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- August 31, 2008 at 6:56 pm#103531
ParticipantQuote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 01 2008,05:30) Nick….your constant discrediting remarks only show you lack of intelligence , if you have some thing to offer as proof of what I have or Newton or Jodi say please present it or else keep your false accusations to yourself, I think we would all appreciate it. Your only showing your ignorance by you doing that. IMO peace………gene
Hi GB,
Were the teachings of Jesus given him by God?
Were the teachings of Jesus Christ influenced by superstition?
Were the teachings of Jesus Christ not accurately reported by the apostles?Or are the teachings of Jesus Christ the truth?
Is Newton's teachings given the same guarantees as those of Jesus?
Was the life of Newton full of power and miracles confirming his elevated status in Gods eyes?
Or is Newton just an ordinary intellectual with ideas?
September 1, 2008 at 1:11 am#103584GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNick……..in you ignorance you do not realize Newton did not disagree with Jesus nor do I or Jodi, it you ignorance of what Jesus meant that the problem not Jesus' or our words. You trying to make a case as we being against Christ is Just wrong , it's just your perceptions of what Jesus said were disagreeing with. You are looking at every thing through carnal eyes and thats why i believe you can see what we are talking about. Seeing spirits as literal beings instead of intellect is the problem Nick, There are (NO) literal beings jumping into people and taking them over, the only thing taking them over is what they are thinking about and it is either clean or unclean thoughts. And the only thing that can wash a person clean is the Word of GOD, which is Spiritual intellect. Just as scripture says.
peace to those who understand………………..gene
September 1, 2008 at 1:18 am#103585NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
We are already aware of your beliefs but to clarify whether you things can you answer at leastWere the teachings of Jesus given him by God?
Were the teachings of Jesus Christ influenced by superstition?
Were the teachings of Jesus Christ not accurately reported by the apostles?September 1, 2008 at 1:39 am#103588GeneBalthrop
ParticipantTo All……..man is an adversary to GOD, He is a Satan, “for the CARNAL MIND is enmity of God is (NOT) subject to the laws of God neither indeed can be.” An ENMITY is an adversary to GOD. Just like Peter was when Jesus said get behind me SATAN for you do not savor the things of GOD, it was Peter Carnal Nature that was at work that caused Jesus to Call Him SATAN> Not some being jumping in and out of Him. Peter had a problem with his Carnal Nature that why Jesus told Him Satan desired to Sift him as wheat, that was not some other being it was His own Nature that was doing that. But Jesus prayed that His faith would not fail, he was not talking about the faith of some demon but Peters own Faith is what He was praying would not fail. Our own carnal natures can sift us like wheat and totally ruin us, not some other being jumping in and out of us at his own will. IMO
Don't let false teachers try to tell you it's some other creature that causing you to sin, its not it when we are lead away by our (OWN) Lust that cause Us to sin, and God holds Us accountable for it not some other beings. ” For (ALL) thats in the world , the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eyes, the pride of Life are (FROM THE WORLD)”, not some other being jumping in and out of you. If we sow to the Spirit (GODS WORDS) we shall reap life , if we sow to the (Carnal Flesh) we Will reap death. If you have the mind of Christ you Will sow to the Spirit (GODS WORDS) and you will be cleansed by those WORDS. That what it means when it say let this mind be in you which was (also) in Christ Jesus our Lord, and that mind was the WORD OF GOD. Which (IS) GOD”S SPIRIT. Just as Jesus said “the words i Speak unto you (THEY ARE SPIRIT) and life, what are? THE WORDS.
peace to all…………….gene
September 1, 2008 at 1:42 am#103590NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
You must have missed the questions or is it to difficult to support your master?September 1, 2008 at 2:18 am#103592GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNick……Again you condescending accusations show who your master is, right, However i will repeat again it not Jesus' words that the problem it your understanding of them that is. I totally believe in what Jesus said, and what He said does (NOT contradict me or Newton or Jodi far as i am concerned. Your lack of Knowledge of what Jesus truly meant is you problem not ours, Please address the posts if you can and stop condescending on me or anyone else because of your lack of understanding. If you want to believe demons and devils jumping in and out of people thats your privilege Have at it. Post your rebuttal quite side tracking the issue with personal insults. You and WJ do that more then anyone on this site, what your point in doing it, does it make you feel superior to others of what?.
If you have something to say about the subject at issue then say it, which can be done without degrading a persons intellect. It' quite interesting to me that if someone does that to you they get a message in their box, but you on the other hand seem free to belittle people and there intelligence freely an nothing is done about it, interesting. Lets stay with the subject and not get personal. IMO
September 1, 2008 at 2:24 am#103594NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
So you believe what Jesus says ahead of Isaac Newton?Mt4
7Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
8Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
September 1, 2008 at 2:26 am#103596NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
You say
“Nick……Again you condescending accusations show who your master is, right,”Who is this you speak of?
September 1, 2008 at 3:07 am#103605GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 01 2008,14:24) Hi GB,
So you believe what Jesus says ahead of Isaac Newton?Mt4
7Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
8Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Nick…….Who is the devil mentioned here. is he a creature with a body or a Being or what? Or is it a spirit (intellect) of some kind. Or is it Jesus' own carnal nature, or What? and exactly where is this exceedingly hight (MOUNTAIN) where you can be shown (ALL) the Kingdoms of the whole world.?If you can not answer these simple questions then where is you proof then. IMO
September 1, 2008 at 3:13 am#103607NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
You may not understand his words
but that is no excuse to reject them in favour of anothersSeptember 1, 2008 at 3:32 am#103611GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNick………You may not understand them also and maybe Newton and I and Jodi do, did you ever think about that. Again you are falling to answer my previous post, lets got away from putting down Newton and others and get back to the subject at hand please. Where is there a(MOUNTAIN) high enough to see all the Kingdoms of the whole world, and what kind of body does a demon have or in what way does it exist , if you can't answer these questions the ypou stand is weak at best. Lets stay on subject here OK.
September 1, 2008 at 3:40 am#103614NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
What did Jesus teach about them?September 1, 2008 at 4:46 am#103624GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNick….interesting i ask you a simple question and you come back with another question, You are saying that Jesus said that they exist then please tell us how, are they beings that have bodies , are they invisible creatures going around jumping in and out of people, what are they then if you know what Jesus meant about them then . Tell us what Mountain This Being took Jesus up to to show him all the worlds Kingdoms and say He was going to give them to him if he had the power to.
My bible say it's God who rules in the Kingdoms of Men and set up who ever He pleases, and that the rulers are GOD'S servants against evil. and we are to obey them. He gives good rullers for the blessing of a nation and bad for the correction of a nation. You have answered non of my question you just keep asking your own even when i answer yours you still go back to asking and never answering mine. Explain who and what the devils are if you Know and how do they exist, I explained what i thought and you disagree then show me where i am wrong then. Jodi explained Her view also and i agree with her too.Newton explained His view and i agree with him also, now if you understand how they exist then please tell us how and what they are then.
September 1, 2008 at 5:24 am#103630NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
What did Jesus say?
Surely we start from there?September 1, 2008 at 5:44 am#103633david
ParticipantQuote You keep thinking spirits are beings of some kind when in fact they are intellects expressed through words. –GB
“God is a spirit.”–John 4:24; 2 cor 3:17,18
Now, is God a “being” or is he an intellect expressed through words?
The Scriptures unmistakably testify to his personality; he also has location so that Christ could speak of ‘going to his Father,’ this in order that he might “appear before the person of God [literally, “face of God”] for us.”—Joh 16:28; Heb 9:24; compare 1Ki 8:43; Ps 11:4; 113:5, 6
Quote Human are beings have a Spirit. the Spirit in them is not a being. There are bodies that contain spirit but the spirit in the body is no a being, it is and intellect.
I think I'm starting to see why there's confusion.You believe that the “spirit” that animates human beings is the same as the spirit beings (angels, God, Satan, etc)
This is wrong. Both pneuma and Ruah are used in a variety of ways:wind, breath, spirit, spirit persons, etc. (the one similarity is that none of these things can be seen, but they all can gives evidence of force in motion. Such invisible force is capable of producing visible effects.)God Is a Person
Jesus spoke about Jehovah’s dwelling place when he said to his disciples: “In the house of my father there are many abodes. . . . I am going my way to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2) Where did Jesus go? Eventually, he “entered . . . into heaven itself, now to appear before the person of God for us.” (Hebrews 9:24) This account teaches us two important facts about Jehovah God. First, he has a literal place of dwelling, and second, he is a person, not simply an indefinable force that resides everywhere.
That is why Jesus taught his followers to pray this way: “Our Father in the heavens,” directing their prayers to a person, Jehovah, who is in a place, namely, the spiritual heavens. (Matthew 6:9; 12:50) This teaching was consistent with the way God’s people had been taught to pray for more than 1,500 years. The oldest writings inspired by God contain the following prayer: “Do look down from your holy dwelling, the heavens, and bless your people.”—Deuteronomy 26:15.
Gene. I'm not sure what you're teaching. Maybe Buddhism or toaism, or something like that, but none of this has anything to do with the Bible. If you could list the scriptures that you feel support your claims, that would be good.
September 1, 2008 at 6:43 am#103637GeneBalthrop
ParticipantDavid….what do you do with where Jesus said the Father was (IN) him. Seeing you believe He as a person has a abode somewhere. And what about When Jesus said GOD is A SPIRIT and He also the WORDS I am Telling YOU (ARE) SPIRIT. And I assure you what i am saying is coming from the bible. And why does it say NO ONE has seen GOD'S form at any time, could it be because He doesn't have a form we can see. SO your saying when Jesus said the FATHER was in HIM he really did not mean it then right? Because thats not possible because he is a physical being some where right, that seems to be you theology.
So you don't believe that God is OMNIPRESENT then right, because He is a person and lives somewhere in a certain place right, then tell us where that is please. For God does (NOT) dwell in buildings made with Hands, But He conceder's us temples where He dwells,” no you not that you are the temple of God” Should we take this out of our bibles then David, is He in you David or Not, Why accuse me of Buddhism or taoism, it seem that is the “Religious” people on this site thats doing all the accusing all the time. Lets just stick to the subject if you can without the criticisms please.
Sorry David for being so strong but please lets all quite accusing each other of things and stick to the subjects………….gene
September 1, 2008 at 6:54 am#103638GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 01 2008,17:24) Hi GB,
What did Jesus say?
Surely we start from there?
Nick….Please enlighten me as to what Jesus said i thought i quoted what he said and as you to explain it seeing you disagree with me and some others on the subject then gives us you answer to it then, and quit play evasion games produce you proof if your so sure what Jesus meant then, I have told you what i believe was meant by what happened now give us your explanation. Where is the mountain the “DEVIL” being or person, took Him to then, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, enlighten us. Fact is you cant because you don't know do you, So why discount that it could have all be a Spiritual trial and test Jesus was going through as a human being then and He had to resist and overcome and did it with the words of GOD. Unless you can produce proof of something different then i can't see no reason to change my views. Thanks.September 1, 2008 at 7:33 am#103641Tiffany
ParticipantGen Let me ask you do you know the difference between a body and a Spirit Being? Jesus told Nicodemus that the Spirit is like the wind. You can see the effect, can you see your mind, or your Spirit? No, but we are real. The mind without the body however is dead, it cannot exist without a body. Since God is a Spirit being, IMO it has to have some kind of body also. But we can not see it, only He that came from the Father can see Him, that is Jesus Christ. So Jesus must also have the same kind of body then the Father has. Am I making any kind of sense to you? Some times I have problems expressing myself. Isn't it called the Glorified Body. So when we die and God resurrects us, we too will get a glorified body, so we too can see, and God will be all in all. No more pain, no more sorrow etc.
Happy days are coming soon, and this person is glad it is almost here.
Peace and Love IreneSeptember 1, 2008 at 3:02 pm#103656GeneBalthrop
ParticipantIrene…>the body is animated by the spirit in the mind , the question here is does the spirit have a body of it's own or is it something that must enter a body in order to have any effect at all. The analogy of the spirit and the wind is a good one because while we can not see the wind we certainly see the effect it produces. If we compare our Spiritual intellect (which we can't see) to it we understand thats what drives us is the Spirit (intellect) in us, it is the force gendering our actions. Jam 2:26 says for as the body without the spirit is dead, so is faith with out works. Paul says it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body, There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. These two bodies here seem not to be the same kind. After Jesus was resurrected and appeared to the disciples they thought they saw a spirit of some kind, but Jesus said a spirit does not have flesh and bone as he had. And they saw a physical body go up in the clouds and the angle standing by said this same Jesus will return in like manor and when He comes he will definitely have a body of some kind right, that can be seen by everyone on earth. Anyway my question would be is that body a spirit or is the spirit in that body and is what is animating it. Maybe we wont know till we are there.
Love and peace to you and yours…………..gene
September 1, 2008 at 6:15 pm#103672NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
If you read and believed scripture you would not have to make up these concepts. - AuthorPosts
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