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  • #106905


    I have to tell you that when I read your posts, I hear a little old british man voice (in my head) and it is all due to that icon of yours! It's hilarious. I love it!


    Hi Shania,
    Remember one thing that the book of Revelation is mostly of symbolic language we may not be able take every thing as it is. You have not ansewred my queries on Satan and devil;

    Who is this Satan or devil whether he is an angel or spirit being ? when was he ever created by God ? Is he having supernatural characteristics like God such as omnipresent, omniscient, powerful etc. if he is influencing so many people for so many thousands of years on this earth ?

    Please take care


    who is son of satan/perdition?whether satan also begets his son/antichrist at end times/
    please explain.



    To All….it can not be explained because there is no SATAN (BEING), there is only Good and Evil, and all evil is an adversary of good.The Pharisee were considered by Jesus as devils , look at the word DEVIL , D-EVIL. Jesus said you being EVIL know how to give good gifts, how much more will , who is obviously good , give them of the spirit that ask. Any one can be a Satan (adversary) or D-evil as Peter and the Pharisees were when he resisted Jesus. Man does not need a Devil or Satan to cause him to do evil it's all ready in him. And to say people have devils or demons (beings) in them, when they have mental disorders is pure stupidity. IMO


    So speaks GB,
    But Jesus taught differently.
    Easy choice


    Quote (gollamudi @ Sep. 25 2008,22:32)
    Hi Shania,
    Remember one thing that the book of Revelation is mostly of symbolic language we may not be able take every thing as it is. You have not ansewred my queries on Satan and devil;

    Who is this Satan or devil whether he is an angel or spirit being ? when was he ever created by God ? Is he having supernatural characteristics like God such as omnipresent, omniscient, powerful etc. if he is influencing so many people for so many thousands of years on this earth ?

    Please take care

    This is what I believe….that this serpent described here

    Genesis 3:1
    [ The Fall of Man ] Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?”

    is the serpent also called satan who is described here..

    Revelation 12:9
    The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him

    the angels or demons who were hurled with him are the ones also responsible for this event….

    Genesis 6:4
    The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

    and this one

    Mark 5:12-13
    12The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” 13He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.

    and my favorite example showing that demons are real….

    Acts 19:14-16
    14Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. 15(One day) the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” 16Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 26 2008,04:11)
    To All….it can not be explained because there is no SATAN (BEING), there is only Good and Evil, and all evil is an adversary of good.The Pharisee were considered by Jesus as devils , look at the word DEVIL , D-EVIL. Jesus said you being EVIL know how to give good gifts, how much more will , who is obviously good , give them of the spirit that ask. Any one can be a Satan (adversary) or D-evil as Peter and the Pharisees were  when he resisted Jesus. Man does not need a Devil or Satan to cause him to do evil it's all ready in him. And to say people have devils or demons (beings) in them, when they have mental disorders is pure stupidity. IMO

    Not all evil…only the evil that originates from sin


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 26 2008,04:11)
    To All….it can not be explained because there is no SATAN (BEING), there is only Good and Evil, and all evil is an adversary of good.The Pharisee were considered by Jesus as devils , look at the word DEVIL , D-EVIL. Jesus said you being EVIL know how to give good gifts, how much more will , who is obviously good , give them of the spirit that ask. Any one can be a Satan (adversary) or D-evil as Peter and the Pharisees were  when he resisted Jesus. Man does not need a Devil or Satan to cause him to do evil it's all ready in him. And to say people have devils or demons (beings) in them, when they have mental disorders is pure stupidity. IMO

    true..but there is only ONE being described as “the devil''


    DK…..anyone who is adversarial to the truth is considered a Satan or adversary, the word devil is Just another way of saying adversary, or Satan, The Pharisees were adversarials of Jesus also, the were all Satan's. Jesus even said “Have i not chosen all of you and one of you (IS) a DEVIL”. According to your and Nicks theory that cant be, because to you devils and demons are some beings going around jumping in and out of people. DK GO back and read what Jodi Posted she explained it every well. And if you get time go to the Newton project on the web and read what He had to say also.

    love and peace to you and yours………………gene


    Quote (gollamudi @ Sep. 26 2008,14:32)
    Hi Shania,
    Remember one thing that the book of Revelation is mostly of symbolic language we may not be able take every thing as it is. You have not ansewred my queries on Satan and devil;

    Who is this Satan or devil whether he is an angel or spirit being ? when was he ever created by God ? Is he having supernatural characteristics like God such as omnipresent, omniscient, powerful etc. if he is influencing so many people for so many thousands of years on this earth ?

    Please take care

    Hi Adam!

    (I don't have a lot of time right now, but I want you to know that I am not ignoring you.)

    On who satan is, I fully agree with DK's post. I believe that he is a fallen angel, and created at the same time that all the angels were created. I do not believe that he has supernatural characteristics like God- quite the contrary!!! He cannot do anything unless given permission. I do not believe that he even has control over the weather and stuff. He is, however a spirit being and has those capabilities, but as far as authority- that is YHWH's.

    He can only influence those who give him an open door. The scriptures talk about putting our flesh to death because our flesh is the only thing that satan understands and can influence. Darkness cannot understand light, therefore if we have the Spirit in us and work in the Spirit, and stop reasoning with our flesh [which is what Eve did in the garden], satan has nothing to grab onto.

    He is referred to as “the prince of this world” not because he has any special powers but because the world is bowing down to him. Why? Because he appeals to the flesh. All sin is selfishness and if our desire is to please our flesh rather than our Master, we will end up in sin.


    Hi Shania,
    Sis I appreciate your reply on my queries. Really those words comfort me that Satan can only have control over our flesh not on our Spirits that too unless he has been given the authority by God Himself. Now I am slowly getting this puzzle of Satan and the devil. When Adam disobeyed God and obeyed Satan he came under the control of Satan so he became the prince of this world that's why he even enticed Jesus to bowdown to him for claiming this world.

    But I wonder why this Satan in this world ? Does God has an adversary ? If God created him why he is against Him ?

    Thanks and love to you


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 26 2008,16:38)
    DK…..anyone who is adversarial to the truth is considered a Satan or adversary, the word devil is Just another way of saying adversary, or Satan, The Pharisees were adversarials  of Jesus also, the were all Satan's. Jesus even said “Have i not chosen all of you and one of you (IS) a DEVIL”. According to your and Nicks theory that cant be, because to you devils and demons are some beings going around jumping in and out of people. DK GO back and read what Jodi Posted she explained it every well. And if you get time go to the Newton project on the web and read what He had to say also.

    love and peace to you and yours………………gene

    Gene..again…I agree with you…but there is ONE who is “the devil”…

    The fact the the definite article “the” is used shows something very important…

    Figure out what it shows and you will see the truth..


    DK…. your making the word devil a person, the word devil is (NOT) a person , it is (the) evil in the person , The evil in the person makes him a devil, not some separate being. Please reread what Jodi wrote and think about it brother.

    love to you and yours……………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 27 2008,04:27)
    DK…. your making the word devil a person, the word devil is (NOT) a person , it is (the) evil in the person , The evil in the person makes him a devil, not some separate being. Please reread what Jodi wrote and think about it brother.

    love to you and yours……………gene miss the point brother gene…by the way i have read Jodi's post…and i pose the same comment to her..

    find the difference between “a devil” and “the devil” and you will see the truth


    Quote (gollamudi @ Sep. 27 2008,10:01)
    But I wonder why this Satan in this world ? Does God has an adversary ? If God created him why he is against Him ?

    God created people, and many people are against God. This is because people have a desire to be their own god; their own authority. They detest the idea of an authority who is over them; much less a righteous authority that requires them to change. Think about it- that is what Satan tempted Eve with:

    Gen 3:4-6

    4 “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

    6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.

    Prior to this event, Adam and Eve just took God at his word and obeyed Him because He knew good from evil and they did not. They only did what He told them to do. [Hmm… I remember a “second adam” who said something like that…]

    When Eve was given the choice to have the knowledge to make her own decisions, rather than looking to God, she took the fruit. She wanted to discern between good and evil. She wanted to be “like god.” Really, this is the desire to be your own god because if you wanted to be “like god”, you would ask Him to teach you His ways.

    Anyway, this is the heart of satan. He didn't want God's way; he wanted his way.

    This boils down to “free will”, which I know we disagree on. Satan had a choice to make. Either do everything God's way, or rebel. He rebelled and now he is trying to have a kingdom, where everything is his way. He hates God and he hates mankind [for they are able to “rule” with God]

    He has followers who have been decieved by him, but only through the selfishness in their own hearts. He appeals to flesh [selfishness] because that is all that he is and that is all that he can understand and know how to manipulate. That is why the world bows down to him {thinking that they are their own god and that they are free; really they are serving the god of this world and are bound as slaves to sin}

    Flesh is selfishness. Satan is selfishness. That is why if we die to our flesh, we will overcome.

    Rev 12:11
    For the accuser of our brothers,
    who accuses them before our God day and night,
    has been hurled down.
    11 They overcame him
    by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony;
    they did not love their lives so much
    as to shrink from death.


    Amen and thanks to that wonderful post my loving Sis Shania. Those are wonderful words on Satan and understanding our adversary the devil.

    May God bless you


    Quote (Shania @ Sep. 27 2008,16:18)

    Quote (gollamudi @ Sep. 27 2008,10:01)
    But I wonder why this Satan in this world ? Does God has an adversary ? If God created him why he is against Him ?

    God created people, and many people are against God.  This is because people have a desire to be their own god; their own authority.  They detest the idea of an authority who is over them; much less a righteous authority that requires them to change.  Think about it- that is what Satan tempted Eve with:

    Gen 3:4-6

    4 “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

    6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.

    Prior to this event, Adam and Eve just took God at his word and obeyed Him because He knew good from evil and they did not.  They only did what He told them to do. [Hmm… I remember a “second adam” who said something like that…]

    When Eve was given the choice to have the knowledge to make her own decisions, rather than looking to God, she took the fruit.  She wanted to discern between good and evil.  She wanted to be “like god.”  Really, this is the desire to be your own god because if you wanted to be “like god”, you would ask Him to teach you His ways.

    Anyway, this is the heart of satan.  He didn't want God's way; he wanted his way.  

    This boils down to “free will”, which I know we disagree on.  Satan had a choice to make.  Either do everything God's way, or rebel.  He rebelled and now he is trying to have a kingdom, where everything is his way.  He hates God and he hates mankind [for they are able to “rule” with God]

    He has followers who have been decieved by him, but only through the selfishness in their own hearts.  He appeals to flesh [selfishness] because that is all that he is and that is all that he can understand and know how to manipulate.  That is why the world bows down to him {thinking that they are their own god and that they are free; really they are serving the god of this world and are bound as slaves to sin}

    Flesh is selfishness.  Satan is selfishness.  That is why if we die to our flesh, we will overcome.

    Rev 12:11
    For the accuser of our brothers,
    who accuses them before our God day and night,
    has been hurled down.
    11 They overcame him
    by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony;
    they did not love their lives so much
    as to shrink from death.

    Hi Shania:

    Thanks for this post. I especially like the following statement that you have made here:

    Prior to this event, Adam and Eve just took God at his word and obeyed Him because He knew good from evil and they did not. They only did what He told them to do. [Hmm… I remember a “second adam” who said something like that…]

    God Bless


    Quote (Shania @ Sep. 25 2008,15:29)

    I have to tell you that when I read your posts, I hear a little old british man voice (in my head) and it is all due to that icon of yours!  It's hilarious.  I love it!

    Thank you Shania…..Iam glad that you enjoy my presentation…Having said that,I must be honest with you Iam a man who was born in Brooklyn NY and lives on Long Island..The pipe smoking polished gentlemen is representative of my writing style…..There are several interesting avatars being used here….


    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 28 2008,21:32)
    Hi Shania:

    Thanks for this post.  I especially like the following statement that you have made here:

    Prior to this event, Adam and Eve just took God at his word and obeyed Him because He knew good from evil and they did not.  They only did what He told them to do. [Hmm… I remember a “second adam” who said something like that…]

    God Bless

    I was just in prayer and something hit me-

    I was praying to have the heart of the son, (always submitted to the Father- would only do what his Father told him to), and repenting for doing things my way and deciding how to serve Him on my own terms based on what I thought was “good”— then I repented of eating of this fruit- going to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so that I could be in control and make my own way to serve Him- on my own terms, of course….

    We are to feed of the vine- not go to the tree. He is our life source. He said that if we do not feed off of Him, then we have no life in us. He also said that His food was to do the will of the Father and accomplish His work.

    The first adam's food was to gain knowledge to make his own decisions… the second adam's food was to do the will of His Father and that alone.

    He is called the “second adam.” He is also called the “beginning.” The “word that was with God in the beginning.” Could this be because he is what the whole of creation was intended for? He is the “second” but really the first because he was what YHWH intended when He created man. He is the pattern son and we are to be exactly like Him.

    What are we feeding on? Is there life in us?


    good stuff shania.

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