JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Thinker said to Gene:

    Verse 1 says that “Christos” is seated at the right hand of God. This is Jesus. And Paul says that He is “all in all” (vs. 11). And until He yields to the Father He remains “all in all.”

    Deal with it bro!

    Nick replied:


    It appears as if my point is very hard to resist. Not even Nick could brew up a reply.



    Hi GM,
    14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    1That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

    2(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

    3That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.


    Quote (thethinker @ Mar. 28 2009,03:04)

    Quote (Gene @ Mar. 28 2009,02:47)
    Thinker………Peter ask , if my brother sin against me and ask me to forgive him how many times should I, seven times, and Jesus said seventy times seventy in one day. Forgiving others of there sin is no for just for the apostles of Jesus but for us all. As far as being forgiven our sins against God the Father, we already have been forgiven them by the sacrifice of Jesus. Because what does it say He who believes on me has (PASSED) from Judgment unto life. IMO

    love and peace to you and yours brother………………………………..gene

    Nick, Kerwin and I are talking about apples. You are talking about oranges.

    And you have not satisfactorily answered the statement by Paul that Jesus is “all in all” (Colossians 3:11). Until Jesus subjects Himself to the Father He remains “all in all.” Please stop dodging this fact.


    Hi tT,
    It is unclear what you mean.

    All in all

    10And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

    11Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

    12Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;

    So speaking to those established in Christ, who have entered through the door, is the context and not all men.

    Christ is not in the heathen.

    Christ is ever subject to his Father and after the millenium he subjects the kingdomm given to him back to the Father.


    Thinker ………..The Christos, is the Spirit anoninting in all true Christians. It is not Jesus the man as some assume it the the Christos or the Anointing that is in all who have it and in Jesus also. Jesus has the (fullness) of the Christos's as scripture says. But having the Seven Spirits of (from) GOD (powers) does not make you what you have it makes you part of it as the Spirit (intellect) of the Father makes us all, this is how He (the FATHER)is in all, it's through His (CHRISTOS) or ANOINTING SPIRITS. If you have the Spirit of the (Christos) in you (IT) will bring you mortal body back to life as scripture says. IMO

    love and peace to you brother…………………………………….gene


    Nick………A (WORD) CAN NOT (BE) FLESH, common sense will tell you that, It can only come to exist (in) flesh , Jesus was given the words of Life from the Father, He himself was not the words He was given as He himself said. You must separate the Words (OF) Jesus from the person of Jesus and Apply them (the words) to the FATHER. If you don't separate them then you are not following scripture. Remember Jesus said the words He spoke WERE NOT HIS, BUT THE FATHERS WORDS.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………………..gene


    Read scripture and prefer it to your understanding.
    Prov 3


    So you have seven spirits in you??
    The Spirit of God is one.


    Quote (Gene @ Mar. 31 2009,06:32)
    Thinker ………..The Christos, is the Spirit anoninting in all true Christians. It is not Jesus the man as some assume it the the Christos or the Anointing that is in all who have it and in Jesus also. Jesus has the (fullness) of the Christos's as scripture says. But having the Seven Spirits of (from) GOD (powers) does  not make you what you have it makes you part of it as the Spirit (intellect) of the Father makes us all, this is how He (the FATHER)is in all, it's through His (CHRISTOS) or ANOINTING SPIRITS. If you have the Spirit of the (Christos) in you (IT) will bring you mortal body back to life as scripture says. IMO

    love and peace to you brother…………………………………….gene

    Come on! It says that we have been raised with Christ. This is Jesus. It says that he is “all in all.”



    Hi TT,
    Christ in us as Spirit reminds us of his words.
    He never mentioned a trinity.
    Is Christ in you?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 31 2009,08:44)
    Hi TT,
    Christ in us as Spirit reminds us of his words.
    He never mentioned a trinity.
    Is Christ in you?

    What does this have to do with Paul's statement that Christ is “all in all”?



    Hi TT,
    If Christ was in you guiding your thoughts would you teach beyond his words?[2Jn]
    He never said God was a trinity.


    Nick Hassan wrote:


    Read scripture and prefer it to your understanding.

    So if you read a scripture that was mistranslated or mis-scibed and you choose to hold to that false teaching then would you not be violating the instructions in Proverbs 2?  I did not mention misinterpreted which is also a way to introduce a false teaching.

    Lets take pronoun use in the Greek language which can in fact be tricky.  In the case of John 14:16 the KJV and thus the NKJV use he when Greek actually uses a neutral pronoun which translated better to “which” or “it” in English.   It may be that some Greek manuscripts do use “he” but they are not the majority.

    Now if that was done with a passage of scripture later in scripture then don’t you think perhaps it could have been done with John 1.

    Here is an argument by the Assembly of Yahweh about pronoun use.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 31 2009,10:47)
    Hi TT,
    If Christ was in you guiding your thoughts would you teach beyond his words?[2Jn]
    He never said God was a trinity.

    Was Christ guiding Paul's thoughts? What did Paul mean when he said Christ is “all in all.” Gene said “Christ” is not a reference to Jesus. What do you say? Again, what did Paul mean when he said that Christ is “all in all”?



    Hi TT,
    Paul said it was no longer he that lived.[gal]

    But being born into Christ does not immediately lead to being led by his Spirit.
    Christ unites all those who are reborn from above as one in him in God.


    Nick……….What is the meaning of the word CHRISTOS , why do we say Jesus (the Christ) that means Jesus the anointed , now ask yourself, what is he anointed with , GOD Spirits, because he had the fullness of the spirit on Him. As scripture plainly says, Your trying to make it that Jesus himself is the Spirit , this is exactly what the Trinitarians say also. Nick its (one) GOD IN ALL AND THROUGH ALL. Revelations Shows Jesus as a Lamb (slain) with seven horn (powers) connected with the seven eyes (Spirits intellects)
    of GOD. That go out into the whole earth. All who apply Holy Spirit to anyone other then the Father are thieves and are robbing GOD the Father of His glory. Jesus gave all glory to the Father for everything had and He did. But men want to seal the glory and apply it to the SON OF MAN, but when you read what Jesus said and understand it He never did that. IMO

    love and peace to you and yours…………………………..gene


    Ahem G,
    God's SPIRIT.
    God is ONE.
    He has A Spirit.

    28And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:


    Nick……..We are in agreement with most of the this except scripture says the are (SEVEN SPIRITS) of GOD that go out into the world. What do we do with that Scripture? And lets not forget the the Word GOD, Elohim means (POWERS). And also remember there are SEVEN SPIRITS before the THRONE. A good question would be what are these SEVEN SPIRITS?

    love and peace to you and yours……………………………………………..gene


    Nick………Show me where a (WORD) can actually be (FLESH) then. You must use yours GOD given MIND brother to make sense of this. If you look at the word (BECAME) you will find it also can be, came to be , as the words came to be in Jesus a flesh and blood human being. BUT it also says those words were (NOT) HIS , he himself said that brother.

    love and peace to you and yours…………………………………..gene


    So the word who became flesh was not just a spoken word.


    Angels are spirits[Heb1]

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