JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #138222

    Hi gS,
    The oldest KJV was not a manuscript.
    Being pretty sure carries no spiritual weight.


    So I guess you are saying that God cannot preserve his word.


    Hi GS,
    God does preserve His word and urges us to be as cunning as serpents
    Go and compare the versions and you will find they differ on this verse.
    Then do your research and discover what is the preserved truth of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 21 2009,07:34)
    Hi GS,
    Have you not yet heard that this verse was not in any original manuscripts but added?

    But John 10:30 is in all the manuscripts. It says that the Father and the Son are one. “I and the Father are one.”



    Thinker………..IN AGREEMENT, NOT ONE AND THE SAME BEING. God was (IN) Jesus through (HIS) Spirit, and that does not make Jesus GOD, no more then it makes Us GOD who have His Spirit in them. GOD'S Spirit in us causes us to (IMAGE) HIM (Not) be HIM, Come on thinker dump those false teaching brother. Looks i will have to keep praying for you till God clears the cobwebs out.

    With much love and peace brother……………………………gene


    Quote (Gene @ July 24 2009,04:49)
    Thinker………..IN AGREEMENT, NOT ONE AND THE SAME BEING. God was (IN) Jesus through (HIS) Spirit, and that does not make Jesus GOD, no more then it makes Us GOD who have His Spirit in them. GOD'S Spirit in us causes us to (IMAGE) HIM (Not) be HIM,  Come on thinker dump those false teaching brother. Looks i will have to keep praying for you till God clears the cobwebs out.

    With much love and peace brother……………………………gene

    Jesus said that He was one with the Father after saying that He and the Father together protect the sheep. It means therefore that the Father and the Son are one Shepherd, i.e., God.



    Hi TT,
    Vain human logic fails to grasp the wisdom of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 24 2009,08:37)
    Hi TT,
    Vain human logic fails to grasp the wisdom of God.

    You say “vain human logic.” Jesus had just said that He Himself is the good Shepherd. He had said that there will be one fold and one shepherd. After this He said that He and the Father together secures the sheep in Their hands. Then He says, “I and the Father are one.”

    I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep…. So there will be one flock, one shepherd….
    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.  I and the Father are one.”

    It is clear Nick! Jesus said that He is the good shepherd and that there will be ONE shepherd. Then He said that the sheep are protected in His hand and in the Father's hand. Then He said that He and the Father are ONE. He meant that they are ONE SHEPHERD. The Shepherd is God.



    Hi TT,
    Jesus is not his own father is he?
    He is the Son of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 21 2009,08:43)
    Hi GS,
    God does preserve His word and urges us to be as cunning as serpents
    Go and compare the versions and you will find they differ on this verse.
    Then do your research and discover what is the preserved truth of God.

    I agree with you brother Nick God does not expect us to use His name for every petty-nitty things as we think. Therefore He asked us to descern the spirits whether they are from Him or not.


    Quote (thethinker @ July 24 2009,05:52)

    Quote (Gene @ July 24 2009,04:49)
    Thinker………..IN AGREEMENT, NOT ONE AND THE SAME BEING. God was (IN) Jesus through (HIS) Spirit, and that does not make Jesus GOD, no more then it makes Us GOD who have His Spirit in them. GOD'S Spirit in us causes us to (IMAGE) HIM (Not) be HIM,  Come on thinker dump those false teaching brother. Looks i will have to keep praying for you till God clears the cobwebs out.

    With much love and peace brother……………………………gene

    Jesus said that He was one with the Father after saying that He and the Father together protect the sheep. It means therefore that the Father and the Son are one Shepherd, i.e., God.


    Hi brother Thinker,
    One in Spirit but not in hypostasis as often Trinitarians quote.


    Quote (thethinker @ July 24 2009,05:52)

    Quote (Gene @ July 24 2009,04:49)
    Thinker………..IN AGREEMENT, NOT ONE AND THE SAME BEING. God was (IN) Jesus through (HIS) Spirit, and that does not make Jesus GOD, no more then it makes Us GOD who have His Spirit in them. GOD'S Spirit in us causes us to (IMAGE) HIM (Not) be HIM,  Come on thinker dump those false teaching brother. Looks i will have to keep praying for you till God clears the cobwebs out.

    With much love and peace brother……………………………gene

    Jesus said that He was one with the Father after saying that He and the Father together protect the sheep. It means therefore that the Father and the Son are one Shepherd, i.e., God.


    Thinker………Jesus said concerning the sheep, “they were yours and thou has given them to me”. For what purpose Has the FATHER placed US in the care of Jesus? was it not to Shepard us, Now a Shepard is not the (OWNER) of the Sheep is obvious, because Jesus said , no one can take the sheep from the FATHER, who gave them to me because the FATHER is greater the him. Your assumption that Jesus (OWNS) us is in error, He Shepard's Us, and will not turn away (ANY) of the Sheep the FATHER puts in HIS custody. Brother dump the TRINITARIAN garbage and the words of Jesus will all make since and find a place in you thinking. Why do you trinitarians have to go through so many mazes with so many twist and turns to support your false teachings and ignore the obvious scriptures, the simple and clears ones. THOU SHALT HAVE (NO) OTHER GOD BESIDES ME, AND AGAIN THE LORD OUR GOD IS (ONE) LORD, AND AGAIN “FOR (THOU) ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD”. Thinker quite kicking against the pricks brother.

    with much love and peace……………………..gene


    Quote (Gene @ July 26 2009,02:58)

    Quote (thethinker @ July 24 2009,05:52)

    Quote (Gene @ July 24 2009,04:49)
    Thinker………..IN AGREEMENT, NOT ONE AND THE SAME BEING. God was (IN) Jesus through (HIS) Spirit, and that does not make Jesus GOD, no more then it makes Us GOD who have His Spirit in them. GOD'S Spirit in us causes us to (IMAGE) HIM (Not) be HIM,  Come on thinker dump those false teaching brother. Looks i will have to keep praying for you till God clears the cobwebs out.

    With much love and peace brother……………………………gene

    Jesus said that He was one with the Father after saying that He and the Father together protect the sheep. It means therefore that the Father and the Son are one Shepherd, i.e., God.


    Thinker………Jesus said concerning the sheep, “they were yours and thou has given them to me”. For what purpose Has the FATHER placed US in the care of Jesus? was it not to Shepard us, Now a Shepard is not the (OWNER) of the Sheep is obvious, because Jesus said , no one can take the sheep from the FATHER, who gave them to me because the FATHER is greater the him. Your assumption that Jesus (OWNS) us is in error, He Shepard's Us, and will not turn away (ANY) of the Sheep the FATHER puts in HIS custody. Brother dump the TRINITARIAN garbage and the words of Jesus will all make since and find a place in you thinking.  Why do you trinitarians have to go through so many mazes with so many twist and turns to support your false teachings and ignore the obvious scriptures, the simple and clears ones. THOU SHALT HAVE (NO) OTHER GOD BESIDES ME, AND AGAIN THE LORD OUR GOD IS (ONE) LORD, AND AGAIN “FOR (THOU) ART THE (ONLY) TRUE GOD”. Thinker quite kicking against the pricks brother.

    with much love and peace……………………..gene

    Jesus inherited the nations (Psalm 2). We are His people now. We are the sheep of His pasture. Jesus said that there will be ONE shepherd. Your view implies that there are two shepherds.



    Thinker………No brother their ONE Shepard , but he is (NOT) the owner of the Sheep , there is only (ONE) owner and that is GOD the Father. The Father has put us in the custody of Jesus, it is very much like the analogy of the vine, the vine is part of the branches, but the life water (spirit) is given by one (the FATHER) and ministers to both the vine and it's branches. Jesus is one of US do not separate Him from yourself, brother. Thinker I implore you by the sure mercies of our GOD and FATHER , COME OUT OF THAT FALSE TRINITARIAN RELIGION, and all these things will fall into place, why should you fail because of those LAIRS.

    with great love and worry and prayer …………………………your brother gene


    Quote (Gene @ July 26 2009,04:35)
    Thinker………No brother their ONE Shepard , but he is (NOT) the owner of the Sheep , there is only (ONE) owner and that is GOD the Father. The Father has put us in the custody of Jesus, it is very much like the analogy of the vine, the vine is part of the branches, but the life water (spirit) is given by one (the FATHER) and ministers to both the vine and it's branches. Jesus is one of US do not separate Him from yourself, brother. Thinker I implore you by the sure mercies of our GOD and FATHER , COME OUT OF THAT FALSE TRINITARIAN RELIGION, and all these things will fall into place, why should you fail because of those LAIRS.

    with great love and worry and prayer …………………………your brother gene

    He is the owner of the sheep. He explicitly said “MY sheep hear MY voice and I know them and they follow ME. And I give unto them eternal life….”

    You believe falsely! Your view implies that there are two shepherds. Yet you fault trinitarians.



    Quote (thethinker @ July 25 2009,12:46)

    Quote (Gene @ July 26 2009,04:35)
    Thinker………No brother their ONE Shepard , but he is (NOT) the owner of the Sheep , there is only (ONE) owner and that is GOD the Father. The Father has put us in the custody of Jesus, it is very much like the analogy of the vine, the vine is part of the branches, but the life water (spirit) is given by one (the FATHER) and ministers to both the vine and it's branches. Jesus is one of US do not separate Him from yourself, brother. Thinker I implore you by the sure mercies of our GOD and FATHER , COME OUT OF THAT FALSE TRINITARIAN RELIGION, and all these things will fall into place, why should you fail because of those LAIRS.

    with great love and worry and prayer …………………………your brother gene

    He is the owner of the sheep. He explicitly said “MY sheep hear MY voice and I know them and they follow ME. And I give unto them eternal life….”

    You believe falsely! Your view implies that there are two shepherds. Yet you fault trinitarians.


    Hi Jack

    How true.

    “But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and stopped up their ears. Zech 7:11

    they have ears, but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths. Ps 135:17



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ July 26 2009,07:38)

    Quote (thethinker @ July 25 2009,12:46)

    Quote (Gene @ July 26 2009,04:35)
    Thinker………No brother their ONE Shepard , but he is (NOT) the owner of the Sheep , there is only (ONE) owner and that is GOD the Father. The Father has put us in the custody of Jesus, it is very much like the analogy of the vine, the vine is part of the branches, but the life water (spirit) is given by one (the FATHER) and ministers to both the vine and it's branches. Jesus is one of US do not separate Him from yourself, brother. Thinker I implore you by the sure mercies of our GOD and FATHER , COME OUT OF THAT FALSE TRINITARIAN RELIGION, and all these things will fall into place, why should you fail because of those LAIRS.

    with great love and worry and prayer …………………………your brother gene

    He is the owner of the sheep. He explicitly said “MY sheep hear MY voice and I know them and they follow ME. And I give unto them eternal life….”

    You believe falsely! Your view implies that there are two shepherds. Yet you fault trinitarians.


    Hi Jack

    How true.

    “But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and stopped up their ears. Zech 7:11

    they have ears, but cannot hear, nor is there breath in their mouths. Ps 135:17


    Yes WJ!
    Jesus said that He is the good Shepherd

    I am the good Shepherd

    Gene says that the Father is the Shepherd and Jesus is only the “custodian.” This is the height of Scripture twisting.



    Thinker…….Where did i say the FATHER is the Shepard, what i said was the FATHER is the Owner of the Sheep and Jesus is the Shepard, He is the servant of GOD do you need scripture that shows that also,  see what confusion Trinitarian Ideologies brings, you can't even read what i wrote correctly brother, Cast of from you that false teaching and quite making Jesus a man of SIN. Remember thinker it says that GOD would send them a delusion in order for them to believe the LIE. DO you believe the TRINITARIAN LIE Brother?.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………….gene


    Quote (thethinker @ July 26 2009,04:46)

    Quote (Gene @ July 26 2009,04:35)
    Thinker………No brother their ONE Shepard , but he is (NOT) the owner of the Sheep , there is only (ONE) owner and that is GOD the Father. The Father has put us in the custody of Jesus, it is very much like the analogy of the vine, the vine is part of the branches, but the life water (spirit) is given by one (the FATHER) and ministers to both the vine and it's branches. Jesus is one of US do not separate Him from yourself, brother. Thinker I implore you by the sure mercies of our GOD and FATHER , COME OUT OF THAT FALSE TRINITARIAN RELIGION, and all these things will fall into place, why should you fail because of those LAIRS.

    with great love and worry and prayer …………………………your brother gene

    He is the owner of the sheep. He explicitly said “MY sheep hear MY voice and I know them and they follow ME. And I give unto them eternal life….”

    You believe falsely! Your view implies that there are two shepherds. Yet you fault trinitarians.


    thinker……..Jesus said “YOURS THEY ARE and (THOU) givest them unto Me. The same as a owner of Sheep gives (HIS) Sheep into the Hands of a Sheppard to Sheppard them. Jesus said no man (CAN) come unto me EXCEPT the FATHER DRAW HIM. It is the FATHER who owns the Sheep and Jesus Sheppard's them. God the FARTHER said (ALL) Sould are MINE and that includes Jesus' soul also. Why do (ALL Trinitarians try so hard to push the FATHER out of the PICTURE. Interesting, Jesus never did that. Thinker dump the garbage and come out of those false teachings while there is still time brother.

    peace and love to you and yours……………….gene


    He also said, “Before Abraham was, I Am”

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