JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 04 2010,06:02)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 04 2010,05:50)
    John 1 clearly illustrates that The Word of God was God himself.

    It then goes on to say, The Word of God was manifested in flesh and we beheld his glory as that of The only begotten of The Father.

    Hi RM,

    John 1 clearly illustrates the the Word of God (A mighty one) was WITH God (THE Mighty One).  It does not say that the Word was God Himself.  Actually, quite the contrary.  The Word was WITH God.  How can the Word BE God and BE WITH God at the same time?

    There is only one Almighty God Father Jehovah.  Either the Word IS that Almighty God Father Jehovah, OR the Word is the Son that the Almighty God Father Jehovah begot.  The Word CANNOT be both.  So which one fits more in with the rest of scripture?


    Your cause is pure polytheism.

    When I say a sentence…how is it that my words are with me and are me at the same time?


    How is it that I am a spirit, soul, and body all at once?


    Just because your human brain is limited to comprehension, does not mean that God is too.

    He is omnipotent and omnipresent.

    He can be with himself and be himself simultaneously…

    Aren't we to understand that he is everywhere all the time?

    He is GOD!


    RokkaMan,July wrote:

    Hi RM,

    You said:

    Your cause is pure polytheism.


    You said:

    When I say a sentence…how is it that my words are with me and are me at the same time?

    Ridiculous.  A person's words are not that person.

    You said:

    How is it that I am a spirit, soul, and body all at once?

    What's the point?

    You said:

    Just because your human brain is limited to comprehension, does not mean that God is too.

    Why did God and Jesus always explain things by comparing them to things we as humans could understand?  Yet, somehow He is three persons in one being and none of us are?  Aren't we created in His image?  Are you three separate persons in one “human-head”?  Does your father/son relationship enable you to be WITH your Dad AND BE your Dad?  Are you equal in every way with your Dad?  I hate it when people on HN use the “you don't have to understand it – you are not God” argument.  While we can't possibly understand the ways of God, don't you think He might have mentioned somewhere that His Son was his equal because he is the same exact being as Him?

    You said:

    He is omnipotent and omnipresent.


    You said:

    He can be with himself and be himself simultaneously…

    That statement in no way corresponds to your previous statement.  And it makes no sense whatsoever.

    You said:

    He is GOD!

    Yes.  Remember that.  HE is God, not THEY are God.


    Ed J

    Quote (barley @ July 04 2010,05:41)

    Quote (Ed J @ June 20 2010,08:51)

    Quote (Oxy @ June 19 2010,18:46)

    Quote (942767 @ June 19 2010,20:34)
    Hi Oxy:

    Is the bible the Word of God?

    Love in Christ,

    Hi Marty, I know that everyone calls the Bible the Word of God, but God Himself taught me differently.  There are a few things that need to be considered.
    1. There is not one Scripture in all the Bible that specifically calls the Bible the Word.
    2. The Word of God was in the beginning with God and was God.
    3. The Word of God was made flesh
    4. THE Word of God indicates only one, the word THE being singular.
    5. Jesus NEVER referred to Scrpture as the Word.  He called them Scrptures, the words of God or “It is written”
    6. If faith comes by hearing the Word and the Word is Scripture, why doesn't it say reading?  What it actually means is that faith comes by HEARING.. in other words faith comes when the Word (Jesus) speaks to you.

    My personal experience is that since God gave me this understanding it has greatly enhanced the meaning of Scripture to me and also revolutionised my relationship with Jesus.

    Hi Oxy,

    Where did you faith come from; if not from “The Bible”?

    Ed J

    Ed J,

    Thanks, you put it in a nutshell.

    Hi Barley,

    I'm so glad you came along!
    Tell me, how did you find out about
    Your insight into the Scriptures is truly a blessing to us all!  

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 04 2010,05:50)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 04 2010,05:12)
    Hi RokkaMan,

    What you said that isn't Scriptural is: You to say “The Word” is someone other than the “HolySpirit”?
    Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him:
    but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Spirit (speaketh against the Holy Spirit), it
    shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. (Mt.12:32)

    The systems of religion and traditions of men do communicate…
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit

    Ed J

    If I said that, quote me…don't just make accusations.
    That's a huge charge against my soul, that you would say I am blaspheming against the holy spirit.


    John 1 clearly illustrates that The Word of God was God himself.

    It then goes on to say, The Word of God was manifested in flesh and we beheld his glory as that of The only begotten of The Father.


    That is my claim, so to say I am blaspheming against The Holy Spirit, would also be saying that scripture is blaspheming against the holy spirit…in which

    YOU are blaspheming to say that scripture is blaspheming.

    That's almost like calling God a sinner, in which that is blaspheme.

    So be careful when you charge someone, for charging someone really would be charging yourself…if what they say is in fact scriptural



    Okay RM,

    Hit me with the scriptures that prove the Word is YHVH.  Let's break them down ONE AT A TIME.  What's your first one?  Post it and explain what YOU think it means, then I'll go.

    ps, you make a point of always saying you don't think Jesus is YHVH, but then you say this:

    Well not that the word of God was A God…but that

    The Word of God, WAS God.

    The God this verse is implying is YHVH himself.

    Not a seperate God from the source, but one in the same.

    So if Jesus ISN'T YHVH, but the Word is, then the Word isn't Jesus?


    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 04 2010,04:02)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 03 2010,01:24)
    Hi Mike,

    I was almost ready to Post to you and I accidentally deleted it.
    I will explain the video for you tomorrow; Ok?

    God bless
    Ed J

    NO!  I want it NOW!  

    Just kidding.  :D

    Thanks Ed.

    Hi Mike,

    I haven't forgotten, as soon as the 'action' slows I'll formulate it for you OK?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 04 2010,04:40)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 01 2010,19:28)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ July 01 2010,05:51)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,23:49)
    Hi SF,
    The sword of the Spirit does cut deep.
    But Jesus still heals

    Hi Nick,
    God is the word,
    You should wish to be cut,
    so humility can overcome you

    Hi SF,

    God is “The Word” and Jesus is the son of “The Word”! (Read Heb.7:28)
    Click Here for more on this; HolySpirit is “GOD: The Father” of Jesus Christ!

    Hebrews 7:28 For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but
    “The Word”(HolySpirit) of the oath, which was since the law, (Matt.1:18,1:20)
    maketh the Son(Jesus Christ), who is consecrated for evermore. (Luke 1:35)

    God bless
    Ed J

    John 1 doesn't say he was the son of the word.

    John 1 says he is The Word manifested in flesh, and we beheld him as The only begotten of The Father.

    Hi RokkaMan,

    What then are these people “IN THE FLESH”? (Exodus 7:1)
    Mark 13:11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up,
    take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye
    premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that
    speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the HolySpirit. (Acts 12:24)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 04 2010,08:02)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 04 2010,05:50)
    John 1 clearly illustrates that The Word of God was God himself.

    It then goes on to say, The Word of God was manifested in flesh and we beheld his glory as that of The only begotten of The Father.

    Hi RM,

    John 1 clearly illustrates the the Word of God (A mighty one) was WITH God (THE Mighty One).  It does not say that the Word was God Himself.  Actually, quite the contrary.  The Word was WITH God.  How can the Word BE God and BE WITH God at the same time?

    There is only one Almighty God Father Jehovah.  Either the Word IS that Almighty God Father Jehovah, OR the Word is the Son that the Almighty God Father Jehovah begot.  The Word CANNOT be both.  So which one fits more in with the rest of scripture?


    So there are two Gods? I think not!


    Quote (Oxy @ July 04 2010,07:58)
    So there are two Gods?  I think not!

    Why is it each time we get to this point, you disappear for a while?   :)

    There are MANY gods mentioned in the Bible, do you agree?

    “God” means “mighty one”.

    Is Jehovah the only “mighty one” in existence?

    No, but he is the only Almighty One in existence.

    And since Jesus is a mighty one who is NOT the Almighty One, he is not God.


    Ed J

    Quote (Oxy @ July 04 2010,07:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 04 2010,08:02)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 04 2010,05:50)
    John 1 clearly illustrates that The Word of God was God himself.

    It then goes on to say, The Word of God was manifested in flesh and we beheld his glory as that of The only begotten of The Father.

    Hi RM,

    John 1 clearly illustrates the the Word of God (A mighty one) was WITH God (THE Mighty One).  It does not say that the Word was God Himself.  Actually, quite the contrary.  The Word was WITH God.  How can the Word BE God and BE WITH God at the same time?

    There is only one Almighty God Father Jehovah.  Either the Word IS that Almighty God Father Jehovah, OR the Word is the Son that the Almighty God Father Jehovah begot.  The Word CANNOT be both.  So which one fits more in with the rest of scripture?


    So there are two Gods?  I think not!

    Hi Oxy,

    Are you 'your dad'? Can you NOT see the FLAW in 'your thinking'?
    What makes 'you' think then, that Jesus (according to you) is His Father?

    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 02 2010,13:40)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 02 2010,09:15)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 01 2010,20:36)
    Hi ED,
    The oath to the Son is written in Heb 7.21

    'The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind

    “You are a priest forever”'

    Hi Nick,

    Here is an interesting video series on Melchizedek, Click here and scroll down to watch!  


    Hi Ed,

    I have slow DSL speed internet.  It would take me hours to stream these videos.  Can you just tell me how it ended?  Who is he?   :)


    Hi Mike,

    Melchizedek means King of Righteousness.
    [מלך] Mĕh-lĕk means King and [צדיק] tzĕdĕk means righteous.
    Dr. Charles Jennings presents the idea that “Melchizedek” is an office rather
    than a specific person, that is of course until Jesus; now the office does not transfer any more!
    Psalm 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

    Our story begins in Gen.14:18, where Melchizedek is first mentioned.
    According to “the book of Jasher” (mentioned in The Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2Samuel 1:18),
    The office of Melchizedek was held by “Shem”. Here are Biblical references: Gen.9:26-27 And he said,
    Blessed be The LORD GOD of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth,
    and “HE” (YHVH) shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

    I also started “A New Thread” concerning this Here is the link to it.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    Interesting. I'll check out the new thread. Thanks.


    Ed J



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 04 2010,10:53)

    Quote (Oxy @ July 04 2010,07:58)
    So there are two Gods?  I think not!

    Why is it each time we get to this point, you disappear for a while?   :)

    There are MANY gods mentioned in the Bible, do you agree?

    “God” means “mighty one”.

    Is Jehovah the only “mighty one” in existence?

    No, but he is the only Almighty One in existence.

    And since Jesus is a mighty one who is NOT the Almighty One, he is not God.


    In John 17 Jesus asked to be restored to His former glory. His former glory was that He was the Word of God who was with God and was God. He has been restored to that position Rev19:13


    Quote (Oxy @ July 04 2010,16:51)
    In John 17 Jesus asked to be restored to His former glory.  His former glory was that He was the Word of God who was with God and was God.  He has been restored to that position Rev19:13

    Hi Oxy,

    Close but no cigar.  True he was restored to his former glory.  But he was the Word of God even in the flesh. (John 1:14)  Something OF God cannot also BE God.  Also, he was restored to his previous position at the right hand of the one he calls “my God”.  Are you aware that after being raised, Jesus still calls Jehovah “my God” in Rev?

    Revelation 3:2
    Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.

    Revelation 3:12
    Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.

    Are you also aware that figuratively being at someone's right hand does not mean equality with that person or that you are that person?

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 05 2010,03:37)

    Quote (Oxy @ July 04 2010,16:51)
    In John 17 Jesus asked to be restored to His former glory.  His former glory was that He was the Word of God who was with God and was God.  He has been restored to that position Rev19:13

    Hi Oxy,

    Close but no cigar.  True he was restored to his former glory.  But he was the Word of God even in the flesh. (John 1:14)  Something OF God cannot also BE God.  Also, he was restored to his previous position at the right hand of the one he calls “my God”.  Are you aware that after being raised, Jesus still calls Jehovah “my God” in Rev?

    Revelation 3:2
    Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.

    Revelation 3:12
    Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.

    Are you also aware that figuratively being at someone's right hand does not mean equality with that person or that you are that person?

    peace and love,

    As I have said SOOOOO many times before, I have never claimed equality.


    Quote (Ed J @ July 04 2010,06:42)

    Quote (barley @ July 04 2010,05:41)

    Quote (Ed J @ June 20 2010,08:51)

    Quote (Oxy @ June 19 2010,18:46)

    Quote (942767 @ June 19 2010,20:34)
    Hi Oxy:

    Is the bible the Word of God?

    Love in Christ,

    Hi Marty, I know that everyone calls the Bible the Word of God, but God Himself taught me differently.  There are a few things that need to be considered.
    1. There is not one Scripture in all the Bible that specifically calls the Bible the Word.
    2. The Word of God was in the beginning with God and was God.
    3. The Word of God was made flesh
    4. THE Word of God indicates only one, the word THE being singular.
    5. Jesus NEVER referred to Scrpture as the Word.  He called them Scrptures, the words of God or “It is written”
    6. If faith comes by hearing the Word and the Word is Scripture, why doesn't it say reading?  What it actually means is that faith comes by HEARING.. in other words faith comes when the Word (Jesus) speaks to you.

    My personal experience is that since God gave me this understanding it has greatly enhanced the meaning of Scripture to me and also revolutionised my relationship with Jesus.

    Hi Oxy,

    Where did you faith come from; if not from “The Bible”?

    Ed J

    Ed J,

    Thanks, you put it in a nutshell.

    Hi Barley,

    I'm so glad you came along!
    Tell me, how did you find out about
    Your insight into the Scriptures is truly a blessing to us all!  

    God bless
    Ed J


    I appreciate that.

    I do not remember specifically.   Just surfing looking for somewhere to learn and share.  

    There are two parts to education.  Being taught and learning.

    I have had the privilege to be taught by many experts in their fields.

    We need to continue to develop our endurance to both to be taught and to learn, that is, meekness.


    Quote (Oxy @ July 05 2010,17:19)
    As I have said SOOOOO many times before, I have never claimed equality.

    Hi Oxy,

    So what's the hang up then? You are right in saying Jesus is not equal to God. So how can he be our God when our God is the same person as his God?



    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 04 2010,04:31)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 04 2010,00:56)

    Quote (barley @ July 04 2010,00:34)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 18 2010,21:25)
    I would like your thoughts on this.

    I am not trying to tie Jesus as being The Word of God even thought it is expressed in the bible.

    But is The Word of God…God himself?

    After i get a bunch of your responses, I'll post a verse explicitely showing WHO The Word of God is, so be careful in your analysis or else i'll embarrass you lol.

    BTW a simple yes or no will suffice.
    Feel free to post a scripture or two, but please no novels of scripture, and no questions redirected back to me.

    Just simply answer it and post (optional) a verse or two supporting your belief.

    Matthew 12:34  …out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh….

    What comes out of your mouth is you speaking, what comes out of your mouth is you.

    What comes out of my mouth is me.

    The words that come out of God's mouth is God.

    II Timothy 3:16.  “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.  That is, all scripture is God-breathed.

    barely………..Right on brother , you have posted it right. God and His Words are ONE and The Same. Just as it says the Word WAS GOD>  Just as our words ARE WHO WE ARE.  Amen brother.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene

    So you guys agree with me when I say The Word of God is God himself.


    Now do you believe Jesus Christ is The Word of God manifested in flesh?

    “So you guys agree with me when I say The Word of God is God himself.


    Now do you believe Jesus Christ is The Word of God manifested in flesh?”


    Mr. Rokkaman,

    Although I would seem appropriate to agree with you here,  prudence requires that we proceed slowly and one step at a time.  We do not want to make conclusions on the basis of something that is not there.  No more than we would want to walk up a 40 ft ladder with only one rung in it.  

    One caution is,  since the logos of God is God, does the logos of God include everything that God is?  Since the words or logos or message of God are those things  that God chose to communicate, does that mean that God has communicated to us everything that He is?

    No.  And no.

    I only know as much of you as can be communicated by the words you have shared on this website.  Yet, there is a lot more to you than what has been recorded on this website.  Although, this information might be available on this website somewhere, I do not know how old you are, who your parents are, what your real name is, what nationality you are, etc., etc., etc…..

    Likewise with the word, the logos, that what we have in the form of scripture,  we only know those things that God has revealed to us to know.  See Deuteronomy 29:29, The secret things belong unto the Lord our God:  but those things which are revealed belong to us, and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.”

    All that God has revealed to us in His logos, His word, the written word, the scripture, is available for us to know and utilize, but God has not revealed all things to us.  Nor to Jesus Christ.  So since the logos of God is basically the words, the message of God, that He has revealed to us to know,  Jesus Christ is limited to be like God only to the extent that the written word, the logos, is revealed to us.  Therefore, although JC is the word in the flesh, he is certainly not a total communication of everything that is God, because God has not revealed all to us in His word.

    Jesus Christ is the one and only example of someone choosing to and perfectly carrying out, perfectly doing that logos, the word that is revealed.  As we carry out God's words' instructions in our lives, we also show God's word in the flesh for all to see, even as Jesus Christ did.   However, Jesus Christ,  as the word in the flesh, began at his conception.  He was conceived and born to be the word in the flesh.  Likewise, we were born again, to be the word in the flesh.  

    So, as you and I, as Jesus Christ did, believe God's Word are we the word in the flesh?  Yes.  People see truth in action, they see by our lives what God is about,  they, in a very real sense, see the Father.  Jesus Christ is the prime example of the word being in the  flesh, but that does not exclude us from doing the same works that Jesus C. did.  

    Jesus Christ being the word in the flesh is not only God's doing, but Jesus Christ's doing as well.  God decided to have a son,  the son decided to do the will of the Father, rather than his own.  It was a team effort.  God, however, was and is the prime mover.  The game plan was set and declared from God, JC carried out his part in it.  

    Even so, we should decide to learn and carry out our part in God's “game plan.”  Just as JC did, we want to have God's will done here on earth, even as it is in heaven.  Who is going to do God's will here on earth?  Jesus Christ is no longer here,  he is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.  Who is here to do the will of God here on earth?

    You and I.  

    You and I are up to it.  

    God made us able to do it.

     I'll do my best, based on what I understand clearly to do.  What about you?  Will you be the word in the flesh as JC was? Thank God, Jesus C. died for us, so we don't have to die in service to God, but rather be living sacrifices to God.  Romans 12:1.

    There are other issues to consider here, but for now this will suffice.

    Agreeing with scripture that Jesus Christ is the word in the flesh, is not a difficult decision for me.  After all, that is what scripture teaches.  John 1:14,15.  However, that scripture does not teach that Jesus Christ is God.  No more than you or I could possibly be God, because we choose to do God's will over our own.  No more than you or I could be God because we show the Father in our lives.

    We do not want to take a mile, if only an inch is given to us. Let us take that inch in the right direction, and travel it as God would have us to travel it.  We need to be faithful in that one inch, for when we are, God will give us more.

    May our journeys for God be the prosperous ones that God intends.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 06 2010,04:41)

    Quote (Oxy @ July 05 2010,17:19)
    As I have said SOOOOO many times before, I have never claimed equality.

    Hi Oxy,

    So what's the hang up then?  You are right in saying Jesus is not equal to God.  So how can he be our God when our God is the same person as his God?


    No hangup Mike. It's like this. As I've stated before, we are a three part being consisting of body, soul and spirit, yet the body is subject to the decisions we make (soul) and though our spirit guides us (conscience) the soul still decides what we will do.

    Even though we are a three part being, not all parts are equal. Some parts are subject to another.

    We are mad4e in the likeness of God.

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