JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #809650
    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    I agree it was “because of” Jesus and “through” Jesus that God created the world.
    But NOT through his help, instead it was through his death on the cross.

    “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8)


    It doesn’t mean he was a lone. But that he created alone. The sons of God applauded so they were there.

    Job 38
    Where were you when I founded the earth?
        Tell me, if you have understanding.
    Who determined its size? Surely you know?
        Who stretched out the measuring line for it?
    Into what were its pedestals sunk,
        and who laid its cornerstone,
    While the morning stars sang together
        and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

    Was he alone in the sense you are making out?

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Your son can be playing right next to you the whole time you are building the playhouse for him “alone”

    Ed J

    “Alone” and “By Myself” means “with No-Helper” – do you agree?


    Alone in making it. But not alone otherwise.

    I build websites for a living. I get files from graphic designers who tell me how it should look. But none of these guys can claim to have built the website. They can claim the artwork. But I collaborate with them to build what they have in mind. While this is not an exact parallel with God and his son, it does describe how you can be the sole creator of something while not actually being alone.


    “Alone” and “By Myself” means “with No-Helper” – do you agree?

    Not always IMO.

    Someone can give me an idea which is help, but they may not be involved in the creation process.

    For example, Twitter has helped Facebook with certain features by way of copying what they have, but Twitter did not create Facebook and have no ownership of it.

    If God created all things alone, he can still do it through his son and for him. And he could still even have an audience who rejoice at what he has made.

    And God made you alone, but through you mother and father. That too is not an oxymoron.


    and when the baby is born do not all the family and friends are rejoicing of him ?


    Hi terricca. Long time no hear. Blessings.



    It is the Spirit that creates.

    Ps 104.



    God is Spirit.

    The LORD is the spirit.



    Why is it that Isaiah and Job are quoted as if it is common knowledge that God gave them the words

    yet when it comes to the great Prophet, the Son of God, the words are attributed, not to God but to the speaker?




    Ed J

    “Alone” and “By Myself” means “with No-Helper” – do you agree?

    Not always IMO.

    Hi T8,

    What about in the specific case of Isaiah 44:24?

    “Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb,
    I the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone;
    that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself
    ;” (Isaiah 44:24)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Why is it that Isaiah and Job are quoted as if it is common knowledge that God gave them the words

    yet when it comes to the great Prophet, the Son of God, the words are attributed, not to God but to the speaker?

    Why is it that you even think this. More error. Next.


    EdJ, the one who God made all things through is not the one who made all things.


    Hi t8,

    So do you ascribe these words of Jesus Christ to the Spirit of God in him;

    ‘Before Abraham was I am’



    Hi t8,

    In Lk 8 27 f Jesus met a demon possessed man and conversed with him.

    Or did he speak with the spirit in the man?

    Ed J

    EdJ, the one who God made all things through is not the one who made all things.

    Hi T8,

    So you consider then that it may have been because of Jesus
    (yet future) death on the cross that God created
    all things through him?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi t8,

    So do you ascribe these words of Jesus Christ to the Spirit of God in him;

    ‘Before Abraham was I am’


    Jesus was clearly talking about himself here.

    “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”


    Hi T8,

    So you consider then that it may have been because of Jesus
    (yet future) death on the cross that God created
    all things through him?

    That would be grasping at straws.

    John goes to great length to tell us about the Word that was with God in the beginning. That word became flesh and this is Jesus. We know that God created through his Word and we also know that God made all things through the son of God. Jesus is also the son of God. We are further told about Wisdom and we are also told that Jesus is wisdom from God.

    He has first place in all things. He is the firstborn of all creation. In fact, he is the image of the invisible God.

    We are further told that he is now in the glory he had with the Father before the cosmos.

    The Bible paints a clear picture of the true Jesus. While there are many versions of Jesus such as the Islamic one, there is one truth about him.

    And if there was any doubt, when he comes back he is called the Word of God.

    It is not hard to understand that the first to be with God would not only be special but should by that honour be the most special besides God himself.

    I believe that God created all things through him because God created all things through the Son of God and the Word.

    If you ask me to show you how that works, I cannot. I was not there and there is no detailed description about how this works.

    I simply take these scriptures on faith and refuse to let my imagination or lack of it bar me from believing those scripture. I stand on those scriptures and have confidence about my stance when challenged.

    I believe that some here think they have secret knowledge and they seem to elevate that knowledge even above scripture. They work to a formula and rebuke those who do not work by their secret formulas. For me, I feel it is right to use scripture for reproof and correction. But wrong to use a secret formula to do so because that is relying one’s own understanding of things.


    Hi t8,

    Did the other prophets talk about themselves in this way?

    Why would his own history be relevant if his role was as a spokesperson for God?

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