JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #286845

    Hi Colter,
    While the Word was God and was with God
    in Jesus the Word is OF GOD.


    Hi Colter,
    The unity we can attain with God is the same as that Jesus Christ had. Jn 17.21
    We do not become his God any more than he did.
    Unity in difference

    Ed J

    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,07:59)
    To say God raised him is synonymous with Jesus raising himself…

    Hi , FALSE!

    “The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”  (John 14:10)

        We act in YHVH's behalf.

    Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but
    he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

        And YHVH acts on our behalf!

    For the eyes of The LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
    show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. (2 Chron.16:9)

    יהוה חאלהים (JEHOVAH GOD)
    עד (Joshua 22:34) Ed (Witness)


    any one ever notice…the fights are away's alive with the sound John scriptures…



    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,10:16)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 23 2012,08:03)
    Hi Colter,
    The unity we can attain with God is the same as that Jesus Christ had. Jn 17.21
    We do not become his God any more than he did.
    Unity in difference

    True, we can attain unity with God, but to see man is not to see the Father, that is to see the children of the Father at best.

    We are not “The Son of God”, nor are we “The Son of Man”. We had a beginning in time, we did not come down from heaven, we did not pre-exist with the Father in heaven, and we did not co-create this world.

    We do not ascend into heaven and become Lord and God, with all power in heaven and on earth.

    The anti-divinity crowd believes in the going up to heaven, they just don't believe in the coming down.


    Hi Colter,
    Jesus was a man.
    Scripture says so but you do not?

    The CHRIST[anointing] pre existed.

    After the Jordan the unity was complete and we no longer speak of the flesh…. the Lord is the Spirit.


    Hi Colter,
    Jesus CHRIST said that.
    Men cannot raise themselves.


    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 21 2012,01:46)
    if you are a son of man, are you man or not?

    If you were the son of the ORIGINAL Man, you would also be A man, but not the same ORIGINAL man who fathered/begot you.

    Jesus, as the Son of the ORIGINAL God, would also be A god, but not the same ORIGINAL God who fathered/begot him.

    Your agument that the Son of God is God Himself would be the same as saying Cain, the son of Adam, was Adam himself.

    Surely you know that a son is not his father.  Yet Jesus called his Father and our Father “the only true God”.  And Paul said that “for us, there is but one God, the Father”.

    Ed J

    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,10:25)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 23 2012,10:04)

    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,07:59)
    To say God raised him is synonymous with Jesus raising himself…

    Hi , FALSE!

    “The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”  (John 14:10)

        We act in YHVH's behalf.

    Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but
    he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

        And YHVH acts on our behalf!

    For the eyes of The LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
    show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. (2 Chron.16:9)

    יהוה חאלהים (JEHOVAH GOD)
    עד (Joshua 22:34) Ed (Witness)


    John 2

    “The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”

    Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and >I< will raise it again in three days.”

    Now, scramble to discredit the words of your savior, make fools of yourselves by claiming faith in the Son while diminishing his words with the words of other men to justify your stubborn disbelief.


    Hi Colter, (All I need is Rhema)

    (John 14:24) “the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's”

    (Rom.8:11) [the Spirit of God] raised up Jesus from the dead

    (Gal 1:1) “God the Father, who raised him from the dead”

    יהוה חאלהים (JEHOVAH GOD)
    עד (Joshua 22:34) Ed (Witness)


    Hi Colter,
    God was in him reconciling the world to Himself.

    Try acts 10.38


    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,10:25)
    John 2

    “The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”

    Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and >I< will raise it again in three days.”

    Now, scramble to discredit the words of your savior, make fools of yourselves by claiming faith in the Son while diminishing his words with the words of other men to justify your stubborn disbelief.



    Do you disregard all the many scriptures that speak of God raising Jesus?  Note, none of them say “God raised Himself”, or “God raised God”.

    Do you suppose Jesus could raise himself from the dead while being dead?  Or do you suppose Jesus didn't really die, thereby requiring us to be pitied more than any other men, for having hope in the fact that God raised a truly dead Jesus from the dead, and that we can follow?

    I'm just curious how you understand the death and resurrection of Jesus.


    Rev 19
    13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name IS CALLED The Word of God

    I have checked several versions and they all have iS CALLED there.

    Surely his name IS would be common usage so why IS CALLED used?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 22 2012,20:17)
    Rev 19
    13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name IS CALLED The Word of God

    I have checked several versions and they all have iS CALLED there.

    Surely his name IS would be common usage so why IS CALLED used?

    It means the same thing, Nick. God told Abraham, “No longer will your name be called Abram”.

    And I know there are more similar wordings in other scriptures.


    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,13:36)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 23 2012,12:09)

    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,10:25)
    John 2

    “The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”

    Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and >I< will raise it again in three days.”

    Now, scramble to discredit the words of your savior, make fools of yourselves by claiming faith in the Son while diminishing his words with the words of other men to justify your stubborn disbelief.



    Do you disregard all the many scriptures that speak of God raising Jesus?  Note, none of them say “God raised Himself”, or “God raised God”.

    Do you suppose Jesus could raise himself from the dead while being dead?  Or do you suppose Jesus didn't really die, thereby requiring us to be pitied more than any other men, for having hope in the fact that God raised a truly dead Jesus from the dead, and that we can follow?

    I'm just curious how you understand the death and resurrection of Jesus.

    Hi Mike,

    To answer your question I will repost the same answer to the same question from a few pages back:

    To say God raised him is synonymous with Jesus raising himself, as he and the Father are one. It is consistent.

    The author of the scripture assumes that the reader has already been instructed by Jesus, “I will raise it up again”. The author does not envision a quibbling deconstruction of the divine unity of his matchless life.

    The author does not defend against unbelief that would attempt to give heavier weight to subsequent characterizations about the event in contradiction to the masters clear teachings.

    * The human, material body of Jesus died, the person or spirit of the Son who incarnate did not die. He waited for 3 days, in those days it was believed that the soul lingered around for up to three days, after that they knew you were toast!

    * Jesus resurrected himself in a new form which looked like his old form, only now he appears and disappears at will, goes through locked doors, walls, vanishes in plain sight.

    * Notice, when Lazarus is resurrected he is still wearing his burial cloths, when Jesus appears in the garden the burial cloths are  laying on the table in the tomb.

    * Jesus is no longer carbon, he tells Mary not to touch him as he is now in a new form.

    thanks for the question

    Hi Colter.
    does not mean

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 23 2012,11:49)

    Quote (Colter @ Mar. 23 2012,10:25)

    Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and >I< will raise it again in three days.”

    Now, scramble to discredit the words of your savior


    Hi Colter,

    (John 14:24) “the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's”

    (Rom.8:11) [the Spirit of God] raised up Jesus from the dead

    (Gal 1:1) “God the Father, who raised him from the dead”

    יהוה חאלהים (JEHOVAH GOD)
    עד (Joshua 22:34) Ed (Witness)

    Hi Colter,

    Are you just going to ignore this post?    …or scramble to answer it?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi Colter
    You say
    “* Jesus is no longer carbon, he tells Mary not to touch him as he is now in a new form.”

    Is that true to scripture?


    Hi Colter,
    spirits do not die

    They return to God
    Ecc 12.7


    Hi Colter,
    Are you a DUAL nature man?
    You will need to be to follow him


    Hi Colter,

    I am still waiting for scripture, even one would be nice.  That shows that Peter and Paul taught wrongly.

    And until you started making God into (two or three) persons, I was really interested.  I have to admit that my interest is not what it was.  For having two or three persons in your godhead is pagan.

    I know the teaching, you believe the two or three are one.  If they can think and make an independent decision then they are not one.  If they have a personalty they are not one.

    You said people were saved before Jesus Christ died on the cross.  
    If that were correct, which it isn't Jesus died in vain.  

    Even those that were preached to by Jesus had to have the pentecostal experience, just the same as every christian.

    God Bless


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 23 2012,11:27)

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 21 2012,01:46)
    if you are a son of man, are you man or not?

    If you were the son of the ORIGINAL Man, you would also be A man, but not the same ORIGINAL man who fathered/begot you.

    Jesus, as the Son of the ORIGINAL God, would also be A god, but not the same ORIGINAL God who fathered/begot him.

    Your agument that the Son of God is God Himself would be the same as saying Cain, the son of Adam, was Adam himself.

    Surely you know that a son is not his father.  Yet Jesus called his Father and our Father “the only true God”.  And Paul said that “for us, there is but one God, the Father”.

    do not make people fool mike

    im talking about the nature! not the person!

    your father is a man! of course you are a man! unless you are an animal mike



    you still have your assignment with me

    you said:begotten of the Word that was with God in the beginning.

    where can i read that in john 1.1

    stop fooling people.

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