JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    you cant win on a debate. your points are too weak.
    you dont have scriptures to support your imagination boy.

    you are really a false teacher. it is very obvious LOL

    make your own bible and put all your imagination so that the next time you talk here you have verses to show us LOL:



    Which is closer to the truth:

    A. Kerwin and his father ARE a nature?

    B. Kerwin and his father are two separate beings who SHARE a nature?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 21 2013,12:20)

    Which is closer to the truth:

    A.  Kerwin and his father ARE a nature?

    B.  Kerwin and his father are two separate beings who SHARE a nature?

    are you saying in letter b that sharing a nature means having the same nature?


    jammin, I understand you. You are not hard to understand. Hang in there and don't let them get to you.


    Quote (jammin @ April 20 2013,17:15)
    you cant win on a debate. your points are too weak.


    Even the people who preach your doctrine can't explain it, so why would anybody think you can?  Look at what people say about it:

    “Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies.” – The Encyclopædia Britannica

    [The Trinity Doctrine is] “beyond the grasp of human reason.” – The Encyclopedia Americana

    Monsignor Eugene Clark says: “God is one, and God is three. Since there is nothing like this in creation, we cannot understand it, but only accept it.”

    Cardinal John O'Connor states: “We know that it is a very profound mystery, which we don't begin to understand.”

    And Pope John Paul II speaks of “the inscrutable mystery of God the Trinity.”

    A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge says: “Precisely what that doctrine is, or rather precisely how it is to be explained, Trinitarians are not agreed among themselves.”

    The Catholic Encyclopedia claims: “A dogma so mysterious presupposes a Divine revelation.”

    Catholic scholars Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler state in their Theological Dictionary: “The Trinity is a mystery . . . in the strict sense . . . , which could not be known without revelation, and even after revelation cannot become wholly intelligible.”

    jammin, even the “EXPERTS” on the Trinity Doctrine can't explain this jumbled up mess of nonsense.  Most of them say they can't even understand it themselves, but “it just is”.  Is that really the doctrine you want to hang your hat on?

    You keep repeating that the Father is God, but the Son is God too.  You repeat this over and over, but have nothing to show as support except for some Trinitarian-sponsored translations that cap the “G” in “God” when the word refers to Jesus.

    Heck, I could write a Bible and cap the “G” when Paul talks about Satan in 1 Cor 4:4.  Could the fact that I decided to cap that “G” logically be used as “support” for someone who wanted to claim that Satan was God Almighty?  Could that Satan supporter say, “Look, the 'G' is capped.  That means Satan is God Almighty!” ?

    jammin, would YOU believe that person?  Would YOU think a capped “G” in the English translation is all that is needed to prove that Satan is God Almighty?

    Of course not.  So why then should WE accept that the Son of God is the very God he is the Son of – just because of a couple capped “G's” in Trinitarian-sponsored English translations?

    You say I can't “win on a debate”?  What exactly am I debating AGAINST?   ???

    Scripture says that the Father is God, and His Son is the “Son OF God”.  That makes sense, and it is proclaimed all throughout scripture.  So what exactly is there to debate?  The fact that you and a bunch of other knuckleheads invented for yourselves a God with a personality disorder?  Your God is a schizophrenic, jammin.  He is like Sybil – from the 1976 Sally Field film.

    jammin, there is only one thing I need to say to “win the debate”:  Jesus himself told us that our God is also his own God.  So unless the God of Jesus is some schizophrenic made up of multiple personalities, then NEITHER IS OUR GOD.

    Debate over.


    Quote (Lightenup @ April 20 2013,20:14)
    jammin, I understand you. You are not hard to understand. Hang in there and don't let them get to you.

    Kathi, he thinks “God Almighty” is a NATURE – not a BEING with a heart, soul, and mind.

    Do YOU agree with that?


    Quote (jammin @ April 20 2013,20:10)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 21 2013,12:20)

    Which is closer to the truth:

    A.  Kerwin and his father ARE a nature?

    B.  Kerwin and his father are two separate beings who SHARE a nature?

    are you saying in letter b that sharing a nature means having the same nature?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 21 2013,14:45)

    Quote (jammin @ April 20 2013,20:10)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 21 2013,12:20)

    Which is closer to the truth:

    A.  Kerwin and his father ARE a nature?

    B.  Kerwin and his father are two separate beings who SHARE a nature?

    are you saying in letter b that sharing a nature means having the same nature?


    and your answer is yes then my answer is yes.
    christ and his father are two persons but HAVE the same nature, God


    Quote (Lightenup @ April 21 2013,13:14)
    jammin, I understand you. You are not hard to understand. Hang in there and don't let them get to you.

    thanks sis

    we now know mike does not know how to use dictionary. he does not know the meaning of being that is why he is having a hard time understanding us.

    i am the teacher  and my student mike is 1 yr old baby.
    i need to feed him milk first


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 21 2013,14:45)

    Quote (Lightenup @ April 20 2013,20:14)
    jammin, I understand you. You are not hard to understand. Hang in there and don't let them get to you.

    Kathi, he thinks “God Almighty” is a NATURE – not a BEING with a heart, soul, and mind.

    Do YOU agree with that?


    baby boy. do you understand the meaning of being??
    being means nature

    do you get it sunshine?

    you need to take vitamins before reading this so that your brain will absorb the contents of this message


    An almighty theos nature is a distinct and unique nature that is shared by the Father and the only begotten Son only.


    mike said:jammin, even the “EXPERTS” on the Trinity Doctrine can't explain this jumbled up mess of nonsense. Most of them say they can't even understand it themselves, but “it just is”. Is that really the doctrine you want to hang your hat on?

    You keep repeating that the Father is God, but the Son is God too. You repeat this over and over, but have nothing to show as support except for some Trinitarian-sponsored translations that cap the “G” in “God” when the word refers to Jesus.

    Heck, I could write a Bible and cap the “G” when Paul talks about Satan in 1 Cor 4:4. Could the fact that I decided to cap that “G” logically be used as “support” for someone who wanted to claim that Satan was God Almighty? Could that Satan supporter say, “Look, the 'G' is capped. That means Satan is God Almighty!” ?

    who are those trinitarians?
    are you sure they are trinitarians? many people say they are trinitarians but they do not know how to explain it.

    a true christian is not confused about his belief. im giving you the right explanation but you dont want to accept the truth.

    you also said Heck, I could write a Bible and cap the “G” when Paul talks about Satan in 1 Cor 4:4. Could the fact that I decided to cap that “G” logically be used as “support” for someone who wanted to claim that Satan was God Almighty? Could that Satan supporter say, “Look, the 'G' is capped. That means Satan is God Almighty!” ?

    why dont you make your own bible? im always telling you this to make your own bible and put your illusions so that you have verses to show mate.

    scholars are not crazy like you sunshine LOL
    they know what they are doing.
    why are you using your fake version NWT to support your god jesus? LOL

    that is the only version who said jesus is god. what a bias version. it is very obvious boy LOL
    commentaries also do not agree to that

    you also said : You keep repeating that the Father is God, but the Son is God too.

    why?? is there something wrong with that? that is what the bible says and you cant ignore that truth.
    you want verse?
    ill give verses
    John 1:1
    Good News Translation (GNT)
    The Word of Life

    1 In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was [God.

    i know you believe that the Word in john 1.1 is Christ. well john said the Word was God.
    do you understand that?

    paul said he was God
    Philippians 2:6
    New Living Translation (NLT)
    6 Though he was God,[a]

    thomas said he is God and Lord!

    John 20:28
    New Century Version (NCV)
    28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

    that is the truth and you cant ignore that


    this is the true teaching of the apostles.

    John 3:18
    King James Version (KJV)
    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    18 ὁ πιστεύων εἰς αὐτὸν οὐ κρίνεται· ὁ [a]δὲ μὴ πιστεύων ἤδη κέκριται, ὅτι μὴ πεπίστευκεν εἰς τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ μονογενοῦς υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ.


    Quote (Lightenup @ April 20 2013,22:34)
    An almighty theos nature is a distinct and unique nature that is shared by the Father and the only begotten Son only.


    Do you see how you, Kerwin, and I are all talking about SHARING a nature? jammin is not talking about that. Instead, he is saying the Father and Son ARE a nature.

    Do you see the difference? We are all saying they are BEINGS who SHARE a nature. He is saying they ARE the nature. Get it?

    This is sometimes so hilarious. Look how far off the scriptural path we've come with this “nature” discussion. The word in Phil 2 is “morphe”, which refers to the “form”, or “outward appearance” of a person or thing.

    Then somewhere down the line, some Trinitarian scholar decided to make that word also mean “nature”, so he could TWIST Phil 2 into saying Jesus was “God in nature”.

    So now here we are, all debating the different meanings and uses of the word “nature”, all because of a scripture that simply says Jesus was existing in the FORM of God before taking on the FORM of a servant. :)



    you dont understand what im saying.

    just to make this simple bec you are like a baby boy LOL

    if you have the form of MAN, are not you MAN?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 21 2013,15:58)

    Quote (Lightenup @ April 20 2013,22:34)
    An almighty theos nature is a distinct and unique nature that is shared by the Father and the only begotten Son only.


    Do you see how you, Kerwin, and I are all talking about SHARING a nature?  jammin is not talking about that.  Instead, he is saying the Father and Son ARE a nature.

    Do you see the difference?  We are all saying they are BEINGS who SHARE a nature.  He is saying they ARE the nature.  Get it?

    This is sometimes so hilarious.  Look how far off the scriptural path we've come with this “nature” discussion.  The word in Phil 2 is “morphe”, which refers to the “form”, or “outward appearance” of a person or thing.

    Then somewhere down the line, some Trinitarian scholar decided to make that word also mean “nature”, so he could TWIST Phil 2 into saying Jesus was “God in nature”.

    So now here we are, all debating the different meanings and uses of the word “nature”, all because of a scripture that simply says Jesus was existing in the FORM of God before taking on the FORM of a servant.  :)

    what are you talking about sunshine? LOL

    i already told you many times that the father and the son have the same nature, God.

    do you understand that?
    why dont you copy my post and print that and read it over and over again. maybe you should read that 1000 times so that you brain can absorb what im saying LOL

    dont forget, you may read that before you sleep. it is effective LOL


    mike said: We are all saying they are BEINGS who SHARE a nature.

    are you sure boy? LOL
    you cant accept Christ is like his father and now you are saying that?

    kathi said
    An almighty theos nature is a distinct and unique nature that is shared by the Father and the only begotten Son only.

    you should read that well and make sure that you understand every word on that statement boy. take some vitamins LOL


    Quote (jammin @ April 20 2013,22:18)
    christ and his father are two persons but HAVE the same nature, God

    Good, jammin.

    Now, since we all know that “God” is not a “nature”, then it seems you agree that Jesus and his own God are two DIFFERENT persons/BEINGS who have the same SPIRIT nature.

    The nature of God is “spirit nature”, just like the nature of humans is “human nature”.

    I'm glad we've come to this agreement. No further discussion is warranted.


    Quote (jammin @ April 20 2013,09:14)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 20 2013,13:24)

    the trinity tells us that there are 3 persons but one in essence or nature and that is nature God.

    that is the true teachings of the apostles. although we cant find in the bible the word “trinity”,
    the meaning of it is the same teaching that the apostles have in mind.



    i dont need 7.
    here is the verse for that

    luke 3.22
    New International Version (©2011)
    and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

    the holy spirit came down
    the father said you are my son.
    the son was in jordan


    it seems you are hooked on the trinity ,so you can not see scriptures the way they are written ,you see them through your own preset mind


    Quote (jammin @ April 20 2013,22:46)
    John 3:18
    King James Version (KJV)
    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    See jammin? I actually BELIEVE that scripture, whereas YOU don't.

    I believe that Jesus is the only begotten SON OF God. You believe that scripture says Jesus is God. See the difference?

    The right way speaks of a God and His Son. The wrong way (your way) speaks of a Son who IS the very God he is the Son OF. ???

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