JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #281795

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 29 2012,13:29)
    Hi Mike,

    I explained it with the verse you clipped fro my quote…

    No Ed. Your verse doesn't apply to Simeon SEEING the Christ with his own eyes when Jesus was only 8 days old.

    This has nothing to do with God knowing the future – it has to do with a human seeing God's Christ as promised.


    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 01 2012,05:36)

    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 01 2012,05:41)

    Quote (jammin @ Feb. 29 2012,17:08)

    do not explain.
    i need your word in john 1.1

    pls read your illusion in john 1.1

    read to me in john 1.1 that john says that the WORD is what comes out of the mouth of GOD.

    if you cant read that in john 1.1 then better luck next time


    Your words are meant to be an obstacle as they can be turned on you.

    Where do you get that the Word is a being that preexisted Jesus being conceived in John 1:1?

    kerwin do not explain.
    read your opinion in john 1.1
    ill wait.


    do not explain.
    read your opinion in john 1.1
    ill wait.
    Back to top


    bec you cant read your illusion, you are making stories.

    better luck next time


    Hi Jammin,
    All are blind except you?

    When did he begin to work in power?
    Was the Jordan just a ceremony?


    Quote (jammin @ Feb. 29 2012,18:54)
    bec you cant read your illusion, you are making stories.

    better luck next time


    You really need to grow up.  I agree that the Word in John 1:1 is Jesus.  But the people you are discussing this with are serious students of scripture.  You can't just search until you find a translation that ADDS the word “Christ” into 1:1, and then act like you've won the debate because of this faulty translation.  ???


    Quote (jammin @ Mar. 01 2012,06:54)
    bec you cant read your illusion, you are making stories.

    better luck next time


    You obviously are not prepared to defend your beliefs against challenges even though you asked the original question. I was hoping to remove your mental blocks but it seems Satan has made them solid. I hope you lean to test the way you live and the teachings you live by so that you can one day put on the new man created like God in true righteousness and holiness.

    God watch over you and yours.


    read your opinion. i dont need any explanation. just read!
    how can you defend your belief if you cant read it?
    do you think i will believe you? you are just making stories kerwin. if you preach the word of GOD, you should read it and not making stories!


    bec the translation does not support your doctrine, you will not accept it.
    that is the style of the false teachers like you mike.

    better luck next time


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 01 2012,11:59)
    Hi Jammin,
    All are blind except you?

    When did he begin to work in power?
    Was the Jordan just a ceremony?

    ask yourself nick.
    there are also people who believe that Christ is GOD who became flesh.
    some people believe that Christ is not GOD. (arianism)
    some believe that the father is also the son. (oneness)

    some believe that they are the christ.

    read the bible well.

    εσται γαρ καιρος οτε της υγιαινουσης διδασκαλιας ουκ ανεξονται αλλα κατα τας επιθυμιας τας ιδιας εαυτοις επισωρευσουσιν διδασκαλους κνηθομενοι την ακοην


    Hi Jammin,
    I have heard them all.


    Quote (jammin @ Feb. 29 2012,19:17)

    bec the translation does not support your doctrine, you will not accept it.
    that is the style of the false teachers like you mike.

    But that faulty translation DOES support my understanding about Jesus being the Word mentioned in John 1:1 and 1:14.

    I don't accept it because the translators ADDED their own words into the scriptures to FORCE them to teach what they WANTED them to teach. That is not the right way, jammin.


    therefore nick

    If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
    ει δε τις υμων λειπεται σοφιας αιτειτω παρα του διδοντος θεου πασιν απλως και μη ονειδιζοντος και δοθησεται αυτω


    Hi Jammin,
    Still available


    that is good to hear from you.

    a preacher of GOD speaks what the bible says. false teachers are choosing translations. you will notice that if their doctrine does not support their belief, they will ignore some bible translations.
    they like making stories rather than reading the word of GOD. if you ask them if they can read their stories or illusion, they will ignore it. they will just keep murmuring. that's the best thing that they can do, murmuring.

    if you believe in the word of GOD, your basis of course is the word of GOD and not the word of man.

    paul said,
    And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another.

    ταυτα δε αδελφοι μετεσχηματισα εις εμαυτον και απολλω δι υμας ινα εν ημιν μαθητε το μη υπερ ο γεγραπται φρονειν ινα μη εις υπερ του ενος φυσιουσθε κατα του ετερου


    Hi Jammin,
    The wisdom of God is greater.


    I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers,[a] that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another.
    ταυτα δε αδελφοι μετεσχηματισα εις εμαυτον και απολλω δι υμας ινα εν ημιν μαθητε το μη υπερ ο γεγραπται φρονειν ινα μη εις υπερ του ενος φυσιουσθε κατα του ετερου



    a true preacher has the wisdom from GOD.
    as i have said, a preacher of GOD speaks only what the bible says


    Hi Jammin,
    You keep checking stuff out.
    We own nothing and need to be checked.


    then read your belief. i want you to read in john 1.1 your belief


    Hi Jammin,
    In the beginning was the Word[The Spirit of Christ] and the Word was with God and the Word was God[The Spirit of Christ is of the Spirit of God]

    One God
    One Spirit


    you can not read that. that is just your opinion. make your own version nick.
    you are a joker too

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