Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    And also to an earlier post: The false return of Christ probably using projected holograms, etc, will most likely be the “one thousand year Kingdom”, to be accepted by the majority of Christian Muslim, Jew, Buddhist etc.


    Miia…You are right God was showing us how he counts time,, that is why when God told Adam and eve “in the day you eat you shall surely die, we know they did not die that very 24 hour day, but none lived over one thousand years did they, So in GOD’S TIME THEY CERTAINLY DID DIE, THE DAY THEY ATE IN (HIS DAY TIMMING)


    So a thousand years is equal to a day to God, and a day to God equals a thousand years. Peter by way of the SPIRIT OF GOD UNDERSTOOD THAT.

    Peace and love to you Miia and yours…….gene


    Exactly right, Gene. I read in some ancient writings that “hell” is ‘as if’ eternal, because living in misery seems like forever, though it only be a day. It was explaining our time and God’s time.


    Mila: “Sorry if I am replying to old posts. But why can’t we take the seven days of creation as seven literal days? The Sabbath is on the seventh literal 24 hour day. The “one day for a thousand days” quote is obviously not literal, and neither is the one thousand years in Revelation. A thousand years in Revelation indicates a long period of time. The “one day for a thousand days” indicates God being outside our time. Please people, get these basic things right 😝



    Great observations.


    Yes God is outside of time. So why does he observe a 24 hour day before the sun is supposedly created. Lol.


    Let’s see the math Mike

    Ah, so when Jesus said that heaven and the throne of God are up, he must have been speaking “spiritually”, or “metaphorically”, huh?

    So what is this up and down force called if gravity doesn’t exist?

    Uppydowny? Show me the math and the 100% correct predictions using it. I bet it is you who cannot prove your explanation of up and down for material objects. Whereas, there are tons of real examples of gravity’s correct predictions.

    Make or show one correct prediction using uppydowny or whatever you call it, and I will follow up with a correct prediction. You first please.

    Truth has an uncanny way of predicting things right, so let the rubber hit the road and reveal the evidence.


    Hi Mike,

    you said:

    During a three year period, we landed six missions on the moon.  How many photos from the moon do we have to show the place we live?  A handful.  Can you imagine that?  The first time men were able to see our very home from another celestial body, and they only took one or two photos of it each time?  Meanwhile, according to that video you linked, they had a lander-mounted video camera recording astronauts running around doing very tedious and boring crap.  How this camera was able to pan around and follow their every move without an operator is beyond me, but seriously… why wouldn’t they have had a dedicated video camera pointed straight at our home for the entire mission?  And why leave a stupid reflector behind instead of a dedicated earth camera so we could discover the intricacies of its orbit, weather patterns, and such?  Why in the 50 years since have we not put a camera up there for this very purpose?  Why in the 50 years since has no man even left low earth orbit?  Why did astronaut Don Pettit say he’d love to go to the moon, but we lost that technology?  Really?  The technology of the early 70’s can’t be matched today?  🙂

    I’m not asking for answers to any of these rhetorical questions.  I’m just voicing a few of the very many odd things one has to accept as normal to believe we went to the moon.

    I don’t believe that there are only a handful of pics of earth. I’ve seen several just in quick searches.

    The video camera wasn’t always on the astronauts.

    We have satellites and the ISS taking pictures of the earth. I recently saw pictures taken by the ISS over the volcanoes in Hawaii.

    There are plans of leaving the earth’s orbit.  NASA has been busy building and funding the skylab. Have you heard of SpaceX? From what I can tell, Nasa can certainly build another space craft to go to the moon. The old space crafts are no longer available. It takes incredible funding and instead of going to study the moon further, Nasa has been studying Mars.

    This article might help you regarding why the moon landings have taken a back seat for a while.



    “AndrewAD. …Now you say Paul walked by blindness which he calls faith? My are you ever out on a limb. You mean Paul, the man that was blinded by the light on the way to Demasus, and heard the voice of Jesus spezking to him, the one who saw one mirical after another,”

    But Gene you know there is no proof that any of the miracles in the bible happened and Paul only mentions his visions or revelations in his own writings. And we accept or believe the bible and it’s stories by faith. Faith is the evidence,faith is what makes it real.” If thou canst’ believe, all things are possible.”

    And just who or where is that believer that’s done or doing greater works than Jesus because he’s ascended to the Father? that should be a great proof and something Jesus prophesied but what has come of it? The many Catholic saints or modern day charismatic apostles and prophets maybe?

    Our faith is subject to our own understanding and experience as you say.


    Faith is the evidence of things not seen. This is often personal and incudes things like revelation, vision from God, answer to prayer etc.

    I am not so sure that faith is meant to convince others or non-believers. They have to seek their own evidence.

    I had a vision of Paradise and the River of Life. I cannot deny the reality of God and Heaven. But that is not going to sway an Atheist toward God. Maybe a person who knew me before I was a Christian might be swayed a little. Generally the evidence is for me and my job is to encourage Believers with what God has given me. It is not the scientific method and is not really going to convince Richard Dawkins for example.

    We need to understand what faith is for.


    Geocentric model

    Look how complicated the circuits are.

    Heliocentric model

    Now look what happens when you assume the wandering stars and Earth orbit the Sun.
    Simplicity. Explain that? A coincidence that everything looks so regular and obvious?



    Explain why the Heliocentric model just happens to make their circuits as simple orbits.

    Just a huge coincidence given that the Heliocentric model is supposedly not true?

    Find that hard to believe you wouldn’t even question that. A truth seeker would question that for sure.

    And if you really believe the flower petal orbits, explain how that happens, but not with any of the stars? Why? How? Proof?

    What is the force called. Show me the math. Make a prediction.

    You have nothing but a Dark Age idea with no proof whatsoever. Back in the Dark Ages, the Trinity and Eternal Hell were also mandatory beliefs. Galileo was even convicted of heresy. Imagine living in such a narrow minded society. But yes, I can see how men were persecuted for believing in a heliocentric model. All it takes is ignorance, mixed with religious superstition, and a pinch of narrow mindedness regarding scripture. Once you have enough of these kinds of people, then darkness easily sets in.

    Sir Isaac Newton the discoverer of gravity  didn’t believe in the Trinity but he couldn’t publicize that fact. He kept it hidden away from the religious superstitious atmosphere of the time. He was too good for the superstitious society he lived in. Today, we can believe what we want, but man, I have come across some poor excuses for the Trinity, Eternal Hell, and the Flat Earth even in my time. Sort of shows me that great ignorance can exist at any generation and even among Believers. Such is the deception in this world I suppose.


    How can Mercury be visable in your simple model?





    Kathi:  Here is a video showing the lunar eclipse of 12/10/11 from Singapore.

    Cool.  From Singapore, the moon eclipsed from the bottom up – as would be expected in the helical model.  But as you could see in my video, it eclipsed from the top down in America on 12-10-11, and on 1-31-18.  I’m looking for the answer to how the sun could shine through the earth to light the bottom of the moon, while the shadow of the earth is eclipsing it from the top down.

    And check this out…

    My sister took these photos of the 1-31-18 eclipse… 18 miles due east of where I shot the same moon eclipsing from the top down!  How can that even be?  How can the moon eclipse top down for me, and left to right for her – when we’re only 18 miles away from each other?  Btw, the left to right eclipse she shot is also impossible in the helical model… which must have the moon eclipse from bottom-up.

    Anyway, I’m behind in the thread, so maybe as I go along today, I’ll come across the posts where you guys have explained how top-down and side-to-side eclipses work in the helical model.



    T8:  You have established that because the word ‘day’ is mentioned, it then is specifically referring to a 24 hour period. So you take an absolute literal sense. Let’s call this the Dig Rule as you are the one who floated it first in this discussion or at least are the one pushing it the hardest. So the Dig Rule simply states that everything is literal including measurements of time in scripture…

    Let me stop you right there, T8.  Do you understand that just because one thing is literal, it doesn’t mean everything has to be?  YES or NO?  Do you understand that just because one thing is metaphorical or idiomatic, it doesn’t mean everything has to be?  YES or NO?  Has D4T ever claimed that everything in scripture is literal?  YES or NO?  Has he ever claimed that every use of the word “day” in scripture means a literal 24 hour period?  YES or NO?

    You spent a lot of effort defeating a straw man of your own making.  But all of that work was for naught, since not only does the context of Genesis 1 clearly indicate that regular days (numbered, and each with an evening and a morning) are meant, but that indication is irrefutably backed up by Exodus 20:8-11.



    David:  #8 in that video, has it been addressed?  That being, people at the bottom of South America seeing the moons image upside compared to people in Canada?

    Every single point in that video has been addressed, but let me address #8 for you…

    Print an image of the full moon off the web.  Cut out the circle.  Tape it to your ceiling.  Walk to one side of the room, and notice the orientation of the moon.  Walk to the other side of the room and notice how it is “upside down” compared to the other side of the room.

    We good?


    Gene:  To all, the earth is a sphere, any simpleton should know that, there are millions of pictures and movies, and hundreds I witness astronauts who have seen this earth from space stations and moon landings, ect. That apsolute prove it.

    So then your “absolute proof” is photos, videos, and hearsay?  Nothing you could verify for yourself though, huh?  Tell me, is this real?

    Then how do you know this official NASA image is?

    Is this real?

    Then how do you know this official NASA image is?


    D4T:  T8, all you have done is created a strawman argument. When the word day is used the context must be taken into account, as I have repeatedly said. However, when it is said that there was evening and morning one day, what does this tell you about the context? Be honest.

    T8:  Strawman argument? You didn’t address the points because you couldn’t is more like it.

    I hadn’t even read the post where D4T called you out for making a straw man argument when I made my own post doing the same.  Imagine my shock to find out that not only did he call you out on it, you’re still fighting it!   You say he couldn’t address your point… but let me put your point in plain language:

    Since you said “day” is literal in one verse, you must adhere to that and consider every mention of day in the scriptures as literal as well.

    Can you really not see that’s what you’re doing?  Let me take a different tack…

    1.  When a day in scripture is qualified as having an evening and a morning, is it more likely than not that it refers to a regular day?  YES or NO?
    2. When days in scripture are accompanied by numbers, such as “the first day”, “the second day”, “the third day”, etc, is it more likely than not that they refer to regular days?  YES or NO?
    3. When God says we must work six days and rest on the seventh BECAUSE He created for six days and rested on the seventh, is it more likely than not that God is talking about regular days?  YES or NO?



    D4T: In my father’s day [long period of time] he would always say, “work while it is still day [the daylight hours] because the night is sure to follow”. He maintained this position until the day [literal day] he died.


    Common sense people.

    My father was born on the first day of the second month in the year 1939.

    Which meaning does the word “day” have in the above sentence? Notice the qualifiers? Pretty easy huh?

    Some here may maintain that it could mean a million years! Now, I ask you, is that common sense?

    You’re doing a great job of keeping your cool through this completely inane straw man attack.  Good on you, man.


    Nick:  Hi Mike,

    To show the vain folly of those who claim the backing of God for their legalistic interpretations.

    Hi Nick, I asked you two questions.  Please answer them directly and honestly before making any other comments to me.  I’ve made them red this time so you don’t miss them…

    Exodus 20:8-11

    “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

    1. How many days are we to work before taking a day off? 
    2. And more importantly, what is the reason God Himself gave for giving us this schedule?
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