JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,17:45)
    were most likely Jewish astrologers.

    :D a lot of babies lost their lives by three men dropping by to brag their wisdom…but there insignificant arn”t they? tell someone that cares!.. Im sure 33 years latter the mothers brothers, an sisters of those Babies cried, Oh, your the reason for the season we lost our dear innocent family member on an anger mission to destroy a one baby that should replace the king.


    Quote (charity @ April 12 2012,13:09)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,17:45)
    were most likely Jewish astrologers.

    :D a lot babies lost their lives by three men bragging their wisdom…Im sure 33 years latter the mothers brothers sisters of those Babies cried Oh your the reason for the season we lost our dear innocent family member on an anger mission to destroy a one baby that should replace the king.


    You should not let the devil grab hold of you as you are doing in making yourself a false witness and imputing evil motivation where none exist.

    The wise men were seeking knowledge and went to the place it would be. Herod the Great was a jealous man who decided to rid the world of his competition. He in turn perished a short time later.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 13 2012,01:00)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 12 2012,11:37)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,22:03)

    Jesus received the new man while still in his mother’s inner parts; as he did not sin even though tempted as is common to man.   The new inner man can dwell in the old outer man for a while.  Jesus’ old outer man perished on the cross and was buried.  Before it saw decay it was changed into a new outer man by the power of the Spirit of God.   The new outer man awoke from the dust as it does not know death.

    Jesus was paraphrasing the first verse of Psalms 22 when he cried “MY God My God why have you forsaken me”.     Reading it will teach you more.

    Jesus spoke many times about his self sacrifice; which is necessary to accomplice God’s righteous plan for all his people.   Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension condemned this world, provided an escape for the people, the new covenant.

    The politics of the Sanhedrin and the Roman officials only succeeded because God allowed it too for his own righteous purpose.


    Jesus is not a new man ,were is that written ???


    Does Jesus walk according to Spirit?  If he does then he is a new man; as are all humans that do the same.


    your lack of understanding in scriptures is so great ,I would not try any longer to discuss scriptures ,but I am not your Judge ,it is God I have told you most of it and as most of men have reject it so it is up to God ,


    Quote (charity @ April 13 2012,00:23)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 12 2012,16:48)
    God knew what he was doing when he selected the written scriptures we have today ,may the God bless those with a pure heart ,

    Did God feel he needed to bind only certain books into one threw the Roman catholic church around the time printing press”s were invented?


    No this was way before that time ,if only you knew


    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,17:52)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2012,11:43)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,15:03)

    Jesus received the new man while still in his mother’s inner parts; as he did not sin even though tempted as is common to man.   The new inner man can dwell in the old outer man for a while.  Jesus’ old outer man perished on the cross and was buried.  Before it saw decay it was changed into a new outer man by the power of the Spirit of God.   The new outer man awoke from the dust as it does not know death.

    Jesus was paraphrasing the first verse of Psalms 22 when he cried “MY God My God why have you forsaken me”.     Reading it will teach you more.

    Jesus spoke many times about his self sacrifice; which is necessary to accomplice God’s righteous plan for all his people.   Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension condemned this world, provided an escape for the people, the new covenant.

    The politics of the Sanhedrin and the Roman officials only succeeded because God allowed it too for his own righteous purpose.

    Hi KW,
    Scripture tells us John was filled with the Spirit in his mother's womb but does not say the same about his cousin Jesus.

    But you do?


    I sinned before I was 30; what about you?

    Jesus did not which means he was manifesting the fruits of the Spirit before he was immersed at the Jordan Riven.

    From what I have read his ministry came after he was immersed at the Jordon River.  It seems reasonable that he was anointed for that ministry at the Jordon River.

    Hi KW,
    You did not have a special Dad.

    Jesus showed it was possible to become righteous by obedience to his beloved Law.



    14και ο λογος σαρξ εγενετο και εσκηνωσεν εν ημιν και εθεασαμεθα την δοξαν αυτου δοξαν ως μονογενους παρα πατρος πληρης χαριτος και αληθειας
    And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    the logos (WORD) is the son of GOD and not the HS or the father.

    the Word refers to Christ! the SON OF GOD!

    Revelation 19:13

    English Standard Version (ESV)

    13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in[a] blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God.

    case closed

    Ed J


    (Textus Receptus) και ο λογος σαρξ among και dwelt εν ημιν και εθεασαμεθα
    την δοξαν αυτου δοξαν ως μονογενους παρα πατρος πληρης χαριτος και αληθειας

    (Translation) And the Word made ​​flesh and dwelt among us, and that we
    beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth

    [The Word's glory] as of the only begotten of the Father (John 1:14)
    compared with [The Word's glory] which shall be revealed in us. (Rom.8:18)

    The Word of the oath, which was since the law,
    maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore. (Hebrews 7:28)

    1Pet.1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of
    incorruptible, by “The Word” of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

    Of his own will begat he us with “The Word” of truth,
    that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. (James 1:18)

                  “The Word's Glory” is “The Word's Christ”

    2 Cor 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed
    into the same image from glory to glory, even as by [the HolySpirit of THE LORD JEHOVAH].

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi Jammin,
    You say
    “the logos (WORD) is the son of GOD and not the HS or the father.”

    Do you know THREE?
    That is the teaching of the whore.

    come out of her


    Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
    Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, [The Son] of David.
    He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
    The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
    If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?
    Mat 22:46 And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any [man] from that day forth ask him any more [questions].

    Diplimatic way of Saying..I am here to sit on the throne as King…..i'LL ASK A QUESTION AN FIND OUT IF THESE GUY'S WILL KNOW AN SUPPORT ME!!

    So How the heek dose everyone think they know the Answer when they never let Jesus finish what he was saying, or when your do not understand, their is a need to study old prophecy or perhaps except, they were from Moses house..scribes of Law… Hating King David House..the competators..(Isreal an Judea)
    The mystery of the God an the Father an the son, IS BASED in the conflict between The House of Moses an the house of David..
    Moses house won…by taking him as sheep to the slaughter making him a sacrifice for sin. cutting off his important life..  nothing to be ever said again about his Father Davids words, statues, an his mission to rise an sit on his fathers… King Davids throne. Right or Left of David God..same throne! the ear!!

    At death…His Kingdom was catupultied hence forth of into eternity…an a new theology..the trinity.


    Hi Jammin,
    As Ed quotes we, like JESUS CHRIST, have been begotten of the WORD OF TRUTH


    Quote (terraricca @ April 12 2012,13:23)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 13 2012,01:00)

    Quote (terraricca @ April 12 2012,11:37)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,22:03)

    Jesus received the new man while still in his mother’s inner parts; as he did not sin even though tempted as is common to man.   The new inner man can dwell in the old outer man for a while.  Jesus’ old outer man perished on the cross and was buried.  Before it saw decay it was changed into a new outer man by the power of the Spirit of God.   The new outer man awoke from the dust as it does not know death.

    Jesus was paraphrasing the first verse of Psalms 22 when he cried “MY God My God why have you forsaken me”.     Reading it will teach you more.

    Jesus spoke many times about his self sacrifice; which is necessary to accomplice God’s righteous plan for all his people.   Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension condemned this world, provided an escape for the people, the new covenant.

    The politics of the Sanhedrin and the Roman officials only succeeded because God allowed it too for his own righteous purpose.


    Jesus is not a new man ,were is that written ???


    Does Jesus walk according to Spirit?  If he does then he is a new man; as are all humans that do the same.


    your lack of understanding in scriptures is so great ,I would not try any longer to discuss scriptures ,but I am not your Judge ,it is God I have told you most of it and as most of men have reject it so it is up to God ,


    Are you stating 'This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. ” does not mean that if you walk by the Spirit you will not sin?

    Or are you stating “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” is not true?

    I ask since when you put the two together it is obvious that Jesus walked by the Spirit of God at all times from his conception onward.

    Believe what God states is true.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,15:07)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 12 2012,05:20)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2012,10:12)
    Hi FRank,
    The Word was of the Spirit and only became flesh in Jesus at the Jordan making him Jesus Christ, the Word.


    Father Yahweh's word was revealed in the flesh long before Yahshua came on the scene. Remember that Yahshua is the prophet like unto Moshe.


    Jesus is greater than Mosses even though he is also a prophet like him.


    I made no mention that one was greater than the other.


    Quote (jammin @ April 12 2012,14:27)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 12 2012,12:08)

    Quote (jammin @ April 12 2012,11:11)

    where is your version that says that the word in john 1.1 is the father? lOL


    where can i read in john 1.1 that the word is the HS? LOL


    I am never proclaimed that Scripture says that the word in Yahchanan [John] 1:1 is the Father. What I have simply proclaimed is what Father Yahweh's prophetic inspired word teaches, and that is that His word is simply that, His word. Nowhere in Scripture does it ever teach or say that Father Yahweh's word was a separate being that existed apart from Him in the beginning that was a creator or a co-creator with Him. Scripture clearly teaches that Father Yahweh “ALONE”, “BY HIMSELF” with “NO ONE BESIDE HIM” created the heavens and the earth and ALL THINGS IN THEM. His son Yahshua is never once recorded in the so-called “New Testament” as proclaiming that he had created ANYTHING. In fact, in this same section of Scripture Yahshua credited his and our Father Yahweh for the creation of the heavens and the earth and ALL THINGS IN THEM.

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    thanks for admitting that the word is not the father.

    john says the Word was GOD.
    in verse 14 the word is the son of GOD.

    he was with in the beginning.

    sorry boy.. you must study hard first.


    I never admitted that the word was not the Father.

    Maybe you should make up you mind whether you believe the word is YOUR “God” or it is the son of YOUR “God”.


    Quote (charity @ April 13 2012,03:42)
    Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
    Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, [The Son] of David.
    He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
    The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
    If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?
    Mat 22:46 And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any [man] from that day forth ask him any more [questions].

    Diplimatic way of Saying..I am here to sit on the throne as King…..i'LL ASK A QUESTION AN FIND OUT IF THESE GUY'S WILL KNOW AN SUPPORT ME!!

    So How the heek dose everyone think they know the Answer when they never let Jesus finish what he was saying, or when your do not understand, their is a need to study old prophecy or perhaps except, they were from Moses house..scribes of Law… Hating King David House..the competators..(Isreal an Judea)
    The mystery of the God an the Father an the son, IS BASED in the conflict between The House of Moses an the house of David..
    Moses house won…by taking him as sheep to the slaughter making him a sacrifice for sin. cutting off his important life..  nothing to be ever said again about his Father Davids words, statues, an his mission to rise an sit on his fathers… King Davids throne. Right or Left of David God..same throne! the ear!!

    At death…His Kingdom was catupultied hence forth of into eternity…an a new theology..the trinity.


    There are few Trinitarians here. A number believe Jesus to be an angel while others believe him to be human.

    If you desire to seek to be like God in true righteousness and holiness Jesus will lead the way; if you do not then you will stray. Many have strayed.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 13 2012,05:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,15:07)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 12 2012,05:20)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2012,10:12)
    Hi FRank,
    The Word was of the Spirit and only became flesh in Jesus at the Jordan making him Jesus Christ, the Word.


    Father Yahweh's word was revealed in the flesh long before Yahshua came on the scene. Remember that Yahshua is the prophet like unto Moshe.


    Jesus is greater than Mosses even though he is also a prophet like him.


    I made no mention that one was greater than the other.


    Jesus is the Way; Abraham is not; who is the greater?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2012,10:07)
    Hi FRank,
    John focusses on the more important ANOINTING


    I have found that the focus in the so-called “Book of John” is in what it actually says as follows:

    But these are written that you may believe that Yahshua is the Messiah, the son of Yahweh, and that by believing you may have life in his name (Yahchanan [John] 20:31).

    Also see:

    Note that it says nothing in this book or in the whole of Scripture about believing that Yahshua pre-existed his birth or believing that he was in actuality Father Yahweh's word that existed with Him in the beginning or at any other time. It also never says anything in the whole of Scripture about believing “Jesus IS God!”

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?


    Hi Frank,
    The Spirit is all.


    Quote (jammin @ April 12 2012,19:41)

    14και ο λογος σαρξ εγενετο και εσκηνωσεν εν ημιν και εθεασαμεθα την δοξαν αυτου δοξαν ως μονογενους παρα πατρος πληρης χαριτος και αληθειας
    And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    the logos (WORD) is the son of GOD and not the HS or the father.

    the Word refers to Christ! the SON OF GOD!

    Revelation 19:13

    English Standard Version (ESV)

    13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in[a] blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God.

    case closed


    You base your conclusions on too little evidence and a misunderstanding of Scripture.

    It does not follow that because Jesus is called by the name of the Word of God in Revelations 19:13 that he is the Word spoken of in John 1:1.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 13 2012,10:32)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 13 2012,05:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,15:07)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 12 2012,05:20)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 12 2012,10:12)
    Hi FRank,
    The Word was of the Spirit and only became flesh in Jesus at the Jordan making him Jesus Christ, the Word.


    Father Yahweh's word was revealed in the flesh long before Yahshua came on the scene. Remember that Yahshua is the prophet like unto Moshe.


    Jesus is greater than Mosses even though he is also a prophet like him.


    I made no mention that one was greater than the other.


    Jesus is the Way; Abraham is not; who is the greater?


    I made no mention of Abraham in my post. I did make mention of Moshe though.

    Both Abraham and Moshe were also the way to Yahweh in their time periods just as Yahshua is the way in this last time period.

    You asks who is the greater of the prophets, right? Note what is said in the following:

    Concerning Moshe:

    Now Yahshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moshe had laid his hands on him. So the Ysrylites listened to him and did what Yahweh had commanded Moshe. Since then, no prophet has risen in Ysryl like Moshe, whom Yahweh knew face to face, who did all those miraculous signs and wonders Yahweh sent him to do in Egypt–to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land (Deuteronomy 34:9-11).

    Concerning Yahchanan the Immerser

    I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than Yahchanan; yet the one who is least in the Kingdom of Yahweh is greater than he (Lukyah 7:28).

    I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than Yahchanan the Immerser; yet he who is least in the Kingdom of Yahweh he is greater than he (Mattithyah 11:11).

    Note also that Yahshua said that the apostles, his students [“disciples”], and those who come after them would do greater works than he had done:

    I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father (Yahcahnan 14:12).


    Quote (kerwin @ April 12 2012,18:11)
    It does not follow that because Jesus is called by the name of the Word of God in Revelations 19:13 that he is the Word spoken of in John 1:1.

    It absolutely DOES follow if you'd take off the blinders, Kerwin.

    Who else had the glory of God's only begotten Son when he became flesh?

    Who else was with God in the beginning, having glory of his own?

    What other “Word” did John and the others see with their own eyes and handle with their own hands?

    Who else said, “I came down from heaven”?

    Who else was existing in the form of God before being made into the likeness of a human being?

    The fact that the identity of the Word is spelled out for you in Revelation 19:13 makes me wonder if you truly can't see it, or if you purposely refuse to see it for your own personal reasons.

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