What does it mean that Jesus came in the flesh?

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    God does not need a blueprint for he has our soul ,and will destroyed if it is declared evil and useless ,




    More guesswork?

    You may be like the man from earth in your mind.

    That is why I think you do not comprehend what you read. If you comprehended what you read then you would know that God knows all things and so knows and will not forget how to construct your body. In other words he has the blueprint for you body in heaven in case it or any part of it is either damaged or destroyed.

    If you comprehended what you heard then you would know God created the heavens and the earth from nothing and made Adam from earth. Since he did that he can make what he wants for whatever he wants, even if it is nothing.

    If you comprehended what Scripture teaches then you not that your parents strove by human effort to make you but without God the efforts would have been in vain. You would also comprehend that Adam was made without human effort.

    Scripture states God give each the body he desires.

    I guessed at none of that.



    God does not need a blueprint for he has our soul ,and will destroyed if it is declared evil and useless ,

    God has the blueprint of the body whether he needs it or not.


    Kerwin…….Good post brother, I can’t understand why people hate their human bodies so much, did not our God create it , did not he say it was good, did not he say, Adam with that body could have lived forever, if he had eaten of the tree of life that was in the garden of Eden.? Do they think God was so sadistic that he would given us such a terrible body to exist with? Scripture says “God so loved the world”, now that includes his whole creation also. There is nothing more beautifull in existence as God’s earthly creation. God the Father also said he would deliver the WHOLE CREATION, FROM IT’S BONDAGE OF CORRUPTION, INTO THE GLORIOUS LIBERTY OF THE SONS OF GOD. This earth creation is a jewel in the universe, as any astronaut.

    It was sin that caused the problems, not the body Our God Gave us, why can’t they see that. Our bodies are in the deterating state there in because of sin, not because of God’s created works. If God were to renew my body and allow me to live in it forever, that would be just fine for me. I don’t want to be a spirit floating around looking for rest, trying to find a body to dwell in. GOD GAVE ME A BODY JUST AS IT PLEASED HIM, and I am happy with that. I will be happy and satisifed with my restored and degenerated flesh and bone body at Christ’s return.

    If they understood that God himself is spirit and lives vicariously in and through his creation they would not think their bodies are so terrible. PROBLEM IS THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT A SPIRIT IS, IMO.



    They do not listen to the Spirit and so listen to their flesh nature. When you do the your doctrine falls short of the glory of God. It serves as a warning to those who would listen to the Spirit.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Admin.

    Hi KW,

    So will we re raised as a baby or an adult?

    As a young adult or an old one?


    You may as well keep guessing.



    This is the same answer I gave you before and that is we will have the body God gives us. All accounts of the final resurrection in Scripture have people arising as adults but that evidence is too limited to conclude all will arise as adults.


    Hi KW,

    Will they not arise naked-ps49?

    Their bodies destroyed.



    what verse of chap 49 PS  you find the word “naked” ?



    Hi KW,

    Will they not arise naked-ps49?

    Their bodies destroyed.

    You are naked in Sheol but Paul was not speaking about that. Paul instead tells us should our flesh and bone body be destroyed then God already has a body in heaven that was not made with human hands.

    If means either the condition of the statement will be meant or it will not be meant. That tells us that he knew that either his body would be destroyed or it would not be destroyed. If the first case occurred then he had no fear that he would be found naked at the resurrection because he knows God has a body waiting for him in heaven that is not made by human hands.

    2 Corinthians 5:1New English Translation (NET Bible)
    Living by Faith, Not by Sight

    5 For we know that if our earthly house, the tent we live in, is dismantled, we have a building from God, a house not built by human hands, that is eternal in the heavens.

    Psalms 49:14(NET) teaches us that Sheol will consume the bodies of the wicked and they will not longer live in impressive houses.

    Psalms 49:15(NET) teaches God will rescue the souls of the righteous from the power of Sheol and pull them to safety.


    Nick…….Read Elk 37:1-14, and tell us what that means to you, if not an actual resurection by regeneration of our bodies, and remember it say that it was the WHOLE house of Israel, not part of it. To me that describes a physical body resurection. No spirit beings floating of somewhere.

    Peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    Hi GB,

    Yes the EZ verses show the resurrection of Israel.

    Do you think it compares with the taking up of the saints?



    Nick……If it is the “whole” house of Israel, it has to include some of the Israelite saints or it couldn’t be the “WHOLE” house, RIGHT?. Are you now saying there are two different types and kinds of resurections, scripture please.

    Peace and love to you and yours………………gene

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Admin.

    Hi GB,

    It was a vision.

    Do you think it was literally prophetic?


    Hi GB,

    Jesus was raised in his old body.

    Then later he was taken up.


    Do you know which covers all the saints?

    Those who have died will be raised and taken up and those who have not died will just be taken up.




    Hi GB,

    Jesus was raised in his old body.

    Then later he was taken up.

    Do you know which covers all the saints?

    Those who have died will be raised and taken up and those who have not died will just be taken up.

    Scripture tells us he looked different enough that it took his followers a while to figure out who he was after his resurrection.


    Hi KW,

    Would you recognise someone you buried last week?



    Probably, but I may not believe they were alive. There is three advents that I remember when they did not recognize him and one states he appearance was hid from the two disciples that traveled on the road with him, the second is when thought he was a gardener when she heard his voice but recognized him when she turned, the third happened when he told them to put there nets down to catch fish and it occurred after he revealed himself to them earlier.


    Hi KW,

    Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom.

    Do you believe this?



    I do but you do not because you do not understand what it means and seem to like it that way. You attempt to justify your own thoughts by not seeking to correctly understand Scripture though instead it may be you are not be able to understand it. That is one reason you will not admit that the garden of Eden was in the kingdom of heaven in the beginning. You also do not want to admit that creation was not subject to corruption before death came into the world though mankind. These things are easy to understand for before mankind sinned there was no sickness or any other kind of decay.

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