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  • #118955

    No, Gene, I am frustrated beyond comprehension with you–for one reason. In the “kingdom” thread, you don't acknowledge the many scriptures that clearly and without question show the kingdom to be a government.
    And you refuse to look at the context of the only scripture you use to support your mystical ideas.
    And you use what is plainly false logic to build a support system around that idea.

    It is this dance of words (and complete AVOIDENCE of scripture) that I find so nauseating and frustrating. (I'm sorry I brought that frustration along with me to this thread.)


    Who was the wicked one that cain is said to have originated with? Himself? No. Then who?

    Notice the contrast between God and the wicked one. (Who is the wicked one in that scripture)?

    1 JOHN 3:10-12
    “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother. For this is the message which YOU have heard from [the] beginning, that we should have love for one another; not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother. And for the sake of what did he slaughter him? Because his own works were wicked, but those of his brother [were] righteous.”


    David … HIS OWN WORKS were WICKED, in your mind means a Spook named SATAN? Interesting rationality!



    David … HIS OWN WORKS were WICKED, in your mind means a Spook named SATAN? Interesting rationality!

    No Gene. That was not my rational in believing that he originated from the wicked one. My rational was it actually saying:
    “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact . . . . not like Cain, WHO ORIGINATED WITH THE WICKED ONE and slaughtered his brother.

    The scripture seems to begin by indicating two Fathers–God and the Devil (or Slanderer). It seems that some people can be called the children of God, or the children of the slanderer, depending on how they act.
    THEN, we are told that Cain “ORIGINATED WITH THE WICKED ONE.” (That makes me think this wicked one, is also the slanderer (devil) that was being discussed.)

    Hence, there was someone (a wicked slanderer) who existed before Cain.

    Now, we know that the snake (who revelation 12:9 associates with “satan the devil”) did slander and lie about God and about them not dying. Snakes don't usually talk by themselves, so I realize that for your beliefs to work, you have to make this out to be figurative or a fairy tale or something.

    But, back to what you said:

    David … HIS OWN WORKS were WICKED, in your mind means a Spook named SATAN? Interesting rationality!

    That WAS NOT MY RATIONAL AT ALL. If you read the whole verse, you'd see that he “originated” with the wicked one.

    As stated at least 5 times, the above is my rational. Not the part of the verse that you quoted and I never mentioned.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 24 2009,14:00)
    Irene……..Jesus also told Peter to get behind me Satan right, was Peter Satan? Satan or devil are adjectives words that come from the same word (ADVERSARY) Anything that is against the will of God is an adversary or Satan to him, and if you will investigate you will find the word devil or diabol came from the same word. These words are descriptors or adjective, they describe an attribute in a person and we all have them. WE all at time cane be called Satan's or Devils when our behaviors are contrary to God Will. Irene the teachings of devil and satan being all came from the Apostate Church, go back and reread what Jodi posted and I also and think about what we wrote. You and Georg are smart enough to understand this.

    Love and peace to you and Georg and yours………………………..gene

    Do you believe Lk8
    27And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs.

    28When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me not.

    29(For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For oftentimes it had caught him: and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.)

    30And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.

    31And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep.

    32And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.

    33Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.

    So did uncleanspirits/devils in the man speak with Jesus?

    Did Jesus address the man in the discussion with them?

    If so why do you think Peter was different?


    Nick……….you still lack the understand of what SPIRIT is. and that is causing your lack of understanding scripture regarding this subject. If you understood Intellect or thoughts are Spirit then you could get it. When en evil spirit (intellect ) comes out of a man it can easily express it self through the mouth of who its in until it is removed. Then it can no longer effect that person unless it were to reenter him. You are the product of your thinking and if the thinking is mostly evil you will be mostly evil, if that thinking is Good you will be mostly good. Why do you think Paul said to think on these things whatsoever is good and of a good report , lovely, etc., its because these good and evil spirits(intellects) effect you mind, There is only two ways good or Evil and these are what animates you to will and do. Where did God say there were three things that control a person (good, evil, and a devil being) that can control the mind of a person. This is what you and the other pagan teachers want us to believe that there is this unseen (BEING) that some who controls people, pure hogwash. There is only good or evil that controls us and nothings else. We all have these things in us all . The struggle is to overcome the Evil and become good. If you resist the evil and hold on to the good the evil will flee from you. Sow unto the good Spirit and you will become like it Sow unto the Evil and you will become like it . The Flesh seeks the evil because of the lusts in it, But the Spirit of God (which is Good) causes us to do whats good. A man is caused to sin when he is lead to it by the lust (inordinate desires) in his Mind to satisfy his flesh and not by some unseen spook or Satan or Devil being. This whole teaching of DEVILS and SATAN BEINGS is false pagan teachings and is nothing more then pure IDOLATRY> IMO

    love and peace to you and yours……………………gene


    David……..Ask yourself why you didn't mention it , its there isn't it. Fact is it destroys what you trying to twist it to say. As i said you can makes scripture say almost anything you want but leaving out or changing or adding words.

    peace and love………………………..gene


    So GB,
    You are saying you do not believe what is written but have to put it though your doctinal filter before it is palatable to you? You should believe scripture more than your dogmas.


    Nick…….I believe exactly what is written , I just don't believe your understanding of what is written. When i put it through my doctrinal filter it makes sense , but when i run it through your and other false teachers doctrinal filters it makes no sense at all. I would rather believe what is real then false boogie man devils and satan pagan teachings. You can believe any false pagan teaching you want Nick, that up to you, i chose not to.

    love and peace……………………………………gene


    We do not share nor want to share your doctrinal filter.
    Your words are not Spirit and life


    Nick………No God's word is Spirit and life , your problem is you don't understand them. Remember you have (NO) doctrinal filter, so why should anyone listen to you. Just a parrot, parroting things he doesn't understand. IMO

    peace and love to you …………………………gene


    Hearing truth from the Word is the plan of God not needing men with filters to teach.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 26 2009,07:28)
    Nick………No God's word is Spirit and life , your problem is you don't understand them. Remember you have (NO) doctrinal filter, so why should anyone listen to you. Just a parrot, parroting things he doesn't understand. IMO

    peace and love to you …………………………gene

    Gen You are not being very nice here, are you calling yourself a Christian? Come on that is not very except able in my eyes. IMO I wonder who doesn't understand? We all fall short of the glory of God, just remember that.
    Peace and Love Irene


    I wonder if your filter has caused you to lose sight of Satan.


    Nick……….no it doesn't cause me to lose site of who Satan is , i know who are Satan's and devils. Its like Jesus said all who are adversarial and don't savior the things of God and speak out against Him are SATAN'S even you or I at times can be a SATAN. And if your so-called Satan (being) exists please show us this (Being) then, I for one have never seen a being named Satan other then human beings, as Jesus said Peter was. I have only seen good and evil operating in this world in people, not some pagan idol being called Satan.



    Did you think Satan was always visible?


    Nick…….no i thought sense you believe he is a being going around jumping in and out of people you might have seen him or at least can describe him, being you don't believe Jesus meant Peter was Him maybe you could add some light to who He is then, and can we blame all our sins on he and tell God we are not responsible for then , Because the( DEVIL MADE US DO THEM) Right. Come on Nick when are you and others going to come out of that stupidity, we are responsible for sin because we are sinners and must over come them as Jesus did. By using GOD”S spirit to put our own WILLS to DEATH Like He did. The devils and Satan's are us not some unseen being or boogie man. IMO

    love and peace to you and yours……………………gene


    Where does scripture say Satan himself enters anyone?
    His servants do in his name.

    His dominion of darkness is a tightly controlled government and Jesus told us how to deal with it.
    First bind the strong man.


    Nick…….Ok his servants made us sin right, but it's really not our fault right. Because some mysterious kingdom of darkness causes us to sin and we really have no part of it right. Pure hogwash, God hold us responsible for what we do no some unseen spook going around controlling people. Jesus had no right to speak to Peter that way right, or maybe he wasn't even talking to Peter but some unseen And demon or devil right. Tell why accuse the Pharisees of anything when it really wasn't there fault, and why should the one at Pentecost say they Killed the son of God when someone else caused it not them. Pure hog wash. Pure pagan teachings from false religions.



    Does God accept Satan as an excuse?
    No way.
    His role was clearly evident with poor Job when God removed His fence of protection but Job was the one who had to change.

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