Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #938490
    Danny Dabbs


    I’ll pray on it… and for you in your future endeavors. May God bless and enrich your life. 🙂❤🙏

    I thank you for your prayer.
    I’m praying for you too.
    The LORD bless you and keep you. 🙏❤🙏


    Thanks Danny 🙏


    Hey Pretender… how about a comment on posts 938471, 938472, and 938473 from yesterday?  What’s the matter?  Cat got your tongue?  😉


    Pretender: Mike, does the sun travel at mach 2.7 or thereabouts?

    Yes / No.

    I don’t know because it would require knowing how high up the sun is, and if what we see as the sun is the actual sun, or the reflection of it on the inner surface of the dome.

    Are these things that YOU personally know?

    Pretender:  But then, during a lunar eclipse, the shadow of earth clearly shows curvature.

    Does it though?  Because the shadow of a straight edge piece of cardboard (or whatever) will make a curved shadow on a ball, while the shadow OF a ball ONTO a ball, not so much.

    But this is where science comes in…  It starts with a hypothesis and includes a very simple but important question:  Is my hypothesis the ONLY POSSIBLE explanation for the phenomenon?

    If you were to ask that question, and then HONESTLY admit that it is NOT the only possible explanation, you’ll be on your way to doing REAL science – as opposed to just Googling stuff and parroting the narrative they told you to parrot. 😎


    Do the math Mike

    I don’t know because it would require knowing how high up the sun is, and if what we see as the sun is the actual sun, or the reflection of it on the inner surface of the dome.

    Globe heads worked out the distance of the sun a very long time ago. There are some clever ways to calculate this.  Wondering where flat heads are though. Have you guys discovered the wheel yet? If no, I can explain. Let me know.


    Jobs Vacancies in Antarctica

    There is bound to be at least one flat head who has the qualifications required. What better way to prove the existence of an Antarctica that people can visit. Or at least penetrate the 10,000 patrol boat army.



    Mike the reason i add the quotation marks , is because i wanted everyone who sees it to realize it just your stupid beliefs, not anyone elses here.  I think you should own that BS, YOURSELF. 

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike………..gene


    Meet Adam, the first man

    I saw this from an ad promoting flat earth

    , you might be interested Mike. There might even be a forum where you can converse with like minds. Remember, this is Adam we are talking about. He would know the shape of the earth right.

    God sends first man back into the world to be his witness

    Welcome to

    * Earth Is Not What You Think
    *To Learn More About “Adam”  Click The Feature Story Below
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    *To Learn IMPORTANT Details About The Earth Watch Our Documentary.
    *For More Content Scroll Down & Don’t Forget To Look At Our Other Pages.

    Personal Message From “Adam”
    A Warning To The Church And All The World.

    Notice the flat earth clock on his wall in the above video.

    Below is the map he has on his website.


    Mike, this cult could be what you are looking for?

    Seems to tick all the boxes.

    And Adam no less. You could ask him questions about Eden, Eve, etc.

    Sign up today. First month is tithe free.



    I thought you left?


    8K view of our star

    Spherical and no evidence of uppity and downity.

    So why can’t the earth be a sphere too just as the other planets are.

    Can you reason?

    Lol. Join the dots.



    1. Have you brought back the sun yet?
    2. What is the speed (range) of the sun using the extreme shapes possible for the dome. You can use math,

    You believe in flat earth, yet refuse to even tackle such questions.

    It proves you are not interested in finding out the truth and prefer to cling to lies rather than face reality.


    Blood Moon happening now

    I can see it now and it proves two things.

    1. The moon doesn’t produce its own light because the earth’s shadow is blocking most of the moon and eventually the whole moon.
    2. The shadow of earth clearly shows curvature.

    I love arguing for the truth because it so easy and you always win.

    God is good and his creation is amazing.


    Radar is limited by the curve of the earth

    Did you know: Because radar signals travel in straight lines, the distance from which a ships radar can detect another ship or boat is limited due to the curvature of the earth. Simple deduction tells you that the Earth is round.


    Danny Dabbs


    Pretender: I thought you left?

    Yes, I just wanted to remind you that you already lost this debate.
    And I wanted to tell Mike that I’m praying for him.

    Goodbye, Pretender.



    I want to remind you that you lost this debate before it even started. Because flat earth is a flat out lie. Scripture tells is that lies come from the evil one.

    Before you finally leave for the last time, I want to give you the opportunity to give to this ministry. The donation would be further used to glorify God, promote truth, and expose lies. A worthy cause danny.

    Support Heaven Net


    Double Fail

    Does it though? Because the shadow of a straight edge piece of cardboard (or whatever) will make a curved shadow on a ball, while the shadow OF a ball ONTO a ball, not so much.


    Let me remind you that on the flat earth model, it is impossible for the earth to cast a shadow on the moon.

    Lol. Know your own model.

    Further, the moon is basically a circle as we see one face, yet there is no straight line shadow.

    Double fail for Mike.



    Mike the reason i add the quotation marks , is because i wanted everyone who sees it to realize it just your stupid beliefs, not anyone elses here.  I think you should own that BS, YOURSELF.

    Hi Gene.

    I think the new title is descriptive enough regarding Mike owning his own BS.

    What do you think?



    Perclaimer,  as long as people know that this site and we don’t believe in that “stupidity” of a “flat” earth. . 

    Mike’s idea that people in the past know all these things, he speaks about and some how we today don’t, is just another of his lies,  because if that were true,  we would not have scriptures that say the oppsit.  Scripture clearly tells that “knowledge ” will increase”.  PAUL said, ” this about his day…….“for we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect “COMES” , “THEN”,  that which is in “PART”, SHALL BE DONE AWAY”.  

    All these scriptures shows they didn’t have everything exactly right at that time, but as knowledge increases they become clearler.  Science has advanced “true knowledge”,  of our world and our solar system, along with thousands if not millions of other things also.

    Why would we be told to, “grow”, in grace and knlwledge, rightly deviding the word of truth, and in this way, we are showing “ourselves”, that we are approved unto God”. If we weren’t meant to learn new things?, It’s all about “growing” in grace, “and” knowledge.  IMO

    MIKE,  is still stuck back in the 14 hundreds, when men thought the world was flat and if they sailed in a straight line they would fall off edge of the earth.  Talk about dumb  and dumber,  why would anyone even consider, in this modern day, his , stupid BS, theory of a “FLAT EARTH”? 

    Peace and love to you and yours Proclaimer……….gene


    Danny Dabbs


    Oh, one last thing.
    Freemasons want to deceive us, one way or the other:


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