The Trinity Doctrine

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  • #323819


    1)God needs to use satan to blind the minds of people. Yes or No

    2)God can blind the minds of people Himself. Yes or No

    3)God desires men to come to belief in Him through their intellect more so than their faith. Yes or No

    4)God desires men to come to belief in Him through faith. Yes or No

    your questions are of the devil ;and so not of God ,

    1) does God need anyone ??? NO ,now that there has been an opposition created by rebels it is obvious that God as to deal with them right ,but he will use them at his advantage not in there advantage ,

    2)can God blind people yes but does he do it ? NO ,he usually make people rather see ;men make themselves blind by believe false doctrines or lies ,

    3) God would like all men to come to repentance ,how they do it read the scriptures it is spelt out in it ,faith is the result of understanding of the knowledge acquired of God .

    4)same as # 3

    either we do it the way God as set it up and we will receive the promise ,OR WE DO IT OUR WAY AND DIE FOR IT AT THE END .


    Thanks for your answers, Pierre. They are not all 'of God' but it is ok to be wrong if you learn from your error. At least you tried. :)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 08 2012,22:42)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    So God did not create anything directly, is that what you are saying?


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    So, why again is He a little 'g' God to you if He does big God things?

    What “big God things”?  Name a thing that Jesus himself initiated.

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    Isn't Paul referring to the one Father when he mentions the one God?

    Of course he is.  For us, there is but one God, the Father, remember?  He is the God of me, the God of you, the God of Paul, and the God of Jesus.  Jesus is not that God, but the mediator BETWEEN us and that God.

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    And didn't you just tell me that Jesus is a god, wouldn't that make one theos as mediator and one theos as the one mediated to?

    Yep.  Just like one theos allowed a different theos to wreak havoc on Job.  Again, there are two theos involved, but only one we are to worship as our God.

    Is Jesus the god of Thomas?
    Is Jesus the god of you?

    Who is Jesus the god of?


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:57)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 08 2012,22:42)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    So God did not create anything directly, is that what you are saying?


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    So, why again is He a little 'g' God to you if He does big God things?

    What “big God things”?  Name a thing that Jesus himself initiated.

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    Isn't Paul referring to the one Father when he mentions the one God?

    Of course he is.  For us, there is but one God, the Father, remember?  He is the God of me, the God of you, the God of Paul, and the God of Jesus.  Jesus is not that God, but the mediator BETWEEN us and that God.

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,21:33)
    And didn't you just tell me that Jesus is a god, wouldn't that make one theos as mediator and one theos as the one mediated to?

    Yep.  Just like one theos allowed a different theos to wreak havoc on Job.  Again, there are two theos involved, but only one we are to worship as our God.

    Is Jesus the god of Thomas?
    Is Jesus the god of you?

    Who is Jesus the god of?


    These are just word games. Was Moses the god of Aaron? Was Aaron his prophet?

    1. You'll have to ask Thomas that question.

    2. No, Jesus is not the god of me. Jehovah is the God of me, and Jesus is the one Jehovah made the Lord of me.

    Is that Lord also called a god, like MANY beings in scripture? Yes. Does that mean he is the Most High God? Only if it also means all the other gods in scripture are the Most High God just because they are called gods.

    Kathi, what “big God things” were you talking about in your last post? Name a thing that Jesus himself initiated.


    No, Moses was not the god of Aaron. Moses was his brother. Aaron was not his prophet, he was God's prophet.

    1. You'll have to ask Thomas that question.

    Why, does his answer screw up your doctrine?

    2. No, Jesus is not the god of me. Jehovah is the God of me, and Jesus is the one Jehovah made the Lord of me.

    So who is He god of?

    Does that mean he is the Most High God?

    Yes if He is called YHWH and with the Father. No other theos is called YHWH except the Father and the Son.

    Kathi, what “big God things” were you talking about in your last post? Name a thing that Jesus himself initiated.

    He does all God things in unity with the Father. The Father and Son work the God sized things out together, hence the God unity. They create, they provide eternal salvation for all mankind, they answer prayers, they heal the sick, they raise the dead, etc.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 09 2012,09:54)
    Thanks for your answers, Pierre. They are not all 'of God' but it is ok to be wrong if you learn from your error. At least you tried. :)


    You are not my judge ,but scriptures are so prove me wrong or keep quiEt


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 08 2012,22:45)

    1)God needs to use satan to blind the minds of people.  Yes or No

    2)God can blind the minds of people Himself. Yes or No

    3)God desires men to come to belief in Him through their intellect more so than their faith. Yes or No

    4)God desires men to come to belief in Him through faith.  Yes or No

    your questions are of the devil ;and so not of God ,

    1) does God need anyone ??? NO ,now that there has been an opposition created by rebels it is obvious that God as to deal with them right ,but he will use them at his advantage not in there advantage ,

    2)can God blind people yes but does he do it ? NO ,he usually make people rather see ;men make themselves blind by believe false doctrines or lies ,

    3) God would like all men to come to repentance ,how they do it read the scriptures it is spelt out in it ,faith is the result of understanding of the knowledge acquired of God .

    4)same as # 3

    either we do it the way God as set it up and we will receive the promise ,OR WE DO IT OUR WAY AND DIE FOR IT AT THE END .

    The word is 'quiet' not 'quite.'
    you said you want proof…for starters:

    2)can God blind people yes but does he do it ? NO ,he usually make people rather see ;men make themselves blind by believe false doctrines or lies ,

    Proof that He does blind people's eyes:

    Romans 11:8
    8as it is written:

    “God gave them a spirit of stupor,

    eyes so that they could not see

    and ears so that they could not hear,

    to this very day.”


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,22:35)
    No, Moses was not the god of Aaron. Moses was his brother. Aaron was not his prophet, he was God's prophet.


    But Jehovah surely said he would make Moses a god to Aaron, and Aaron would be his prophet.

    Perhaps Jehovah just didn't know what He was talking about, huh? ???


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 09 2012,10:59)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 08 2012,22:45)

    1)God needs to use satan to blind the minds of people.  Yes or No

    2)God can blind the minds of people Himself. Yes or No

    3)God desires men to come to belief in Him through their intellect more so than their faith. Yes or No

    4)God desires men to come to belief in Him through faith.  Yes or No

    your questions are of the devil ;and so not of God ,

    1) does God need anyone ??? NO ,now that there has been an opposition created by rebels it is obvious that God as to deal with them right ,but he will use them at his advantage not in there advantage ,

    2)can God blind people yes but does he do it ? NO ,he usually make people rather see ;men make themselves blind by believe false doctrines or lies ,

    3) God would like all men to come to repentance ,how they do it read the scriptures it is spelt out in it ,faith is the result of understanding of the knowledge acquired of God .

    4)same as # 3

    either we do it the way God as set it up and we will receive the promise ,OR WE DO IT OUR WAY AND DIE FOR IT AT THE END .

    The word is 'quiet' not 'quite.'
    you said you want proof…for starters:

    2)can God blind people yes but does he do it ? NO ,he usually make people rather see ;men make themselves blind by believe false doctrines or lies ,

    Proof that He does blind people's eyes:

    Romans 11:8
    8as it is written:

    “God gave them a spirit of stupor,

    eyes so that they could not see

    and ears so that they could not hear,

    to this very day.”


    Proof that He does blind people's eyes:

    Romans 11:8
    8as it is written:

    “God gave them a spirit of stupor,

    eyes so that they could not see

    and ears so that they could not hear,

    to this very day.”

    do you really understand that scripture ??? if so tell me ;

    1)God gave them a spirit of stupor ;HOW AND WHAT HIS THAT SPIRIT ???

    2)eyes so that they could not see ;those are the eyes that all people received from God sinse creation,so what is it that they can not see with it ???

    3)and ears so that they could not hear;those ears are those all people recieved sinse creation ,so what is it with their ears that they can not hear WITH IT ???




    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 09 2012,01:28)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,22:35)
    No, Moses was not the god of Aaron. Moses was his brother. Aaron was not his prophet, he was God's prophet.


    But Jehovah surely said he would make Moses a god to Aaron, and Aaron would be his prophet.

    Perhaps Jehovah just didn't know what He was talking about, huh?   ???

    Well Mike, if you believe God made Moses “a god” to Aaron then why isn't Jesus “a god” to you?

    Or would you be like the JWs who give Moses a big “G” for God and give Jesus a little “g” for god in John 1:1 in the NWT? :)



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 09 2012,01:28)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,22:35)
    No, Moses was not the god of Aaron. Moses was his brother. Aaron was not his prophet, he was God's prophet.


    But Jehovah surely said he would make Moses a god to Aaron, and Aaron would be his prophet.

    Perhaps Jehovah just didn't know what He was talking about, huh?   ???

    Mike, God was speaking in a metaphorical sense unless you can show us where Moses gave Aaron his words to say instead of God and where Aaron is calling Moses 'God' and worshipping him.

    Jesus, on the other hand, is not a metaphorical God, but God by nature with His Father. I have shown you where Jesus is called 'God' and 'YHWH' and is worshipped. He is the real deal with His Father!


    I think it is because of a lack of belief and spiritual blindness resulting in delusion and false teaching.


    Pierre, What I understand is that God blinds the eyes so they cannot see and that proves you to be incorrect.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 09 2012,23:48)
    Pierre, What I understand is that God binds the eyes so they cannot see and that proves you to be incorrect.


    no, I am right ,you do not know God,you make God wicket and he his not ,in the wicketnes of men does not God saves ??? why is that ,you say it right in your post to Keith ,

    the only reason that men are blind and deff it is the result of their own doing ,and God does not intevine to help them ,this is true


    Your problem is with the word of God and His justice, not me.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 09 2012,14:13)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 08 2012,19:48)
    The one theos that is the mediator is a mediator between us and the one theos that is the Father.

    Now answer my question:
    Mike, is this mediator one of the two 'the theos' that was involved in creation, needed to be believed in for eternal salvation of all mankind, mentioned in our prayers, given praise, honor, glory and dominion for ever and ever? Yes or No

    Paul did not write “one Father”, Kathi.  He wrote “one GOD”, and one mediator between us and that “one GOD”.

    If Jesus is the mediator, than he cannot possibly be that “one God”, can he?

    As for your question:
    1.  Yes, Jesus is a god.  And just as Satan is called THE god of Ekron, Jesus is also sometimes called THE god of something or the other.

    2.  I don't know of any scripture that says Jesus was “involved in” creation.  I know that God, ALONE and BY HIMSELF, created all things THROUGH His holy servant Jesus Christ.

    3.  Yes, we need to believe not only in the God who can save us, but also in the name of the servant He sent to earth for that purpose.

    4.  I don't necessarily mention Jesus “IN” my prayers – except to always thank my God Jehovah for loving us so much that He was willing to sacrifice even His only begotten Son for us.

    I do, however, make my prayers to God THROUGH His holy servant Jesus Christ.  But that is a little different than what you are implying, isn't it?

    5.  Yes, the holy servant of God is given praise, honor, glory, and dominion.  And he will receive these things forever because, since he died and was raised back to life by his God and our God, he cannot die again.


    I don't know of any scripture that says Jesus was “involved in” creation.  I know that God, ALONE and BY HIMSELF, created all things THROUGH His holy servant Jesus Christ.


    Read,and define:

    Colosians 1:16 …………. all things were created by him and in him.

    John1:3  All things were made by him:…..

    Do you want more???

    Peace and love in Jesus



    Good post Charles!


    Jesus and I worship the same one God – the One in authority.


    There's only one in authority,and that is the only glorified visible true God, and Jesus christ.

    Matthew 28:18 And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying:

    All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.

    Peace and love in Jesus



    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 11 2012,03:02)
    Good post Charles!

    Good post Charles!

    ALLELUIA !!!

    Sis in Christ


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 10 2012,20:59)
    Your problem is with the word of God and His justice, not me.


    wrong again ,I am in truth with scriptures ,and it is your understanding that travels all over except in scriptures

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