JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #299449
    Ed J


    His explanation did not address my second question, only the first; do you believe that it had?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ May 27 2012,19:29)

    His explanation did not address my second question, only the first; do you believe that it had?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    if only ,you could be true in your heart and mind ,you would see and not play,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 27 2012,02:31)

    Quote (jammin @ May 26 2012,08:06)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 25 2012,09:33)

    Quote (jammin @ May 24 2012,05:07)

    i already told you my answer but you are not reading it
    gill's exposition of the entire bible
    but my Father only; to the exclusion of all creatures, angels and men; but not to the exclusion of Christ as God,

    Matthew 24:36
    “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

    Mark 13:32
    “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

    Did Gill overlook the words “nor the Son” that Jesus spoke?

    did the verse say son of GOD? or son of MAN?

    It just says “Son”, jammin.  If it means “Son of God”, then it proves that Jesus doesn't know all things.  If it means “Son of Man”, then it proves that Jesus doesn't know all things.

    Either way, it proves the same thing.

    But, if you are going to attempt to make the claim that AS A MAN, Jesus didn't know all things, then I will remind you that it was also AS A MAN that Jesus was said to “knows all things”.

    what if i can read to you that the verse says SON OF MAN, will you accept that you are really a false teacher mike?

    yes or no?


    Christ is GOD mike by nature and not a lesser nature GOD


    do you have a lesser nature MAN mike?

    your doctrine is so funny LOL

    your christ is a puny god


    Quote (jammin @ May 27 2012,20:14)
    Christ is GOD mike by nature and not a lesser nature GOD


    do you have a lesser nature MAN mike?

    your doctrine is so funny LOL

    your christ is a puny god

    Christ is not God ,and there for is lower than God almighty,

    It does not matter what the nature is or is not ,being the son and a creation makes you inferior to the one that created you,

    A creation is Not a offspring. Just like Adam was not an offspring but a first creation,and so is Christ.


    Quote (Ed J @ May 27 2012,11:21)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 27 2012,11:05)
    Hi T,
    How can you follow Jesus without going through the water and Spirit baptisms?

    Hi Nick,

    Are you suggesting there are two baptisms?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi ED,
    Yes Heb 6.2

    Water baptism is the type.
    There is water baptism, BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT [acts 1.5]and the other one Jesus spoke of in mk 10.38f



    Who send Peter to Cornelius ??? God did

    Who gives the holy spirit ??? God does ,who decided the way it should be done ??? God does,

    Who decided to baptized Cornelius ??? The man Peter, was he inspired ??? No,not from scriptures,

    So who should we follow ??? God or man ???

    Peter was wrong on other things as well,but change,


    Hi T,
    You can even judge Peter?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 28 2012,00:39)
    Hi T,
    You can even judge Peter?


    I do not judge Peter ,what is done is for our knowledge


    Hi T,
    Yes you do.
    So who else are you greater than?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 28 2012,00:41)
    Hi T,
    Yes you do.
    So who else are you greater than?


    From what you are saying ,I can judge you are not to happy ,but still do not answer my questions,


    Hi T,
    You seem to have delusions of grandeur.
    Peter is a proven servant of God but you?


    Quote (terraricca @ May 27 2012,14:44)

    Quote (jammin @ May 27 2012,20:14)
    Christ is GOD mike by nature and not a lesser nature GOD


    do you have a lesser nature MAN mike?

    your doctrine is so funny LOL

    your christ is a puny god

    Christ is not God ,and there for is lower than God almighty,

    It does not matter what the nature is or is not ,being the son and a creation makes you inferior to the one that created you,

    A creation is Not a offspring. Just like Adam was not an offspring but a first creation,and so is Christ.

    Christ is not GOD? LOL

    i believe what the bible says

    thomas said to jesus
    my LORD and my GOD (john 20.28)


    Quote (jammin @ May 28 2012,08:26)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 27 2012,14:44)

    Quote (jammin @ May 27 2012,20:14)
    Christ is GOD mike by nature and not a lesser nature GOD


    do you have a lesser nature MAN mike?

    your doctrine is so funny LOL

    your christ is a puny god

    Christ is not God ,and there for is lower than God almighty,

    It does not matter what the nature is or is not ,being the son and a creation makes you inferior to the one that created you,

    A creation is Not a offspring. Just like Adam was not an offspring but a first creation,and so is Christ.

    Christ is not GOD? LOL

    i believe what the bible says

    thomas said to jesus
    my LORD and my GOD (john 20.28)


    unless you can prove consistency with all the scriptures that God almighty is also his own son ,and that so he has send himself into the world as a man and prayed to himself ,begging for help, and make miracles to himself and give the holy spirit of him in abundance to himself ,all this to prove that he was himself ????what ?????

    and why would God do this ?????????


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 28 2012,01:34)
    Hi T,
    You seem to have delusions of grandeur.
    Peter is a proven servant of God but you?


    you do not believe scriptures so why discuss what you do not believe ???

    and you comment does not answer my questions .


    Quote (jammin @ May 27 2012,20:26)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 27 2012,14:44)

    Quote (jammin @ May 27 2012,20:14)
    Christ is GOD mike by nature and not a lesser nature GOD


    do you have a lesser nature MAN mike?

    your doctrine is so funny LOL

    your christ is a puny god

    Christ is not God ,and there for is lower than God almighty,

    It does not matter what the nature is or is not ,being the son and a creation makes you inferior to the one that created you,

    A creation is Not a offspring. Just like Adam was not an offspring but a first creation,and so is Christ.

    Christ is not GOD? LOL

    i believe what the bible says

    thomas said to jesus
    my LORD and my GOD (john 20.28)


    You fail to understand what Scripture states as there is but one God; who is Yahweh; who is the Jesus' God and the Father of his Spirit; just as he is the the the God of all that believe and the Father of the their spirits.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 26 2012,19:21)
    Which lesser god of heaven  was made of women?

    There is none as it is human beings whom are made of woman.

    Which human being had a human mother and God as his Father?  NONE, right, because ALL human beings have a human mother AND father, right?  Hmmmm………..but wasn't Jesus an exception to the norm, Kerwin?

    Quote (kerwin @ May 26 2012,19:21)
    Which lesser god of heaven was made under the Law of Mosses?

    There is none as the angels were made previously to the Law.

    Again, you are making MY point for me, Kerwin.  Of course Jesus wasn't existing under the Law while he was in heaven.  That is why Paul mentions it in Gal 4:4.  Once again, it would have been OBVIOUS to all that, as a Jew, Jesus was born under the Law of Moses, right?  So why do you suppose Paul bothered to mention the OBVIOUS?  It was to CONTRAST Jesus' pre-existence from his humanity.  He is teaching that God had to send His HEAVENLY Son to be born of a woman and born under the Law.  It was only in this way that Jesus could accomplish his purpose.  Why?  Because the children were born of women and born under the Law.  Therefore, Jesus also had to partake in these things to fulfill God's purpose.

    Quote (kerwin @ May 26 2012,19:21)
    Is John 1:14 stating that The Word was born flesh or does is it stating the Word was made flesh?  It is the same word though a different part of Greek grammar that is used in Galatians 4:4.  The KJV keeps it the same word while other translation do not.

    Again, you are playing word games that don't make one bit of difference, Kerwin.  The Word existed with God in the beginning.  The Word “ENDED UP BEING FLESH”, and dwelling among mankind with the glory of God's only begotten Son.

    So it doesn't really matter if you prefer “the Word BECAME flesh”, or “the Word WAS MADE flesh”, or “the Word WAS BORN flesh”…………….because the bottom line remains the same:  The Word was existing with God and ended up being flesh and dwelling among mankind with the glory of God's only begotten Son.

    Kerwin, there is only ONE being who ever dwelled among mankind with the glory of God's only begotten Son. And we all know that this one is called by the name, “The Word of God”. This shouldn't be that hard.


    Quote (Ed J @ May 26 2012,18:46)
    Are you suggesting that the term “born of a woman” is NOT a secret clue pointing towards preexistence then?


    I will only tolerate yours games for so long.  You already know this, right?  So listen carefully:

    What I suggest is that there would have been no reason whatsoever for Paul to state the obvious in Galatians 4:4.  He would not have any reason to state that Jesus was born under the Law of Moses, because everyone already knew that Jesus was a Jew.  He would not have any reason to state that God's Son had to be born of a woman, because everyone already knew that Jesus was a human being.

    So the term “born of a woman”, in and of itself, proves nothing except that the one described is a human being.  And the term “born under the Law”, in and of itself, proves nothing except that the one described is a Jew.  But the fact that Paul even MENTIONS these two obvious things about Jesus shows that he is CONTRASTING Jesus' human nature from the one he had when he was existing in the form of God, and having glory alongside Him before the world was created through him.

    I cannot say it any clearer than I have. So if you still don't understand the point I'm making, you apparently never will. (Personally, I think you know EXACTLY what Barnes and I are saying about Gal 4:4, but are pretending not to just to be a pest.)


    Quote (jammin @ May 26 2012,20:11)
    what if i can read to you that the verse says SON OF MAN, will you accept that you are really a false teacher mike?

    yes or no?

    If you can read it in the GREEK MSS, then I will be surprised, but not a “false teacher”. Because like I said, it doesn't really matter. Both “Son of God” and “Son of Man” describe the same being, Jesus, so either one would say the same thing: Jesus DOESN'T know all things.


    Quote (jammin @ May 26 2012,20:14)
    your christ is a puny god

    All gods can be considered “puny” when compared with the Almighty God who brought them into existence. I suppose Jesus would be no exception to this rule – although I wouldn't personally call my Lord “puny”.

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