JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    what spiritual form are you talking about. LOL

    angels are also spiritual being.

    when you say GOD, that is not the only definition for GOD

    the form of GOD means he is really GOD!

    the form of MAN is really HUMAN!



    Listen for a minute………….

    The word “man” can be referring to a particular human being, OR to the species known as “mankind”. I am man because I am of the species known as “mankind”.

    Are you saying Jesus is God because is of the species known as “Godkind”? Because if “God” isn't referring to a species in Phil 2, then it has no choice but to be referring to a PERSON known as “God”.

    Which one do you think is right? Is it referring to a species, or an individual being?



    therefore, believe that the father and the son have the same form or nature, and that is GOD

    my boss did not like that when I told him we have the same nature and we work in the same company so I am the boss as well ,I was lay off shortly after why was that i ask ???

    he told me you may be a human like me ,and work in the same company ,but I own it ,this is were our nature stopped .he said (all fictive)

    God is a tittle and being almighty does not give room for any other even when you are the son ,

    are you wandering who his God almighty ???

    Ed J

    Hi Jammin,

    I didn't particularly care too much about your use of the word “nature” either.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 25 2012,12:39)

    I'm not sure if the scriptures you're quoting are supposed to be the ones that explicitely state what I quoted before.  You are aware that they don't, right?


    How much more explicit can one get to actually quoting exactly what Father Yahweh has said?

    It is quite clear to me in what Father Yahweh has clearly said that it clearly contradicts what it is that you erroneously say and what your erroneously say and teach is that there was “a god” beside Yahweh in the beginning:

    Don't fear, neither be afraid. Haven't I declared it to you long ago, and shown it? You are My witnesses. Is there a god beside Me? Indeed, there is not! I don't know any other Rock (Isayah 44:8).

    This is what Yahweh says–Ysryl's King and Redeemer, Yahweh Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from Me there is no Mighty One [“God”] (Isayah 44:6).

    You have explicitly been owned by what Father Yahweh has clearly said! Surely you do not dare to refute what Father Yahweh has clearly and explicitly said, right? :D

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?


    we are not talking about species here.
    we are talking about form or nature.
    do you believe that HUMAN is form? yes or no?
    do you believe that GOD is form? yes or no?


    do not worry about your boss. he does not know the meaning of nature.
    believe what the bible says

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 25 2012,12:50)

    Listen for a minute………….

    The word “man” can be referring to a particular human being, OR to the species known as “mankind”.  I am man because I am of the species known as “mankind”.

    Are you saying Jesus is God because is of the species known as “Godkind”?  Because if “God” isn't referring to a species in Phil 2, then it has no choice but to be referring to a PERSON known as “God”.

    Which one do you think is right?  Is it referring to a species, or an individual being?

    Excellent question Mike!
    I hope Jammin will answer.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (jammin @ July 25 2012,20:02)
    we are not talking about species here.
    we are talking about form or nature.
    do you believe that HUMAN is form? yes or no?
    do you believe that GOD is form? yes or no?


    do not worry about your boss. he does not know the meaning of nature.
    believe what the bible says



    do not worry about your boss. he does not know the meaning of nature.
    believe what the bible says

    I am retired ,I do no longer worry about my human masters,



    Quote (Ed J @ July 25 2012,13:03)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 25 2012,12:50)

    Listen for a minute………….

    The word “man” can be referring to a particular human being, OR to the species known as “mankind”.  I am man because I am of the species known as “mankind”.

    Are you saying Jesus is God because is of the species known as “Godkind”?  Because if “God” isn't referring to a species in Phil 2, then it has no choice but to be referring to a PERSON known as “God”.

    Which one do you think is right?  Is it referring to a species, or an individual being?

    Excellent question Mike!
    I hope Jammin will answer.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Oh! I hope jammit answers Mike's supposedly “excellent” question too! I just can't wait for his intellectual response! :D

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?


    frank and edj boy,

    i answered laready that question


    if you believe, then accept that the father and the son have the same form and that is GOD, phil 2.6


    Quote (jammin @ July 25 2012,13:43)
    frank and edj boy,

    i answered laready that question


    if you believe, then accept that the father and the son have the same form and that is GOD, phil 2.6

    Oh! You answered already that question? Shucks! I missed it! :D


    yeah bec you like posting non sense


    Quote (jammin @ July 25 2012,20:43)
    frank and edj boy,

    i answered laready that question


    if you believe, then accept that the father and the son have the same form and that is GOD, phil 2.6


    Phil 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    if you believe, then accept that the father and the son have the same form and that is GOD

    God is a tittle ,and yes Christ his a god but not the almighty God ,we told you this many and many times ,he can not be the God of witch he his the son of ,

    and Paul did not support your idea ,if he did show me another of his scriptures ,??? i be waiting

    Ed J

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ July 25 2012,13:49)

    Quote (jammin @ July 25 2012,13:43)
    frank and edj boy,

    i answered laready that question


    if you believe, then accept that the father and the son have the same form and that is GOD, phil 2.6

    Oh! You answered already that question? Shucks! I missed it!  :D

    Hi Frank,

    Funny, I didn't see it either? ???

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    To Ed J: Thanks for welcoming me.

    To: Mikeball64: There must be false gods and there must be only one true God (1 Cor. 8:5) So that we could have a basis of determining which is which? … not by our own human-classification but tru and according to the great teachers of the Bible. Jesus Christ, Apostles and the Prophets and even from the testimony of God, himself. According to them, we must know that the One and only true God is the God and Father of Jesus Christ and associates. It was fully documented with Mal. 2:10, John 17:1-3 John 20:17 1 Cor. 8:4,6, Romans 15:6, Isa. 44:8 /46:9

    In addition that proclamation, that know how is bearing an eternal life (mean: salvation)


    Mikeball64, thanks either for welcoming me.

    Mike, as what you have post there is but only true God, means: other than Him there is no other true God, but One. The rest shall fall into “gods” (false gods). As what the apostles proclaimed in 1 Cor. 8:4-8 KJV.


    Colter post: “Well, accourding to the anti-trinitarians, there are 2 Gods (or 3, becuase some believe that Satan is God of this world). Anyhow, the anti-divinity, anti preexistance, Jesus was only human-crowd now have God the Father in retiement and a carpenter from Nazererth sitting in heaven with “all power and authority in heaven and on earth” loaned to him; a temporary man-God.

    Jesus Christ is not introduce by the Bible as man-God, and there is no passages in the Bible that there is a dual nature “man-God or God-man”. God is not a man. He is spirit in nature (John 4:24 KJV) and a human is not God.

    Christ Jesus is a human ordained before the foundation of the world as the heirs of all things created by God, for his begotten Son. (Heb. 1:2 1 Peter 1:20 KJV)


    Even though Christ Jesus is the king of all kings, the only true God, shall be remained above all. The Father and God of Christ Jesus is the one who put all things under his feet, it is very clear that the one who placed all things under him is not included so that the only One true God, must above all. Christ Jesus is under by God, his Father.

    1 Cor. 15:27-28 KJV
    27. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. 28. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.


    We must have the knowledge to determine and to classify the difference of the word gods and God.

    “gods” in the Bible means: false gods. (1 Cor. 8:4-6)

    “God” in the Bible means: Only One true God. (1 Cor. 8:4,6 / John 17:1-3 John 20:17)


    “…and that there is none other God but one. 5For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

    1 Cor. 8:4-6 KJV

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