JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    better be with the humble ones in the truth of God ,than with the world ones, proud in there wickedness

    Ed J

    “And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject
    unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.” (1 Cor 15:28)

    Good verse Pierre,

    Why would anyone need to be in subject unto him at any time,
    if he is just an ordinary man (as those on this board claim)?

    Again good verse Pierre!

    Note: But that does not make him “Ho Logos”!

    God bless
    Ed J



    thanks,but Jesus his THE LOGOS for God speaks through him this is why he his called the LOGOS

    Ed J


    “The Word” of God is Spirit. (ref. John 6:63)

    God bless
    Ed J



    the written words are spirit to be understood in the wisdom of God, but THE WORD ,his God’s first creation and the only true image of God ,just has Paul and John say it, when the WORD of God went to the prophets to speak to them ,how could he be the speech that was spoken in words ?

    when God sent him down to earth to save us ,was he not a being ? John say so ,why can you not believe him ?



    Are saying spirit means person?



    I have answered you this question before ;

    NO,NO,written/spoken words are spirit for they are instructions/guidelines/judgments/descriptions/laws/rules/and the likes

    so by no mean can those words be a person ,

    but when a person is given the name WORD this would refer to a person

    just like a person called “ROCK” would you say he is not a person but a rock ? be serious will you



    I am asking you about the meaning of spirit in Proverbs 16:19. You quoted from a version translated the word spirit to one and I asked if you believe spirit meant person in that context.

    Proverbs 29:23Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    A man’s pride shall bring him low:
    but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    …..“God is Spirit” (John 4:24)
    The Words are Spirit (John 6:63)
    “The Word” was God (John 1:1)

    Why don’t you get this? – Oh yea that right, religious brainwashing! (Col.2:21-22)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    In the beginning “The Word” was God (John 1:1)
    “I the LORD, I change not” (Mal 3:6)

    “The Word” is still GOD!

    “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15)



    you seem not to want to understand truth ,you like your opinions so be it ,


    the humble spirit of a man his the same as a proud man spirit it comes from the soul of the person ,but is not the person until the person becomes that spirit ,do you understand what i saying ?

    we make choices and when we apply those choices we become them ,this is why Satan became satan he was not always satan but the spirit of wickedness got in him and he became wicked ,

    Ed J

    Religion has lied to you, Jesus is not “The Word”


    Religion has lied to you, Jesus is not “The Word”

    Knowing about God is not having a personal relationship with him. Anyone can talk about God.

    In him all things hold together, and you say he is not The Word?



    Religion has lied to you, Jesus is not “The Word”

    it is the scriptures that says the Jesus is THE WORD “of God not religion ;religion is more inclined like you are saying Jesus is not the WORD



    Religion has lied to you, Jesus is not “The Word”

    Knowing about God is not having a personal relationship with him. Anyone can talk about God.

    In him all things hold together, and you say he is not The Word?

    Christians do not have a personal relationship with God since they go through Jesus Christ. A personal relationship does not involve a mediator.

    We can have a personal relationship with his Spirit and in that way be unified with God and Jesus as well as those who also have a personal relationship with the Spirit.



    I notice you not quote this hypothetical passage that states Jesus is the word. I have never found such a passage.

    The closest you can get is John 1:14 which states the word was made flesh. Flesh is made of flesh even as Jesus was made of Mary, the seed of David. So it is correct to say the word is Jesus. In even stating I am concluding the flesh being spoken of is the specific human Jesus. Animals are also refereed to as flesh.




    you seem not to want to understand truth ,you like your opinions so be it ,


    the humble spirit of a man his the same as a proud man spirit it comes from the soul of the person ,but is not the person until the person becomes that spirit ,do you understand what i saying ?

    we make choices and when we apply those choices we become them ,this is why Satan became satan he was not always satan but the spirit of wickedness got in him and he became wicked ,

    I do not know where you are coming from in Scripture and I do not see where you answered my question.

    The question is do you believe the word spirit in Proverbs 16:19?

    It is a yes and no question though maybe or I do not know also works.



    I notice you not quote this hypothetical passage that states Jesus is the word. I have never found such a passage.

    The closest you can get is John 1:14 which states the word was made flesh. Flesh is made of flesh even as Jesus was made of Mary, the seed of David. So it is correct to say the word is Jesus. In even stating I am concluding the flesh being spoken of is the specific human Jesus. Animals are also refereed to as flesh.

    the day you will address all the scriptures that T8 as shown on this introduction tread ;you will not have any clue of what you are talking about with Jesus Christ the son of God ,until then ;



    I do not know where you are coming from in Scripture and I do not see where you answered my question.

    The question is do you believe the word spirit in Proverbs 16:19?

    It is a yes and no question though maybe or I do not know also works.

    the simple truth is that I have answered you but you cannot understand what I am saying for you don’t want the truth ,you want your delusion to stick



    I am having a headache and it seems my grammar is suffering in response.

    I am sorry I did not include all the words needed for my question to be understood. I have stated it twice before and believe both times I included all the words.

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