Mikeboll64 vs francis

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  • #232206

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 06 2011,15:08)
    Mike! very good post, and I agree…..

    Peace Irene

    Thank you very much, Irene! :)

    I hope things are well with you and Georg. :)

    peace and love to you both,


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 07 2011,06:12)
    Mikeboll said:

    His own God, YHVH Almighty, has let His servant Jesus hold this position and power for a while,

    Jesus became a servant and then was exalted. He is no longer a servant. See our debate here https://heavennet.net/cgi-bin….;t=3358

    Jesus is also called “the true God.” See my debate with t8 here https://heavennet.net/cgi-bin….;t=2982


    Hi Jack,

    Yes, Jesus is STILL the servant of the One he STILL calls “MY God”. :)

    And I don't know of a scripture that calls Jesus “the true god”, but I agree that he is. Being called by the title “god” doesn't make one God Almighty, Jack. If it did, your Godhead would be pretty crowded. :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 07 2011,02:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    So Jesus is actually reigning and not just “waiting” at God's right hand after all? So Jesus is not a god in the same sense as satan after all?


    lol did Mike actually say that.

    As I said, the Debate is over already once you claim in more than one God.

    LOL what more is there to add.
    Mike is now Claiming “Jesus is the god or 'powerful ruler' of all of heaven…”
    Let me imply, or make a implication not that Mike admitted to it. but doesnt his post imply that the scriptures say that “Jesus is the God of heaven”

    Which means, that if mike agrees that Scriptures state that Jesus is God (of heaven) than what else is there to debate about. ITs either you believe or you dont.

    If he doesnt believe that Jesus is God almighty than there is nothing left to say.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,17:18)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 07 2011,02:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    So Jesus is actually reigning and not just “waiting” at God's right hand after all? So Jesus is not a god in the same sense as satan after all?


    lol did Mike actually say that.

    As I said, the Debate is over already once you claim in more than one God.

    LOL what more is there to add.
    Mike is now Claiming “Jesus is the god or 'powerful ruler' of all of heaven…”
    Let me imply, or make a implication not that Mike admitted to it. but doesnt his post imply that the scriptures say that “Jesus is the God of heaven”

    Which means, that if mike agrees that Scriptures state that Jesus is God (of heaven) than what else is there to debate about.  ITs either you believe or you dont.  

    If he doesnt believe that Jesus is God almighty than there is nothing left to say.

    True! :)

    Blessings Keith


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 07 2011,06:41)

    And why not? “ONLY TRUE KING OF KINGS” would mean that there is “NO OTHER TRUE KING OF KING” and all others are false, right? You see what I mean Mike? Words for you and JA don’t mean anything because you can manipulate them any way you want.

    That is the pot calling the kettle black, Keith.  Show me that words mean something to you by answering one simple question.

    WHO does scripture say is the ONLY TRUE GOD?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 07 2011,06:41)

    To you that has to be the definition Mike because you learned that from the JWs

    Is that an adhominem?  I read your definition, and it seems to fit.  Keith, this discussion is between you, me and scriptures.  I am NOT a JW, so don't bring them into it…………it shows desperation.  :)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 07 2011,06:41)

    But look again Mike it is “the Psalmist Asaph that calls them gods

    First, ALL scripture is inspired of God.  

    Second, Jesus wouldn't have quoted the scripture in the first place if what it said was false.  

    Third, he quoted it SPECIFICALLY to say that MEN had been given the title of “god”, so why couldn't he be “the Son of God”?  

    And fourth, who's words do you think Asaph is quoting in the first place?  I think it was God's words, and so do the NKJV translators and the MSG translators:

    MSG ©
    If God called your ancestors 'gods'–and Scripture doesn't lie–

    NKJV ©
    “If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken),

    And so do the translators of about 10 other versions listed here:  http://www.biblestudytools.com/john/10-35-compare.html

    The bottom line is that if the Word of God called men “gods”, then being given the title of “god” is apparently not proof that you are God Almighty.  And if the Word of God called men “gods”, then it becomes clear to those of us who are not blinded by our doctrines that “ONLY TRUE GOD” is nothing but an emphatic way of saying that God Almighty is the “God of gods”.

    “Keith, while the Arizona Cardinals have had many quarterbacks, for me there is but ONE Cardinals QB………Kurt Warner.”  Do you see what I did there, Keith?  I emphatically claimed that Kurt Warner was the ONLY TRUE QB the Cardinals have ever had.  It does not mean that all the others who have held that title are “false QB's” or “imposters”.  It means that he was the best of the lot of them.  You can use scriptures as your guide, and come to the understanding that Jesus and Paul were saying the same thing about God as I was about Kurt Warner, or stay in your dilemma.

    And face it Keith, YOU are in a dilemma.  If you want to take “ONLY TRUE GOD” literally and claim that all others with the title of “god” are “false gods”, then to be honsest with yourself, you must take it TOTALLY literally and acknowledge that it is ONLY THE FATHER who is said to be the “ONLY TRUE GOD”.  And therefore, by your understanding that all others are “false gods”, you must also put Jesus in that category, because Jesus is NOT “THE FATHER”……..is he?  :)

    peace and much love to you,


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 07 2011,08:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    So Jesus is actually reigning and not just “waiting” at God's right hand after all? So Jesus is not a god in the same sense as satan after all?


    Hi Jack,

    What does that mean? Did Paul LIE when he called Satan the RULER of this world?


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,09:18)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 07 2011,02:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    So Jesus is actually reigning and not just “waiting” at God's right hand after all? So Jesus is not a god in the same sense as satan after all?


    lol did Mike actually say that.

    Hi D-Linquent,

    What does this scripture say Jesus is doing?

    Hebrews 10 NIV
    12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool.

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,09:18)
    As I said, the Debate is over already once you claim in more than one God.

    D, does scripture mention more than one who have been given the TITLE of “god”?  YES or NO?

    If there truly IS only one God, and we know that ONE TRUE GOD is THE FATHER, then for Jesus to be a “god” at all, he MUST be THE FATHER.  And we ALL know that's not scriptural, don't we D?  :)  

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,09:18)
    Let me imply, or make a implication not that Mike admitted to it. but doesnt his post imply that the scriptures say that “Jesus is the God of heaven”

    Yes D.  Just like David was the King of Israel.  But wait, God was the REAL and HIGHER “King of Israel” at the time………….does that mean David WAS God Almighty?  :D

    This is how your logic pans out.  You want to change the obvious and logical things the Bible says……..BUT ONLY WHEN IT COMES TO JESUS.  I don't hear any of you claiming, “David was King of Israel, and God was King of Israel………HEY!  David must be God!”  Why not?  Because you all KNOW it's silly.  They both shared the same exact TITLE, yet one of them called the other “MY King”.  And so SANE reasoning automatically takes over and you know from nothing more than those two little words “MY King” that equality is out of the question.

    So what is it about Jesus that makes you guy's lose that SANITY?  Jesus and Jehovah both share the same exact TITLE, yet one of them calls the other “MY God”.  Why does the SANE reasoning that makes you KNOW equality is out of the question with David because of those two little words all of a sudden fall out of the window?  I really just don't understand how “smart” people can be trinitarians or think the Son OF God could be the God he is the Son OF.  The whole concept is so CRAZY from start to finish.  ???

    THINK, MEN, THINK!  God Almighty calls NO ONE “MY God”.  God Almighty doesn't HAVE A GOD!  Jesus DOES!

    I thought this thread was about my debate with Francis.  I haven't heard any comments about my rebuttal of John 8:58 from you guys…….how come?  :)  How about my rebuttal of Hebrews 1 last night?  :)  Keep watching guys.  You'll see that when a trinitarian is willing to take one scripture at a time instead of tossing the ball in many directions at once like you guys do, there is not one single scripture in the whole Bible that supports a trinity Godhead or the claim that Jesus is the Father.

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 07 2011,08:58)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 06 2011,15:08)
    Mike!  very good post, and I agree…..

    Peace Irene

    Thank you very much, Irene!  :)  

    I hope things are well with you and Georg.  :)

    peace and love to you both,

    Mike! We are fine, just don't like that snow again, can't wait til spring…….

    Peace and love Irene


    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 07 2011,10:49)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 07 2011,08:58)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 06 2011,15:08)
    Mike!  very good post, and I agree…..

    Peace Irene

    Thank you very much, Irene!  :)  

    I hope things are well with you and Georg.  :)

    peace and love to you both,

    Mike!  We are fine, just don't like that snow again, can't wait til spring…….

    Peace and love Irene

    You could move to Phoenix, where I live! :D

    It gets hot here, but you don't have to shovel the heat! :D

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 07 2011,04:25)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,09:18)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 07 2011,02:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    So Jesus is actually reigning and not just “waiting” at God's right hand after all? So Jesus is not a god in the same sense as satan after all?


    lol did Mike actually say that.

    Hi D-Linquent,

    What does this scripture say Jesus is doing?

    Hebrews 10 NIV
    12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool.

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,09:18)
    As I said, the Debate is over already once you claim in more than one God.

    D, does scripture mention more than one who have been given the TITLE of “god”?  YES or NO?

    If there truly IS only one God, and we know that ONE TRUE GOD is THE FATHER, then for Jesus to be a “god” at all, he MUST be THE FATHER.  And we ALL know that's not scriptural, don't we D?  :)  

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,09:18)
    Let me imply, or make a implication not that Mike admitted to it. but doesnt his post imply that the scriptures say that “Jesus is the God of heaven”

    Yes D.  Just like David was the King of Israel.  But wait, God was the REAL and HIGHER “King of Israel” at the time………….does that mean David WAS God Almighty?  :D

    This is how your logic pans out.  You want to change the obvious and logical things the Bible says……..BUT ONLY WHEN IT COMES TO JESUS.  I don't hear any of you claiming, “David was King of Israel, and God was King of Israel………HEY!  David must be God!”  Why not?  Because you all KNOW it's silly.  They both shared the same exact TITLE, yet one of them called the other “MY King”.  And so SANE reasoning automatically takes over and you know from nothing more than those two little words “MY King” that equality is out of the question.

    So what is it about Jesus that makes you guy's lose that SANITY?  Jesus and Jehovah both share the same exact TITLE, yet one of them calls the other “MY God”.  Why does the SANE reasoning that makes you KNOW equality is out of the question with David because of those two little words all of a sudden fall out of the window?  I really just don't understand how “smart” people can be trinitarians or think the Son OF God could be the God he is the Son OF.  The whole concept is so CRAZY from start to finish.  ???

    THINK, MEN, THINK!  God Almighty calls NO ONE “MY God”.  God Almighty doesn't HAVE A GOD!  Jesus DOES!

    I thought this thread was about my debate with Francis.  I haven't heard any comments about my rebuttal of John 8:58 from you guys…….how come?  :)  How about my rebuttal of Hebrews 1 last night?  :)  Keep watching guys.  You'll see that when a trinitarian is willing to take one scripture at a time instead of tossing the ball in many directions at once like you guys do, there is not one single scripture in the whole Bible that supports a trinity Godhead or the claim that Jesus is the Father.

    peace and love,

    Didnt you also say that Jesus is ruling heaven?
    Is Baal a  real God, Mike Yes or No? and than ill answer your question.

    I would agrue, it wouldnt be possible for God to be a Father without the Son.  and the Father is IN the Son.
    So its perfectly scriptural unless you want to deny other scriptures that Claim Jesus is God.

    So you Admitted that Jesus is God.  There you go mike, one step closer to the Truth.
    You see all we needed to do is figure out your theology, or alternative view, and you did the work for us, the work of defeating yourself.
    dug your own grave Mike for your theology.

    David was never really a King compared the God.  They cant be compared.  
    Your trying to put David and Jesus in the same spot, you cant do that, because they are NOT alike.
    Of course David is not GOD, becuase he is not perfect, and he is not the Son of God.  

    Your LOGIC that PANS OUT is WRONG, becuase YOU DONT UNDERSTAND  what WE believe.

    You have a insane theology Mike of many gods.
    The best things about it is now your stuck and you cant get out of it.  now you cant deny what you believe.
    Actually I did make a comment about it, (I think)
    i reposted it earlier about hebrews 1, and john 8.
    like 4 pages ago.

    check it out.

    much love Mike,



    You see Mike this comes from listening too much to your roots the JWs and not examining scriptures closer. Jesus is merely quoting the Psalmist and saying to the hypocrites that it was written in “Their Law” that ye are gods. But look again Mike it is “the Psalmist Asaph that calls them gods” because they were like gods to the people who had fallen into the worship and the belief of many being gods. But Asaph says “they will die like men” and that is because they were men and not gods at all. So you see Mike Jehovah was not promoting “Polytheism’ neither was he contradicting himself when he says that there are “No other Gods but one”! Jesus was pointing out their hypocrisy because in “their law” (Talmud) according to Ps 82 they believed in other gods yet accused him of blasphemy for saying he was the Son of God. Jesus was not promoting Polytheism but rebuking them for their Polytheism and their Hypocrisy!

    he doesnt get it, the “gods” that Jesus mentioned will die like men, its not the same thing.
    What Jesus was attacking is that they fully believe in the LAW that “scripture cannot be broken”
    yet they DONT BELIEVE that Jesus is the “Son of God, in whom he is one with the Father”
    which is why they were going to stone him.
    Which is why Jesus said “If you dont believe me nor the scriptures that speak of me, than believe my works, if they are from the father or not”

    Yes mike continues to deny this…
    I said the exact same thing before.

    WJ, great point! you explained it better than I did. Thanks!


    Your right Mike,
    im going to make Two threads about this subject right now.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 05 2011,21:03)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 05 2011,01:03)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 05 2011,10:17)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 04 2011,23:52)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 05 2011,09:50)

    The point is the Father can be called 'Father' before the Son is actually begotten/brought forth.

    In other Words,

    God wasn't always “the father” its not his eteranl identity nor part of it until that role was fulfilled.

    Its like haveing scuba gear to potentialy go underwater,but  what for if your in dry land.

    Therefore though God always had the potential to be a father, but wasnt the father until he had a son.

    I am not saying that God always had the potential to be a father but that He always was a father. He just hadn't begotten the Son yet until sometime before creation.

    To use an earthly example, Mary was a mother before she gave birth…Elizabeth called her the 'mother of my Lord.'  Before she conceived and even before the angel came to her the first time, she was a potential mother.

    Life begins at conception.

    That really depends.

    Potential and actual are two different things.
    I THINK we are saying the same thing.

    I said God as the full potential to be the Father, so a potential father, but couldnt have always been a father becuase a son must exist for that to happen.

    If your stating that life begin in conception, than what is the conception of general life that makes God the Father of?

    Hi Dennison,
    Let me clarify about life beginning at conception.  I mentioned that because, humanly speaking, a potential father is one that has the ability to conceive a child but has not conceived a child yet.  Once he has conceived, then he goes from being a potential father to a father of an unborn child.  He is a father even before the child is born because life begins at conception.

    With the Father, I understand how He could have always been a Father if He always had a son within Him yet to be begotten.  Then, at some point before creation, the Son was begotten.

    I don't believe that God being Father and Son and Holy Spirit are roles but relationships.
    God the Father=the one true God, unbegotten
    God who is the Son= the true begotten God, the Lord Jesus who manifests the Father.
    The Holy Spirit=the Spirit within the Father that extends from the Father bringing His omnipresence of the Father to creation.

    Bump for Dennison. I'm not sure you saw this.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,01:07)

    You see Mike this comes from listening too much to your roots the JWs and not examining scriptures closer. Jesus is merely quoting the Psalmist and saying to the hypocrites that it was written in “Their Law” that ye are gods. But look again Mike it is “the Psalmist Asaph that calls them gods” because they were like gods to the people who had fallen into the worship and the belief of many being gods. But Asaph says “they will die like men” and that is because they were men and not gods at all. So you see Mike Jehovah was not promoting “Polytheism’ neither was he contradicting himself when he says that there are “No other Gods but one”! Jesus was pointing out their hypocrisy because in “their law” (Talmud) according to Ps 82 they believed in other gods yet accused him of blasphemy for saying he was the Son of God. Jesus was not promoting Polytheism but rebuking them for their Polytheism and their Hypocrisy!

    he doesnt get it, the “gods” that Jesus mentioned will die like men, its not the same thing.
    What Jesus was attacking is that they fully believe in the LAW that “scripture cannot be broken”
    yet they DONT BELIEVE that Jesus is the “Son of God, in whom he is one with the Father”
    which is why they were going to stone him.
    Which is why Jesus said “If you dont believe me nor the scriptures that speak of me, than believe my works, if they are from the father or not”

    Yes mike continues to deny this…
    I said the exact same thing before.

    WJ, great point! you explained it better than I did. Thanks!

    Thanks D :)


    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 08 2011,03:28)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 05 2011,21:03)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 05 2011,01:03)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 05 2011,10:17)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 04 2011,23:52)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 05 2011,09:50)

    The point is the Father can be called 'Father' before the Son is actually begotten/brought forth.

    In other Words,

    God wasn't always “the father” its not his eteranl identity nor part of it until that role was fulfilled.

    Its like haveing scuba gear to potentialy go underwater,but  what for if your in dry land.

    Therefore though God always had the potential to be a father, but wasnt the father until he had a son.

    I am not saying that God always had the potential to be a father but that He always was a father. He just hadn't begotten the Son yet until sometime before creation.

    To use an earthly example, Mary was a mother before she gave birth…Elizabeth called her the 'mother of my Lord.'  Before she conceived and even before the angel came to her the first time, she was a potential mother.

    Life begins at conception.

    That really depends.

    Potential and actual are two different things.
    I THINK we are saying the same thing.

    I said God as the full potential to be the Father, so a potential father, but couldnt have always been a father becuase a son must exist for that to happen.

    If your stating that life begin in conception, than what is the conception of general life that makes God the Father of?

    Hi Dennison,
    Let me clarify about life beginning at conception.  I mentioned that because, humanly speaking, a potential father is one that has the ability to conceive a child but has not conceived a child yet.  Once he has conceived, then he goes from being a potential father to a father of an unborn child.  He is a father even before the child is born because life begins at conception.

    With the Father, I understand how He could have always been a Father if He always had a son within Him yet to be begotten.  Then, at some point before creation, the Son was begotten.

    I don't believe that God being Father and Son and Holy Spirit are roles but relationships.
    God the Father=the one true God, unbegotten
    God who is the Son= the true begotten God, the Lord Jesus who manifests the Father.
    The Holy Spirit=the Spirit within the Father that extends from the Father bringing His omnipresence of the Father to creation.

    Bump for Dennison.  I'm not sure you saw this.

    Hi Kathi,
    I Disagree with you.

    With the Father, I understand how He could have always been a Father if He always had a son within Him yet to be begotten. Then, at some point before creation, the Son was begotten.

    Here is the problem. you view Eternity like time, so therefore you commited a fallacy to believe that Jesus was begotten before the world began.

    The way I see it, is that Jesus is God acting in our world that is limited in Time and Space.

    I don't believe that God being Father and Son and Holy Spirit are roles but relationships.
    God the Father=the one true God, unbegotten
    God who is the Son= the true begotten God, the Lord Jesus who manifests the Father.
    The Holy Spirit=the Spirit within the Father that extends from the Father bringing His omnipresence of the Father to creation.

    And this is where i disagree with most Trinitarians.
    Than you would assume that they are seperate persons.
    In other words, that they always existed as persons since eternity and not as one.

    A Relationship is a bond between one and another.
    I see God as One, not as a relationship of co-equal partners.

    Than again maybe this is a misunderstanding of what you believe.

    God who is the Son= the true begotten God, the Lord Jesus who manifests the Father.

    This is what i believe as the Son who created the world and everything in it as soon as he participated within this limited world.
    There i agree.
    The rest i dont believe can be scripturaly proven.

    There is nothing before eternity except for God. Its beyond our comprehension.


    Mike Said:

    “God” is merely a title meaning “ruler”. Yes, Jesus has been called by that title. But so have been Satan, angels and men. So we know from those scriptural truths that being called by the title “god” does not make one the “God of all gods”, or “God Almighty”. And that includes Jesus.

    Dude you just lost your whole debate.
    Might as well throw in the Towel
    I honestly did not think you were going to use that point in a debate with Francis, but like i said before you dug a grave for your theology.
    It Is Done.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 08 2011,21:07)
    Mike Said:

    “God” is merely a title meaning “ruler”.  Yes, Jesus has been called by that title.  But so have been Satan, angels and men.  So we know from those scriptural truths that being called by the title “god” does not make one the “God of all gods”, or “God Almighty”.  And that includes Jesus.

    Dude you just lost your whole debate.
    Might as well throw in the Towel
    I honestly did not think you were going to use that point in a debate with Francis, but like i said before you dug a grave for your theology.
    It Is Done.


    how do we know that what you posted comes from Mike ??

    and one more thing ,there is only two kind of gods,

    the first is a stand alone the true God,all the others are so called gods either angels or men , they are also called gods

    why because they think that they are gods and try to selling it to us ,and many believe that they are gods,

    but the people with spiritual understanding know that there is only one true God and that is Christ father.

    and even Jesus say to the Jews that it is written you are all gods;this is true but in what sense is it true ??

    and why has God say this??

    and what would it accomplish if it was executed??

    were the gentiles in the days of this written word would have been included as gods??

    well this is what knowledge is all about is it ??



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 07 2011,16:21)

    So its perfectly scriptural unless you want to deny other scriptures that Claim Jesus is God.

    Ah, and this is what the debate with Francis will address.  While certain misguided ones WANT certain scriptures to say “Jesus is God Almighty”, there aren't really any scriptures that say that.

    Scripturally speaking, does being given the title of “god” make that one “God Almighty”?  No, as many scriptures prove.

    Scripturally speaking, is THE FATHER the ONLY TRUE GOD?  Yes.

    End of story.  :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 08 2011,14:07)
    Mike Said:

    “God” is merely a title meaning “ruler”.  Yes, Jesus has been called by that title.  But so have been Satan, angels and men.  So we know from those scriptural truths that being called by the title “god” does not make one the “God of all gods”, or “God Almighty”.  And that includes Jesus.

    Dude you just lost your whole debate.
    Might as well throw in the Towel
    I honestly did not think you were going to use that point in a debate with Francis, but like i said before you dug a grave for your theology.
    It Is Done.

    What does that even mean, D?  ???  Have I posted something that is scripturally untrue?  ???

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