JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #362451

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,15:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,09:37)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,08:42)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,06:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 21 2013,12:55)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,12:41)

    The knowledge and wisdom of God.


    Now we know that utterance means words that are said !

    And we know that the wisdom and knowledge of God the creator DO NOT HAVE TO BE SAID :

    Just like you watch a chess game championship ,NO ONE TALKS NO ONE MOVES but the knowledge and wisdom of them both is active at is best ,

    So no utterance there right ???


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.  God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.

    the words that Jesus spooked where already written ,but the understanding of it was not known,this Jesus full of the holy spirit of truth made it known to his disciples ,and that is what he meant when he says that his words are spirits and life ;

    God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.

    I just told you that this is not true ;read the chess mach ;no one speaks and yet both uses their wisdom and knowledge'

    words do not mean anything if they are not followed by works

    same principal as our faith without works /deeds is dead ,

    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,

    understand this


    Words too can be works, such as preaching the good news.  That same good news contains the wisdom and knowledge of God.

    Yes, God's other works also contain his wisdom and knowledge.


    Gods wisdom and knowledge would never be known,if it was not for the great works he did ,stop being blind my friend,so is the gospel preaching this was one of Christ works but the result of the works is the glory of the one  than preaches ,so it is with the works of God so that all glory goes to the father , but many have taking part of God's great works and so they receive a glory according to their participation ,this is lay out in scriptures i believe by Paul,



    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,
    understand this

    You are contradicting the written Word:
    But this is your norm:

    Isaiah 5:13 Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because ****they have no knowledge****:
    and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude **dried up with thirst**.

    Isaiah 11:2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, ***the spirit of wisdom and understanding***,
    the spirit of counsel and might***,
    ***the spirit of knowledge*** and of the fear of the LORD;***



    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,13:31)

    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 21 2013,07:54)

    ill repeat what i said. the version said the Word was God.
    the version also said the Word was divine BUT NO VERSION SAYS GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD IN JOHN1.1

    you said GOD is like his word. now im asking you where can you find that in john 1.1.

    we are now at page 1047 but i  still get no answer from you boy


    Any version that can be interpreted to be true will do if you understand the truth.

    So do you believe both God and his word are divine.

    cant you read my posts??

    i said the version said the WORD was GOD. some versions said the WORD was divine but no version said GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD

    how can you win the case if you dont have materials to provide?

    this is very obvious that you just waNT TO POLLUTE THE MINDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE.
    praise the LORD because the bible clearly tells us that THE WORD WAS CHRIST HIMSELF. he was DIVINE and he was GOD.

    John 1:1

    New Life Version (NLV)
    Christ Lived Before the World Was Made

    1 The Word (Christ) was in the beginning. The Word was with God. The Word was God.

    this topic should now be closed. it is no longer profitable to talk to false teachers like you kerwin. you say non sense words.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Nov. 22 2013,14:01)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,15:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,09:37)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,08:42)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,06:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 21 2013,12:55)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,12:41)

    The knowledge and wisdom of God.


    Now we know that utterance means words that are said !

    And we know that the wisdom and knowledge of God the creator DO NOT HAVE TO BE SAID :

    Just like you watch a chess game championship ,NO ONE TALKS NO ONE MOVES but the knowledge and wisdom of them both is active at is best ,

    So no utterance there right ???


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.  God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.

    the words that Jesus spooked where already written ,but the understanding of it was not known,this Jesus full of the holy spirit of truth made it known to his disciples ,and that is what he meant when he says that his words are spirits and life ;

    God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.

    I just told you that this is not true ;read the chess mach ;no one speaks and yet both uses their wisdom and knowledge'

    words do not mean anything if they are not followed by works

    same principal as our faith without works /deeds is dead ,

    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,

    understand this


    Words too can be works, such as preaching the good news.  That same good news contains the wisdom and knowledge of God.

    Yes, God's other works also contain his wisdom and knowledge.


    Gods wisdom and knowledge would never be known,if it was not for the great works he did ,stop being blind my friend,so is the gospel preaching this was one of Christ works but the result of the works is the glory of the one  than preaches ,so it is with the works of God so that all glory goes to the father , but many have taking part of God's great works and so they receive a glory according to their participation ,this is lay out in scriptures i believe by Paul,



    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,
    understand this

    You are contradicting the written Word:
    But this is your norm:

    Isaiah 5:13   Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because        ****they have no knowledge****:
    and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude     **dried up with thirst**.

    Isaiah 11:2   And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, ***the spirit of wisdom and understanding***,
            the spirit of counsel and might***,
      ***the spirit of knowledge*** and of the fear of the LORD;***



    It looks ,that you did not understood what I wrote ,

    The scriptures you quoting are prove that what I say is true, but you have presenting them all cut up so they are not in context ,

    But in fact Israel lack of knowledge was because they had left the true knowledge and follow other practices against their God Jehovah and so died and suffer for nothing ,because the knowledge and wisdom was available  to them but reject it ,no difference today,


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,21:15)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Nov. 22 2013,14:01)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,15:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,09:37)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,08:42)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,06:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 21 2013,12:55)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,12:41)

    The knowledge and wisdom of God.


    Now we know that utterance means words that are said !

    And we know that the wisdom and knowledge of God the creator DO NOT HAVE TO BE SAID :

    Just like you watch a chess game championship ,NO ONE TALKS NO ONE MOVES but the knowledge and wisdom of them both is active at is best ,

    So no utterance there right ???


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.  God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.

    the words that Jesus spooked where already written ,but the understanding of it was not known,this Jesus full of the holy spirit of truth made it known to his disciples ,and that is what he meant when he says that his words are spirits and life ;

    God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.

    I just told you that this is not true ;read the chess mach ;no one speaks and yet both uses their wisdom and knowledge'

    words do not mean anything if they are not followed by works

    same principal as our faith without works /deeds is dead ,

    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,

    understand this


    Words too can be works, such as preaching the good news.  That same good news contains the wisdom and knowledge of God.

    Yes, God's other works also contain his wisdom and knowledge.


    Gods wisdom and knowledge would never be known,if it was not for the great works he did ,stop being blind my friend,so is the gospel preaching this was one of Christ works but the result of the works is the glory of the one  than preaches ,so it is with the works of God so that all glory goes to the father , but many have taking part of God's great works and so they receive a glory according to their participation ,this is lay out in scriptures i believe by Paul,



    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,
    understand this

    You are contradicting the written Word:
    But this is your norm:

    Isaiah 5:13   Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because        ****they have no knowledge****:
    and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude     **dried up with thirst**.

    Isaiah 11:2   And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, ***the spirit of wisdom and understanding***,
            the spirit of counsel and might***,
      ***the spirit of knowledge*** and of the fear of the LORD;***



    It looks ,that you did not understood what I wrote ,

    The scriptures you quoting are prove that what I say is true, but you have presenting them all cut up so they are not in context ,

    But in fact Israel lack of knowledge was because they had left the true knowledge and follow other practices against their God Jehovah and so died and suffer for nothing ,because the knowledge and wisdom was available  to them but reject it ,no difference today,


    You can not escape the words you have spoken.You can not take it back.
    It is clear what you said to Kerwin; that:
    ***it would not matter what is your knowledge or
    wisdom,understand this.***
    You are giving him bad advice.(misleading information).




    Why is it that you cannot even understand simple things,

    Knowledge and wisdom are non acting instruments so to make those active you have to do works or activate them :

    This is why I told Kerwin that without activating the wisdom and knowledge :no one would ever know you ad any of those two things

    And stop calling what I said misleading when you cannot understand what I say:

    You have already called Jesus a liar ,because of you lack of understanding,


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,22:20)

    Why is it that you cannot even understand simple things,

    Knowledge and wisdom are non acting instruments so to make those active you have to do works or activate them :

    This is why I told Kerwin that without activating the wisdom and knowledge :no one would ever know you ad any of those two things

    And stop calling what I said misleading when you cannot understand what I say:

    You have already called Jesus a liar ,because of you lack of understanding,


    I understood what you said alright.
    How can you activate knowledge that you dont have?
    First you need to have the knowledge: but *you said*
    **it does not matter** if you have knowledge or wisdom.

    Well;it does matter.

    To have knowledge and wisdom is most important.
    I hope Kerwin does not follow your advise.



    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,18:31)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 22 2013,05:24)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 19 2013,22:40)
    The hypothesis I was working on is that saying the word is God is similar to saying that God is love with the difference being that instead of meaning God is the attribute of the word, it means God and the word share the same attribute; that of being divine.

    Okay.  I can see where that might work with an abstract thing like “love”.

    But does your hypothesis hold water when you change the abstract “love” to a physical “person”?

    In other words, will it work if we say “the Word was with Bill, and the word was Bill”?  Would that mean that the Word WAS the very “Bill” he was WITH?  Or would it be nonsensical to think such a thing?


    It is a hypothesis that has only circumstantial support that I found.  It happens to work with God's utterance but that may well be coincidences. If the hypothesis is true then it would take more evidence to reveal whether or not it also works a person.

    It doesn't work with God's utterance unless you can also say that the words God speaks ARE actually God Himself.

    If you can say that you worship “utterances” as the God who created you, then your hypothesis will work.

    But an utterance from someone's mouth isn't a “WHO“, Kerwin.  An utterance from someone's mouth is an “IT”.

    So think about part b for a second……….. “and the Word was with God.  Is the “God” mentioned in part b a WHO?  Or is that “God” an IT?

    You are using “God is love” as your “test subject”.  But can you reverse that saying and claim that love is God?  Can you say you worship “love” as your creator?

    If not, then your hypothesis doesn't work.


    Quote (david @ Nov. 21 2013,19:36)
    And yes, it could mean “a god,” “divine,” or three other things.  But what it doesn't really seem to mean is: “the God.”

    That is one of the main things people need to realize, David.

    The translation, “and the Word was God really means that the Word was THE very god he/it was WITH.

    And whether they accept the Coptic translation as “a god”, “divine”, “godlike”, or even “god-ish” – they need to realize that part b of the Coptic says THE god, and part c does NOT say THE god.

    And that fits with John's original words, with which he taught us that the Word was with THE god – but not that the Word actually was THE god.

    So whether the Word was “godlike”, “a god”, or “divine” – it is clear that the Word is someone/something OTHER THAN the God he/it was WITH. It is clear that we are talking about a completely DIFFERENT entity that was with THE god in the beginning.

    How much sense does it make for our one and only Almighty God to be WITH our one and only Almighty God anyway?


    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,21:19)

    Quote (david @ Nov. 22 2013,07:32)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 22 2013,10:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 20 2013,20:59)

    I found this quote on a forum and if a true quote then those scholars are not really saying anything different than can be derived by the translations of some.

    “We propose that the best way to take the indefinite article in John 1:1c is as an attempt by the Copts to interpret the anarthrous θε?ς descriptively/qualitatively. As a result, they interpreted and translated John 1.1c to mean that ‘the Word' possesses the same qualities as ‘the God of the Bible'.”

    My source:

    Two points, Kerwin:

    First, do you realize that “possessing the same qualities AS the God of the Bible” would eliminate the Word from actually BEING “the God of the Bible”?

    That would make “the Word was God” a bad translation – since the Word actually WASN'T “the God of the Bible”.

    Secondly, do you realize that if one is “qualitatively man”, that one is, by necessity, “a man”?  And therefore, if one is “qualitatively god”, that one is “a god”.


    How would you respond?

    Or, would you respond?


    John 1:1 a bad translation because we use God as God's name and it is not calling God by his name.  They should have left the “the”'s before God when a definite article was there.  

    A Forth Century translation of any manuscript is questionable as it occurred after the Council of Nicaea and the Arian controversy.  

    That's not a very good response, Kerwin.

    Try addressing the two points DIRECTLY.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Nov. 22 2013,17:47)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,22:20)

    Why is it that you cannot even understand simple things,

    Knowledge and wisdom are non acting instruments so to make those active you have to do works or activate them :

    This is why I told Kerwin that without activating the wisdom and knowledge :no one would ever know you ad any of those two things

    And stop calling what I said misleading when you cannot understand what I say:

    You have already called Jesus a liar ,because of you lack of understanding,


    I understood what you said alright.
    How can you activate knowledge that you dont have?
    First you need to have the knowledge: but *you said*
    **it does not matter** if you have knowledge or wisdom.

    Well;it does matter.

    To have knowledge and wisdom is most important.
    I hope Kerwin does not follow your advise.



    when I was born ,i did not have knowledge or wisdom ,but I went to school and learn and absorbed knowledge ,but could not use it because it was preliminary and the wisdom i learn was the same thing ;but as I grew older and became in contact with God's knowledge and wisdom (the scriptures)I realize that this knowledge and wisdom was different from all the others that I ad learned ,and so when into study deep into it ,it took me more than 40 years to have a glimpse of that knowledge and wisdom ,and so I start to teach what I had learn from the scriptures ,free from men teachings ,SO I WOULD SAY THAT ONLY AFTER 40 YEARS OR SO YOU COULD SAY THAT MY KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM BECAME ACTIVE ,NOT BEFORE ,




    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 22 2013,21:19)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,18:31)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 22 2013,05:24)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 19 2013,22:40)
    The hypothesis I was working on is that saying the word is God is similar to saying that God is love with the difference being that instead of meaning God is the attribute of the word, it means God and the word share the same attribute; that of being divine.

    Okay.  I can see where that might work with an abstract thing like “love”.

    But does your hypothesis hold water when you change the abstract “love” to a physical “person”?

    In other words, will it work if we say “the Word was with Bill, and the word was Bill”?  Would that mean that the Word WAS the very “Bill” he was WITH?  Or would it be nonsensical to think such a thing?


    It is a hypothesis that has only circumstantial support that I found.  It happens to work with God's utterance but that may well be coincidences. If the hypothesis is true then it would take more evidence to reveal whether or not it also works a person.

    It doesn't work with God's utterance unless you can also say that the words God speaks ARE actually God Himself.

    If you can say that you worship “utterances” as the God who created you, then your hypothesis will work.

    But an utterance from someone's mouth isn't a “WHO“, Kerwin.  An utterance from someone's mouth is an “IT”.

    So think about part b for a second……….. “and the Word was with God.  Is the “God” mentioned in part b a WHO?  Or is that “God” an IT?

    You are using “God is love” as your “test subject”.  But can you reverse that saying and claim that love is God?  Can you say you worship “love” as your creator?

    If not, then your hypothesis doesn't work.


    It works in Koine Greek but not in English.  We do not use the word god to mean “refers to the things of God his counsels, interests, things due to him whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in any way” while Koine Greek does use theos that way.  The traditional translation is technically flawed though some alternative ones are not. The word should be divine, godlike, godly, or something of the like in English.  Even when Trinitarians get that correct they still insist is supports their Christology.

    An Orthodox Bible Commentary notes: “This second theos could also be translated ‘divine’ as the construction indicates “a qualitative sense for theos”.

    After that the commentary notes how the translation supports the Trinitarian Christology.

    According to it can literally be used to refer to God's utterance, ie. his councils.

    Note:  theos and John 1:1 in English versions are my sources.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 22 2013,21:37)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,21:19)

    Quote (david @ Nov. 22 2013,07:32)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 22 2013,10:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 20 2013,20:59)

    I found this quote on a forum and if a true quote then those scholars are not really saying anything different than can be derived by the translations of some.

    “We propose that the best way to take the indefinite article in John 1:1c is as an attempt by the Copts to interpret the anarthrous θε?ς descriptively/qualitatively. As a result, they interpreted and translated John 1.1c to mean that ‘the Word' possesses the same qualities as ‘the God of the Bible'.”

    My source:

    Two points, Kerwin:

    First, do you realize that “possessing the same qualities AS the God of the Bible” would eliminate the Word from actually BEING “the God of the Bible”?

    That would make “the Word was God” a bad translation – since the Word actually WASN'T “the God of the Bible”.

    Secondly, do you realize that if one is “qualitatively man”, that one is, by necessity, “a man”?  And therefore, if one is “qualitatively god”, that one is “a god”.


    How would you respond?

    Or, would you respond?


    John 1:1 a bad translation because we use God as God's name and it is not calling God by his name.  They should have left the “the”'s before God when a definite article was there.  

    A Forth Century translation of any manuscript is questionable as it occurred after the Council of Nicaea and the Arian controversy.  

    That's not a very good response, Kerwin.

    Try addressing the two points DIRECTLY.


    It is a good response if you understand that by the 4th Century heresy was widespread and the Arian teaching were prevalent is the same areas the Coptic manuscripts would be used.  So what you are using is a possible Arian translation of Scripture to support an Arian like Christology.  

    I have already pointed out to David that a literal interpretation of “the word is god” does not support the traditional Trinitarian Roman Catholic Christology.  According to their definitions of God it would be claiming that  the word was the name of the three in one God or that the word was the name of the Father person of one. None of which they believe.

    I tend to believe it is flawed, not even considering only Koine Greek versions, but I see no way to prove it to the satisfaction of those that do not see where the current translation does not support their chosen Christology.

    It does not necessary say “a god” either.


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,10:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,09:37)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,08:42)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,06:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 21 2013,12:55)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,12:41)

    The knowledge and wisdom of God.


    Now we know that utterance means words that are said !

    And we know that the wisdom and knowledge of God the creator DO NOT HAVE TO BE SAID :

    Just like you watch a chess game championship ,NO ONE TALKS NO ONE MOVES but the knowledge and wisdom of them both is active at is best ,

    So no utterance there right ???


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.  God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.

    the words that Jesus spooked where already written ,but the understanding of it was not known,this Jesus full of the holy spirit of truth made it known to his disciples ,and that is what he meant when he says that his words are spirits and life ;

    God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.

    I just told you that this is not true ;read the chess mach ;no one speaks and yet both uses their wisdom and knowledge'

    words do not mean anything if they are not followed by works

    same principal as our faith without works /deeds is dead ,

    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,

    understand this


    Words too can be works, such as preaching the good news.  That same good news contains the wisdom and knowledge of God.

    Yes, God's other works also contain his wisdom and knowledge.


    Gods wisdom and knowledge would never be known,if it was not for the great works he did ,stop being blind my friend,so is the gospel preaching this was one of Christ works but the result of the works is the glory of the one  than preaches ,so it is with the works of God so that all glory goes to the father , but many have taking part of God's great works and so they receive a glory according to their participation ,this is lay out in scriptures i believe by Paul,


    Those works were done by his word and one of those works was to give the law and another was to give the gospel. Both of those works are words.

    1 Corinthians 2:6-8
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: 7 but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8 which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.


    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 22 2013,14:54)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,13:31)

    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 21 2013,07:54)

    ill repeat what i said. the version said the Word was God.
    the version also said the Word was divine BUT NO VERSION SAYS GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD IN JOHN1.1

    you said GOD is like his word. now im asking you where can you find that in john 1.1.

    we are now at page 1047 but i  still get no answer from you boy


    Any version that can be interpreted to be true will do if you understand the truth.

    So do you believe both God and his word are divine.

    cant you read my posts??

    i said the version said the WORD was GOD. some versions said the WORD was divine but no version said GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD

    how can you win the case if you dont have materials to provide?

    this is very obvious that you just waNT TO POLLUTE THE MINDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE.
    praise the LORD because the bible clearly tells us that THE WORD WAS CHRIST HIMSELF. he was DIVINE and he was GOD.

    John 1:1

    New Life Version (NLV)
    Christ Lived Before the World Was Made

    1 The Word (Christ) was in the beginning. The Word was with God. The Word was God.

    this topic should now be closed. it is no longer profitable to talk to false teachers like you kerwin. you say non sense words.


    The word divine means godlike.


       blessed (also blest), divine, holy, godly, heavenly, sacred, supernatural

    Note: godlike


    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 23 2013,01:24)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,10:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,09:37)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,08:42)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,06:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 21 2013,12:55)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,12:41)

    The knowledge and wisdom of God.


    Now we know that utterance means words that are said !

    And we know that the wisdom and knowledge of God the creator DO NOT HAVE TO BE SAID :

    Just like you watch a chess game championship ,NO ONE TALKS NO ONE MOVES but the knowledge and wisdom of them both is active at is best ,

    So no utterance there right ???


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.  God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.

    the words that Jesus spooked where already written ,but the understanding of it was not known,this Jesus full of the holy spirit of truth made it known to his disciples ,and that is what he meant when he says that his words are spirits and life ;

    God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.

    I just told you that this is not true ;read the chess mach ;no one speaks and yet both uses their wisdom and knowledge'

    words do not mean anything if they are not followed by works

    same principal as our faith without works /deeds is dead ,

    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,

    understand this


    Words too can be works, such as preaching the good news.  That same good news contains the wisdom and knowledge of God.

    Yes, God's other works also contain his wisdom and knowledge.


    Gods wisdom and knowledge would never be known,if it was not for the great works he did ,stop being blind my friend,so is the gospel preaching this was one of Christ works but the result of the works is the glory of the one  than preaches ,so it is with the works of God so that all glory goes to the father , but many have taking part of God's great works and so they receive a glory according to their participation ,this is lay out in scriptures i believe by Paul,


    Those works were done by his word and one of those works was to give the law and another was to give the gospel.  Both of those works are words.

    1 Corinthians 2:6-8
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: 7 but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8 which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.


    preaching the word of God are the works ,not the words that is the message , the teaching is given the understanding that you received through the holy spirit of truth ,but all according to the message (gospel)that is also works ,from the knowledge and wisdom you have received ,and learned


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 23 2013,01:38)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 23 2013,01:24)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,10:30)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,09:37)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 22 2013,08:42)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 22 2013,06:39)

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 21 2013,12:55)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,12:41)

    The knowledge and wisdom of God.


    Now we know that utterance means words that are said !

    And we know that the wisdom and knowledge of God the creator DO NOT HAVE TO BE SAID :

    Just like you watch a chess game championship ,NO ONE TALKS NO ONE MOVES but the knowledge and wisdom of them both is active at is best ,

    So no utterance there right ???


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.  God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.


    Have you considered that Jesus said his words are spirit.

    the words that Jesus spooked where already written ,but the understanding of it was not known,this Jesus full of the holy spirit of truth made it known to his disciples ,and that is what he meant when he says that his words are spirits and life ;

    God's knowledge and wisdom is in what he says.

    I just told you that this is not true ;read the chess mach ;no one speaks and yet both uses their wisdom and knowledge'

    words do not mean anything if they are not followed by works

    same principal as our faith without works /deeds is dead ,

    it would not matter what is your knowledge or wisdom,

    understand this


    Words too can be works, such as preaching the good news.  That same good news contains the wisdom and knowledge of God.

    Yes, God's other works also contain his wisdom and knowledge.


    Gods wisdom and knowledge would never be known,if it was not for the great works he did ,stop being blind my friend,so is the gospel preaching this was one of Christ works but the result of the works is the glory of the one  than preaches ,so it is with the works of God so that all glory goes to the father , but many have taking part of God's great works and so they receive a glory according to their participation ,this is lay out in scriptures i believe by Paul,


    Those works were done by his word and one of those works was to give the law and another was to give the gospel.  Both of those works are words.

    1 Corinthians 2:6-8
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: 7 but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8 which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.


    preaching the word of God are the works ,not the words that is the message , the teaching is given the understanding that you received through the holy spirit of truth ,but all according to the message (gospel)that is also works ,from the knowledge and wisdom you have received ,and learned


    Yes, A man can receive the wisdom and knowledge are that are contained in God's word.  In the addition they can receive the power that created light when all was darkness.  

    1 Corinthians 1:18
    Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.



    In the addition they can receive the power that created light when all was darkness.

    that is equal to God's knowledge and wisdom ,if not what is it that you think it is ???


    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 23 2013,06:27)

    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 22 2013,14:54)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,13:31)

    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 21 2013,07:54)

    ill repeat what i said. the version said the Word was God.
    the version also said the Word was divine BUT NO VERSION SAYS GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD IN JOHN1.1

    you said GOD is like his word. now im asking you where can you find that in john 1.1.

    we are now at page 1047 but i  still get no answer from you boy


    Any version that can be interpreted to be true will do if you understand the truth.

    So do you believe both God and his word are divine.

    cant you read my posts??

    i said the version said the WORD was GOD. some versions said the WORD was divine but no version said GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD

    how can you win the case if you dont have materials to provide?

    this is very obvious that you just waNT TO POLLUTE THE MINDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE.
    praise the LORD because the bible clearly tells us that THE WORD WAS CHRIST HIMSELF. he was DIVINE and he was GOD.

    John 1:1

    New Life Version (NLV)
    Christ Lived Before the World Was Made

    1 The Word (Christ) was in the beginning. The Word was with God. The Word was God.

    this topic should now be closed. it is no longer profitable to talk to false teachers like you kerwin. you say non sense words.


    The word divine means godlike.


       blessed (also blest), divine, holy, godly, heavenly, sacred, supernatural

    Note: godlike

    the word godlike is not the same as “GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD.”

    do you know english boy???

    i think you should go back to elementary school


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 23 2013,02:01)

    In the addition they can receive the power that created light when all was darkness.  

    that is equal to God's knowledge and wisdom ,if not what is it that you think it is ???


    God's word has the power to create all things for all things were created by it.


    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 23 2013,07:03)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 23 2013,06:27)

    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 22 2013,14:54)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 21 2013,13:31)

    Quote (jammin @ Nov. 21 2013,07:54)

    ill repeat what i said. the version said the Word was God.
    the version also said the Word was divine BUT NO VERSION SAYS GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD IN JOHN1.1

    you said GOD is like his word. now im asking you where can you find that in john 1.1.

    we are now at page 1047 but i  still get no answer from you boy


    Any version that can be interpreted to be true will do if you understand the truth.

    So do you believe both God and his word are divine.

    cant you read my posts??

    i said the version said the WORD was GOD. some versions said the WORD was divine but no version said GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD

    how can you win the case if you dont have materials to provide?

    this is very obvious that you just waNT TO POLLUTE THE MINDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE.
    praise the LORD because the bible clearly tells us that THE WORD WAS CHRIST HIMSELF. he was DIVINE and he was GOD.

    John 1:1

    New Life Version (NLV)
    Christ Lived Before the World Was Made

    1 The Word (Christ) was in the beginning. The Word was with God. The Word was God.

    this topic should now be closed. it is no longer profitable to talk to false teachers like you kerwin. you say non sense words.


    The word divine means godlike.


       blessed (also blest), divine, holy, godly, heavenly, sacred, supernatural

    Note: godlike

    the word godlike is not the same as  “GOD IS LIKE HIS WORD.”

    do you know english boy???

    i think you should go back to elementary school


    You are the one arguing with an English dictionary, not me.

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