JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Do you make it all up as you go along?
    Gnostic additions to scripture do not help us so why do it?


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 06 2009,23:49)
    I did not say the “Holy Spirit” is a third Person, quite the contrary “HE” is “GOD The Father”

    Hi Ed

    Then God the Father sent himself and is subservient to the Son, and Jesus baptised us in the Father and fire!

    Jn 16:13
    Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
    14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
    15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Cant be the Father…

  • for he shall not speak of himself
  • but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:
  • that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Cant be Yeshua…

  • He shall glorify me:
  •  for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
  • that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.


Ed J

Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 08 2009,06:59)

Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 06 2009,23:49)
I did not say the “Holy Spirit” is a third Person, quite the contrary “HE” is “GOD The Father”

Hi Ed

Then God the Father sent himself and is subservient to the Son, and Jesus baptised us in the Father and fire!

Jn 16:13
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

Cant be the Father…

  • for he shall not speak of himself
  • but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:
  • that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Cant be Yeshua…

  • He shall glorify me:
  •  for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
  • that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.


  • Hi WJ,

    Before you start chewing my head off, it might be best if you understand what I meant by

    “I did not say the “Holy Spirit” is a third Person, quite the contrary “HE” is “GOD The Father”
    without the “Satan” part.” This was my response to Georg, about something Goerg  had said.

    I have written a free e-book called “HolyCityBibleCode” which can be downloaded at my web site
    (which is part of my signature at the bottom of all my responces) or I can e-mail it to you as well.
    Chapters 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 will address most of your concerns in this matter.  I believe you will
    Have a lot less trouble understanding the partial quote you gave.

    No sentence in the book can be pulled out of context!       I will give you an example…

    Sorry if you feel I'm trouble and that you think I appear to twist Scripture.
    This sentence cannot be pulled out of context! But I could have said….

    I’m sorry you feel that I twist scripture; but in this sentence the same thing can be done!
    It can be pulled out of context and exploited as you have done in the other comment!

    And then the chewing begins…

    Why did you say… ‘I twist scripture’?

    who do you think you are?  It is wrong to twist scripture because this verse says… “jrep[o[g0irgwei[I’” and that this verse says “orhhopipojfrpjpyhth” how dare you make such comments.

    Please read what I have suggested; and try to be civil. Then we can communicate,
    without and accusations, OK.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 07 2009,14:33)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 07 2009,12:37)
    Hi ED,
    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and proceeds from God.
    What was your point?

    Hi Nick,

    The point is: The Holy Spirit is Jesus biological father (Matt.1:18),
    [θεος] Thēôs (Acts 20:28), and [ο λογος] Hō Lōgôs (Hebrews 7:28).

    That is why the AKJV Bible has correctly translated John 1:1.

    And “The Word” was “God”!

    God bless
    Ed J


    Did you say, “biological” father?
    Jesus was a spirit being before he became flesh; he was God's first creation, get it? he was created; after that Jesus created all the other spirit beings (angels).
    God, the Father, did not beget his son the same way we do.
    The fact that Jesus was the only being God created is the reason he is called “the Father” and Jesus is called “the Son”.

    You say, “the Word (Jesus) was God”; what do you make out of these scriptures?

    Psa 82:1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

    Psa 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


    Ed J

    Quote (georg @ Nov. 08 2009,12:42)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 07 2009,14:33)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 07 2009,12:37)
    Hi ED,
    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and proceeds from God.
    What was your point?

    Hi Nick,

    The point is: The Holy Spirit is Jesus biological father (Matt.1:18),
    [θεος] Thēôs (Acts 20:28), and [ο λογος] Hō Lōgôs (Hebrews 7:28).

    That is why the AKJV Bible has correctly translated John 1:1.

    And “The Word” was “God”!

    God bless
    Ed J



    Jesus was a spirit being before he became flesh; he was God's first creation, get it? he was created; after that Jesus created all the other spirit beings (angels).
    God, the Father, did not beget his son the same way we do.
    The fact that Jesus was the only being God created is the reason he is called “the Father” and Jesus is called “the Son”.

    You say, “the Word (Jesus) was God”; what do you make out of these scriptures?

    Psa 82:1  God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

    Psa 82:6   I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


    Hi Georg,

    You say, “the Word (Jesus) was God”; what do you make out of these scriptures?

    Why do you miss-quote me? I never (on any thread) said that.
    You probably never took the time to see what I did say, did you?

    I said “THE WORD” is “Holy Spirit”! (Acts 20:28) and (Hebrews 7:28).
    I can tell by your questions, you did NOT look up these two verses either !

    Did you say the Holy Spirit is Jesus biological father?

    look up your quote and see the way you worded this question?
    You didn’t even read my last response!
    You pulled your quote completely out of context!
    This is a BIG BIG BIG problem with people; PLEASE read my last response.

    The record in the Bible is clear (even the N.W.T. version has not botched Matt.1:18).

    God bless
    Ed  J


    Hi Ed,
    The Holy Spirit gifts and thus points to the roles men are appointed to in the Body of Christ.[1Cor12]
    Such powers are supremely useful to God only in those roles.

    Ed J

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 08 2009,14:00)
    Hi Ed,
    The Holy Spirit gifts and thus points to the roles men are appointed to in the Body of Christ.[1Cor12]
    Such powers are supremely useful to God only in those roles.

    Hi Nick,

    When did you quit the JW Organization?

    Ed J


    Hi ED,
    Why would anyone join in such folly?
    So why do you ask such silly questions?


    Hi ED,
    We are to feed on the Word [Jn6] after rebirth from above till the Morning Star[Rev 22] of the Spirit of Jesus rises in our hearts[2Peter1]


    Ed J…………You are right the word is and was GOD. John 1:1 no where mentions Jesus' name and rather these people believe it or not John knew how to spell Jesus' name if that is who he was referring to.  False religion has interchanged the word (word) for Jesus.

     Just like a mans words are connected to him so are God's words connected to him also. These people have the nerve to say we are viewing it wrong because we don't share in changing the text as they do, to fit there religious conceptions of trinity and preexistences theologies.

    The words of GOD (ARE) GOD and are life and are spirit. Jesus said the words i am telling you (ARE) SPIRIT AND THEY (ARE) LIFE. Jesus also said the WORDS WERE (NOT) HIS WORDS. But closed minds can not understand that. They think Jesus is the WORD when in fact he was speaking GOD'S WORDS TO US. So how does that make (HIM) the WORD then, seeing the words were not his words he was speaking.  IMO


    Ed J

    Quote (Gene @ Nov. 08 2009,14:23)
    Ed J…………You are right the word is and was GOD. John 1:1 no where mentions Jesus' name and rather these people believe it or not John knew how to spell Jesus' name if that is who he was referring to.  False religion has interchanged the word (word) for Jesus.

     Just like a mans words are connected to him so are God's words connected to him also. These people have the nerve to say we are viewing it wrong because we don't share in changing the text as they do, to fit there religious conceptions of trinity and preexistences theologies.

    The words of GOD (ARE) GOD and are life and are spirit. Jesus said the words i am telling you (ARE) SPIRIT AND THEY (ARE) LIFE. Jesus also said the WORDS WERE (NOT) HIS WORDS. But closed minds can not understand that. They think Jesus is the WORD when in fact he was speaking GOD'S WORDS TO US. So how does that make (HIM) the WORD then, seeing the words were not his words he was speaking.  IMO


    Hi Gene,

    I know very well you know God(Holy Spirit) on the inside and you don't need man to tell you what to think.
    This is probably why I haven't had much to say to you. All peoples views are helpful for others to sort out
    “The Truth” for themselves. It's going to take people like us to fulfill Hebrews 11:40. This forum is a great place for people to grow in Christ.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Gene @ Nov. 08 2009,14:23)
    Ed J…………You are right the word is and was GOD. John 1:1 no where mentions Jesus' name and rather these people believe it or not John knew how to spell Jesus' name if that is who he was referring to.  False religion has interchanged the word (word) for Jesus.

     Just like a mans words are connected to him so are God's words connected to him also. These people have the nerve to say we are viewing it wrong because we don't share in changing the text as they do, to fit there religious conceptions of trinity and preexistences theologies.

    The words of GOD (ARE) GOD and are life and are spirit. Jesus said the words i am telling you (ARE) SPIRIT AND THEY (ARE) LIFE. Jesus also said the WORDS WERE (NOT) HIS WORDS. But closed minds can not understand that. They think Jesus is the WORD when in fact he was speaking GOD'S WORDS TO US. So how does that make (HIM) the WORD then, seeing the words were not his words he was speaking.  IMO


    Gene In John 1:14 It says that the Word became flesh. So who is then that became flesh? Did God become flesh? And who are these people?

    Ed J

    Quote (georg @ Nov. 08 2009,15:07)
    Gene  In John 1:14 It says that the Word became flesh.  So who is then that became flesh?  Did God become flesh?  And who are these people?  

    Hi Irene,

    I commented on this very issue to you on page 45 of the other John 1:1 thread; which is obvious by your current question that you didn't read it.

    “The Word” (Holy Spirit) became fully flesh (in Jesus) at Jesus baptism by John;
    He (Holy Spirit) led Jesus into the wilderness in Luke 4:1 and he (Holy Spirit)
    caused Jesus to return from the wilderness in Luke 4:14! He (Holy Spirit)
    also made Jesus aware that he (Jesus) would have to die on a cross for the sins of mankind!

    The JW’s believe that at the point of baptism by John (the baptizer) is when Jesus became the Messiah;
    this view is consistent with the previous paragraph; which I’m sure they will disagree with.

    This lack of consistency on their part is the very reason why Christendom thinks your Organization is a cult.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi ED,
    The Spirit does not become flesh but can live in flesh.


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 08 2009,15:35)

    Quote (georg @ Nov. 08 2009,15:07)
    Gene  In John 1:14 It says that the Word became flesh.  So who is then that became flesh?  Did God become flesh?  And who are these people?  

    Hi Irene,

    I commented on this very issue to you on page 45 of the other John 1:1 thread; which is obvious by your current question that you didn't read it.

    “The Word” (Holy Spirit) became fully flesh (in Jesus) at Jesus baptism by John;
    He (Holy Spirit) led Jesus into the wilderness in Luke 4:1 and he (Holy Spirit)
    caused Jesus to return from the wilderness in Luke 4:14! He (Holy Spirit)
    also made Jesus aware that he (Jesus) would have to die on a cross for the sins of mankind!

    The JW’s believe that at the point of baptism by John (the baptizer) is when Jesus became the Messiah;
    this view is consistent with the previous paragraph; which I’m sure they will disagree with.

    This lack of consistency on their part is the very reason why Christendom thinks your Organization is a cult.

    God bless
    Ed J

    I know all of that, BTW, but my Organization? What are you talking about? I don't have any Organization!!! And the other John 1:1. I never even knew you before a couple of weeks ago, maybe a Month or so. Did you have another users name? You really think you know it all, don't you!!!!
    Well my friend you don't


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 07 2009,19:54)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 08 2009,06:59)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 06 2009,23:49)
    I did not say the “Holy Spirit” is a third Person, quite the contrary “HE” is “GOD The Father”

    Hi Ed

    Then God the Father sent himself and is subservient to the Son, and Jesus baptised us in the Father and fire!

    Jn 16:13
    Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
    14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
    15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Cant be the Father…

  • for he shall not speak of himself
  • but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:
  • that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Cant be Yeshua…

  • He shall glorify me:
  •  for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
  • that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.


  • Hi WJ,

    Before you start chewing my head off, it might be best if you understand what I meant by

    “I did not say the “Holy Spirit” is a third Person, quite the contrary “HE” is “GOD The Father”
    without the “Satan” part.” This was my response to Georg, about something Goerg  had said.

    I have written a free e-book called “HolyCityBibleCode” which can be downloaded at my web site
    (which is part of my signature at the bottom of all my responces) or I can e-mail it to you as well.
    Chapters 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 will address most of your concerns in this matter.  I believe you will
    Have a lot less trouble understanding the partial quote you gave.

    No sentence in the book can be pulled out of context!       I will give you an example…

    Sorry if you feel I'm trouble and that you think I appear to twist Scripture.
    This sentence cannot be pulled out of context! But I could have said….

    I’m sorry you feel that I twist scripture; but in this sentence the same thing can be done!
    It can be pulled out of context and exploited as you have done in the other comment!

    And then the chewing begins…

    Why did you say… ‘I twist scripture’?

    who do you think you are?  It is wrong to twist scripture because this verse says… “jrep[o[g0irgwei[I’” and that this verse says “orhhopipojfrpjpyhth” how dare you make such comments.

    Please read what I have suggested; and try to be civil. Then we can communicate,
    without and accusations, OK.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Hi ED

    Excuse me, are you having a bad conscience?

    Why do you accuse me of saying you “twist scripture”?
    Do you see that in my post?

    It seems you are not being very nice! Why do you accuse me and not address my post? :) Ok I get your point.

    But you did not address my post and the statement you made clearly says that the Holy Spirit is “HE” is “GOD The Father”. As far as your book and codes, the Bible doesn't need codes for interpretation.

    We have the “Spirit of Truth” that will guide us into all truth!

    Maybe you should think again before you say “God bless”, for I feel no blessing in your post!



    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 08 2009,13:42)

    Quote (georg @ Nov. 08 2009,12:42)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 07 2009,14:33)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 07 2009,12:37)
    Hi ED,
    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and proceeds from God.
    What was your point?

    Hi Nick,

    The point is: The Holy Spirit is Jesus biological father (Matt.1:18),
    [θεος] Thēôs (Acts 20:28), and [ο λογος] Hō Lōgôs (Hebrews 7:28).

    That is why the AKJV Bible has correctly translated John 1:1.

    And “The Word” was “God”!

    God bless
    Ed J



    Jesus was a spirit being before he became flesh; he was God's first creation, get it? he was created; after that Jesus created all the other spirit beings (angels).
    God, the Father, did not beget his son the same way we do.
    The fact that Jesus was the only being God created is the reason he is called “the Father” and Jesus is called “the Son”.

    You say, “the Word (Jesus) was God”; what do you make out of these scriptures?

    Psa 82:1  God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

    Psa 82:6   I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


    Hi Georg,

    You say, “the Word (Jesus) was God”; what do you make out of these scriptures?

    Why do you miss-quote me? I never (on any thread) said that.
    You probably never took the time to see what I did say, did you?

    I said “THE WORD” is “Holy Spirit”! (Acts 20:28) and (Hebrews 7:28).
    I can tell by your questions, you did NOT look up these two verses either !

    Did you say the Holy Spirit is Jesus biological father?

    look up your quote and see the way you worded this question?
    You didn’t even read my last response!
    You pulled your quote completely out of context!
    This is a BIG BIG BIG problem with people; PLEASE read my last response.

    The record in the Bible is clear (even the N.W.T. version has not botched Matt.1:18).

    God bless
    Ed  J

    What is your problem, snapping at my Husband like that.
    Who do you think you are anyway.  All He did is quote you and then tell you what Jesus is.
    Get a live.

    Ed J

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 08 2009,16:50)
    Hi ED

    Excuse me, are you having a bad conscience?

    Why do you accuse me of saying you “twist scripture”?
    Do you see that in my post?

    It seems you are not being very nice! Why do you accuse me and not address my post? :) Ok I get your point.

    But you did not address my post and the statement you made clearly says that the Holy Spirit is “HE” is “GOD The Father”. As far as your book and codes, the Bible doesn't need codes for interpretation.

    We have the “Spirit of Truth” that will guide us into all truth!

    Maybe you should think again before you say “God bless”, for I feel no blessing in your post!


    Hi Worshipping Jesus,

    What we see illustrated here is a lack of communication.
    I was only merely illustrating “how easily this phrase” CAN be pulled out of context.

    I’m sorry you feel that I twist scripture.
    I twist scripture, I twist scripture, I twist scripture.
    This sentence fragment (fractal) can be manipulated.  

    There was “no other meaning”, other than to illustrate.

    But when it is worded this way it cannot.
    Sorry if you feel I'm trouble and that you think I appear to twist Scripture.
    This phrase cannot be pulled out of context

    I appear to twist Scripture, I appear to twist Scripture, I appear to twist Scripture
    This (fractal) sentence segment cannot be manipulated out of context because it does NOT make any sense! Here is where the problem lies, a simple lack of communication.

    First, the original “quote” was not understood, partially because it was pulled out of context;
    And partially because you don’t know what I meant by it.

    Then when I tried to explain the problem with communication, you mistaken thought
    that I was launching an attack against you; which I assure you that was not the case.

    This lack of communication is how ‘Satan’ works. I mistakenly thought I explained
    the problem thoroughly enough to you; and you mistakenly thought I was launching an attack
    against you, but neither was the case. I repeated this because it is important. I know
    that you asked the original question in Good faith, but the part that was left out,
    was the most important part of the quote; and you mistakenly left it out. Now we can begin
    at square O. That is a phrase that simply means to start over. This last sentence is what
    I call babyfied; because I believe this time we can start over understanding what each other
    mean, without ‘Satan’ intruding between us.

    If you notice in some of my past postings I explain things so babyfied I feel people will
    think it sounds like I’m talking to a 3 year old.
    Now here is an actual word structure much like the first one; it too can be pulled out of
    Context. It can be pulled out of context like this….

    “it sounds like I’m talking to a 3 year old”, “it sounds like I’m talking to a 3 year old”.
    I realize that it now sounds like I’m talking like a 3 year old.

    God Bless
    Ed J

    PS. Please simply rephrase something into a question?

    Ed J

    Quote (georg @ Nov. 08 2009,17:20)
    What is your problem, snapping at my Husband like that.
    Who do you think you are anyway.  All He did is quote you and then tell you what Jesus is.
    Get a live.

    Hi Irene,

    I merely tried to explain that I never said that Jesus (as others think) is “the word”.

    I also pointed out that when one has a dialog with another is essential to read what
    the other person has wrote. That way the conversation can progress. When one does
    not take the time to read what the other has written. The same questions can and will
    often gets repeated needlessly. This is the case here.

    You and your husband both ask questions that have been previously answered. When
    I point this simple fact, you feel that it appears to make me sound mean; when all I did
    was to point out the obvious. I realize the problem is not you, but you do not realize the
    problem is not with me either.

    I know that both Worshipping Jesus and myself do carefully read what others write
    in an attempt to get resolution from perceived differences. I hope you realize that I meant
    no malice towards either you or your husband. But when people want others to carefully
    consider what they have to say and at the same time don’t even bother to consider the
    others point of view, this appears to other readers as hypocritical. This can be easily
    avoided by paying careful attention to what other has said.

    As the Biblical phrase goes “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
    I do carefully consider what both you and your husband say each and every time.
    Many times my zeal for honesty gets me in trouble with others, I sincerely hope you
    can get past that as I know Worshiping Jesus can; because I have explained who real the enemy is.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 08 2009,20:47)

    Quote (georg @ Nov. 08 2009,17:20)
    What is your problem, snapping at my Husband like that.
    Who do you think you are anyway.  All He did is quote you and then tell you what Jesus is.
    Get a live.

    Hi Irene,

    I merely tried to explain that I never said that Jesus (as others think) is “the word”.

    I also pointed out that when one has a dialog with another is essential to read what
    the other person has wrote. That way the conversation can progress. When one does
    not take the time to read what the other has written. The same questions can and will
    often gets repeated needlessly. This is the case here.

    You and your husband both ask questions that have been previously answered. When
    I point this simple fact, you feel that it appears to make me sound mean; when all I did
    was to point out the obvious. I realize the problem is not you, but you do not realize the
    problem is not with me either.

    I know that both Worshipping Jesus and myself do carefully read what others write
    in an attempt to get resolution from perceived differences. I hope you realize that I meant
    no malice towards either you or your husband. But when people want others to carefully
    consider what they have to say and at the same time don’t even bother to consider the
    others point of view, this appears to other readers as hypocritical. This can be easily
    avoided by paying careful attention to what other has said.

    As the Biblical phrase goes “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
    I do carefully consider what both you and your husband say each and every time.
    Many times my zeal for honesty gets me in trouble with others, I sincerely hope you
    can get past that as I know Worshiping Jesus can; because I have explained who real the enemy is.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Helo Ed! Thank you for that Post. Maybe we should all step back and realize who really the enemy is.
    Peace and Love Irene

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