JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #150781

    Marty…..The biggest problem i see in “Christianity” is people not Knowing what the meaning of the word SPIRIT really is. The understanding of this solves a Host of problems. It is simply intellect Human or GODLY it's still just intellect of minds> LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU THAT WAS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD. We are Changed when this Spirit intellect from this mind (of God) comes into us. Nothing else can ever change us. We are truly (CREATED unto RIGHTEOUSNESS). IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………..gene


    Quote (RokkaMan @ Oct. 16 2009,09:02)
    Trinity is not in the bible, it's suggested (due to interpretation) but it's not a concrete teaching.

    You're setting up a false premise. Not all of the apostolic teaching deposit was written. Some was transmitted orally. I don't accept your premise.


    Hi CA,
    You think you captured that truth and are the only source of it.
    The word of God is sacred but as for your libraries of folly you are the only one who thinks they are sacred.


    Quote (RokkaMan @ Oct. 16 2009,09:02)
    Trinity is not in the bible, it's suggested (due to interpretation) but it's not a concrete teaching.

    Either those 3 beings are one in the same, or they are seperate…

    If they are seperate you have 3 God's, if they are the same…Then why do we need seperate identities if all 3 are god.

    Might as well say, God came down from heaven…while still living in heaven. Became a man, died on the cross and rose himself to take over his own thrown, then to give it back to himself…

    The whole identity between them being The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are irrelevent if all 3 are God one in ths same.

    You don't need to worship in all three if they are one in the same, you'd just need to worship in God.

    Scripture also doesn't require you to believe Jesus IS God, just that Jesus came FROM God…

    If he is God wouldn't the first be emphasized through out scripture as an important understanding for salvation?

    Also…I don't think God would come down as man himself, or would even need to.

    Such idea sounds like a pagan belief…That a man can be God…who's to stop others from pretending to be God?

    It's this same kind of idea that the Devil will feed upon to deceive many into think he's God in revelations…

    I don't think God would purposely usher in this kin of confusion.

    Rather, bringing Jesus…the focal point of God's love and reason for creation, his reflected image onto creation in the form of this physical world, then latter as a man…is enough.

    Jesus wasn't God himself, but the personification of God.

    Almost like a clone, the clone isn't the actual person…but a carbon copy.

    It makes Jesus God to us all, (Better term is Lord) but not God himself.

    Good stuff RokkaMan.

    Continue to let the Spirit of Truth guide and teach you all things. Men can only lead us into bondage. The Spirit leads us to the truth and the truth sets us free.

    We can be like the wind when we are led by the Spirit. No longer predictable for who can predict God?


    Rockman……..I agree with T8….> you have it right brother. Praise GOD. He has delivered you from the Great deception of the TRINITY.

    Peace and love……………….gene


    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 16 2009,15:58)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ Oct. 16 2009,09:02)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 16 2009,08:35)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 16 2009,06:19)
    Hebrews 6 reminds the saved of the foundation of entry into the kingdom of God and urges them to move on.
    But those who preach another trinity god have yet to go through the gate of God's Son.
    Seek ye first the kingdom and everything else will be added to you

    Hebrews 6 is not just a reminder. It is a command to “leave” the elementary principles of Christ.

    What “another” trinity god are you talking about? I speak of the Biblical trinity of the Father Son, and Holy Spirit. I have never spoken of “another” trinity like Zeus, Diana and whoever.


    Trinity is not in the bible, it's suggested (due to interpretation) but it's not a concrete teaching.

    Either those 3 beings are one in the same, or they are seperate…

    If they are seperate you have 3 God's, if they are the same…Then why do we need seperate identities if all 3 are god.

    Might as well say, God came down from heaven…while still living in heaven. Became a man, died on the cross and rose himself to take over his own thrown, then to give it back to himself…

    The whole identity between them being The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are irrelevent if all 3 are God one in ths same.

    You don't need to worship in all three if they are one in the same, you'd just need to worship in God.

    Scripture also doesn't require you to believe Jesus IS God, just that Jesus came FROM God…

    If he is God wouldn't the first be emphasized through out scripture as an important understanding for salvation?

    Also…I don't think God would come down as man himself, or would even need to.

    Such idea sounds like a pagan belief…That a man can be God…who's to stop others from pretending to be God?

    It's this same kind of idea that the Devil will feed upon to deceive many into think he's God in revelations…

    I don't think God would purposely usher in this kin of confusion.

    Rather, bringing Jesus…the focal point of God's love and reason for creation, his reflected image onto creation in the form of this physical world, then latter as a man…is enough.

    Jesus wasn't God himself, but the personification of God.

    Almost like a clone, the clone isn't the actual person…but a carbon copy.

    It makes Jesus God to us all, (Better term is Lord) but not God himself.

    Hi RokkaMan:

    I am glad to see that you are making progress in your understanding of the scriptures.

    The scriptures tell us plainly that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God, and that “in the beginning God made man his own image” and that the first man Adam was made a living soul and that Jesus is the last Adam and is the “express image of God's person”. (Hebrews 1:1-3)

    The scriptures also tell us that the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit and not a “third person”.  (1 Co 2:10-12)

    The scriptures also tell us there is “One God” and one Mediator between God and men, “the man, Christ Jesus. (1 Ti 2:5)

    Also, that God is a Spirit and that He is not a man. (John 4:23-24) (Numbers 23:19)

    And so, why all of the confusion?  God is not the author of confusion.

    Love in Christ,

    Excellent posts brothers Rokkaman & Marty.

    Peace to you


    Quote (david @ Oct. 15 2009,15:59)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Oct. 15 2009,07:08)

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 13 2009,06:32)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 12 2009,20:34)
    Hi CA,
    Catholicism is apostasy.

    Nick……..Amen to that statement.


    Apostasy is “falling away”.  YOU fell away from US.

    We didn't fall away from anyone.

    Actually, Biblically, “apostasy” is more than “falling away.”  It is more of a willing purposeful withdrawl, and then, attacking that same group.  Technically, I am a Catholic apostate.  And therefore, Bibilically, CA should not speak with me.

    OK, there are Catholics, JWs, and Mormons. Who cares?

    I care more about John 1:1.


    Quote (david @ Oct. 15 2009,15:59)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Oct. 15 2009,07:08)

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 13 2009,06:32)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 12 2009,20:34)
    Hi CA,
    Catholicism is apostasy.

    Nick……..Amen to that statement.


    Apostasy is “falling away”.  YOU fell away from US.

    We didn't fall away from anyone.

    Actually, Biblically, “apostasy” is more than “falling away.”  It is more of a willing purposeful withdrawl, and then, attacking that same group.  Technically, I am a Catholic apostate.  And therefore, Bibilically, CA should not speak with me.

    Yeah…your people have a lot of claims to correct usage of Greek. I'm still wondering where you can go to find the tetragrammaton in the NT. Maybe you can help us out….O wait….No you can't….cause it's not there.

    Yes. You are a Catholic apostate. But I'm not going to spend my precious time and energy educating you about the word apostasia. Go take a Greek course.

    O, yeah, this might be a good place to get back to:

    the Word was (what) God (was).


    Protestants and others trying to tell a Catholic what the Bible REALLY says is like someone who steals a letter you wrote, reads it back to you, and tells you what it really means.


    Hi CA,
    Did you or your aging cronies write the bible?
    You really should read it.

    It disproves so much of what your pals feed you.
    Poison is bad for you.

    Ed J

    AKJV Bible has translated John 1:1 correctly!

    “And The Word was God” is correctly translated in (John1:1) the AKJV Bible!
    To fully see that this is true you first need to put the pieces together correctly.

    In John1:2: “The Same” was in the beginning with (GOD) Theos.
    “The Same” can be none other than “Jesus Christ”!

    Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is “The Same” yesterday, today and forever;
    therefore Jesus was in the beginning with GOD.

    Jesus was there in the beginning with Holy Spirit.

    BOTH “Holy Spirit” and “Jesus Christ” were together in the beginning.
    In both the beginning of his (Jesus’) Earthly life (Matt.1:18 / Luke 1:35); (John 1:-2).
    Also his pre existence to having flesh and bones on planet Earth (John 1:3 / Hebrews 1:8-10)

    So GOD truly exists in a plurality, (but not just merely two or three in one) as ALL IN ONE!

    N.W.T. (Jehovah Witness’ version): John 17:22 “Also, I have given them the glory that you have given me, in order that they may be ONE just as we are ONE!

    The Hebrew word [םיהלא] ĔL-ō-Hêêm (in Genesis 1:1: God) carries the meanings of both
    “God in the plural”, and also “The Mighty God”. This can be better illustrated using both the English AKJV Bible’s rendering of JEHOVAH and the Greek’s word for “GOD”.

    There are five words for “God” (all are pronounced Thēôs)  in the Greek; they are…

    1) θεος
    2) θεου
    3) θεω
    4) θεον
    5) θεε

    Four out the Five of these words meaning “God”, also are Plural forms of the word; “God in the plural”.
    ONE is used in singular form only.

    These facts interface perfectly with the AKJV Bible.

    5 times GOD’s Name is used in singular form (apart from the other three phrases) in the AKJV Bible.

    JEHOVAH is used exactly 4 times; matching the four variants of “God in the plural” in Greek!

    JAH used once; because HE (יהוה האלהים YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL- ō-Hêêm JEHOVAH GOD) is ONE!

    So the Real Question is: Do you believe “Holy Spirit” (The Word) to be (Thēôs)?; GOD.


    Or do you believe the Holy Spirit to be merely ‘a god’? Because “The Word” is the “Holy Spirit”.

    Witnessing in behalf of the most High GOD. (Psalm 83:18)
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 22 2009,16:54)
    AKJV Bible has translated John 1:1 correctly!

    So many versions… little time! :;):


    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Oct. 22 2009,13:13)
    Protestants and others trying to tell a Catholic what the Bible REALLY says is like someone who steals a letter you wrote, reads it back to you, and tells you what it really means.

    More like someone reading that which was hijacked by an organisation that once banned people from reading it. And only gave that up when they realised the letters were being given by others.

    The Vatican is not the head or government of the Church and the pope is not the representative of Christ. The representatives of Christ are those that belong to him.

    Is 1:18

    Amen T8.


    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 22 2009,17:52)

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Oct. 22 2009,13:13)
    Protestants and others trying to tell a Catholic what the Bible REALLY says is like someone who steals a letter you wrote, reads it back to you, and tells you what it really means.

    More like someone reading that which was hijacked by an organisation that once banned people from reading it. And only gave that up when they realised the letters were being given by others.

    The Vatican is not the head or government of the Church and the pope is not the representative of Christ. The representatives of Christ are those that belong to him.

    O…is that why we produced the first vernacular translation in…O…say…English? or French? or Spanish? or German?

    Get real.

    Ed J

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 16 2009,17:13)
    Welcome, Ed!

    Glad that you are here.  


    Hi again Mandy,

    Did you even take the time to read what I wrote?

    Do you mean you have to little time to read what others write?

    Have you changed your mind about me being here?

    Don't be afraid to respond, they won't kick you out!

    Ed J


    Ed J……….welcome to the site…………The trinity thread should address all of what you are saying, My simple words to you concerning John 1:1 is this, If John meant the (WORD) to mean Jesus He simply would has said JESUS instead of word, he did know his name and how to spell it. Fact any word that a person speaks is his own express intellect and not another's unless he is quoting someone. GOD himself was in the Beginning and spoke (words) everything into existence, that was (NOT) Jesus but GOD the FATHER himself. Read Isiah where GOD said He (ALONE AND BY HIMSELF) CREATED EVERYTHING, THAT NO ONE WAS WITH HIM, YOU EITHER BELIEVE IT OR NOT. Adding or changing words to fit false teachings is wrong. IMO


    Ed J

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 23 2009,02:34)
    Ed J……….welcome to the site…………The trinity thread should address all of what you are saying, My simple words to you concerning John 1:1 is this, If John meant the (WORD) to mean Jesus He simply would has said JESUS instead of word, he did know his name and how to spell it. Fact any word that a person speaks is his own express intellect and not another's unless he is quoting someone. GOD himself was in the Beginning and spoke (words) everything into existence, that was (NOT) Jesus but GOD the FATHER himself. Read Isiah where GOD said He (ALONE AND BY HIMSELF) CREATED EVERYTHING, THAT NO ONE WAS WITH HIM, YOU EITHER BELIEVE IT OR NOT. Adding or changing words to fit false teachings is wrong. IMO


    Hi Gene,

    Thanks for your support Gene, someone always comes to the defense of true believers!

    May the true GOD continue to bless you,
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene @ Oct. 23 2009,02:34)
    Ed J……….welcome to the site…………The trinity thread should address all of what you are saying, My simple words to you concerning John 1:1 is this, If John meant the (WORD) to mean Jesus He simply would has said JESUS instead of word, he did know his name and how to spell it. Fact any word that a person speaks is his own express intellect and not another's unless he is quoting someone. GOD himself was in the Beginning and spoke (words) everything into existence, that was (NOT) Jesus but GOD the FATHER himself. Read Isiah where GOD said He (ALONE AND BY HIMSELF) CREATED EVERYTHING, THAT NO ONE WAS WITH HIM, YOU EITHER BELIEVE IT OR NOT. Adding or changing words to fit false teachings is wrong. IMO


    Hi Gene,

    I looked for “the trinity thread”, and could not find it. I could use your help.

    Ed J


    Ed J………..Click on form and the scroll down and click on Truth and Traditions and click on it and you will sse the TRINITY there we have have big and long discussions on it, as it is a major topic here. Lots to read both sides of the coin. I personall disagree with the TRINITY TEACHINGS as others here do also , but there are also those who still believe in it here to.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene

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