JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 03 2012,07:46)

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 02 2012,07:01)
    2 Peter 1:3-4

    New Century Version (NCV)
    God Has Given Us Blessings
    3 Jesus has the power of God, by which he has given us everything we need to live and to serve God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus called us by his glory and goodness. 4 Through these he gave us the very great and precious promises. With these gifts you can share in God's nature, and the world will not ruin you with its evil desires.

    better luck next time barley

    barley has made his point, jammin.  The point was that us partaking in God's nature doesn't make us God Himself anymore than it makes Jesus God Himself.

    But, while we're on that subject, I don't suppose anyone doubts that the teaching is that we, who currently do NOT have God's nature, can someday partake in that nature.

    And since that is the case, consider this scripture:

    Hebrews 2:14 NASB ©
    Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,

    Now, if we currently EXIST without God's nature, but can someday partake in it, then why is it so hard to understand that Jesus once existed without human nature, but then partook in it?

    Hebrews 2:17 NASB ©
    Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.

    If it was a matter of Jesus just being born as a human being, then he already WAS like his brethren.  If that was the case, it wouldn't be said that he had to BE MADE like his brethren.

    Receiving God's nature is as simple as doing Romans 10:9-10

    When we are saved we receive the gift of salvation/righteousness/eternal life/holy spirit/incorruptible seed.

    Those things and much more allow us, enable us to partake of the divine nature.  

    We must simply “read the instructions” in order to find out how to activate our God given divine nature.

    Timothy talks about “laying hold of eternal life”.  We need to live our lives knowing we have eternal life now.

    We have the righteousness of God, now would be the acceptable time to start living up to that potential.

    We have the gift of salvation in us.  Now would be the acceptable time to “work out our salvation”, that is to do something with it.  Put it to work to glorify God, and for our benefit and others.

    Jesus Christ is clearly the best example of how to believe God's word to the fullest using all the spiritual potential he was given at his baptism by John the B.

    Boy, do we have some work cut out for us!  



    Hi B,
    Romans 10.9 is addressed to the saved[read ch 1] not to the unsaved, like all the books of the apostles.
    So any advice there is not HOW to enter the kingdom but how to live out your salvation.
    The door was explained by Peter at pentecost


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 02 2012,17:03)

    Being a human being I have both partaken of flesh and blood and been made like my brothers in all ways.


    I think it is a reach on your part to consider never being anything but flesh as “partaking in flesh”.

    But perhaps I am mistaken. Could you show me a scripture where a person who had never been anything but flesh was said to have “partaken in flesh”?

    Or can you find that circumstance/phrase in any secular writing?


    @ barley, mike,

    “might be partakers” of God's nature!




    eat your meal on time.
    better luck next time


    bec the translation does not support your doctrine, you wont accept it.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 03 2012,06:32)

    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 02 2012,17:03)

    Being a human being I have both partaken of flesh and blood and been made like my brothers in all ways.


    I think it is a reach on your part to consider never being anything but flesh as “partaking in flesh”.

    But perhaps I am mistaken.  Could you show me a scripture where a person who had never been anything but flesh was said to have “partaken in flesh”?

    Or can you find that circumstance/phrase in any secular writing?


    Hebrews 2

    King James Version (KJV)

    14Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

    Two different Ancient Greek words with similar meanings are used.


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 03 2012,08:15)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 03 2012,06:32)

    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 02 2012,17:03)

    Being a human being I have both partaken of flesh and blood and been made like my brothers in all ways.


    I think it is a reach on your part to consider never being anything but flesh as “partaking in flesh”.

    But perhaps I am mistaken.  Could you show me a scripture where a person who had never been anything but flesh was said to have “partaken in flesh”?

    Or can you find that circumstance/phrase in any secular writing?


    Hebrews 2

    King James Version (KJV)

    14Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

    Two different Ancient Greek words with similar meanings are used.


    Consider that the essential person is the soul.


    once again, the dreamer group cant read their opinion in john1.1

    we are already in page 32 but the dreamer group still can not prove their belief.

    the best thing that they can always do is story telling, dreaming, and murmuring.

    better luck next time.


    Hi Jammin,
    Have you anything useful to offer?


    Hey jammin,
    Check out this translation of John 1:1.

    Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
    In the origin The Word had been existing and That Word had been existing with God and That Word was himself God.

    This translation has recently been made available online. See it here:

    It helps clear up what 'Lord' means when it is used in the NT. It is remarkable and would shut down those who do not believe in the deity of Christ.

    Good news!



    i have showed in this thread that the WORD is Christ! he became flesh and dwelt among us!

    John 1

    Contemporary English Version (CEV)
    John 1
    The Word of Life
    1In the beginning was the one

      who is called the Word.

      The Word was with God

      and was truly God.

    14The Word became

      a human being

      and lived here with us.

      We saw his true glory,

      the glory of the only Son

      of the Father.

    but you cant read your opinion! you are just dreaming. have you taken your vitamins?

    better luck next time nick

    Ed J

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 03 2012,13:01)


    bec the translation does not support your doctrine, you wont accept it.


    So you equate added words to Scripture, to the Scripture themselves?    …is that right?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    yes kathi

    thanks for that information.

    this clearly proves that Christ is GOD! he became flesh and dwelt among us!

    not a god!


    16And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
    16και ομολογουμενως μεγα εστιν το της ευσεβειας μυστηριον θεος εφανερωθη εν σαρκι εδικαιωθη εν πνευματι ωφθη αγγελοις εκηρυχθη εν εθνεσιν επιστευθη εν κοσμω ανεληφθη εν δοξη


    You are welcome jammin!

    Yep, God was manifest in the flesh :)

    Here are some more obvious verses making it clear that Jesus is deity:

    How about some passages that clearly tell us that Jesus the Messiah is the LORD JEHOVAH.

    Philippians 2:6-11 Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
    6He who, while he was in the form of God, did not esteem this as a prize, that he was the equal of God, 7But he stripped himself and took the form of a Servant and was in the form of the children of men, and was found in fashion as a man. 8And he humbled himself and was obedient unto death, even the death of being crucified. 9Because of this, God has also greatly exalted him and he has given him The Name which is greater than all names, 10That in The Name of Yeshua, every knee shall bow, which is in Heaven and in The Earth and which is under The Earth, 11And every tongue shall confess that Yeshua The Messiah is THE LORD JEHOVAH to the glory of God his Father.

    1 Cor 8:6
    6To us, ours is one God The Father, for all things are from him and we are in him, and The One LORD JEHOVAH Yeshua The Messiah, for all things are by him, and we are also in his hand.

    Acts 10:34-36
    34But Shimeon opened his mouth and he said, “In truth, I understand that God is no respecter of persons. 35But among all nations, whoever worships him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. 36For the word which he sent to the children of Israel and announced good news of peace and tranquility to them by Yeshua The Messiah, (This One is LORD JEHOVAH of all),

    When He is called the Lord as in the Lord Jehovah then that is deity!


    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 03 2012,15:40)
    16And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

    The True Aramaic Bible, The Peshitta:

    “Truly great is this divine mystery of righteousness; it is revealed in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, and received up into glory”.


    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 03 2012,08:34)

    i have showed in this thread that the WORD is Christ! he became flesh and dwelt among us!

    John 1

    Contemporary English Version (CEV)
    John 1
    The Word of Life
    1In the beginning was the one

      who is called the Word.

      The Word was with God

      and was truly God.

    14The Word became

      a human being

      and lived here with us.

      We saw his true glory,

      the glory of the only Son

      of the Father.

    but you cant read your opinion! you are just dreaming. have you taken your vitamins?

    better luck next time nick


    Wikipedia entry for The Contemporary English Version.

    Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

       Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

    with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

       Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.

    Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

       Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.

    are rendered in the CEV as:

       Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.

    Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.


    Hi Jammin,
    Certainly God was manifest in the flesh of Jesus Christ.
    We too may be sons if we are led by the Spirit of God


    Quote (shimmer @ Mar. 03 2012,13:59)

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 03 2012,15:40)
    16And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

    The True Aramaic Bible, The Peshitta:

    “Truly great is this divine mystery of righteousness; it is revealed in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, and received up into glory”.

    That Lamsa Bible is the better source.

    I Timothy 3:16 , the Stephens Greek is the only text that reads, “God was manifest in flesh” some scholars have noted a different ink, some modified the word “which” to read an abbreviation for God.


    Ed J

    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 03 2012,13:40)
    yes kathi

    thanks for that information.

    this clearly proves that Christ is GOD! he became flesh and dwelt among us!

    not a god!


    16And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
    16και ομολογουμενως μεγα εστιν το της ευσεβειας μυστηριον θεος εφανερωθη εν σαρκι εδικαιωθη εν πνευματι ωφθη αγγελοις εκηρυχθη εν εθνεσιν επιστευθη εν κοσμω ανεληφθη εν δοξη

    Hi Jammin,

    YOU don't understand Greek; do YOU?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 03 2012,11:08)
    Hi B,
    Romans 10.9 is addressed to the saved[read ch 1] not to the unsaved, like all the books of the apostles.
    So any advice there is not HOW to enter the kingdom but how to live out your salvation.
    The door was explained by Peter at pentecost

    As you have correctly noted, Romans is addressed to the saved.

    Except for a few chapters in the middle.

    Romans 9 begins a discussion about Israel.

    Romans 10:1  continues that thought of Paul's (God's words) desire is that Israel might be saved.

    Romans 11:13 Paul addresses Gentiles.”for I speak to you Gentiles”

    God makes it very plain that not all of Romans is addressed to the saved.

    you should try to remember that.



    Hi B,
    Have you ever read a letter addressed to one group that diverts in the middle to talking to another group?
    Truth is consistent and harmonious.

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