JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #303400

    Hi Frank,
    Many still travel over land and sea to to make proselytes and leave them in a worse state than before.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2012,09:17)
    Hi Frank,
    Many still travel over land and sea to to make proselytes and leave them in a worse state than before.

    BYE NICK! :D


    Hi Frank,
    If we lack in righteous knowledge where does that leave you?


    Hi Franklin,
    Do you see yourself as an anointed and appointed teacher?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2012,10:25)
    Hi Franklin,
    Do you see yourself as an anointed and appointed teacher?

    BYE NICK! I am most definitely through with you! Get an education! PLEASE! :D


    nick and edj,

    go to school. are you squatters?



    make your own version

    you do not believe what the bible says. you just want your opinion to be accpted by men.

    study hard boy LOL


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 21 2012,01:44)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 20 2012,13:20)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 19 2012,20:15)
    And BTW, your “God of Luck” has nothing to do with Father Yahweh or His son Yahshua the Messiah that He promised to sent in this last time period. Again as always, you have been owned!

    No Frank,

    It is YOUR Jesus who was “lucky”.  Mine made a great sacrifice.  Yours won the best lottery ever imaginable.


    I'm not the one who hired a Latino immigrant to be my Messiah, you did!  :D


    You do not know what a name is. If you did you would not make foolish comments like this one.

    “TheLordisSalvation is the Anointed” is the English translation of “Yoshua is the Messiah”. The angel did not instruct Mary to name her son a bunch of meaningless noise but instead gave her a name with meaning. English; and for that matter Greek; is an alien language to those whose first language is English.


    Quote (Devolution @ June 20 2012,07:45)
    I like your humility Mike…
    I too need to examine myself because sometimes the spirit of love gets pushed aside by the spirit of frustration, and from there anger/pride etc sometimes swells up in me causing me to say the wrong things, and later when i reflect on my words….regret stings me!

    Thanks J42, we all need remember how important love is!


    Hi Devo,

    You won't even believe how God used your post (and the following one from journey) to talk to me right here, and right now.

    I just logged in to HN, and started with this thread (since it was at the top of the list).  I went back to my last post (which was about 6 pages ago – even though it's only been a day :) ) and started reading forward – like I do each day.

    And the more “smart assed” comments I read, the more I was literally (and I mean LITERALLY) telling myself, “I'm done with all this.  I can't just go on trading smart assed comments with Frank, Nick, and the others, seeing who can come out on top as the “wittiest”, or the one with the smoothest put down.  God, I'm done doing this.  This is not love.”

    And then, about three pages into reading the thread, I saw your comment and journey's too.  You called me humble because of words I said to journey, words I didn't really act upon after saying them.  Your posts confirmed to me what I was saying in my head while reading – that I just can't keep playing this “one upmanship” game anymore.  

    And what's more, I was already thinking about this arrogant game many of us play on HN while I was at work today.  We had the radio playing, and the song Have You Never Been Mellow came on.  Some of the words hit home hard for me.  Words like “There was a time when I just HAD TO TELL MY POINT OF VIEW, I was like you”.  And the words, “Have you never let SOMEONE ELSE be strong?”

    I am firmly grounded in what I believe the scriptures teach.  But I have a habit of CRAMMING my understanding down the throats of those who have a different understanding.  I act as if MY WAY is the only possible way it could ever be.  It's like I have to shove my point of view in everyone's face.  I can't let them be right, no matter what.  I can't let them be “strong” by having the last word.

    Well, no more.  I'm done.

    I've heard that song a thousand times before, and many times at work the music just drones in the background.  But today, those words jumped out at me, and my thoughts went immediately to the way I behave on HN.  And then, just as I was telling myself enough is enough, I came across the posts from you and journey.  Maybe I'm just reading into simple coincidences, but it seems to me like God is trying to tell me something through others – or at the very least confirm what I was already thinking about.

    Anyway, I thank journey for her first post that got me thinking in the first place, and I thank you both for your comments.  Mostly, I thank God for all the wonderful things I have going for me in my life.  And with His help and support, you guys will be seeing a very different mikeboll64 around here from now on.



    Quote (Ed J @ June 19 2012,22:18)
    Hi Mike: I hate to burst your bubble, but this verse
                 says Jesus didn't take the form of an Angel:

    “For verily he took not on him the nature [as in the form of]
    angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.” (Hebrews 2:16)
    Paraphrase: He didn't become an angel, but of the seed of Abraham.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    I agree that there are definitely scriptures that seem to distinguish Jesus from “the angels”.  But there are scriptures, that to me, say he is an angel of God. (1 Thess 4:16, Gal 4:14)

    And there are scriptures that can be taken one of two ways, such as Heb 1:5.   It could be asking WHICH ONE of the angels did God say those words to (the answer being “Jesus”), or it could be implying that God has never said those words to an angel.

    The bottom line for me is the very meaning of the English word “angel” – as I understand it.  I understand that English translators render human messengers of God as “messenger”, and spirit messengers of God as “angels”.  If this is the case, then Rev 1:1 confirms that Jesus is an “angel” of God, for he is a spirit being now, and delivering a message from God to John.

    I do understand how you can see it your way though, and cannot fault your understanding based on the scriptures you've posted.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2012,20:23)

    Quote (Ed J @ June 19 2012,22:18)
    Hi Mike: I hate to burst your bubble, but this verse
                 says Jesus didn't take the form of an Angel:

    “For verily he took not on him the nature [as in the form of]
    angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.” (Hebrews 2:16)
    Paraphrase: He didn't become an angel, but of the seed of Abraham.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    I agree that there are definitely scriptures that seem to distinguish Jesus from “the angels”.  But there are scriptures, that to me, say he is an angel of God. (1 Thess 4:16, Gal 4:14)

    And there are scriptures that can be taken one of two ways, such as Heb 1:5.   It could be asking WHICH ONE of the angels did God say those words to (the answer being “Jesus”), or it could be implying that God has never said those words to an angel.

    The bottom line for me is the very meaning of the English word “angel” – as I understand it.  I understand that English translators render human messengers of God as “messenger”, and spirit messengers of God as “angels”.  If this is the case, then Rev 1:1 confirms that Jesus is an “angel” of God, for he is a spirit being now, and delivering a message from God to John.

    I do understand how you can see it your way though, and cannot fault your understanding based on the scriptures you've posted.


    You should think this way ,in the temple of Solomon ,their were many priests but not all were high priest ,

    I think it is so in heaven ,no one can for sure say what really his an angel I mean what is his nature compere to God and Christ ,

    But it is true that all of creation are messengers to each other ,so his the love of God,

    Now to be true to scriptures is normal to search for truth is also normal ,searching for lies no one in his right mind would do a thing like that,

    Wanting to fight for the truth of God this is what the apostles did ,because it would reflect on the next generation of believers ,

    But fighting to whom is not willing to see truth wen it is presented ,this should not happen or should be limited to one or tree views ,

    Sins we all have to stand for our live ,sharing that's all what we do,

    Talk to me wen you feel sad, :)


    Quote (kerwin @ June 21 2012,12:28)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 21 2012,01:44)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 20 2012,13:20)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 19 2012,20:15)
    And BTW, your “God of Luck” has nothing to do with Father Yahweh or His son Yahshua the Messiah that He promised to sent in this last time period. Again as always, you have been owned!

    No Frank,

    It is YOUR Jesus who was “lucky”.  Mine made a great sacrifice.  Yours won the best lottery ever imaginable.


    I'm not the one who hired a Latino immigrant to be my Messiah, you did!  :D


    You do not know what a name is.  If you did you would not make foolish comments like this one.

    “TheLordisSalvation is the Anointed” is the English translation of “Yoshua is the Messiah”.  The angel did not instruct Mary to name her son a bunch of meaningless noise but instead gave her a name with meaning.   English; and for that matter Greek; is an alien language to those whose first language is English.


    FACT: “Jesus” was not the Messiah's GIVEN name! The name Yahshua means 'Yahweh is Redeemer'. The name “Jesus” most certainly does not in any way convey this meaning, does not signify Father Yahweh as our Supreme Redeemer and his and our Heavenly Father and Creator's Name in which Yahshua Messiah said that he came in.

    Neither is there redemption IN ANY OTHER: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven GIVEN among men, whereby we MUST be redeemed (Acts 4:12).



    Hi MB,
    Heb 1 in context clearly demarcates the son of God from the angels.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2012,13:09)

    Quote (Devolution @ June 20 2012,07:45)
    I like your humility Mike…
    I too need to examine myself because sometimes the spirit of love gets pushed aside by the spirit of frustration, and from there anger/pride etc sometimes swells up in me causing me to say the wrong things, and later when i reflect on my words….regret stings me!

    Thanks J42, we all need remember how important love is!


    Hi Devo,

    You won't even believe how God used your post (and the following one from journey) to talk to me right here, and right now.

    I just logged in to HN, and started with this thread (since it was at the top of the list).  I went back to my last post (which was about 6 pages ago – even though it's only been a day :) ) and started reading forward – like I do each day.

    And the more “smart assed” comments I read, the more I was literally (and I mean LITERALLY) telling myself, “I'm done with all this.  I can't just go on trading smart assed comments with Frank, Nick, and the others, seeing who can come out on top as the “wittiest”, or the one with the smoothest put down.  God, I'm done doing this.  This is not love.”

    And then, about three pages into reading the thread, I saw your comment and journey's too.  You called me humble because of words I said to journey, words I didn't really act upon after saying them.  Your posts confirmed to me what I was saying in my head while reading – that I just can't keep playing this “one upmanship” game anymore.  

    And what's more, I was already thinking about this arrogant game many of us play on HN while I was at work today.  We had the radio playing, and the song Have You Never Been Mellow came on.  Some of the words hit home hard for me.  Words like “There was a time when I just HAD TO TELL MY POINT OF VIEW, I was like you”.  And the words, “Have you never let SOMEONE ELSE be strong?”

    I am firmly grounded in what I believe the scriptures teach.  But I have a habit of CRAMMING my understanding down the throats of those who have a different understanding.  I act as if MY WAY is the only possible way it could ever be.  It's like I have to shove my point of view in everyone's face.  I can't let them be right, no matter what.  I can't let them be “strong” by having the last word.

    Well, no more.  I'm done.

    I've heard that song a thousand times before, and many times at work the music just drones in the background.  But today, those words jumped out at me, and my thoughts went immediately to the way I behave on HN.  And then, just as I was telling myself enough is enough, I came across the posts from you and journey.  Maybe I'm just reading into simple coincidences, but it seems to me like God is trying to tell me something through others – or at the very least confirm what I was already thinking about.

    Anyway, I thank journey for her first post that got me thinking in the first place, and I thank you both for your comments.  Mostly, I thank God for all the wonderful things I have going for me in my life.  And with His help and support, you guys will be seeing a very different mikeboll64 around here from now on.



    Praise Yahweh for that! How did it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? Left a proverbial bad taste in your mouth, did it not? :;):


    Hi Frank,
    Is that how you like to be treated?


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 21 2012,20:50)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 21 2012,12:28)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 21 2012,01:44)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 20 2012,13:20)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 19 2012,20:15)
    And BTW, your “God of Luck” has nothing to do with Father Yahweh or His son Yahshua the Messiah that He promised to sent in this last time period. Again as always, you have been owned!

    No Frank,

    It is YOUR Jesus who was “lucky”.  Mine made a great sacrifice.  Yours won the best lottery ever imaginable.


    I'm not the one who hired a Latino immigrant to be my Messiah, you did!  :D


    You do not know what a name is.  If you did you would not make foolish comments like this one.

    “TheLordisSalvation is the Anointed” is the English translation of “Yoshua is the Messiah”.  The angel did not instruct Mary to name her son a bunch of meaningless noise but instead gave her a name with meaning.   English; and for that matter Greek; is an alien language to those whose first language is English.


    FACT: “Jesus” was not the Messiah's GIVEN name! The name Yahshua means 'Yahweh is Redeemer'. The name “Jesus” most certainly does not in any way convey this meaning, does not signify Father Yahweh as our Supreme Redeemer and his and our Heavenly Father and Creator's Name in which Yahshua Messiah said that he came in.

    Neither is there redemption IN ANY OTHER: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven GIVEN among men, whereby we MUST be redeemed (Acts 4:12).


    The son of God ,will do


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 21 2012,08:50)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 21 2012,12:28)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 21 2012,01:44)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 20 2012,13:20)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ June 19 2012,20:15)
    And BTW, your “God of Luck” has nothing to do with Father Yahweh or His son Yahshua the Messiah that He promised to sent in this last time period. Again as always, you have been owned!

    No Frank,

    It is YOUR Jesus who was “lucky”.  Mine made a great sacrifice.  Yours won the best lottery ever imaginable.


    I'm not the one who hired a Latino immigrant to be my Messiah, you did!  :D


    You do not know what a name is.  If you did you would not make foolish comments like this one.

    “TheLordisSalvation is the Anointed” is the English translation of “Yoshua is the Messiah”.  The angel did not instruct Mary to name her son a bunch of meaningless noise but instead gave her a name with meaning.   English; and for that matter Greek; is an alien language to those whose first language is English.


    FACT: “Jesus” was not the Messiah's GIVEN name! The name Yahshua means 'Yahweh is Redeemer'. The name “Jesus” most certainly does not in any way convey this meaning, does not signify Father Yahweh as our Supreme Redeemer and his and our Heavenly Father and Creator's Name in which Yahshua Messiah said that he came in.

    Neither is there redemption IN ANY OTHER: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven GIVEN among men, whereby we MUST be redeemed (Acts 4:12).



    You are confusing an apparent fact with a fact.  Fact: Yeshua's name is not a meaningless name as we often have in this age.  Jesus' name is TheLordIsSalvation that is translated to Hebrew as Yeshua and to Greek as Iesous.  Yeshua is just the Hebrew words that means TheLordisSalvation.  

    This is easy to understand as the people of that age valued meaning over letter.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2012,13:09)

    Quote (Devolution @ June 20 2012,07:45)
    I like your humility Mike…
    I too need to examine myself because sometimes the spirit of love gets pushed aside by the spirit of frustration, and from there anger/pride etc sometimes swells up in me causing me to say the wrong things, and later when i reflect on my words….regret stings me!

    Thanks J42, we all need remember how important love is!


    Hi Devo,

    You won't even believe how God used your post (and the following one from journey) to talk to me right here, and right now.

    I just logged in to HN, and started with this thread (since it was at the top of the list).  I went back to my last post (which was about 6 pages ago – even though it's only been a day :) ) and started reading forward – like I do each day.

    And the more “smart assed” comments I read, the more I was literally (and I mean LITERALLY) telling myself, “I'm done with all this.  I can't just go on trading smart assed comments with Frank, Nick, and the others, seeing who can come out on top as the “wittiest”, or the one with the smoothest put down.  God, I'm done doing this.  This is not love.”

    And then, about three pages into reading the thread, I saw your comment and journey's too.  You called me humble because of words I said to journey, words I didn't really act upon after saying them.  Your posts confirmed to me what I was saying in my head while reading – that I just can't keep playing this “one upmanship” game anymore.  

    And what's more, I was already thinking about this arrogant game many of us play on HN while I was at work today.  We had the radio playing, and the song Have You Never Been Mellow came on.  Some of the words hit home hard for me.  Words like “There was a time when I just HAD TO TELL MY POINT OF VIEW, I was like you”.  And the words, “Have you never let SOMEONE ELSE be strong?”

    I am firmly grounded in what I believe the scriptures teach.  But I have a habit of CRAMMING my understanding down the throats of those who have a different understanding.  I act as if MY WAY is the only possible way it could ever be.  It's like I have to shove my point of view in everyone's face.  I can't let them be right, no matter what.  I can't let them be “strong” by having the last word.

    Well, no more.  I'm done.

    I've heard that song a thousand times before, and many times at work the music just drones in the background.  But today, those words jumped out at me, and my thoughts went immediately to the way I behave on HN.  And then, just as I was telling myself enough is enough, I came across the posts from you and journey.  Maybe I'm just reading into simple coincidences, but it seems to me like God is trying to tell me something through others – or at the very least confirm what I was already thinking about.

    Anyway, I thank journey for her first post that got me thinking in the first place, and I thank you both for your comments.  Mostly, I thank God for all the wonderful things I have going for me in my life.  And with His help and support, you guys will be seeing a very different mikeboll64 around here from now on.


    Hi Mike

    God bless.
    God works in mysterious ways!  And it's all for our benefit.  I love your honesty.  This is what we all need to be like.  If we listen to God, his instructions, then we are his children.  We can only grow from there, and not be stunted, because we have all this wonderful information in the word revealed to us, such a privilege an honour that the veil is taken off our faces, and we can see right to the core of our Father and Lord Jesus, and that love was given to us freely, and love, we should give back.

    The enemy will use people to get to us, he knows our weaknesses and will aim his fiery dart right to that spot.  Love covers a multiple of sins….this says a lot.  If we have love, then we have a chance for the holy spirit to dwell inside, but without love, it can't enter.
    And imagine how much will be revealed once the Holy Spirit resides?  There will be no end to learning.  Knowledge will increase.  Things will make more sense.

    Revelation 3:19   As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

    Proverbs 9:7   He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
    Proverbs 9:8   Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

    Proverbs 13:1   A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.


    Quote (Ed J @ June 21 2012,02:12)

    Quote (Devolution @ June 21 2012,00:45)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 16 2012,09:27)

    Quote (journey42 @ June 15 2012,08:41)
    If we correct one, we do it in love, not with conceit or harsh words.  We don't want to knock our brothers over, but build them up. Nor do we stalk them. If we have tried to explain and there is no positive outcome, then arguing back and forth does not profit.  It looks silly and childish, and does not benefit anyone.  So there is a spirit of truth out there, and Christ will use, whosoever he chooses to help nudge the lost away from false teachings. Modern day apostles, who have no church, or books to protect, just the truth and a hunger to share this wonderful kingdom thats coming with others.  

    I do not see much brotherly love here, and this lack of love and pride is what is blocking most from receiving the holy spirit.  It's as simple as that.  Pray everyone for your pride to be taken away.  Really pray, because you will not enter the kingdom of heaven until you get this poison out of you, and I will be on guard for my own soul too.

    I recognize myself as being described by your words, journey.  It stings, but I humbly accept your rebuke and will pray for myself as instructed.

    I like your humility Mike…
    I too need to examine myself because sometimes the spirit of love gets pushed aside by the spirit of frustration, and from there anger/pride etc sometimes swells up in me causing me to say the wrong things, and later when i reflect on my words….regret stings me!

    Thanks J42, we all need remember how important love is!


    Hi Georgie and Devolution,

    I hope you are both referring to (this thread here).

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed

    If you feel that I have not shown love to you, I apologise.
    I have not run away, but I gave you explanations, and then you  demanded I answer what I already explained.  I have even learn't something more from Devo's post than what I knew.
    So if we go back and forth over the same things over and over, then will not the others think we are mad?  There are about 5 witnesses so far testifying that  they do not recognise the truth in your words on that particular subject.  You are so sure you are right, and cannot be moved.  You have made snarly little comments here and there to push my buttons, but I refuse to let you, so I go away for a while.  Not because I can't answer, because I want you to cool down.  Get rid of this pride Ed.  Empty out everything you have been taught, and start again.  I say this for your own salvation and for the sake of the truth, because you write books and will be accountable for distorting the truth.  Your soul is so precious, don't loose it for the sake of pride.  Admit sometimes when you are wrong.  Don't just ignore it.  You have been corrected many times, and just disappear with no acknowledgement or come back and then start saying the bible is worded wrong.   You are a grown man, not a child.  Agree to disagree once in a while.  Don't jam it down our throats what you believe, because we all have our own walk with the Lord, and we have brains, and we can study and discern if something doesn't fit into the doctrine we learned straight from the holy book.  So be fair ok.  Don't mock me and then end it with God bless.  It feels twisted.  I speak the truth to you. I want to see you grow Ed, not stumble.


    Quote (Samuel @ June 21 2012,04:38)
    I can see how this scripture could lead one to believe in the Oneness Religion.

    One GOD.

    All I know is you lose all your faith, when you were growing up all you had hammered in your head was the Trinity Belief, and then go to a church that tells you, “Your wrong, Your serving three GODS”.  

    You “Foundation” pretty much gets washed out from underneath you.   And, you have to start all over.  I mean, you can't just “Hop over to another religion” and “Convert”.  At least, it was a very confusing experience for me.

    And, as it is written GOD is not the author of confusion.  So, I don't know what happened.  

    I guess I should have just converted, and been done with it.  Maybe I'd of stayed in church.  I am a firm believer that you NEED to go to church.   I mean how are you going to let “This little light of mine, shine?”  if you just stay at home, and/or don't go out talking to other people in the world?

    I am horrible with people, absolutely 100% horrible.  But, when I have the spirit of GOD in me, and working through me.  It does a lot better job then I ever could.

    Hi Samuel

    You are right, God is not the author of confusion, but man is.  Rejoice that your eyes were opened, for the Lord showed you something because he saw something in you that was searching.  Think of church as a stepping stone.  Knowing what others teach can make us look into the scriptures to see if they are correct.  If they made a mistake, and you realised it, then you learn't something. God revealed something to you. That's how he works, revealing, revealing, step by step.

    Regarding the bi-polar.  Don't trust everything the doctors say.  My friend was diagnosed with it 10 years ago, and they put her on all this medication, and lithium and she justified every time she had a melt down.  Ooh it's ok, I'm allowed to behave this way because I've got bi-polar.  I'll just lock myself into a room and ignore all around me for a few days. See ya latter kiddies, daddy will have to look after you now.

    Well about 3 months ago, the doctors did some extensive testing, and guess what?  It wasn't bi-polar all along.  It had something to do with an overactive or under active thyroid gland.  The medication was making her sick in the head.  They weaned her off that medication slowly and she hasn't had one single melt down since.   Her brain is now telling her the truth, I'm not bi-polar, and I don't have an excuse to behave like this anymore. She's all good now and more mature to handle problems in a better way.

    We all get down from time to time.  It's this world.  We feel like we don't fit in because we are a strange people who believe in a saviour whereas the world doesn't.  We see and feel all the hate around us.  But theres a promise, and Christ is going to change it, and we want to be with him when he does make dramatic changes… to witness this remarkable event that's around the corner and have him on our side is something to really look forward to.

    When the spirit heals, the body will too.  Read Samuel.  God wants to speak to you.  Go straight to his word.  You are not alone.  Most of us here don't go to church, because the church is in us, wherever we go.  God will provide a christian friend for you.  a true one, or maybe two.
    God bless.

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