JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 21 2014,10:06)

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 20 2014,07:57)
    thomas also said to jesus while he was here on earth that he is God and his Lord.

    Yep.  Jesus is called by the title “god” at least 5 times in scripture – which is fine since he IS a god.

    He is apparently not the MOST HIGH God Jehovah, though, because you just got done telling me that Jesus had limitations as a human being, right?

    So then apparently Thomas wasn't intending to address Jesus as the MOST HIGH God in 20:28, right?

    Also, John tells us a few verses later that his writings were so we could know that Jesus was the SON OF God – not so we could know Jesus was “God”.

    Come on, jammin.  There is only ONE Most High Creator of all things.  Jesus either IS Him, or Jesus is His SON.  He can't be both.

    he is not a god. according to barclay, those who translated john 1.1 the Word was a god are not good in greek.
    i told you to go to school and study the language. you are just referring your belief to those ignorant translators. hahaha

    he is God! if he is a god, thomas should say you are a god. but he did not say that. he said my Lord and my God!
    not god but God! study hard boy


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 21 2014,09:54)

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 20 2014,07:50)
    is david omnisicient? yes  or no?

    Of course not, jammin.

    Do you understand the point I was making?  Apparently not, so here goes again:

    I am telling you that “knowledge” is not a part of someone's “nature”.

    There have been people with human nature who knew A LOT, and people with human nature who knew VERY LITTLE.

    Sharing a nature does NOT mean that everyone with that nature knows as much as everyone else with that nature.

    NOW do you understand?

    Also, you said that “God” has no limitations.  I showed you that Jesus DOES have limitations – even to this very day.

    Isn't that enough to show you that Jesus is not “God”?

    thank you for admitting that david is NOT all knowing. hahaha

    jesus had limitations bec he BECAME like us. it talks about the human nature of Jesus and not his nature God.
    God by nature has no limitations.

    Jesus is God by nature BUT he also became like us.
    the son of God, who is himself God, became like us.


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 21 2014,05:34)

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 20 2014,19:46)

    you tell us not the WHOLE TRUTH. yes he is speaking of the new creation but he is also referring to gen 1.27

    Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

    24. put on the new man—Opposed to “the old man,” which is to be “put off” (Eph 4:22). The Greek here (kainon) is different from that for “re-new-ed” (Eph 4:23). Put on not merely a renovated nature, but a new, that is, altogether different nature, a changed nature (compare Note,, see on [2369]Col 3:10).

    after God, &c.—Translate, “Which hath been created (once for all: so the Greek aorist means: in Christ, Eph 2:10; so that in each believer it has not to be created again, but to be put on) after (the image of) God” (Ge 1:27; Col 3:10; 1Pe 1:15), &c. God's image in which the first Adam was originally created, is restored, to us far more gloriously in the second Adam, the image of the invisible God (2Co 4:4; Col 1:15; Heb 1:3).

    Ephesians 4:24
    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    24 And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness.

    Genesis 1:27
    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.

    you are really a false teacher.


    I am not seeing anything to support what you are saying though I may look more into what Genesis tells us on this subject and get back to you.

    you dont see the true meaning of the bible because you have doctrines from men. try not to ignore the truth and study the bible well.

    it is very clear that you do not tell us the whole truth. as i have said, eph 4.24 is referring to the new creation BUT it is also referring to the gen 1.26-27 creation.

    image of God in gen 1.27 has connection with eph 4.24.
    if you will just read the context of the verse then you will know what is the real meaning of eph 4.24.



    Jesus is God just like his father. they have the same nature, GOd.

    a very good example is you and yoru father. you are both HUMAN. you and your father have the same nature, HUMAN.


    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 22 2014,01:00)

    Jesus is God just like his father. they have the same nature, GOd.

    a very good example is you and yoru father. you are both HUMAN. you and your father have the same nature, HUMAN.


    1.Is the Word of God His Word,or God Himself?
    2.Is the Holy Spirit God's Spirit,or God Himself?
    3.Is love of God;God's love, or God Himself?
    4.Is wisdom God's wisdom, or God Himself?
    5.Christ in us;does it make us Christ?


    Ed J

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 22 2014,01:00)

    Jesus is God just like his father. they have the same nature, GOd.

    a very good example is you and yoru father. you are both HUMAN. you and your father have the same nature, HUMAN.

    Hi Jammin,

    Jesus, are you suggesting, was not human?
    What are you going to do with this verse then?…    (Pitch it?)

    “Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren”  (Heb 2:17)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 21 2014,07:52)
    not god but God!


    You keep saying the same thing over and over – but you saying it doesn't make it scripturally accurate, or true.

    YOU YOURSELF told me that Jesus had limitations on earth. So, is that your way of ADMITTING that Jesus was NOT God on earth? YES or NO?

    And I pointed out to you that Jesus STILL has limitations in heaven, even after he has been exalted by his and our God, Jehovah. (He is in heaven waiting for his God to place his enemies at his feet, right?)

    So do you ACKNOWLEDGE that Jesus STILL has limitations – and is therefore not “God”? YES or NO?

    And finally, I will remind you that there is only ONE Almighty Creator of all things. Jesus either IS that Creator, or he is the SON OF that Creator. He CAN'T be both. So which one does the SCRIPTURES tell us Jesus is?



    You keep saying the same thing over and over – but you saying it doesn't make it scripturally accurate, or true.

    YOU YOURSELF told me that Jesus had limitations on earth. So, is that your way of ADMITTING that Jesus was NOT God on earth? YES or NO?

    The trinitarian teaching is full of breaks which is why many claim it cannot be understood by human logic.


    kerwin,Mar. wrote:


    Even as it is you should know DNA is a created item and thus God has none as he is not created.


    Maybe you can understand if I put it this way;

    Humans are made from their mother and fathers genes packed into bundles called chromosones..
    Jesus had his mother's genes, but did not contain Joseph's genes, because Joseph was not his Father.
    Therefore all of Joseph's genes are missing in the makeup of this child Jesus.
    And instead of Jesus having 46 chromosones,
    he has only half of that amount, 23.
    One of those chromosones that determimed his sex was from His Father.  That is the Y chromosone, and that one Y chromosone was not from human blood, because it doesn't follow the same laws with all the accompanying chromosones from the father.

    So, technology has shown us the makeup of what is in that blood found on the ark of the covenant,
    and it proves that from this human blood sample, which is supposed to be dead blood, it is in fact still alive,
    and therefore can still be tested.

    It shows that the Father was not human,
    and we know who his Father was.
    Do you still think it strange?
    and not wonderful that this amazing piece of evidence has been revealed to the world.
    We believers don't need proof, because we believed already by faith,
    but there are many out there who do need proof,
    especially those from other religions, and atheists.
    This happened in 1982 or so, and has not gone global,
    until recently, because we have the internet of course.
    Many still don't know because they are not searching, but busy in their daily lives, totally unaware of such discoveries.


    The Spirit of God creates[ps 104]
    Man was created and Jesus was a man.

    The Spirit of God was his father too.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 22 2014,13:16)
    The Spirit of God creates[ps 104]
    Man was created and Jesus was a man.

    The Spirit of God was his father too.


    Of course Jesus was a man,
    but his Father is not.

    Do you want to discuss this subject or not Nick?
    or keep telling me things I already know?


    Hi J42,
    20 But after Joseph thought about this, an angel from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to accept Mary to be your wife. The baby inside her is from the Holy Spirit.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 22 2014,13:40)
    Hi J42,
    20 But after Joseph thought about this, an angel from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to accept Mary to be your wife. The baby inside her is from the Holy Spirit.


    That is exactly right.
    So it's not strange what the test samples showed on that blood?
    God impregnated Mary through the holy spirit.
    And we know that the holy spirit is not the Father of Jesus,
    but God himself.


    Hi J42,
    I put no faith in the story you show.

    God works through his Holy Spirit in this matter as Mt 1.20 and lk 1.35 showed. Do you believe this?


    Hi J42,
    The Holy Spirit fully represents God and is God.
    We do not try to separate God from His Spirit any more that we separate a man from his spirit.
    God is spirit.
    Acts 5.3-4


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 22 2014,14:12)
    Hi J42,
    The Holy Spirit fully represents God and is God.
    We do not try to separate God from His Spirit any more that we separate a man from his spirit.
    God is spirit.
    Acts 5.3-4


    The Holy Spirit does not control God,
    but God does control the Holy Spirit.
    God's Word does not control God,but God does
    control His Word.
    This has nothing to do with seperating.

    Without God there is no Holy Spirit.
    Without God there is no Word.
    Or do you disagree?



    Hi WU,
    We are made in the image of God
    Our spirit gives us life but does not control us.

    The Word is of the Spirit and the Spirit is of God.

    All goodness is from God and all His new creation is to His glory.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 22 2014,14:01)
    Hi J42,
    I put no faith in the story you show.

    God works through his Holy Spirit in this matter as Mt 1.20 and lk 1.35 showed. Do you believe this?


    It's too bad you think it's my story.
    The man Ron Wyatt is not a prophet, nor even has a high degree in archaeology, but set out to find places spoken of in the bible and used the methods necessary to make his findings.
    He has witnesses, and evidence of his findings.
    And it's all on film for us to see,
    not just a tale.
    He is obviously a believer, and God chose him for this one purpose, to discover and show the world.
    What doctrine he believes in, I don't care,
    but it's the proof that amazes me,
    how he found Noah's arK
    Sodom and Gomorrah,
    The Tower of Babel site,
    The crossing of the Red sea, chariot findings,
    and now the exact place where Jesus was crucified,
    and not only that,
    the ark of the covenant that was hidden under that exact same spot 600 years earlier.
    I didn't just find all this out,
    but decided I wanted to discuss it on here.

    It's too bad you think that God will not prove all the sceptics wrong about certain bible proofs of events that happened.

    It's too bad, you cannot show the video to anyone, to get them thinking,
    It's too bad you can't be of use here,
    and prefer to chose that it's not possible,
    that some will not get any proof at all,
    so let them rot.
    You are not alone,
    there are many christians who team up with the sceptics also,
    and claim their faith is real, but agree with them we can't show any evidence.
    It's just too bad.

    Can I have a discussion with you on this?
    at least I'll get some reasons from you why you might disagree or agree.
    Can you move this subject somewhere else?
    This guy is trying to act too mysterious for me,
    I can't have a decent conversation with him.


    Hi j42,
    Is scripture not enough?
    Is it not the ultimate test?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 22 2014,14:30)
    Hi WU,
    We are made in the image of God
    Our spirit gives us life but does not control us.

    The Word is of the Spirit and the Spirit is of God.

    All goodness is from God and all His new creation is to His glory.


    Yes;the spirit is *OF* God.
    Is not God.


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