JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #808854

    Hi t8,

    It s no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me.

    Are you one with the Spirit of Christ as Paul was?


    Hi t8,

    So which scriptures do you reject.

    I do not reject any scripture, but I admit to not understanding everything.

    You show me a scripture that I reject and I will show you otherwise.

    I believe for example that the Maggi came to see the Christ and they saw him.



    Yes. But we are not the Holy Spirit, yet somehow the Father and the Son are? I disagree with LU’s and your view on this.

    The human that walks according to the Spirit of God has the Spiritual nature of God. That is to say the nature of the Spirit is their nature. Thus in the Spiritual sense that believer is the Spirit.

    Peter refer divine nature in 2 Peter 1:4.

    Note: The words I wrote are subject to misinterpretation because they are a natural language and to clarify the issue that I hope is not necessary.
    Note: I am speaking nature of God as in “put on the new man created like God in true holiness and righteousness”.


    Hi t8,

    Yes they saw the prophesied Christ.

    There are no alternative options.

    He had been chosen by God.



    Hi t8,

    Do you deny that the anointing on Jesus transformed him and enabled him to do the works of God?

    Do you deny the spiritual relationship Paul had with God and His Son?

    Do you deny the same relationship is available to you?



    Hi t8,

    Yes they saw the prophesied Christ.

    There are no alternative options.

    He had been chosen by God.

    Correct. What do you have to say about these scriptures?

    Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist–denying the Father and the Son.

    This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,

    And, you have to admit that I at least believe this and defend this.


    Hi t8,

    Yes Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.

    In the beginning the Word was with God,

    The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

    Do you believe this?


    Hi t8,

    Jesus is the Christ, the anointed one.

    God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power.

    Do you believe this or can you show an anointing prior to his conception and birth?



    A bit confused. Yes the Believer is one with God because his spirit is one with God’s Spirit. We are connected by our spirits. I suppose this is what you are tying to say. If so, then I agree.

    That is a more detailed statement than I am completely confident with. I think it is the goal that the human spirits will become unified in order to be like God’s in true righteousness and holiness but at this time I am only confident to say believers are given God’s very Spirit when they first believe. It is this Spirit that unites them with both God and Christ for they live in believers through that Spirit and believers live in them through the same Spirit.



    Sometimes I respond before I have read your words in another post or even all the words in the same post so I may try to explain you already understand. I mention this because the last post I answered of yours revealed understanding I did not see in the previous post I answered.


    That is a more detailed statement than I am completely confident with. I think it is the goal that the human spirits will become unified in order to be like God’s in true righteousness and holiness but at this time I am only confident to say believers are given God’s very Spirit when they first believe. It is this Spirit that unites them with both God and Christ for they live in believers through that Spirit and believers live in them through the same Spirit.

    The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

    Obviously we are not one with God in flesh, but in spirit.


    Hi t8,

    Jesus is the Christ, the anointed one.

    Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh?

    When did he come in the flesh. His natural birth as a baby, the Jordan, or what?


    Hi t8,

    The Word was made flesh in the man Jesus at the Jordan.

    But you prefer the traditional idea?


    Are you saying that Jesus origin is as the Word that was with God? Or what is the message you wish to convey here?


    Hi t8,

    No the origin of Jesus of Nazareth was by conception in the womb of Mary.

    The Word was with God, not the man Jesus.


    What is the anointing to you. Is it the Word?


    Hi t8,

    The Holy Spirit.

    The Spirit of truth and the Word.

    If you do not have the Spirit of Christ you are none of his.



    So the Word is the Holy Spirit according to you, or not?

    Ed J

    Make sure your own situation is strongly established before wielding the sword of the Spirit.

    Hi Nick,

    Thank you, good advice!

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi t8,

    So which scriptures do you reject.

    I do not reject any scripture, but I admit to not understanding everything.

    You show me a scripture that I reject and I will show you otherwise.

    I believe for example that the Maggi came to see the Christ and they saw him.

    Hi T8,

    I agree with you: one is anointed as “The King”, and the Maggi
    said they came to worship he who was BORN “King of the Jews”.
    Note. the Maggi were probably mentored by the prophet Daniel

    God bless
    Ed J

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