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- February 7, 2022 at 5:55 am#900001
You simply show that you don’t understand anything AND THAT YOU DON’T WANT TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING, AND THAT’S THE WORST….
MR GENE IS MASTER OF THE SABBATH, SHE IS VERY GOOD THAT ONE…February 7, 2022 at 7:11 am#900004mikeboll64
What do you mean by “the entire cosmos”? Does that include the sun and the stars? If so, then you are wrong according to scripture. If you mean a blob of water that God later separated into the waters below the heaven and the waters above it, then yes.
That is wrong according to scripture. The entire heaven, earth, sea, and everything in them was created in 6 days – not “billions and billions”.
Again, you are wrong according to scripture. Just as God gave man dominion over the plants and animals, He gave the watchers dominion over mankind. That is why, when Satan tempted Jesus with all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for an act of worship, Satan was able to say that these kingdoms were given to him, and he could give them to anyone he wanted. (Luke 4:6) God gave Satan this dominion before he rebelled and became an enemy of God. (Isaiah 14:3-27)
These spirit sons of God were charged with looking after man (just as man was charged with looking after the animals in Gen 1:28). The problem is that they led man into all kinds of vile and sinful things – instead of teaching them the right path and the good way to live like they were supposed to do. Some of them even mated with human women.
The Book of Enoch explains the things these sons of God did in detail, and tells us what God did about it. Psalm 82 is a shorter version of the events described by Enoch…
Psalm 82… 1The gods take their places in the assembly of God, and He renders judgment among the gods:
Here we have the gods (sons of God/angels) presenting themselves before the Most High God – like they do in Job 1:6 and 2:1.
Psalm 82… 2“How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? 3Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; uphold the rights of the afflicted and oppressed. 4Rescue the weak and needy; save them from the hand of the wicked.
Here Yahweh is condemning the gods to whom He had given dominion over the affairs of mankind for doing a lousy job of it. They basically did everything opposite to what Yahweh commanded them to do. Instead of helping the weak and needy against the wicked, they actually helped the wicked men to persecute and trample on the weak and needy. They have been doing the same thing to this very day – and we are witnessing some drastic effects of it right now. The people who really run this world have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for riches and power. And they still to this day sacrifice millions of children to Satan and the other gods Satan rules over in exchange for spiritual help with their wicked human endeavors.
Psalm 82… 5They do not know or understand; they wander in the darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
Here Yahweh is referring to both the wicked humans who serve Satan (saying these wicked men don’t truly understand what they’ve given up for a moment of riches and power) and to those who are oppressed and wander in darkness because of what Satan (and the men who serve him) have done to this world and their lives.
Psalm 82… 6I have said, ‘You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.’ 7But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.”
Here is the judgment Yahweh has passed upon Satan and the gods who follow him. It is the same judgment reported by Enoch: Although I’ve created you as immortal and not subject to death, you will most assuredly die like human beings die for the mess you’ve made of My world, and the way you’ve oppressed My human children. This will happen on that great and terrible day of Yahweh’s judgment. Satan and the gods who follow him know the verdict and know what’s coming for them. This is why Satan, after being cast out of heaven completely, is filled with great rage against those who still follow Yahweh. (Rev 12:12) This is also why the demons were so afraid of Jesus and asked him if he had come to torture them before the appointed time. (Matt 8:29) They all know their time is short – and they are going to take as many of God’s human children down with them as they can. Kind of like a neighbor who thinks you wronged him might poison the dogs you love to get back at you.
Psalm 82… 8Arise, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are Your inheritance.
This is the psalmist reminding us through the Holy Spirit that, although Yahweh had given Satan dominion over the affairs of man (and subsequently chose Abram to build a nation to Himself among all the other nations who worshiped Satan and the gods who follow him), ALL of the nations of man truly belong to the One who created them – and that One will some day judge the wicked and reward the righteous who were afflicted by them.
February 7, 2022 at 7:41 am#900005mikeboll64
BlockedEvery two weeks or so I submit a post to see this…
And every time I do the security check and click the “Keep Me Signed In” box. But two weeks later, your site logs me off again. You suggest it’s something to do with my cache, or that I’ve set something to log me off every so often. I have never done anything to limit my cache or tell a site to log me off. I can click on any of the other sites on the tab above and have never been logged off automatically. For example, I’ve been clicking on the YouTube tab for 10 years without ever once having to log back into my account. In fact, I can’t remember ever having to log back into any app or website after I logged in the first time – except for yours and my bank (which requires a log in every time).
And then, once I do log back into HN, I see this…
I understand that this doesn’t mean it was your site that had the breach, but since your site is the only one I ever have to keep relogging back into, it’s the only one where I ever see this message.
At any rate, I’m very thankful that this time I was able to arrow back a couple of times and find my post to Carmel above. It was a long one that took a lot of time, and I would have been furious if I had to start all over again with it.
The problem is that your site will let me type the post as if there is nothing wrong – and only let me know that I’ve been automatically logged off AFTER I submit the post. I mean, it’s bad enough to keep being logged off, but why can’t it TELL me I’m not logged in while I’m making the post – instead of waiting until I hit the Submit tab?
It’s frustrating. If there’s nothing you can do about it, then fine. But I thought you should at least know what’s happening, because it ONLY happens on HeavenNet.
February 7, 2022 at 8:13 am#900007mikeboll64
BlockedGene: Mike…..you saying, it doesn’t mean we also are lord of the Sabbath, only shows me your inability to put simple scriptures together . Jesus had just said man was not created for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath was created for him, which plainly shows that the Sabbath is gifted to us, freely from God…
Gene, I agree and completely understand that God made the sabbath for the benefit of man – and not man for the benefit of the sabbath. But let’s take your reasoning a little farther and see if it holds up…
God also made fig trees for the benefit of man – and not man for the benefit of fig trees, right? Does that make you Lord of the fig trees, Gene? Because Jesus was, right? He told a fig tree to never again produce fruit, and that tree withered away within days.
God made the seas for the benefit of man – and not man for the benefit of the seas, right? Does that make you Lord of the seas, Gene? Because Jesus was. He commanded a sea to be still, and the sea obeyed him.
God made woman for the benefit of man – not man for the benefit of women, right? Does that make you Lord of all women, Gene? Because Jesus is.
Are you seeing where I’m going with this? Now I understand that God gave us dominion over the plants and animals – and I understand that Jesus said that with faith, we could do the things he did and even greater things. But I’ll make you a deal: When you personally are obeyed by a woman, a fig tree or an ocean, I will concede that you are also the Lord of those things. Until that time, Jesus is the Lord of those things, and you are not.
Okay, I’m done talking about this diversion of yours. I made some very serious scriptural posts yesterday pitting the Bible against Scientism. Don’t talk to me again until you are ready to address THOSE POINTS that I directed to you and Proclaimer, okay?
Here are the questions from yesterday in a nutshell…
1. Peter said that the earth was formed FROM water (not that it just happened to be covered with water at some unspecified time). Does an earth formed FROM water align with Scientism? If not, which account is the truth?
2. Genesis 2:1-3 and Exodus 20:9-11 both say that God created the heaven, the earth, and all that is in them in 6 days. That 6 days does not EXCLUDE the heaven and the earth – as you and Proclaimer were trying to argue – but clearly INCLUDES both the heaven and the earth. Does a heaven and an earth and all that is in them being created in 6 days align with Scientism? If not, which account is the truth?
3. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that the 6 days were 6 LITERAL 24-HOUR DAYS – and not 6 unspecified time periods. And based on the genealogies in the Bible, this makes both the heaven and the earth about 6000 years old. Does Scientism agree with a 6 literal day creation period, and that the earth is 6000 years old? If not, which account is the truth?
4. The Bible says that the sun was created on day 4 – 3 days after the earth was created, and a day after vegetation was created. Does Scientism agree that the sun came into existence after the earth, and even after vegetation on the earth? If not, which account is the truth?
These are the things I want you, Proclaimer, Carmel, and everyone else on this thread to talk to me about right now. Please address these points, Gene.
February 7, 2022 at 1:13 pm#900011Admin
KeymasterHi Mike.
I never noticed this issue myself, probably because I switch between Admin and my normal user on a regular basis. I have added in some code that will keep the login active for one year. The downside to this is a user could hijack your account for that time period and not have to re-login. Of course, you could register as a new user and send a message in that case.
The change might not kick in this time as your browser will probably have the old cookie. But next time it should keep you logged in for a year. Let me know if this doesn’t work and thanks for pointing this out.
February 7, 2022 at 9:21 pm#900013carmel
ParticipantHi, Admin,
It does also to me every month and I have to login as it was not the first time that I posted without being logged and I simply lose my post.
February 7, 2022 at 10:37 pm#900014Admin
KeymasterThanks for letting me know. I hope it is resolved now.
February 7, 2022 at 11:41 pm#900015gadam123
ParticipantHi, Admin,
It does also to me every month and I have to login as it was not the first time that I posted without being logged and I simply lose my post.
It is better to check your login before posting your messages.
February 8, 2022 at 4:36 am#900017GeneBalthrop
ParticipantMike……Scripture says, Heb 2:8……God has put “ALL” THINGS, UNDER THE FOOT OF MAN”. by the way , “Jesus said he could do “NOTHING” OF HIMSELF, he also said we could even do more then he did, ” if we had the Faith”, yes even move mountains, and cast tree into the ocean, and Sarah, called Abraham lord. Need scriptures, I can give them to you .
The question is do you actually believe scriptures and what Jesus truly said? Mike, that’s the big question here. Not all these useless trivial things you are talking about, that actually mean nothing to anyone.
peace and love to you and yours Mike
February 8, 2022 at 12:17 pm#900021mikeboll64
BlockedGene: The question is do you actually believe scriptures and what Jesus truly said? Mike, that’s the big question here. Not all these useless trivial things you are talking about, that actually mean nothing to anyone.
Yes Gene, I believe the scriptures and what Jesus said. However, I find it ironic that you are telling me that the big question is whether or not we believe the scriptures, when that’s the very question I’m asking you about what you call “useless trivial things”! 🙂
Do you really consider the creation account in Genesis to be a “useless trivial thing”? If so, why? And what other parts of the scriptures do you think are useless and trivial? 🤔
Anyway, I’ve narrowed it down to one single question to find out if YOU actually believe the scriptures…
Gene, the Bible says that the sun was created on day 4 – 3 days after the earth was created, and a day after vegetation was created. Does Scientism agree that the sun came into existence after the earth, and even after vegetation on the earth? If not, which account is the truth?
Please answer that one simple question, Gene.
The above question is also for you. Thanks.
February 8, 2022 at 12:20 pm#900022mikeboll64
BlockedAdmin: Let me know if this doesn’t work and thanks for pointing this out.
February 8, 2022 at 12:35 pm#900023mikeboll64
BlockedAdam: It is better to check your login before posting your messages.
At the bottom of the page where you are posting, right below the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” checkbox is where you’ll see that you’ve been logged out. The problem is that the site would log some of us out WHILE we were making a post – and the fact that you were logged out WHILE you were making the post doesn’t show up…. UNTIL you hit “Submit” to find out it logged you out WHILE you were making a post.
I have never loaded the site to see that I need to log in right away. I’ve always been able to post multiple times (3, 4, 5 times, etc) in one visit, and THEN the next post (4th, 5th, 6th, etc) I’ll be logged out and lose everything I wrote.
I have noticed that if your post includes an image, you get an advance warning that you’ve been logged out during the course of writing that post – because the image won’t load and you get a message that the file is too large. So I’ve been saved from losing everything a couple of times thanks to including an image. (But even then, it doesn’t tell you that you’ve been logged out – it just won’t let you load the image.)
And it’s been like this for years, so I’ve gotten accustomed to saving the entire post before I hit the “Submit” button.
Anyway, hopefully the matter is now resolved (at least for a year). 🙂👍
February 8, 2022 at 12:42 pm#900024mikeboll64
BlockedCarmel: It does also to me every month and I have to login as it was not the first time that I posted without being logged and I simply lose my post.
Man, I can’t even imagine how loud you yelled when that happened, because your posts are like 2000 word novels! 😅
Sometimes I’d forget to copy before submitting, and I’d scream when I realized I’d just lost an hour of work. Other times, I’d remember to copy, but for whatever reason the “copy” didn’t take, and there was nothing to paste after I logged back in. And even when I was able to paste it back into the post box, I’d still have to re-do all the colors, bolds, italics, underlines, paragraphs, etc.
Anyway, I’m sorry it was happening to you, but also glad to know that I wasn’t the only one. Hopefully it’s fixed from here on out. 🙏
February 8, 2022 at 3:06 pm#900025Admin
KeymasterHi Mike
If you copy a post in text mode and paste in text mode, it keeps all your formatting as well.
February 8, 2022 at 3:10 pm#900026Admin
KeymasterAt the bottom of the page where you are posting, right below the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” checkbox is where you’ll see that you’ve been logged out. The problem is that the site would log some of us out WHILE we were making a post – and the fact that you were logged out WHILE you were making the post doesn’t show up…. UNTIL you hit “Submit” to find out it logged you out WHILE you were making a post.
I think the login cookie expired at that moment. WordPress which is the CMS this website is built upon, defaults to 2 weeks for the login cookie, something I was not aware of till now.
As you know, I have added in some code to extend the cookie for one year. Hopefully it works.
February 8, 2022 at 7:32 pm#900027Admin
KeymasterCarmel: It does also to me every month and I have to login as it was not the first time that I posted without being logged and I simply lose my post.
Most modern browsers will keep the post content if you hit the back button once or twice after submitting.
You could even try it out in the test post area.
February 8, 2022 at 9:12 pm#900032carmel
I just logged in again NOW!
YOU: Most modern browsers will keep the post content if you hit the back button once or twice after submitting.
I did so once but for no use!
February 8, 2022 at 11:37 pm#900033Proclaimer
What browser and OS are you using?
February 8, 2022 at 11:38 pm#900034Proclaimer
ParticipantAnd when I hit the back button I saw my post’s content ready to be posted again.
February 9, 2022 at 4:54 am#900036GeneBalthrop
ParticipantMike…..What I, Call trivial, is things that have nothing to do with our salvation. Things like is the earth flat or not. Thing we can go on and on about, but are not important. Here is an example, of trivia, prove that Genesis 1-4 weren’t already existing before there was a first day? Fact is you can’t, so to say God created everything that exists in 6 days is not true, unless you understand it is talking about what God did on this earth in 6 days. Why because days and nights hadn’t started until God started them. That was the first thing God did on this earth, not the first thing he ever did, get it.
But you see none of this has to do with our salvation. IMOpeace and love to you and yours Mike………..gene
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