JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #198808

    Hi RM,
    Are you not body, soul and spirit?[1thess5]
    Are you aware of the division between soul and spirit?[Heb4]


    Hi RM,
    So when God was in him there were two GODS?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,08:32)
    Hi RM,
    So when God was in him there were two GODS?

    Nope, it was the same God.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 20 2010,21:29)
    To all: Any and all words written or spoken that bear the fruit of God are always building up, calming, peaceful, loving, creative, forgiving,! God's words are Spirit and life. Whether written or spoken they heal and create life, love and goodness. Any person that chooses to learn from the Bible should realize that whatever you are searching for is there for you to find. If you have been taught or told that God is a harsh God and kills and destroys, that is what you will find in the old testament. If someone says satan is the god of this world then to that person evil rules his life. Satan is a lie and certainly not a god of this world for me. Always look for the good news of God. If you follow Jesus, his revelation of God is love. If you read the NT first four gospels you will find good news for mankind with a loving God for those who accept and believe their purification through Christ. Those who remain in a sin consciousness believing they are in sin will recieve the reward of a sinner. Sickness and death will be their reward. Just believe in life and live in God. God bless all, TK

    Hi Tim,

    It seems like your post came from a good place inside of you. But it isn't entirely accurate.

    You said:

    Any and all words written or spoken that bear the fruit of God are always building up, calming, peaceful, loving, creative, forgiving,!

    Yet John the Baptist called the Pharisees “offspring of vipers”. Jesus said to them, “Woe to you, hypocrites” and said they were the children of Satan. He called them “whitewashed tombs”. So your statement is not Biblically accurate.

    You said:

    If you have been taught or told that God is a harsh God and kills and destroys, that is what you will find in the old testament.

    Face it, Tim. God gets angry too. God has rage, too. He has feelings of jealousy too. And God did kill many in the OT. You sound a little like the JW's who don't believe there is a “hell” because a God of love would not allow that. But they don't seem to follow through the thought that it is not God who is really doing anything to anyone. He has laid down laws for His creation to obey. There are consequences for those who do obey, and different consequences for those who don't. It's our choice. He is not keeping those consequences a secret – so no one later can say, “Oh, if I had only known, I would have behaved better.” Consider the destruction of Jerusalem. God forewarned that the starvation would be so bad that mothers would boil and eat their own babies. But it was not God that punished them with this “attrocity”. It was God who kept saying, “Turn back to me before these bad things happen. It's not to late, I”m still willing to change my mind.”

    You said:

    If someone says satan is the god of this world then to that person evil rules his life. Satan is a lie and certainly not a god of this world for me.

    You are maybe more in tune with God than the Apostle Paul was? He surely didn't think Satan was a “lie” when he called him the “god of this world”. I am deathly afraid of Satan because I DO know he is the god of this world for now. But evil doesn't rule my life because I have a Rock to which I can run to escape Satan and his minions. For you to pretend he doesn't exist or has no power is, to me, looking at it with rose colored glasses on.

    I'm sorry to have seemed to take an uplifting post and stomp on it. My only intention is to keep the truth prevalent.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,08:31)
    Hi RM,
    Are you not body, soul and spirit?[1thess5]
    Are you aware of the division between soul and spirit?[Heb4]

    Yes I am body sould and spirit, and yes I am aware of the division amongst them.


    Jesus is Body, Soul, and spirit.

    The body was just that, A BODY, A MAN.

    But Jesus Christ, as in Soul and Spirit WAS GOD.


    I worship God. Jesus Christ is God.
    Not his body, but HIM…who HE WAS AND IS.


    Hi RM,
    Sounds like mystery babylon.
    Learn of the Spirit of Christ


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,08:41)
    Hi RM,
    Sounds like mystery babylon.
    Learn of the Spirit of Christ

    Explain yourself.


    Hi RM,
    No he was a man anointed by God.[Acts 10.38]
    You can follow a man.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,08:43)
    Hi RM,
    No he was a man anointed by God.[Acts 10.38]
    You can follow a man.

    You can follow a man, but should only worship God. Yet christians worship Jesus.

    1 timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

    Also your Acts 10 says in verse 36

    36The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)

    How can a mere man be Lord of all things?
    Sounds like Idolatry according to you.

    OT tells us ONLY YHVH is Lord of all things.


    Hi RM,
    Carnal folks do inexplicable things all day long.
    But you know the Son of God


    Hi RM,
    The Spirit of Christ was before Jesus.[1Peter 1]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,08:54)
    Hi RM,
    Carnal folks do inexplicable things all day long.
    But you know the Son of God

    What does that mean, in reference to the topic of this thread?

    Another meaningless 1 liner?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,08:55)
    Hi RM,
    The Spirit of Christ was before Jesus.[1Peter 1]

    The spirit of Christ was before Jesus incarnated as a man.

    But Jesus IS that spirit.


    Hi RM,
    NOW the Lord is the Spirit.
    If once we spoke of him according to the flesh we no longer do so.[2Cor5]

    He is the beginning of the creation of God


    Hi RM,
    If God appointed Jesus as Lord of all why would you call that idolatry?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,09:00)
    Hi RM,
    NOW the Lord is the Spirit.
    If once we spoke of him according to the flesh we no longer do so.[2Cor5]

    He is the beginning of the creation of God

    I never spoke of him according to the flesh.

    No more than when I talk to my wife I speak to her body as oppose to the spirit/soul that dwells within her body.


    Hi RM,

    You said:

    First off, why look to the mistranslations of greek and not aim to the actual translation of Hebrew in which the bible was originally written?

    The gospel of John was originally written in Koine Greek, not Hebrew.

    You said:

    Secondly, it doesn't change the view.

    God was The Word?

    So what kind of God was The word?

    Please answer that.

    My point was to show you that there was no upper/lower case lettering in the Greek.  There was no “capital G” to distinguish between God and god.  The way John distinguished between the first “god” and the second “god” in the sentence was the put the definite article “the” in front of one of them.  One was “THE god”, the other was “a god”, or ” a mighty one”.  So the Word was a “mighty one” but not “THE mighty one”, get it?

    You said:




    I agree with everything you say here.  I don't agree with what you imply by capitalizing the “G” in God in referrence to God's Son.  IMO, the Father alone is the Almighty God of gods, so He alone should recieve the capital “G”.

    You said:

    If I drew a cup of water from the ocean.
    In the cup will be Ocean water.
    The ocean water will be AS MUCH Ocean as the OCEAN ITSELF.
    But the cup of ocean water ISN”T the OCEAN.

    Good analogy.  I almost agree.  Just so we both agree that the massive ocean is MANY times greater and more powerful than the little cup of water that came from it.  And the water in the cup is FROM the ocean, therefore cannot BE the ocean.

    Look at it this way.  The ocean is the “mightiest” body of water around, so we can call it the “almighty ocean”.  The cup of water definitely came FROM that ocean, and is a mighty body of water in it's own right, but nothing compared to the almighty ocean.  Make sense?

    peace and love,


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,09:02)
    Hi RM,
    If God appointed Jesus as Lord of all why would you call that idolatry?

    Because he's always been Lord of all, therefore he's God.

    If he was appointed lord of all, he was appointed to be God.

    According to you, however…he's not God.

    And if he's not God…and we worship him like HE IS GOD.

    Then it is Idolatry.

    I'm not saying it's idolatry, but according to YOU…it is.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2010,09:09)
    Hi RM,

    You said:

    First off, why look to the mistranslations of greek and not aim to the actual translation of Hebrew in which the bible was originally written?

    The gospel of John was originally written in Koine Greek, not Hebrew.

    You said:

    Secondly, it doesn't change the view.

    God was The Word?

    So what kind of God was The word?

    Please answer that.

    My point was to show you that there was no upper/lower case lettering in the Greek.  There was no “capital G” to distinguish between God and god.  The way John distinguished between the first “god” and the second “god” in the sentence was the put the definite article “the” in front of one of them.  One was “THE god”, the other was “a god”, or ” a mighty one”.  So the Word was a “mighty one” but not “THE mighty one”, get it?

    You said:




    I agree with everything you say here.  I don't agree with what you imply by capitalizing the “G” in God in referrence to God's Son.  IMO, the Father alone is the Almighty God of gods, so He alone should recieve the capital “G”.

    You said:

    If I drew a cup of water from the ocean.
    In the cup will be Ocean water.
    The ocean water will be AS MUCH Ocean as the OCEAN ITSELF.
    But the cup of ocean water ISN”T the OCEAN.

    Good analogy.  I almost agree.  Just so we both agree that the massive ocean is MANY times greater and more powerful than the little cup of water that came from it.  And the water in the cup is FROM the ocean, therefore cannot BE the ocean.

    Look at it this way.  The ocean is the “mightiest” body of water around, so we can call it the “almighty ocean”.  The cup of water definitely came FROM that ocean, and is a mighty body of water in it's own right, but nothing compared to the almighty ocean.  Make sense?

    peace and love,

    We are not in disagreement…except understand scripture states….THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD dwelt in christ.

    So even though you are saying YHVH is the Almighty…Jesus can do EVERYTHING YHVH can.

    No other being has that ability.

    So that is the reasoning for my position.

    Jesus is just as powerful as YHVH.

    But for the most part, we are in agreement.


    Hi RM,
    The reason for his amazing abilities is explained in Acts 10.38

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