JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #803631

    Hi KW,

    So what is reported from the Jordan is not true.

    The Holy Spirit did not come down on him as he was already anointed?

    Ed J

    Ed J,
    It is clear God first acknowledged Jesus as his Son at the Jordon.

    It is clear God first acknowledged Jesus as his Son at his conception.


    Hi ED,

    Yes a natural son by conception and a spiritual son by anointing with the Holy Spirit at the Jordan.


    Hi ED,

    You cannot become a natural son as he was.

    Surely you have followed him and become a spiritual son too?


    Hi KW,

    Jesus lived BY THE FRUIT OF THE LAW?

    Please quote me more accurately

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Admin.

    Hi KW,

    So you claim obedience to the Law cannot stop men sinning?

    Does scripture say that Jesus failed in this regard?


    Hi KW,

    Or are you saying he fulfilled the law but to do so he must have had some special anointing because it was otherwise impossible?

    yet only logic is your evidence and pretty useless evidence


    Hi KW,

    Jesus IS the fulfilment of the Law.

    He justified the Law.


    Made clean he was fit for the anointing from above.



    I have repeatedly stated the Spirit descended on Jesus as a sign to John the Baptist and through him to others that Jesus is the Anointed. Luke 4:18 teaches us that God anointed Jesus to preach the gospel and by inference, aka hints, other things. That anointing may well have occurred at the Jordon as well though it is not literally written.

    My point is that we know by his fruits that he had the Spirit in its role of Advocate previous to the Jordon.

    You seem to assume that the Spirit cannot come to the same individual more than one time to perform different missions it is assigned by God.

    I assume you understand God can command an angel to go to one man and warn him to flee because the city he lives in will be destroyed for its transgressions and then at another time send the same angel on another mission, which is to bury another man.

    You also understand that the Spirit can appear to one man in China and another human in South Africa and yet be the same Spirit.

    I call each of those appearances an instant of the same Spirit.

    So why do you have trouble understanding that one instant of the Spirit could perform the mission of Advocate for Jesus while a second instant of the Spirit performed the mission of a sign for John and perhaps at the same time anointing Jesus to preach the gospel.

    The Spirit is not like a creature that can only be in one place at one time but can instead be either in multiple places at the same time or the same place multiple times or even a combination of both.


    Hi KW,

    So it is OK for you to add your own ideas to what scripture tells us happened at the Jordan.

    And you think your additions are equally valid?



    I do not think it is written that Jesus justified the Law.

    The Law is continuously been righteous but humanity was a slave to sin. (Romans 7:12)

    Being holy the Law needed no justification though humanity does.


    Hi KW,

    So Jesus the man was a slave of Sin?

    Or somehow given an advantage over other men?


    Hi KW,

    Jesus was born of woman, born under the law.

    Or is scripture not true?



    I am not adding my own ideas. Instead I am careful not to add any for it is not written that any anointing took place at the Jordon. It is instead written that Jesus was anointed by John and the Spirit lit on him as a sign to John, who then testified to than occurring. We also learn a voice came from heaven at that time. There are no words about an anointing talking place though Scripts hints that he was anointed to preach the gospel at that time because it does not speak of him preaching it before.

    It does teach us he bore the fruits of the Spirit before the Spirit alighted on him at the Jordon and it does teach us God sends his Spirit to perform different missions and that it can appear more than once at the same time.


    Hi KW,

    So is it written that it was ONLY as a sign to John as you teach?

    Where are the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, as specified in Gal 5 shown before the Jordan?

    AFTER the Jordan it says he was FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT



    Hi KW,

    Jesus was born of woman, born under the law.

    Or is scripture not true?

    Paul was born of woman, born under the Law, since like Jesus he is a Jew.

    Those that live by the Spirit fulfill the righteousness of the Law (Romans 3:21) and so against there actions there is no Law (Galatians 5:23) and so in that way they are not under the Law but if they are a Jew they do not stop being a Jew.

    Many accused Paul of teaching Jews of give up their citizenship but he was was proved innocent of that charge.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Admin.


    The fruits of the Spirit is that Jesus never sinned though he was tempted as common to humanity. (Hebrews 4:15)



    That is essentially what John claimed.

    John 1:32-34Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. 34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.

    After he was immersed we are told that Jesus was full of the Spirit but it does not follow that he was not full of the Spirit before he was immersed at the Jordon.


    Hi KW,

    So you think it was to signify what had happened earlier and it was not a current event?

    A fine theory but unlikely.


    Hi KW,

    Can you show any similar delayed signs of previous events in scripture?


    Sounds current.

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