JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 10 2012,08:52)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Aug. 09 2012,13:59)
    Well, since Mike believes that Yahshua was “a god” and emptied himself of being “a god” and then became “a god” again and believes that we can become his brothers, then would that also make us “gods”?

    That sounds about right, Frank.  Those of us who are called to live in heaven with Jesus will be like the angels, who, scripturally speaking, are gods.

    But Jesus and the other angels of God are not THE God who created the heavens and the earth, and neither will any of us be.

    Sounds much like the deceptive lie that was told to Adam and Eve by Satan himself!

    But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. And the serpent [Satan (Revelation 12:9)] said unto the woman, You shall not die: For Yahweh knows that when you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like gods, knowing what is righteous and what is evil (Genesis 3:3-5).

    Exodus 32
    By Voy Wilks


    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 09 2012,16:48)
    you agree that your father is truly human
    you agree that you and your father HAVE the same nature and that is your human nature.
    you agree that you are also truly human just like your father.

    Yes to all of the above.  I agree that I am truly of the SPECIES known as “human beings”, just like my father is.

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 09 2012,16:48)

    Christ is truly God just like his father
    christ and his father have the same nature.
    the father is truly God. the son is truly God by nature.

    Slow your roll there, dude.  :)  First of all, is “God” a species, like “human being” is a species?  Or is “God” a particular INDIVIDUAL BEING?

    Which one please?


    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 09 2012,16:55)
    Case re-opened

    :D :laugh: :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Aug. 09 2012,16:57)
    For Yahweh knows that when you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like gods, knowing what is righteous and what is evil.

    Genesis 3:22
    And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

    So did Satan really lie, Frank?  And who is the “us” to whom God refers?  What does He mean by “one of US”?

    Here is a snippet from NETNotes on Gen 1:26 (Let US create man in OUR image):

    In its ancient Israelite context the plural is most naturally understood as referring to God and his heavenly court (see 1 Kgs 22:19-22; Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6; Isa 6:1-8). (The most well-known members of this court are God’s messengers, or angels. In Gen 3:5 the serpent may refer to this group as “gods/divine beings.”

      From here.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 08 2012,08:01)

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,22:13)

    If the word God wasn't used, then what word was?

    Hi journey,

    I'm sorry I came on so strong.  I was just shocked to see that you would be willing to pick tradition over truth in this matter.

    The original word was “who”, or “which”.  But you can read my post to Ed right above this post if you want to know more.

    (I suggest you read the link at the bottom of the page in my post to Ed.  It is short and to the point, and should only take 10 minutes out of your life.  :)  )

    Thats ok Mike.
    If you are happy with your versions, then you stick with it. I will stick with mine, which i don't lie when I say I trust. I really mean it.

    By the way, the first translation I ever read was the NWT. We didn't have the internet then, and all this feedback regarding this version and that version, so it never even entered my mind. Any way, I was at Wakeup's house, and we were studying. He was reading aloud from his KJV and mine left out a few words that changed the whole meaning. I was so disappointed I ditched it. Because the word it left out was very important, so I won't be going back to it.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 10 2012,11:57)

    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 09 2012,16:55)
    Case re-opened

    :D  :laugh:  :D

    Mike B.

    The new bible translations maybe ok regarding the gospels;
    But go into the prophesies and you will find the difference.
    The scriptures will teach you,not you the scriptures,or your self.
    All we need to do is; pick up the bible and read,and God will send the holy spirit to teach,if he thinks you are genuine.



    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 10 2012,07:49)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 08 2012,08:01)

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,22:13)

    If the word God wasn't used, then what word was?

    Hi journey,

    I'm sorry I came on so strong.  I was just shocked to see that you would be willing to pick tradition over truth in this matter.

    The original word was “who”, or “which”.  But you can read my post to Ed right above this post if you want to know more.

    (I suggest you read the link at the bottom of the page in my post to Ed.  It is short and to the point, and should only take 10 minutes out of your life.  :)  )

    Thats ok Mike.
    If you are happy with your versions, then you stick with it.  I will stick with mine, which i don't lie when I say I trust.  I really mean it.

    By the way, the first translation I ever read was the NWT.  We didn't have the internet then, and all this feedback regarding this version and that version, so it never even entered my mind.  Any way, I was at Wakeup's house, and we were studying.  He was reading aloud from his KJV and mine left out a few words that changed the whole meaning.  I was so disappointed I ditched it.  Because the word it left out was very important, so I won't be going back to it.


    The KJV does add words to the Ancient Greek as well as translate Passover to Easter and Hades, Tartarus, and Gehenna to Hell. For some reason it is not consistent in translating Sheol to Hell.

    Even though it is flawed the truth is still available as we have a living and active God that will get us past these obstacles.


    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 09 2012,19:49)
    He was reading aloud from his KJV and mine left out a few words that changed the whole meaning.

    There is a thread here called “Blatant Corruption in the NWT”, journey.  I have a standing challenge there to anyone who can show us a verse that the NWT translators blatantly corrupted.

    Perhaps, if you could remember the verse Wakeup was reading in the KJV, you could post it here so we could evaluate which translation came closer to the original words.

    (P.S., anyone who would make a blanket statement that they will stick with their beloved version, without even considering how and why that version is flawed, is putting tradition over truth.  I don't dislike the KJV, but there are MANY verses in which it is flawed – many of which were remedied in the NKJV.  And like I said before, it doesn't really matter that you like the KJV's version of 1 Tim 3:16, because the fact will still remain that the original word was “who”, not “God”.  Think about it journey, was God really “vindicated by the Spirit” and “taken up in glory”?  Just think it out.)

    Do you remember when the Nicence Creed was written, and the big “Jesus is God” controversy surrounding it?  That was the year 315 AD.  Yet, during all those years of controversy, not one Trinitarian ever tried to use 1 Tim 3:16 as proof that Jesus was God.  Do you know why?  Because up until the 4th or 5th century, no one had ever read “God was manifest in the flesh” before, because those words didn't exist in any text up to that point.

    There is much more external and internal evidence that the original word was “who”………….. but you're happy with things the way they are, and don't seem to even care if it's the truth or not, as long as you're “used to it”.

    Don't you wonder why none of the newer Trinitarian sponsored translations use “God” in that verse?  Look at the NIV, translated by 100+ scholars who had to sign a paper saying they were a Trinitarian before they were allowed on the project.  Don't you think they would have LOVED a “God” translation of that verse?  So why does the NIV say “HE”, and not “God”?

    journey, I could go on and on about the evidence. I hope you consider some of these things.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Aug. 09 2012,20:03)
    Mike B.

    The new bible translations maybe ok regarding the gospels;
    But go into the prophesies and you will find the difference.

    Diffference between what?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 09 2012,04:39)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 08 2012,13:26)

    I do not think you are understanding me.  When a person states “you are my lord” they are making a declaration.  When they state “my lord” they are calling them by the title “my lord”.

    I was understanding you, it's just that it now seems we have different understandings of “making a declaration”.  Perhaps yours is officially right, but I think that calling you “my friend and peer” is “DECLARING” you to be my friend and peer.

    Anyway, now that I know what you're saying, how does the absence of “thou art” in 20:28 mean Thomas was NOT calling Jesus “my Lord and my God”?  (Happy jammin?  I capped them just for you.)


    Do you know of any believer in the New Testament addressing anyone but Jehovah as “my god”?

    I do not believe they did it in the Old Testament; even though they would treat angels as if they were God.

    I do know you can address two different individuals by their titles with the same words you would address one individual by two titles.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 10 2012,13:30)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Aug. 09 2012,20:03)
    Mike B.

    The new bible translations maybe ok regarding the gospels;
    But go into the prophesies and you will find the difference.

    Diffference between what?


    The difference between the new translations and the king James.

    Do you disagree with this translation that says; God manifested in the flesh and why?



    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 10 2012,09:48)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 10 2012,08:41)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 09 2012,08:24)
    are you truly human just like your father?
    yes or no?

    Sorry jammin,

    I forgot about this question yesterday.  YES, I am truly human just like my (earthly) father is.

    you agree that your father is truly human
    you agree that you and your father HAVE the same nature and that is your human nature.
    you agree that you are also truly human just like your father.


    Christ is truly God just like his father
    christ and his father have the same nature.
    the father is truly God. the son is truly God by nature.

    thanks for your answer
    case closed

    Case close? What case? Nature of God or nature of man

    You can close the nature of man, there is no problem with me but the case about the nature (attributes) of God, we are just in the beginning.

    Man nature in the term of multiplication: Human Father & mother bearing a child, of course also a human. It is scientifically proven.

    How about the nature (attributes) of God. HIS SINGULARITY:In the term of : Mathematically, Scientifically and spiritually, it could not be possible for the true One and only God to be multiplied the same with the human.

    So, the point is, Jesus Christ is not the One and only true God, but instead he has the nature of God for being HOLY, entitled him to be the “only begotten Son of God” (he is the only human has no even single sin) and he is entitled to “never die” (immortal status) because death is the penalty of the sin, Jesus Christ, did not do any single sin.

    That nature (Holy & Immortal) is also entitled him to be equal with God, and he gave-up (stripped) that nature (Holy & immortal) by taken the nature or form of a man, so that he can take all of our sins and died for us. Philippians 2:6-8

    Jesus Christ for being obedient to the will of God, even in the death on the cross; as what they have agreed; God raised him from the dead and elevated him to the highest position; given him a very special name above all name and in his name every knee, above in heaven, on earth and underneath the earth shall be kneeling down (worshiping) and God made him both Lord and Christ, for the glory of the One and only true God.
    Philippians 2:9-11


    ??? :D ???


    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 10 2012,09:48)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 10 2012,08:41)

    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 09 2012,08:24)
    are you truly human just like your father?
    yes or no?

    Sorry jammin,

    I forgot about this question yesterday.  YES, I am truly human just like my (earthly) father is.

    you agree that your father is truly human
    you agree that you and your father HAVE the same nature and that is your human nature.
    you agree that you are also truly human just like your father.


    Christ is truly God just like his father
    christ and his father have the same nature.
    the father is truly God. the son is truly God by nature.

    thanks for your answer
    case closed

    Jammin, before I forgot, where is your answers to my questions?




    Do not always running away from the above questions,… it shall follow you for the rest of your life.

    Peace. :D

    Ed J

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 10 2012,12:49)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 08 2012,08:01)

    Quote (journey42 @ Aug. 06 2012,22:13)

    If the word God wasn't used, then what word was?

    Hi journey,

    I'm sorry I came on so strong.  I was just shocked to see that you would be willing to pick tradition over truth in this matter.

    The original word was “who”, or “which”.  But you can read my post to Ed right above this post if you want to know more.

    (I suggest you read the link at the bottom of the page in my post to Ed.  It is short and to the point, and should only take 10 minutes out of your life.  :)  )

    Thats ok Mike.
    If you are happy with your versions, then you stick with it.  I will stick with mine, which i don't lie when I say I trust.  I really mean it.

    By the way, the first translation I ever read was the NWT.  We didn't have the internet then, and all this feedback regarding this version and that version, so it never even entered my mind.  Any way, I was at Wakeup's house, and we were studying.  He was reading aloud from his KJV and mine left out a few words that changed the whole meaning.  I was so disappointed I ditched it.  Because the word it left out was very important, so I won't be going back to it.

    Hi Georgie,

    What words were left out?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Aug. 10 2012,13:39)

    Do you disagree with this translation that says;  God manifested in the flesh and why?


    Hi Wakeup,

    Yes God was manifested in the flesh.
    John is referring to Jesus' baptism
    with the HolySpirit in John 1:14.
    Immanuel means God with us.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 10 2012,08:52)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Aug. 09 2012,13:59)
    Well, since Mike believes that Yahshua was “a god” and emptied himself of being “a god” and then became “a god” again and believes that we can become his brothers, then would that also make us “gods”?

    That sounds about right, Frank.  Those of us who are called to live in heaven with Jesus will be like the angels, who, scripturally speaking, are gods.

    But Jesus and the other angels of God are not THE God who created the heavens and the earth, and neither will any of us be.

    The apostles teaching us: If other people believing that they are so many gods and many lords, it's up to them. But FOR US, THERE IS ONLY GOD, the FATHER

    Ref. 1 Cor. 8:5-6 LB
    5.) According to some people, there are a great many gods, both in heaven and on earth.

    6.) But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created all things and made us to be his own; and one Lord Jesus Christ, who made everything and gives us life.

    So and therefore, you can call as many as want gods and lords, but for the true christian >>>

    Only one God, the Father.
    Only one Lord, Jesus Christ, the begotten Son of God.

    Romans 15:6 LB
    “And then all of us can praise the Lord together with one voice, giving glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    Glory be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen




    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 10 2012,07:44)


    Well, since Mike believes that Yahshua was “a god” and emptied himself of being “a god” and then became “a god” again and believes that we can become his brothers, then would that also make us “gods”? LOL!

    thats what scriptures are saying about the 144k NOW IF YOU WOULD BE ONE OF THEM THAT I CAN NOT ANSWER THIS IS TO GOD ALMIGHTY TO SAY,

    The apostles teaching us: If other people believing that they are so many gods and many lords, it's up to them.  But FOR US, THERE IS ONLY GOD, the FATHER

    Ref. 1 Cor. 8:5-6 LB
    5.) According to some people, there are a great many gods, both in heaven and on earth.

    6.) But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created all things and made us to be his own; and one Lord Jesus Christ, who made everything and gives us life.

    So and therefore, you can call as many as you want gods and lords, but for the true christian >>>

    Only one God, the Father.
    Only one Lord, Jesus Christ, the begotten Son of God.

    Romans 15:6 LB
    “And then all of us can praise the Lord together with one voice, giving glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    Glory be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen




    Quote (carmel @ Aug. 09 2012,07:40)

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


    You only have to read it again and reflect.

    The trouble is that you simply cannot get it into  your MIND,that in order to glorify GOD THE FATHER :




    Matthew 10:32Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven

    33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

    Peace and Love in Jesus



    The verse do not need your own opinion. It so very clear.

    “that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    Jesus Christ, said “…you (my Father) is the only true God…”

    Apostles said: “it's up to them (other people) to call many gods and many lords as many as they want to call,…but FOR US, there is only one God, the Father; and one Lord, Jesus Christ…. a human (Jesus Christ) between us and God (1 Tim 2:5)


    Matthew 10:32Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven

    33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

    How to confess Jesus Christ and how we could deny him?

    John 20:31 NKJV
    31but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.

    Romans 10:9 NKJV
    9that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    The verses above are not saying that we should confess that Jesus Christ is a god.

    Peace :D


    Quote (jammin @ Aug. 10 2012,01:24)

    you want me to answer your question but you are not answering mine.
    you said your father is truly human.
    my question is , are you truly human just like your father?yes or no?

    are you truly human just like your father?
    yes or no?

    Jammin is running away again and circling the questions of mine

    You must have the sense of humiliation.

    After answering your question, you just make recycling questions to avoid the embarrassing,…. :D

    Better for you to admit that you are doing your very best not to answers it so that you can escape the humiliation you had made of. ???

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