as it is a generic descriptor.


    Hi KW,
    You believe that but it is not shown in scripture
    Who rules?


    Hi GB,
    “Nick……..you said where does it say spritual dead, tell us what did Jesus mean by this THEN, “LET THE DEAD BURY THE DEAD”. And again, “having eyes to see but see not, having ears to hear but hear not. These are considered spiritually dead. IMO”

    Yes it is a popular opinion.
    But folks then try to build theologies on this thought they have added to truth


    Nick……..The seed planted came from exactly what it produces, there is no change from it original form it is simply remade the same as it was. We don’t plant wheat and then corn comes up. The seed only replenishes itself, not some unknown different species. The seed is just a regenerated form of it’s self, it’s exact self.

    Why do you seem to hate you human body so much, look I know we are getting weaker and weaker in our old age because of the effects of sin, it has been assigned to us at this time , but in the “regeneration” that will not be the case brother, these tired old body’s will become as strong as a young man and adgel as a young childs, able to perform great feats. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Admin.


    I believe the marks in Scripture are scars. I am at the same time aware that there are marks that are not scars so I do not believe that believing the marks are scars is important to what is taught and may even be incorrect. Another can say they were impressions in Jesus’ flesh and as long as they did not insist that was the truth I could not call them wrong. I do not think such details are important as Scripture would have clued us in if they were.


    Nick…….I was building no theology, I just ask you what do you think Jesus meant brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………gene


    Hi GB,
    When you plant seeds do you not see a plant grow that looks different to the seeds?


    Hi KW,
    So no connection between the injuries and his death ?


    Hi KW,
    It seems odd that the areas of his body specified as being injured seem to ring no bells for you when he showed them to a man who knew he had died but doubted that he had risen.

    Healed scars in a man who had died so recently would seem unlikely and would not seem to have offered the same evidence.

    But to each their own-you have a dogma to defend


    Hi GB,
    So you believe these old bodies will be healed and transformed.
    Any scriptures?


    Nick…….The seeD any seed, that comes up reproduces exactly what it came from, it is the same DNA BEING REPRODUCED. I have quoted exactly what the apostle Paul wrote and you fail to get it. How many times do we have to go over and over this. I have produced scripture after scriptures and you just ignore them and move on seemeningly oblivious to what they clearly say. You have not produced one scripture that describes any kind of different body that we are resurrected with, and Jesus demonstrated a ordinary human body after his resurection, no scripture say his body was change to another form of existence, that is only your assumption, with no scripture back up, just your own assumption, which is the same as most all Christianity.

    You accuse me of having there view when it is you yourself that does it seems no me.

    Peace and love to you and yours………………gene

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Admin.

    Hi GB,
    No a seed produces a plant
    As 1 cor 15 goes to lengths to explain the plant is not the same as the seed.


    Healed scars in a man who had died so recently would seem unlikely and would not seem to have offered the same evidence.

    Since Lazarus was healed of his sickness when he was resurrected and there is no case in Scripture where any person that was healed had his wounds still then why do you choose to believe Jesus is an exception. You have nothing to support your view in Scripture.

    I say scars because my knowledge is limited and scars seem the only possibility of marks that can me felt. I know of red marks which are extremely temporary and I do not believe are impressed on the skin. Bruises are longer lasting but I do not believe they are impressed on the skin.



    So no connection between the injuries and his death ?

    He was already dead when the spear penetrated his side. It was used to confirm he was dead. I do not know if the nails killed him either as the nails themselves limited the bleeding. The soldiers were surprised he was already dead when they went to hurry the process along by breaking his legs.


    Hi KW,

    What has that to do with Jesus showing his recent wounds that confirmed he was the one that had died?



    What has that to do with Jesus showing his recent wounds that confirmed he was the one that had died?

    Scripture does not say Jesus showed his recent words it states marks. It also does not say scars but that is what I think the marks are because of the fact they could be felt. Let us just use the word marks.

    I believe Thomas did want to see and feel the marks to confirm he was Jesus.

    That was not what seem to be asking.

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