Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #938548


    Have you considered that you have deceived yourself more than any freemason ever has. Further, saying that I am a freemason is another lie to add to that which you believe. So even that accusation shows you have deceived yourself.

    Did you know that lies are from the evil one. That Satan is the father of lies?

    Nothing good comes from a lie.


    MIKE,  is still stuck back in the 14 hundreds, when men thought the world was flat and if they sailed in a straight line they would fall off edge of the earth.  Talk about dumb  and dumber,  why would anyone even consider, in this modern day, his , stupid BS, theory of a “FLAT EARTH”?

    snakeoilThere were people in Greece that knew better than him. That was BC way before Mike’s BS.

    Knowledge shall increase, yet foolishness will be present till the end of the age.

    Mike reminds me of a snake oil salesman. And Danny bought 10 bottles.



    [1] And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
    [2] And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
    [3] And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
    [4] But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    …and knowledge shall be increased. 


    Should still SEE in what CONTEXT Daniel wrote these lyrics….
    certainly not regarding scientific knowledge BUT RATHER “BIBLE PROPHECY KNOWLEDGE”….AND THAT IS A WHOLE ANOTHER STORY.



    I see. So the earth is still flat Berean?


    Berean……Seems every time you open your mouth , you prove how actually nieve and ignorant you truly are. I can list easely over a thousand things that we , as a human race have increased in knowledge of , even sense i was born. Thousands of them, the only thing that has gone backward is religious teachings, like the cult you belong to, and most all Christanity also, as their deceptions get worse and worse.

    peace and love to you and yours………..gene





    Berean, the point is however, that knowledge has increased regardless of that scripture. That said, this page appears to have a good commentary on the Isaiah scripture. I haven’t read the whole thing though and I am not endorsing the whole site. It agrees with your view.

    Knowledge Shall Increase and Then the End

    But Berean, does the SDA teach the earth is flat? If not, are you questioning them?




    When you say ‘generally do not teach flat earth’, can you give me an example of an individual SDA member who teaches it?

    Further  does the SDA consider such individuals as heretics?


    Why doesn’t someone send up a rocket and look back at the earth?

    Done many times.


    I don’t think Flat-Even Adventists are considered heretics by their ruling brethren. In fact, I don’t know and it is not a subject that concerns the leaders.
    As for an example, I know one but not personally.
    And so I wouldn’t allow myself to give you his internet coordinates. Do your own research…


    I am doing my own research. You are an SDA and potentially a flat earther. What better person to ask.


    Proclaimer……….Berean dosen’t have the truth of God in him or he wouldn’t be in that church in the first place,  so he is naturally desposed to believing in lies about a flat earth, just as Mike is. These people have been denied the “cognisity” , or, spirit of truth., they simply are wondering stars, foaming out their own shame, by the, “IGNORANCE” that is “in” them. 

    Anyone nowdays who would still think the “earth is flat”, has to be “stupid” at best, and to even think that people like that,  come here and talk about “bible truth”, is a joke at best,  how can they even think anyone would believe them, when they can’t even understand the earth is a round sphere revolving around our sun, and  proof is being given them 24/7, every second of every day. Are they so stupid they can’t even turn on the internet, to the ISS   “INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION”,  and see for themselves? I could have told you a long time ago that Berean and Danny both would have fallen for “Mikeboll’s “flat earth ” BS. 

    Peace and love to you and yours Proclaimer………..gene


    Yes, much BS is spouted and you have to wonder about the calibre of a man that can be convinced of such an obvious lie. Such are ripe to join a cult.

    At the same time, I believe in free speech and I believe that people will choose that which is in their heart.

    If their heart is wayward, they will embrace wayward conspiracy theories.

    That said, my mission here is to not convince anyone that I am right, but to test all things and defend the truth and expose lies.

    Whoever including myself that discovers that they believe in a lie needs to change.

    If a person is revealed the truth but they resist it, then it is a sign that they may not have the Spirit of Truth in their heart.

    If they continually resist the truth, then it is almost certain that they lack the Spirit.

    We know them from their fruit.

    If the fruit is bad, so is the root.


    Proclaimer…….I also believe in free speech,  but i also believe in acountability  of what a persons says  and also  holding him or her responsible for what they says .  You can’t aford to let this site be the source of such stupidy, that it eventually effects the whole site in a negitive way brother.

    We are told after two or three times of rebucking a person about some untruth especially an outright lie, , like a “flat earth” Which everyone in their right mind knows is not the truth, you should cut him off. Lest he drag down this whole site,  with his stupidity.  That is exactly what he is doing by making all these , “just you and me responses”, that way he can better devert from the truth by doing that , you need to block him from doing that.  Privatizing his conversations allows him a better opertunity to destort the truth .  

    Peace and love to you and your Proclaimer………..gene


    Pretender:  Globe heads worked out the distance of the sun a very long time ago.

    That sounds like a good subject we can delve into.  Shall we do that?  Or are you only capable of copying and pasting completely baseless and unsubstantiated Scientism claims and then running away and hide like a little girl?

    Here’s your chance to have an in depth, honest, open-minded discussion about something that so far is just you saying words and nothing more.

    Let’s start with Copernicus.  How far away was the sun in his day?  What actually was his model of our solar system?  Any ideas?

    Ready, set… RESEARCH AND GET BACK TO ME ASAP.  Thanks.

    Danny Dabbs


    I want to add something.
    Look at the following picture.
    Only the plane at the top does make sense:



    Gene:  Mike the reason i add the quotation marks , is because i wanted everyone who sees it to realize it just your stupid beliefs, not anyone elses here.

    But other people here DO believe the Biblical description of our world, Gene.  It’s NOT only me.

    Anyway, the question that you keep avoiding from me has absolutely nothing to do with the SHAPE of our world.

    Gen 1:7… God made the raqia to separate the waters below the raqia from the waters above the raqia.

    Gen 1:16-17… God made the sun, moon and stars and placed the IN the raqia.

    See Gene?  Nothing about the SHAPE of the world at all.  Instead, it is just the BIBLICAL teaching from God Himself that there are waters above the very thing that the sun, moon and stars are in.

    So whatever you want to call the thing that the sun, moon, and stars are in, you must either accept the BIBLICAL teaching that there are waters above it – or reject that BIBLICAL teaching.

    There simply is no other option for you and Pretender.   You guys either accept what God Himself said about the world He created… or you don’t.

    We have your answer already.  You are NOT Bible believers, and therefore are NOT to be taken seriously by those of us who DO believe the Bible as our ultimate authority.  End of story.


    Danny: @t8

    I want to add something.
    Look at the following picture.
    Only the plane at the top does make sense:


    Hi Danny.  I had an epiphany yesterday that is directly related to your image.

    I bought a drone that I can fly 5 miles away from me and then bring back.  If I launch the drone and raise it to 1 foot above the ground, it will remain at that exact level no matter how far straight forward I fly it away from me.

    So for example, I can launch it from the edge of a cliff, and raise it to 1 foot above the ground it took off from.  Then, if I fly it forward over the edge, the ground will drop off below it, but it will remain perfectly level with 1 foot above that cliff no matter how far I go.  Here’s an image to help Gene and Pretender out…



    Okay, now here’s a graphic from one of the many earth curve calculators you can find online.  I made my drone the red X again, and the red dashes represent it flying perfectly level with the place it took off from – no matter how far to the right I fly it.  The green solid line represents how the earth will curve out from beneath the drone as it flies away from me.

    Untitled 23


    So if the earth is a ball, then it is like this graphic above.  The farther to the right I fly my drone, the farther the curved earth will drop out from beneath it.  The drone will remain level with the starting point, but the earth will curve away underneath it.  If I fly it out 5 miles, the earth will have dropped 16.67 feet at the five mile mark- because that’s the amount of curvature Scientism tells us the earth has over a 5 mile distance.

    So, if I launch it from the edge of a lake or an ocean, and fly it out over the lake or ocean, then IF the earth is a ball, I will start at 1 foot above the water level, and at 5 miles away the drone will now be 17.67 feet above the water (represented by the red arrow that shows the height above the curved ball earth it would be at 5 miles away).

    On the other hand, if the earth is flat, then at 5 miles out, the drone will still be the same 1 foot above the water that it was when I launched it from the shore.

    Now, I just had this thought yesterday, and will do some preliminary tests today.  You guys are the ONLY people I’ve even mentioned it to.  So let’s take some bets.  Who here thinks that the drone will be higher than 1 foot above the water at 5 miles out because the ball earth will curve out from beneath it as it flies level?  And who here thinks it will remain the same distance above the water at the 5 mile distance because the earth, and therefore the water, is flat?

    I hypothesize that the drone will remain exactly the same distance above the water for the entire trip – even if I had the ability to fly it 100 miles over the surface of the lake or ocean.

    How about you, Danny?  Berean?  Gene?  Pretender?



    We are told after two or three times of rebucking a person about some untruth especially an outright lie, , like a “flat earth” Which everyone in their right mind knows is not the truth, you should cut him off. Lest he drag down this whole site,  with his stupidity.  That is exactly what he is doing by making all these , “just you and me responses”, that way he can better devert from the truth by doing that , you need to block him from doing that.

    Agreed. He has turned on a firehose of BS and low quality content. Further he is immune to correction, proof, and evidence.

    I want to cut all ties with him for sure and need to think of the best way to deal with this timewaster.


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