JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #295610
    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2012,06:59)

    If you agree that JESUS came down from heaven, not to do HIS will,
    but instead to do the will of He who sent him, then we are in agreement.

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, we agree.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi MB,
    But does not ED say that all men come from heaven?

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2012,07:01)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 29 2012,13:28)
    4) That goes without saying. Yes, of course, two wills, two entities.

    Hallelujah!  We agree again.

    Tell me who these two entities with separate wills were, one of whom was sent down from heaven by the other one.

    Hi Mike,

    Yep, there are two entities,
    HolySpirit and Spirit of Christ.

    One will is God's “HolySpirit”(GOD),
    the other will is “Christ's Spirit”(Christ).

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 30 2012,07:54)
    Hi MB,
    But does not ED say that all men come from heaven?

    Hi Nick,

    You need to be accurate, I say all men came from God.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi ED,
    Certainly the spirits of men do and they return to the Father of spirits[ecc12]


    Quote (jammin @ April 29 2012,23:25)
    i believe what the bible said charity and not opinions from men

    The Gospel of John is an opinion. It'S never been Illegal to consume wandering mentality, build armies

    The Word “Word”, translated from the english language, which was birthed around 1066.

    Only the western cultures rattle on with the confusion…

    Because of Jeruserlem being the Inheritance, An Solomon's foriegn wives they had to start him from the beginning, or the family tree will be trimed back or cut down.

    The Jewish are NOT self concentered….THE WORLD NEEDS TO BE ASHAMED!! they are an example of a family that pass's down the Jewels, whole things cant be divided, they went down threw the first born, but hence.. that became THE problem of favoring…an law pushed its way in…on behalf of the un favored but hence legal choice….

    If a man wants to leave his youngest son all he owns…is it his right?
    what dose the “word” Jesus say about Cain&Abel?

    What was wrong with Cain that everything he offered was not good enough in the sight of his parents? God? that they should torment him as less favored, till he arrive At an emotional… chemical reaction an destroy”s his little goddie two shoe's brother via stored up anxiety an living the rejection…?


    Hi Ed,
    So the spark of life comes from God.
    But men are from dirt into which God has breathed.


    Hi MB,
    Finding your view is popular is only evidence you walk the wider and more popular road.



    It sounds like you are jealous of Abel; just as Cain was.  The sin he embraced, instead of resisting the evil one, led him him to commit murder.  This has become an example how embracing one sin leads to another.  

    Even after Cain murdered his brother God hoped he would have a broken spirit and a contrite heart for he warned him that sin was at the door.

    God loves you and has the same hopes for you.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 29 2012,21:58)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 28 2012,16:57)
    The only way to get around these paradoxes is to conclude that Jesus transformed and then crawled into Mary’s womb; therefore he was not conceived there; even though Scripture states he was.

    And what word would YOU have used, had YOU been the angel talking to Mary?

    How would you explain to Mary that one who already existed in heaven would be caused to be conceived in her womb and born as a human being?

    There is no paradox, Kerwin.  Surely God can cause a spirit being to be conceived in a human womb, and be born as a human being.

    Now, I have been patiently waiting for one of you guys to list the very first SCRIPTURE that prohibits Jesus from pre-existing his flesh, or that makes it abundantly clear that he could never have been anything other than a human being.

    It seems you guys have failed (as I knew you would).  So what have we learned?  

    On one side of the argument, we offer over 50 SCRIPTURES that speak of the pre-existence of Jesus.

    And on the other side of the argument, you offer your own, self-serving, personal WISHES for Jesus not to have pre-existed because it makes you feel more empowered if he didn't.



    These are just your points of irrationality or you would see that you are using the power of God to justify the paradoxes in your beliefs just like the Trinitarians do. My God is not irrational, nor is his Word.

    My God is a God that loves and commands his people to love. Those that seek to love as God loves understand that the Light of men is the Loving Spirit, which is in the Word of God.

    Do you believe Yahweh lives in Jesus through the Holy Spirit?


    Quote (kerwin @ April 30 2012,08:54)

    It sounds like you are jealous of Abel; just as Cain was.  The sin he embraced, instead of resisting the evil one, led him him to commit murder.  This has become an example how embracing one sin leads to another.  

    Even after Cain murdered his brother God hoped he would have a broken spirit and a contrite heart for he warned him that sin was at the door.

    God loves you and has the same hopes for you.

    lol…Not really…Im not into beating favored children…as much as un favored children neither…lets say I understand the orignal state of mind, programming the older in serving the younger daily…while the Law stands for the younger serving the older…solomon was the youngest… so who to say how God has been picking…least John is adiment in seperating the Father of Lies children via spoiled attatudes, an completely leaving any that disregard him doomed. He has failed to resolve any conflict…untill cain an Abel, Adam an eve's situation is resolved John's Book will not be seen as biast, an way off what Jesus might have been doing for the fatherless nations..

    thank you telling me what I think!…hence I have a heart towards all children, they are victims to head strong adults way to even the favored end up needing to change.

    Ed J

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 30 2012,08:06)
    Hi ED,
    Certainly the spirits of men do and they return to the Father of spirits[ecc12]

    Hi Nick,

    That's what I've been saying all along.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi ED,
    We are Living[spirit] Souls[souls] gen 2.7

    None of us existed before we were conceived except in the plan of God



    'Even a child is known by whether there is conduct is loving”.  Your conduct is not; even though you may think it is.  If it was then you would not level false accusations or judge by your measures.

    God judged the hearts of Cain and Abel when they sacrificed and Cain's motivations were unloving while Abel's demonstrated love.

    So do you believe it is right to reward the hater as well as the lover?


    Quote (Ed J @ April 30 2012,07:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2012,07:01)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 29 2012,13:28)
    4) That goes without saying. Yes, of course, two wills, two entities.

    Hallelujah!  We agree again.

    Tell me who these two entities with separate wills were, one of whom was sent down from heaven by the other one.

    Hi Mike,

    Yep, there are two entities,
    HolySpirit and Spirit of Christ.

    One will is God's “HolySpirit”(GOD),
    the other will is “Christ's Spirit”(Christ).

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,
    The Spirit is one
    .1 Corinthians 12:9
    to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit,

    .1 Corinthians 12:11
    But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

    .1 Corinthians 12:13
    For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

    .Ephesians 2:18
    for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.

    .Ephesians 4:4
    There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling;

    The Word is OF the SPIRIT of God


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 29 2012,15:25)
    Hi MB,
    Finding your view is popular is only evidence you walk the wider and more popular road.

    So when I'm arguing against you and Ed and Marty and Frank and Kerwin and Gene on this site, does that show that YOU GUYS are the ones on the wider, more popular road?   ???

    Nick, comments like that serve no one.  Either refute my beliefs using SCRIPTURE, or don't say anything at all.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 29 2012,16:12)

    These are just your points of irrationality………………..

    Yeah Kerwin, I'M the irrational one. ???

    Here I sit with more than 50 scriptures that point to Jesus' pre-existence, while you sit there with NO scriptures, but only your personal WISH for Jesus to not have pre-existed………………and I'M the irrational one. Whatever.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 28 2012,18:00)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 29 2012,05:38)
    Hi KW,
    The man is the branch of David and the Word is the root.


    That sounds correct.

    Praise God!

    Nick, you have done for Kerwin what I was unable to do!

    Kerwin, do you now agree that “Root” refers to CAME BEFORE DAVID, while “Branch” refers to CAME AFTER DAVID?

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 30 2012,10:44)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 29 2012,15:25)
    Hi MB,
    Finding your view is popular is only evidence you walk the wider and more popular road.

    So when I'm arguing against you and Ed and Marty and Frank and Kerwin and Gene on this site, does that show that YOU GUYS are the ones on the wider, more popular road?   ???

    Nick, comments like that serve no one.  Either refute my beliefs using SCRIPTURE, or don't say anything at all.

    Hi Mike,

    Maybe Nick doesn't like you reaching out toward agreement?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Apparently not unless I'm agreeing with HIM.  :)

    Ed, I know that we don't truly agree anyway.  In words, yes, but in reality, no.

    Unless of course you believe that Jesus was the first being God ever created – the one through whom God then created all other things.

    This is what I believe, and many scriptures bear witness.

    I believe that the living, individual entity of Jesus/God's Son dwelled with God in the form of God before emptying himself to be sent down from heaven by God on a mission of salvation.

    I think your belief aligns better with Nick's.  Anyway, it was fun to PRETEND to agree with each other for a brief moment, eh? :)


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