JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #347982

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 18 2013,12:22)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 16 2013,22:14)

    It is a change of English so it becomes “the Word made flesh lived among us…”.

    Nonsense, Kerwin.  Nothing but pure, unadulterated nonsense.

    The word AND is in the Greek text.  Therefore, any understanding you come up with MUST include the word AND.

    You can't just REMOVE a very important conjunction from the Greek text because that conjunction makes it harder for you to “explain away” the teaching of John 1:14.   ???

    Who do you think you are to REMOVE WORDS from the inspired scriptures – just to suit your own desires?   ???

    Shame on you!  If you must change the scriptures for your understanding to be achieved, then you – WITHOUT A DOUBT – have the WRONG understanding.

    jammin will be so proud of you for this one!  The “student” has finally written a Bible of his own – just like jammin's been asking you to do!

    Do you not write your own Bible when you add the 'a' into John 1:1 which was not there?



    Acts 2:30 and Romans 1:3 make it clear that Jesus was only a descendent of David “according to the flesh”……… an odd statement to make about someone who had never been anything BUT flesh.

    Perhaps in today's culture but Scripture uses it for Paul as well.

    Romans 9:3
    King James Version (KJV)

    3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:

    and Israel

    1 Corinthians 10:18
    King James Version (KJV)

    18 Behold Israel after the flesh: are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?



    Why is Pierre a “troll” in this case, 2B? You're more at fault this time for calling him a derogatory name.

    Mike, which derogatory name? Do you mean “Troll”?
    Mike, as a moderator, do you not know what an Internet Troll is, and how they operate?

    Mike, I do not want to be against you. Sometimes I just read hoping to learn something and at other times I join in and have my say like all forums operate. But lately, I was shocked to be reading insults made by you toward another member, and as usual Terraricca is being a troll and nothing is being done about it. A blind eye us constantly turned, so peaceful discussions turn distressing to not only the victims of the insults and trolling, but also to the readers.

    Please, go and learn what a troll is.



    And Hebrews 2:14 explains the REASON the Word had to BECOME flesh in the first place.

    I would say that too but I would mean “Word” when I said “Word”.


    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,06:42)


    Why is Pierre a “troll” in this case, 2B? You're more at fault this time for calling him a derogatory name.

    Mike, which derogatory name? Do you mean “Troll”?
    Mike, as a moderator, do you not know what an Internet Troll is, and how they operate?

    Mike, I do not want to be against you. Sometimes I just read hoping to learn something and at other times I join in and have my say like all forums operate. But lately, I was shocked to be reading insults made by you toward another member, and as usual Terraricca is being a troll and nothing is being done about it. A blind eye us constantly turned, so peaceful discussions turn distressing to not only the victims of the insults and trolling, but also to the readers.

    Please, go and learn what a troll is.


    You believe T is trying to stir up drama instead of useful discussion.


    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,07:08)
    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    T lacks knowledge to debate and expresses his disbelief by making accusations. Poor communications skills but not up to the level of certain trolls I have known.


    Quote (kerwin @ June 17 2013,18:26)

    Actually, Phil 2 tells how Jesus was existing in the form of God BEFORE being “made in the likeness of a human being”.

    It does not say that.  The most you can say is that the flow hints that Jesus being in the form of God emptied himself and took on the form of a servant before becoming a human being.

    Actually, the flow MORE THAN hints at Jesus existing in the form of God BEFORE emptying himself, AND taking the form of a servant BY being made in the likeness of a human being.

    What's the other option, Kerwin?  That Jesus was existing in the form of God WHILE he emptied himself and WHILE he also had the form of a servant and WHILE he was being made in the likeness of a human being?   ???

    You already KNOW the understanding that makes perfect sense, considering the context.  That's why you admit it “hints” at a progressive order of events.

    But you still won't allow yourself to believe it……… even though your common sense is SCREAMING it at you.

    This is why I'm coming to the conclusion that I need to walk away from you like I did jammin.  You can only take a person so far, Kerwin.  I can only show you these things so many times.  If you refuse to see them, then you refuse to see them.  What good does it do me to talk to a person who clearly knows what the verse SEEMS TO BE saying, but refuses to believe it anyway?


    Quote (kerwin @ June 17 2013,18:33)

    John 1:14 speaks about a person called “the Word”, who WASN'T flesh at first, but then “BECAME flesh”.

    Where is person mentioned?

    Are you kidding?  The PERSON about whom John said, This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me’ is the same PERSON about whom he said, I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him.

    It is the same PERSON about whom he said, The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit, and, He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.

    Who else but a PERSON wears sandals, Kerwin?  Was it a PERSON who baptized with Holy Spirit?  Was it a PERSON upon whom the Holy Spirit landed and remained?

    These are very SIMPLE teachings, Kerwin.  They are not hard at all.

    Yet you take these scriptural words and RAPE them by inventing a bunch of different subjects in John 1.  As if John is sometimes talking about a “light entity”, and other times a “Holy Spirit Son entity”, and other times a “Jesus entity”.

    I realize that you HAVE TO invent things like this – or else you would have no choice but to ACCEPT the truth.  And you right now just don't WANT to accept it for personal reasons.

    There is no more I can do for you at this point.


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2013,07:40)

    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,07:08)
    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    T lacks knowledge to debate and expresses his disbelief by making accusations.  Poor communications skills but not up to the level of certain trolls I have known.


    this remark will come to hunt you down ;


    Quote (2besee @ June 17 2013,18:34)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 18 2013,12:22)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 16 2013,22:14)

    It is a change of English so it becomes “the Word made flesh lived among us…”.

    Nonsense, Kerwin.  Nothing but pure, unadulterated nonsense.

    The word AND is in the Greek text.  Therefore, any understanding you come up with MUST include the word AND.

    You can't just REMOVE a very important conjunction from the Greek text because that conjunction makes it harder for you to “explain away” the teaching of John 1:14.   ???

    Who do you think you are to REMOVE WORDS from the inspired scriptures – just to suit your own desires?   ???

    Shame on you!  If you must change the scriptures for your understanding to be achieved, then you – WITHOUT A DOUBT – have the WRONG understanding.

    jammin will be so proud of you for this one!  The “student” has finally written a Bible of his own – just like jammin's been asking you to do!

    Do you not write your own Bible when you add the 'a' into John 1:1 which was not there?


    First of all, tell me if you can see where Kerwin is REMOVING the word “AND” from John 1:14.

    After you acknowledge that you CAN see what HE'S doing, I will answer your question.


    Quote (2besee @ June 17 2013,18:42)
    Please, go and learn what a troll is.


    I wouldn't have to learn these internet geek terms if YOU would just learn how to hit the “Report Post” button when you think someone is out of line.  :)

    Different people talk to certain people differently, 2B.  There was a cat here named Kangaroo Jack that I used to go to war with.  He'd call me a dumbass, and I'd call him a blathering idiot.  That's just how we carried on our discussions sometimes.  He never reported any “abuse”, and neither did I.  So why would t8 get involved?  From t8's standpoint, this is just how we talked to each other.  No one was complaining, so why get involved?

    This is what I'm telling you right now.  Unless someone is going WAY overboard towards another member, I'm NOT going to get involved until someone reports a post.

    I like you, and I like the fact that you're here.  But if you don't like the way t8 and I run this site, you know you are free to leave, right?


    Quote (kerwin @ June 17 2013,18:44)

    And Hebrews 2:14 explains the REASON the Word had to BECOME flesh in the first place.

    I would say that too but I would mean “Word” when I said “Word”.

    Revelation 19
    11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

    I would mean “Word” too. But would YOU mean the Word described above? I would.



    You also have the option of skipping over Pierre's posts altogether. He has a unique color of type, so his posts are not that hard to recognize and pass over – if you so desired.

    (Same with my posts.)


    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2013,15:08)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2013,07:40)

    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,07:08)
    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    T lacks knowledge to debate and expresses his disbelief by making accusations.  Poor communications skills but not up to the level of certain trolls I have known.


    this remark will come to hunt you down ;

    And now is personal threats.


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2013,14:40)

    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,07:08)
    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    T lacks knowledge to debate and expresses his disbelief by making accusations.  Poor communications skills but not up to the level of certain trolls I have known.

    I can understand that we have all become desensitized to Terraricca and so we do not take his accusations seriously. However, to a newcomer, it would not be so.

    Even if he is nice to them, initially, they would also be reading other threads.

    I do not believe that language as a barrier is an excuse at all.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 18 2013,15:09)

    Quote (2besee @ June 17 2013,18:34)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 18 2013,12:22)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 16 2013,22:14)

    It is a change of English so it becomes “the Word made flesh lived among us…”.

    Nonsense, Kerwin.  Nothing but pure, unadulterated nonsense.

    The word AND is in the Greek text.  Therefore, any understanding you come up with MUST include the word AND.

    You can't just REMOVE a very important conjunction from the Greek text because that conjunction makes it harder for you to “explain away” the teaching of John 1:14.   ???

    Who do you think you are to REMOVE WORDS from the inspired scriptures – just to suit your own desires?   ???

    Shame on you!  If you must change the scriptures for your understanding to be achieved, then you – WITHOUT A DOUBT – have the WRONG understanding.

    jammin will be so proud of you for this one!  The “student” has finally written a Bible of his own – just like jammin's been asking you to do!

    Do you not write your own Bible when you add the 'a' into John 1:1 which was not there?


    First of all, tell me if you can see where Kerwin is REMOVING the word “AND” from John 1:14.

    After you acknowledge that you CAN see what HE'S doing, I will answer your question.

    Look Mike,
    All I want is truth. I believe that I have gone of track in one way, and I know what it is. So, I am going to backtrack a bit. If Terraricca could stop trolling, then perhaps the focus would be where it should be.

    I will look at that verse later.


    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,09:45)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2013,15:08)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2013,07:40)

    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,07:08)
    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    T lacks knowledge to debate and expresses his disbelief by making accusations.  Poor communications skills but not up to the level of certain trolls I have known.


    this remark will come to hunt you down ;

    And now is personal threats.


    Do I???
    Or is it you that within your own mind interpreting that it is a threat ???

    It seems you can only seen what you want to see,and make it your reality ,

    I have in no way threatening , Kerwin in any way ,but his judgment on me ,that if I have lied in what I teach this will fall on my own head says scriptures but if I have said the truth and as he as diminished my understanding to about nothing ,this is the wisdom that will hunt him ,

    It took me 35 years before I start to preach for I want to speak the truth and so fallow the scriptures not men,this is after a period of 10 years of study all about the scriptures,but I have all ways try to practice in real life what I have learn as I moved ahead in my studies, I am now close to 73 years old I have heard many things like you have said,the reason why we are in this position is mainly because you do not know the scriptures but believe that you do,this is the true reason why you can not stand me,,nor Mike,


    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2013,08:08)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2013,07:40)

    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,07:08)
    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    T lacks knowledge to debate and expresses his disbelief by making accusations.  Poor communications skills but not up to the level of certain trolls I have known.


    this remark will come to hunt you down ;


    Knowledge can be gained.


    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,09:48)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2013,14:40)

    Quote (2besee @ June 18 2013,07:08)
    Kerwin, yes. Rather than focusing on a discussion.

    The rules state that personal insults, etc, are not allowed.


    T lacks knowledge to debate and expresses his disbelief by making accusations.  Poor communications skills but not up to the level of certain trolls I have known.

    I can understand that we have all become desensitized to Terraricca and so we do not take his accusations seriously. However, to a newcomer, it would not be so.

    Even if he is nice to them, initially, they would also be reading other threads.

    I do not believe that language as a barrier is an excuse at all.


    I have no major disagreement with your words.

    I am speaking of a Scriptural knowledge and understanding barrier and not a language barrier.

    There are always a certain amount of words that are perceived as negative.  Both Jesus and John the Baptists labeled a certain group a brood of vipers.

    I use such things aimed at me to proof me.

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