JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    So Gene, don't be quick to jump onto someone's side until you at least hear a rebuttle, because then you make the person your defending, and yourself look like fools.


    All i ask is that we stay on topic…if you have questions, ask them and they will be addressed.

    Don't go off condemning and pointing fingers when you yourself may actually be wrong.

    Ask questions, so that answers may be provided.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 21 2010,00:43)
    Oxy………A Word is simply a WORD rather written or spoken , it is simply communicating (INTELLIGENCE) TO US,  It is spirit, Jesus said the Words i am telling you (are) Spirit and life. Words a expressions of ones thoughts and the words of GOD express GOD'S thoughts , just like your words express your thoughts. Your words represent you because they come from your mind they are who you are, “SO A MAN THINKS SO HE IS”, Jesus said not that which goes into the mouth does not defile Him but that which comes out (his words) that is what defiles the man, because it proceed out from the heart, the same with GOD.

    He and His words are one and the same being, just as you and your words are one and the same being. Jesus is (NOT) GOD'S Word, He spoke them to us, being given them by inspiration of GOD'S SPIRIT. Those word can be written down, just like you words can, and if you write your words down is that not your thoughts and is that not the same as you speaking them. A word is simply a means to transfer (intellect) from one being to another. God's words are His thoughts given to us and are transmitted to our minds and take residence there, and begin to germinate in our hearts and minds producing  fruits of the spirit in our lives. There is no difference if the words are spoken or written , word still transmit knowledge, rather good or evil rather written or spoken, makes no difference.

    To literally think a word (is) flesh is wrong Oxy, a word can (never) become flesh , it can come to be (IN) a flesh person as in the case of Jesus, but could never (BE) flesh. Remember Jesus said the words he spoke were (NOT) his words. We can all speak GOD'S words, and do when we quote them, were then are like Jesus quoting someone else's words, GOD and HIS WORDS are one and the SAME , Just as you and your word are one and the same. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours brother…………………………………..gene

    I'm sorry you're wrong.
    The bible explicitely says

    In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God. The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us and we beheld his glory as that of the only begotten son of the father.

    So what you just stated is entirely incorrect, inaccurate, a straight up lie.

    Do not lie against scripture.

    Jesus was in fact, The Word of God.


    We live in The Universe…

    Uni – One or singularity
    Verse – Spoken or written sentence

    We live in The Single Spoken Sentence

    God said ” Let there Be”

    And all things were…

    He gave life to nothingness.

    Jesus Christ was that life. The eternal life that gave ordinary life as creation. Now offering his eternal life to the temporary life that is creation.

    Don't speak out of your rear end Gene…your whole post had no validity what so ever.


    Hi RM,
    “Therefore Jesus is God.”
    Do not fall into the logic trap.
    God was IN Christ.
    Was God in God??


    Hi RM,
    The Spirit of Christ?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,05:56)
    Hi RM,
    The Spirit of Christ?

    You seperate Christ body from his spirit, when he was composed of both.

    It's almost like seperating my body from my soul.

    That is how you speak of christ.

    It doesn't make sense that you take that position when scripture charges against it.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,05:55)
    Hi RM,
    “Therefore Jesus is God.”
    Do not fall into the logic trap.
    God was IN Christ.
    Was God in God??

    You're not supporting your position.

    I can tell you right now I am a unicorn.

    But until i prove it, it means nothing.

    I've proven Jesus is God in flesh.

    You however just make statements.

    And yes, God was in God.

    If I take a cup of water and pour it into a swimming pool.
    Water will then be in water.

    If YHVH filled christ who was God limited in the form of a Man. He filled him more in which it lessened his limitations as God in flesh.


    Hi RM,
    The man Jesus was anointed with the Spirit of Christ at the Jordan.

    He was separated from his human spirit at Calvary.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit


    Hi rm,
    You forget the CUP.
    God was IN Christ.
    God was not in God


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,07:35)
    Hi rm,
    You forget the CUP.
    God was IN Christ.
    God was not in God

    The cup was in reference to his physical body that we call a man.
    I agree, God was in him.
    God was his spirit…his soul.
    His body however was just flesh.

    But a Human being is composed of Soul, Spirit and Body.

    So Jesus The human Being was both fully God (who was in him) and fully Man (The Flesh).


    Hi RM,
    He was conceived of Mary and scripture says he was a man, not a godman.
    His soul was enlivened by the Holy Spirit of God


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,07:32)
    Hi RM,
    The man Jesus was anointed with the Spirit of Christ at the Jordan.

    He was separated from his human spirit at Calvary.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit

    I agree, but let me elaborate.

    Jesus Christ existed as this spirit before the world was.
    He had the glory of this spirit before the world was.
    This spirit was then Made flesh and dwelt amongst us.

    The spirit was put in a fleshy woman, and the woman conceived.

    The spirit was then born into this world as The Man we know as Jesus Christ.

    He was then later annointed with this same spirit at Jordan, to mark the beginning of his ministries and to create a way for us today to openly and freely have access to this spirit unlike the prophets of old.

    Whatever happens to Jesus, so too happens to us.

    If Jesus can die in sins and be ressurected back to the Father…We too can die sinners but are made righteous through Christ Jesus.

    He had to be annointed with this spirit before we could ever be annointed.

    There is no such thing as a human spirit.
    A spirit comes from God.
    A human is born when a spirit is given flesh.

    His Godly spirit was seperated from his physical body that did not deserve death at calvary.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,07:44)
    Hi RM,
    He was conceived of Mary and scripture says he was a man, not a godman.
    His soul was enlivened by the Holy Spirit of God

    Scripture speaks accordingly.

    Only a Man can conceive a man.

    But only God can conceive a God.

    Jesus' Parents were God and a Man.

    God in the spirit, man in the flesh.

    He was fully God and fully man.

    Wasn't that the purpose of The Virgin Birth?


    Hi RM,
    No such thing as a human spirit?

    Matt 27.50
    Jas 2.26 etc

    The Spirit of Christ was before the man Jesus


    Hi RM,
    Are you a son of God?[Rom8.14-19,]
    Have you been begotten of God too?[1Jn3.2]

    Did you become God ?


    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 19 2010,16:31)
    and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

    That alone shows us how Jesus can be seperate from YHVH and still be God…The same God he serves.

    It's hard for the human brain to understand, but how can we understand the complexities of God, no more than a DOG can understand the complexities of a human being?

    It doesn't support trinitarianism, but it sure has hell refutes the anti-trinitarian belief that Jesus is NOT GOD.

    You might as well convert to islam if you believe Jesus is not God, because that's the only place where christianity and islam differ.

    Jesus is God and Lord. To ask a man into your heart and save you, would be blasphemy and idolatry.

    If you have questions to rebuttle this, ask away and I will show you God's truth.

    Hi RM,

    The Greek says in John 1:1,

    in beginning was the word and the word was with the god and god was the word

    Do you see that THE Word, was with THE God, and god (not THE God) was THE Word?

    1. How can the one being of God be WITH the one being of God?

    2. If John meant to say that the Word was with THE God AND THE God, why didn't he? Why is there only one “the” in front of “god”?

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2010,08:04)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 19 2010,16:31)
    and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

    That alone shows us how Jesus can be seperate from YHVH and still be God…The same God he serves.

    It's hard for the human brain to understand, but how can we understand the complexities of God, no more than a DOG can understand the complexities of a human being?

    It doesn't support trinitarianism, but it sure has hell refutes the anti-trinitarian belief that Jesus is NOT GOD.

    You might as well convert to islam if you believe Jesus is not God, because that's the only place where christianity and islam differ.

    Jesus is God and Lord. To ask a man into your heart and save you, would be blasphemy and idolatry.

    If you have questions to rebuttle this, ask away and I will show you God's truth.

    Hi RM,

    The Greek says in John 1:1,

    in     beginning     was     the     word     and     the     word     was     with     the     god     and     god     was     the     word

    Do you see that THE Word, was with THE God, and god (not THE God) was THE Word?

    1.  How can the one being of God be WITH the one being of God?

    2.  If John meant to say that the Word was with THE God AND THE God, why didn't he?  Why is there only one “the” in front of “god”?

    peace and love,

    First off, why look to the mistranslations of greek and not aim to the actual translation of Hebrew in which the bible was originally written?

    Secondly, it doesn't change the view.

    God was The Word?

    So what kind of God was The word?

    Please answer that.

    Thirdly…I've repeatedly said and proved




    and aparently your arguement agrees with me that Jesus is God lol

    If I drew a cup of water from the ocean.
    In the cup will be Ocean water.
    The ocean water will be AS MUCH Ocean as the OCEAN ITSELF.
    But the cup of ocean water ISN”T the OCEAN.


    Understanding that

    Jesus is as much God as YHVH is.
    Yet he is not YHVH himself.


    Hi RM,
    You mean the Spirit of Christ?[1Peter1]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,07:53)
    Hi RM,
    No such thing as a human spirit?

    Matt 27.50
    Jas 2.26 etc

    The Spirit of Christ was before the man Jesus

    Next time actually read the verse you are posting.

    Ecc12,7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

    ps31:5Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth

    Matthew 27: 50Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost

    Rom 8:16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

    and finally

    26For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also


    I've yet to read the words, Human Spirit.
    Spirit comes from God. Genesis tells us God BREATHE life into the dust. So whatever God breathed into us that gave us life, was FROM GOD.

    My point proven.
    Good attempt but no cigar.


    BTW your first post actually supported my position when I said our spirit comes from God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 21 2010,08:20)
    Hi RM,
    You mean the Spirit of Christ?[1Peter1]

    Fully man, Yet fully God.
    His spirit was God…his flesh was dust.

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